
Just-in-time (JIT) compilation using FFCx


ffcx_jit(ufl_object[, ...])

Compile UFL object with FFCx and CFFI.


Return a copy of the merged JIT option values for DOLFINx.

mpi_jit_decorator(local_jit, *args, **kwargs)

A decorator for jit compilation.

dolfinx.jit.ffcx_jit(ufl_object, form_compiler_options: dict | None = None, jit_options: dict | None = None)[source]

Compile UFL object with FFCx and CFFI.

  • ufl_object – Object to compile, e.g. ufl.Form.

  • form_compiler_options – Options used in FFCx compilation of this form. Run ffcx --help at the command line to see all available options. Takes priority over all other option values.

  • jit_options – Options used in CFFI JIT compilation of C code generated by FFCx. See python/dolfinx/ for all available options. Takes priority over all other option values.


(compiled object, module, (header code, implementation code))


Priority ordering of options controlling DOLFINx JIT compilation from highest to lowest is:

  • jit_options (API)

  • $PWD/dolfinx_jit_options.json (local options)

  • $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/dolfinx/dolfinx_jit_options.json (user options)


Priority ordering of options controlling FFCx from highest to lowest is:

  • form_compiler_optionss (API)

  • $PWD/ffcx_options.json (local options)

  • $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/ffcx/ffcx_options.json (user options)

  • FFCX_DEFAULT_OPTIONS in ffcx.options

$XDG_CONFIG_HOME is ~/.config/ if the environment variable is not set.

The contents of the dolfinx_options.json files are cached on the first call. Subsequent calls to this function use this cache.

Example dolfinx_jit_options.json file:

{ “cffi_extra_compile_args”: [“-O2”, “-march=native” ], “cffi_verbose”: True }

dolfinx.jit.get_options(priority_options: dict | None = None) dict[source]

Return a copy of the merged JIT option values for DOLFINx.


priority_options – Take priority over all other option values (see notes).


Merged option values.

Return type:



See ffcx_jit() for user facing documentation.

dolfinx.jit.mpi_jit_decorator(local_jit, *args, **kwargs)[source]

A decorator for jit compilation.

Use this function as a decorator to any jit compiler function. In a parallel run, this function will first call the jit compilation function on the first process. When this is done, and the module is in the cache, it will call the jit compiler on the remaining processes, which will then use the cached module.