
Creation, refining and marking of meshes


meshtags_from_entities(mesh, dim, entities, ...)

Create a :class:dolfinx.mesh.MeshTags` object that associates data with a subset of mesh entities, where the entities are defined by their vertices.

locate_entities(mesh, dim, marker)

Compute mesh entities satisfying a geometric marking function.

locate_entities_boundary(mesh, dim, marker)

Compute mesh entities that are connected to an owned boundary facet and satisfy a geometric marking function.

refine(mesh[, edges, redistribute])

Refine a mesh.

create_mesh(comm, cells, x, e[, partitioner])

Create a mesh from topology and geometry arrays.

meshtags(mesh, dim, entities, values)

Create a MeshTags object that associates data with a subset of mesh entities.

compute_midpoints(mesh, dim, entities)

compute_incident_entities(topology, ...)

create_interval(comm, nx, points[, dtype, ...])

Create an interval mesh.

create_unit_interval(comm, nx[, dtype, ...])

Create a mesh on the unit interval.

create_rectangle(comm, points, n[, ...])

Create a rectangle mesh.

create_unit_square(comm, nx, ny[, ...])

Create a mesh of a unit square.

create_box(comm, points, n[, cell_type, ...])

Create a box mesh.

create_unit_cube(comm, nx, ny, nz[, ...])

Create a mesh of a unit cube.

refine_plaza(mesh[, edges, redistribute, option])

Refine a mesh.

transfer_meshtag(meshtag, mesh1, parent_cell)

Generate cell mesh tags on a refined mesh from the mesh tags on the coarse parent mesh.

entities_to_geometry(mesh, dim, entities[, ...])

Indices in the geometry data for each vertex of the given mesh entities.


Mesh(mesh, domain)

A mesh.


Mesh tags associate data (markers) with a subset of mesh entities of a given dimension.



class dolfinx.mesh.CellType

Bases: object

hexahedron = dolfinx.cpp.mesh.CellType.hexahedron
interval = dolfinx.cpp.mesh.CellType.interval
property name

(self) -> object

point = dolfinx.cpp.mesh.CellType.point
prism = dolfinx.cpp.mesh.CellType.prism
pyramid = dolfinx.cpp.mesh.CellType.pyramid
quadrilateral = dolfinx.cpp.mesh.CellType.quadrilateral
tetrahedron = dolfinx.cpp.mesh.CellType.tetrahedron
triangle = dolfinx.cpp.mesh.CellType.triangle
class dolfinx.mesh.GhostMode

Bases: object

none = dolfinx.cpp.mesh.GhostMode.none
shared_facet = dolfinx.cpp.mesh.GhostMode.shared_facet
shared_vertex = dolfinx.cpp.mesh.GhostMode.shared_vertex
class dolfinx.mesh.Mesh(mesh, domain: Mesh | None)[source]

Bases: object

A mesh.

Initialize mesh from a C++ mesh.

  • mesh – A C++ mesh object.

  • domain – A UFL domain.


Mesh objects should not usually be created using this initializer directly.

basix_cell() Cell[source]

Return the Basix cell type.

property comm
property geometry

Mesh geometry.

h(dim: int, entities: ndarray[Any, dtype[int32]]) ndarray[Any, dtype[float64]][source]

Geometric size measure of cell entities.

  • dim – Topological dimension of the entities to compute the size measure of.

  • entities – Indices of entities of dimension dim to compute size measure of.


Size measure for each requested entity.

property name
property topology

Mesh topology.

ufl_cell() Cell[source]

Return the UFL cell type.


This method is required for UFL compatibility.

ufl_domain() Mesh[source]

Return the ufl domain corresponding to the mesh.

Domain is None if it has not been set.


This method is required for UFL compatibility.

class dolfinx.mesh.MeshTags(meshtags)[source]

Bases: object

Mesh tags associate data (markers) with a subset of mesh entities of a given dimension.

Initialize tags from a C++ MeshTags object.


meshtags – C++ mesh tags object.


MeshTags objects should not usually be created using this initializer directly.

A Python mesh is passed to the initializer as it may have UFL data attached that is not attached the C + + Mesh that is associated with the C + + meshtags object. If mesh is passed, mesh and meshtags must share the same C + + mesh.

property dim: int

Topological dimension of the tagged entities.

find(value) ndarray[Any, dtype[int32]][source]

Get a list of all entity indices with a given value.


value – Tag value to search for.


Indices of entities with tag value.

property indices: ndarray[Any, dtype[int32]]

Indices of tagged mesh entities.

property name: str

Name of the mesh tags object.

property topology: Topology

Mesh topology with which the the tags are associated.

ufl_id() int[source]

Identiftying integer used by UFL.

property values

Values associated with tagged mesh entities.

dolfinx.mesh.compute_incident_entities(topology, entities: ndarray[Any, dtype[int32]], d0: int, d1: int)[source]
dolfinx.mesh.compute_midpoints(mesh: Mesh, dim: int, entities: ndarray[Any, dtype[int32]])[source]
dolfinx.mesh.create_box(comm: ~mpi4py.MPI.Comm, points: list[ | ~numpy._typing._array_like._SupportsArray[~numpy.dtype[~typing.Any]] | ~numpy._typing._nested_sequence._NestedSequence[~numpy._typing._array_like._SupportsArray[~numpy.dtype[~typing.Any]]] | bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes | ~numpy._typing._nested_sequence._NestedSequence[bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes]], n: list, cell_type=dolfinx.cpp.mesh.CellType.tetrahedron, dtype: ~numpy.dtype[~typing.Any] | None | type[~typing.Any] | ~numpy._typing._dtype_like._SupportsDType[~numpy.dtype[~typing.Any]] | str | tuple[~typing.Any, int] | tuple[~typing.Any, ~typing.SupportsIndex |[~typing.SupportsIndex]] | list[~typing.Any] | ~numpy._typing._dtype_like._DTypeDict | tuple[~typing.Any, ~typing.Any] = <class 'numpy.float64'>, ghost_mode=dolfinx.cpp.mesh.GhostMode.shared_facet, partitioner=None) Mesh[source]

Create a box mesh.

  • comm – MPI communicator.

  • points – Coordinates of the ‘lower-left’ and ‘upper-right’ corners of the box.

  • n – List of cells in each direction

  • cell_type – The cell type.

  • dtype – Float type for the mesh geometry(numpy.float32 or numpy.float64).

  • ghost_mode – The ghost mode used in the mesh partitioning.

  • partitioner – Function that computes the parallel distribution of cells across MPI ranks.


A mesh of a box domain.

dolfinx.mesh.create_interval(comm: ~mpi4py.MPI.Comm, nx: int, points: | ~numpy._typing._array_like._SupportsArray[~numpy.dtype[~typing.Any]] | ~numpy._typing._nested_sequence._NestedSequence[~numpy._typing._array_like._SupportsArray[~numpy.dtype[~typing.Any]]] | bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes | ~numpy._typing._nested_sequence._NestedSequence[bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes], dtype: ~numpy.dtype[~typing.Any] | None | type[~typing.Any] | ~numpy._typing._dtype_like._SupportsDType[~numpy.dtype[~typing.Any]] | str | tuple[~typing.Any, int] | tuple[~typing.Any, ~typing.SupportsIndex |[~typing.SupportsIndex]] | list[~typing.Any] | ~numpy._typing._dtype_like._DTypeDict | tuple[~typing.Any, ~typing.Any] = <class 'numpy.float64'>, ghost_mode=dolfinx.cpp.mesh.GhostMode.shared_facet, partitioner=None) Mesh[source]

Create an interval mesh.

  • comm – MPI communicator.

  • nx – Number of cells.

  • points – Coordinates of the end points.

  • dtype – Float type for the mesh geometry(numpy.float32 or numpy.float64).

  • ghost_mode – Ghost mode used in the mesh partitioning. Options are GhostMode.none and GhostMode.shared_facet.

  • partitioner – Partitioning function to use for determining the parallel distribution of cells across MPI ranks.


An interval mesh.

dolfinx.mesh.create_mesh(comm: Comm, cells: ndarray[Any, dtype[int64]], x: ndarray[Any, dtype[floating]], e: Mesh | FiniteElement | _BasixElement | CoordinateElement, partitioner: Callable | None = None) Mesh[source]

Create a mesh from topology and geometry arrays.

  • comm – MPI communicator to define the mesh on.

  • cells – Cells of the mesh. cells[i] are the ‘nodes’ of cell i.

  • x – Mesh geometry (‘node’ coordinates), with shape (num_nodes, gdim).

  • e – UFL mesh. The mesh scalar type is determined by the scalar type of e.

  • partitioner – Function that computes the parallel distribution of cells across MPI ranks.


If required, the coordinates x will be cast to the same type as the domain/element e.


A mesh.

dolfinx.mesh.create_rectangle(comm: ~mpi4py.MPI.Comm, points: | ~numpy._typing._array_like._SupportsArray[~numpy.dtype[~typing.Any]] | ~numpy._typing._nested_sequence._NestedSequence[~numpy._typing._array_like._SupportsArray[~numpy.dtype[~typing.Any]]] | bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes | ~numpy._typing._nested_sequence._NestedSequence[bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes], n: | ~numpy._typing._array_like._SupportsArray[~numpy.dtype[~typing.Any]] | ~numpy._typing._nested_sequence._NestedSequence[~numpy._typing._array_like._SupportsArray[~numpy.dtype[~typing.Any]]] | bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes | ~numpy._typing._nested_sequence._NestedSequence[bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes], cell_type=dolfinx.cpp.mesh.CellType.triangle, dtype: ~numpy.dtype[~typing.Any] | None | type[~typing.Any] | ~numpy._typing._dtype_like._SupportsDType[~numpy.dtype[~typing.Any]] | str | tuple[~typing.Any, int] | tuple[~typing.Any, ~typing.SupportsIndex |[~typing.SupportsIndex]] | list[~typing.Any] | ~numpy._typing._dtype_like._DTypeDict | tuple[~typing.Any, ~typing.Any] = <class 'numpy.float64'>, ghost_mode=dolfinx.cpp.mesh.GhostMode.shared_facet, partitioner=None, diagonal: ~dolfinx.cpp.mesh.DiagonalType = dolfinx.cpp.mesh.DiagonalType.right) Mesh[source]

Create a rectangle mesh.

  • comm – MPI communicator.

  • points – Coordinates of the lower - left and upper - right corners of the rectangle.

  • n – Number of cells in each direction.

  • cell_type – Mesh cell type.

  • dtype – Float type for the mesh geometry(numpy.float32 or numpy.float64)

  • ghost_mode – Ghost mode used in the mesh partitioning.

  • partitioner – Function that computes the parallel distribution of cells across MPI ranks.

  • diagonal – Direction of diagonal of triangular meshes. The options are left, right, crossed, left / right, right / left.


A mesh of a rectangle.

dolfinx.mesh.create_unit_cube(comm: ~mpi4py.MPI.Comm, nx: int, ny: int, nz: int, cell_type=dolfinx.cpp.mesh.CellType.tetrahedron, dtype: ~numpy.dtype[~typing.Any] | None | type[~typing.Any] | ~numpy._typing._dtype_like._SupportsDType[~numpy.dtype[~typing.Any]] | str | tuple[~typing.Any, int] | tuple[~typing.Any, ~typing.SupportsIndex |[~typing.SupportsIndex]] | list[~typing.Any] | ~numpy._typing._dtype_like._DTypeDict | tuple[~typing.Any, ~typing.Any] = <class 'numpy.float64'>, ghost_mode=dolfinx.cpp.mesh.GhostMode.shared_facet, partitioner=None) Mesh[source]

Create a mesh of a unit cube.

  • comm – MPI communicator.

  • nx – Number of cells in “x” direction.

  • ny – Number of cells in “y” direction.

  • nz – Number of cells in “z” direction.

  • cell_type – Mesh cell type

  • dtype – Float type for the mesh geometry(numpy.float32 or numpy.float64).

  • ghost_mode – Ghost mode used in the mesh partitioning.

  • partitioner – Function that computes the parallel distribution of cells across MPI ranks.


A mesh of an axis-aligned unit cube with corners at (0, 0, 0)

and (1, 1, 1).

dolfinx.mesh.create_unit_interval(comm: ~mpi4py.MPI.Comm, nx: int, dtype: ~numpy.dtype[~typing.Any] | None | type[~typing.Any] | ~numpy._typing._dtype_like._SupportsDType[~numpy.dtype[~typing.Any]] | str | tuple[~typing.Any, int] | tuple[~typing.Any, ~typing.SupportsIndex |[~typing.SupportsIndex]] | list[~typing.Any] | ~numpy._typing._dtype_like._DTypeDict | tuple[~typing.Any, ~typing.Any] = <class 'numpy.float64'>, ghost_mode=dolfinx.cpp.mesh.GhostMode.shared_facet, partitioner=None) Mesh[source]

Create a mesh on the unit interval.

  • comm – MPI communicator.

  • nx – Number of cells.

  • points – Coordinates of the end points.

  • dtype – Float type for the mesh geometry(numpy.float32 or numpy.float64).

  • ghost_mode – Ghost mode used in the mesh partitioning. Options are GhostMode.none and GhostMode.shared_facet.

  • partitioner – Partitioning function to use for determining the parallel distribution of cells across MPI ranks.


A unit interval mesh with end points at 0 and 1.

dolfinx.mesh.create_unit_square(comm: ~mpi4py.MPI.Comm, nx: int, ny: int, cell_type=dolfinx.cpp.mesh.CellType.triangle, dtype: ~numpy.dtype[~typing.Any] | None | type[~typing.Any] | ~numpy._typing._dtype_like._SupportsDType[~numpy.dtype[~typing.Any]] | str | tuple[~typing.Any, int] | tuple[~typing.Any, ~typing.SupportsIndex |[~typing.SupportsIndex]] | list[~typing.Any] | ~numpy._typing._dtype_like._DTypeDict | tuple[~typing.Any, ~typing.Any] = <class 'numpy.float64'>, ghost_mode=dolfinx.cpp.mesh.GhostMode.shared_facet, partitioner=None, diagonal: ~dolfinx.cpp.mesh.DiagonalType = dolfinx.cpp.mesh.DiagonalType.right) Mesh[source]

Create a mesh of a unit square.

  • comm – MPI communicator.

  • nx – Number of cells in the “x” direction.

  • ny – Number of cells in the “y” direction.

  • cell_type – Mesh cell type.

  • dtype – Float type for the mesh geometry(numpy.float32 or numpy.float64).

  • ghost_mode – Ghost mode used in the mesh partitioning.

  • partitioner – Function that computes the parallel distribution of cells across MPI ranks.

  • diagonal – Direction of diagonal.


A mesh of a square with corners at (0, 0) and (1, 1).

dolfinx.mesh.entities_to_geometry(mesh: Mesh, dim: int, entities: ndarray[Any, dtype[int32]], orient: bool = False) ndarray[Any, dtype[int32]][source]

Indices in the geometry data for each vertex of the given mesh entities.


This function should not be used unless there is no alternative. It may be removed in the future.

  • mesh – The mesh.

  • dim – Topological dimension of the entities of interest.

  • entities – Entity indices (local to the process) to determine the vertex geometry indices for.

  • orient – If True, the triangular facets of a 3D mesh will be reordered so that they have a consistent normal direction. This option is likely to be removed in the future.


Indices in the geometry array for the entity vertices.

dolfinx.mesh.locate_entities(mesh: Mesh, dim: int, marker: Callable) ndarray[source]

Compute mesh entities satisfying a geometric marking function.

  • mesh – Mesh to locate entities on.

  • dim – Topological dimension of the mesh entities to consider.

  • marker – A function that takes an array of points x with shape (gdim, num_points) and returns an array of booleans of length num_points, evaluating to True for entities to be located.


Indices (local to the process) of marked mesh entities.

dolfinx.mesh.locate_entities_boundary(mesh: Mesh, dim: int, marker: Callable) ndarray[source]

Compute mesh entities that are connected to an owned boundary facet and satisfy a geometric marking function.

For vertices and edges, in parallel this function will not necessarily mark all entities that are on the exterior boundary. For example, it is possible for a process to have a vertex that lies on the boundary without any of the attached facets being a boundary facet. When used to find degrees-of-freedom, e.g. using dolfinx.fem.locate_dofs_topological(), the function that uses the data returned by this function must typically perform some parallel communication.

  • mesh – Mesh to locate boundary entities on.

  • dim – Topological dimension of the mesh entities to consider

  • marker – Function that takes an array of points x with shape (gdim, num_points) and returns an array of booleans of length num_points, evaluating to True for entities to be located.


Indices (local to the process) of marked mesh entities.

dolfinx.mesh.meshtags(mesh: Mesh, dim: int, entities: ndarray[Any, dtype[int32]], values: ndarray | int | float) MeshTags[source]

Create a MeshTags object that associates data with a subset of mesh entities.

  • mesh – The mesh.

  • dim – Topological dimension of the mesh entity.

  • entities – Indices(local to process) of entities to associate values with . The array must be sorted and must not contain duplicates.

  • values – The corresponding value for each entity.


A mesh tags object.


The type of the returned MeshTags is inferred from the type of values.

dolfinx.mesh.meshtags_from_entities(mesh: Mesh, dim: int, entities: AdjacencyList_int32, values: ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]])[source]

Create a :class:dolfinx.mesh.MeshTags` object that associates data with a subset of mesh entities, where the entities are defined by their vertices.

  • mesh – The mesh.

  • dim – Topological dimension of the mesh entity.

  • entities – Entities to associated values with, with entities defined by their vertices.

  • values – The corresponding value for each entity.


A mesh tags object.


The type of the returned MeshTags is inferred from the type of values.

dolfinx.mesh.refine(mesh: Mesh, edges: ndarray | None = None, redistribute: bool = True) Mesh[source]

Refine a mesh.

  • mesh – Mesh from which to create the refined mesh.

  • edges – Indices of edges to split during refinement. If None, mesh refinement is uniform.

  • redistribute – Refined mesh is re-partitioned if True.


Refined mesh.

dolfinx.mesh.refine_plaza(mesh: Mesh, edges: ndarray | None = None, redistribute: bool = True, option: RefinementOption = dolfinx.cpp.refinement.RefinementOption.none) tuple[Mesh, ndarray[Any, dtype[int32]], ndarray[Any, dtype[int32]]][source]

Refine a mesh.

  • mesh – Mesh from which to create the refined mesh.

  • edges – Indices of edges to split during refinement. If None, mesh refinement is uniform.

  • redistribute – Refined mesh is re-partitioned if True.

  • option – Control computation of the parent-refined mesh data.


Refined mesh, list of parent cell for each refine cell, and list

dolfinx.mesh.transfer_meshtag(meshtag: MeshTags, mesh1: Mesh, parent_cell: ndarray[Any, dtype[int32]], parent_facet: ndarray[Any, dtype[int8]] | None = None) MeshTags[source]

Generate cell mesh tags on a refined mesh from the mesh tags on the coarse parent mesh.

  • meshtag – Mesh tags on the coarse, parent mesh.

  • mesh1 – The refined mesh.

  • parent_cell – Index of the parent cell for each cell in the refined mesh.

  • parent_facet – Index of the local parent facet for each cell in the refined mesh. Only required for transfer tags on facets.


Mesh tags on the refined mesh.