DOLFINx 0.9.0
DOLFINx C++ interface
No Matches
DirichletBC< T, U > Class Template Reference

#include <DirichletBC.h>

Public Member Functions

template<typename S , typename X , typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_convertible_v<S, T> or std::is_convertible_v<S, std::span<const T>>>>
requires std::is_convertible_v<std::remove_cvref_t<X>, std::vector<std::int32_t>>
 DirichletBC (const S &g, X &&dofs, std::shared_ptr< const FunctionSpace< U > > V)
 Create a representation of a Dirichlet boundary condition constrained by a scalar- or vector-valued constant.
template<typename X >
requires std::is_convertible_v<std::remove_cvref_t<X>, std::vector<std::int32_t>>
 DirichletBC (std::shared_ptr< const Constant< T > > g, X &&dofs, std::shared_ptr< const FunctionSpace< U > > V)
 Create a representation of a Dirichlet boundary condition constrained by a fem::Constant.
template<typename X >
requires std::is_convertible_v<std::remove_cvref_t<X>, std::vector<std::int32_t>>
 DirichletBC (std::shared_ptr< const Function< T, U > > g, X &&dofs)
 Create a representation of a Dirichlet boundary condition where the space being constrained is the same as the function that defines the constraint Function, i.e. share the same fem::FunctionSpace.
template<typename X >
 DirichletBC (std::shared_ptr< const Function< T, U > > g, X &&V_g_dofs, std::shared_ptr< const FunctionSpace< U > > V)
 Create a representation of a Dirichlet boundary condition where the space being constrained and the function that defines the constraint values do not share the same fem::FunctionSpace.
 DirichletBC (const DirichletBC &bc)=default
 DirichletBC (DirichletBC &&bc)=default
 ~DirichletBC ()=default
DirichletBCoperator= (const DirichletBC &bc)=default
DirichletBCoperator= (DirichletBC &&bc)=default
 Move assignment operator.
std::shared_ptr< const FunctionSpace< U > > function_space () const
std::variant< std::shared_ptr< const Function< T, U > >, std::shared_ptr< const Constant< T > > > value () const
std::pair< std::span< const std::int32_t >, std::int32_t > dof_indices () const
void set (std::span< T > x, std::optional< std::span< const T > > x0, T alpha=1) const
 Set entries in an array that are constrained by Dirichlet boundary conditions.
void mark_dofs (std::span< std::int8_t > markers) const
 Set markers[i] = true if dof i has a boundary condition applied.

Detailed Description

template<dolfinx::scalar T, std::floating_point U>
class dolfinx::fem::DirichletBC< T, U >

Object for setting (strong) Dirichlet boundary conditions

\[u = g \ \text{on} \ G,\]

where \(u\) is the solution to be computed, \(g\) is a function and \(G\) is a sub domain of the mesh.

A DirichletBC is specified by the function \(g\), the function space (trial space) and degrees of freedom to which the boundary condition applies.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ DirichletBC() [1/6]

template<dolfinx::scalar T, std::floating_point U>
template<typename S , typename X , typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_convertible_v<S, T> or std::is_convertible_v<S, std::span<const T>>>>
requires std::is_convertible_v<std::remove_cvref_t<X>, std::vector<std::int32_t>>
DirichletBC ( const S & g,
X && dofs,
std::shared_ptr< const FunctionSpace< U > > V )

Create a representation of a Dirichlet boundary condition constrained by a scalar- or vector-valued constant.

dofs must be sorted.
[in]gThe boundary condition value (T or convertible to std::span<const T>)
[in]dofsDegree-of-freedom block indices to be constrained. The indices must be sorted.
[in]VThe function space to be constrained
Can be used only with point-evaluation elements.
The indices in dofs are for blocks, e.g. a block index corresponds to 3 degrees-of-freedom if the dofmap associated with g has block size 3.
The size of of g must be equal to the block size if V. Use the Function version if this is not the case, e.g. for some mixed spaces.

◆ DirichletBC() [2/6]

template<dolfinx::scalar T, std::floating_point U>
template<typename X >
requires std::is_convertible_v<std::remove_cvref_t<X>, std::vector<std::int32_t>>
DirichletBC ( std::shared_ptr< const Constant< T > > g,
X && dofs,
std::shared_ptr< const FunctionSpace< U > > V )

Create a representation of a Dirichlet boundary condition constrained by a fem::Constant.

dofs must be sorted.
[in]gThe boundary condition value.
[in]dofsDegree-of-freedom block indices to be constrained.
[in]VThe function space to be constrained
Can be used only with point-evaluation elements.
The indices in dofs are for blocks, e.g. a block index corresponds to 3 degrees-of-freedom if the dofmap associated with g has block size 3.
The size of of g must be equal to the block size if V. Use the Function version if this is not the case, e.g. for some mixed spaces.

◆ DirichletBC() [3/6]

template<dolfinx::scalar T, std::floating_point U>
template<typename X >
requires std::is_convertible_v<std::remove_cvref_t<X>, std::vector<std::int32_t>>
DirichletBC ( std::shared_ptr< const Function< T, U > > g,
X && dofs )

Create a representation of a Dirichlet boundary condition where the space being constrained is the same as the function that defines the constraint Function, i.e. share the same fem::FunctionSpace.

dofs must be sorted.
[in]gThe boundary condition value.
[in]dofsDegree-of-freedom block indices to be constrained.
The indices in dofs are for blocks, e.g. a block index corresponds to 3 degrees-of-freedom if the dofmap associated with g has block size 3.

◆ DirichletBC() [4/6]

template<dolfinx::scalar T, std::floating_point U>
template<typename X >
DirichletBC ( std::shared_ptr< const Function< T, U > > g,
X && V_g_dofs,
std::shared_ptr< const FunctionSpace< U > > V )

Create a representation of a Dirichlet boundary condition where the space being constrained and the function that defines the constraint values do not share the same fem::FunctionSpace.

A typical example is when applying a constraint on a subspace. The (sub)space and the constrain function must have the same finite element.

The two degree-of-freedom arrays in V_g_dofs must be sorted by the indices in the first array.
[in]gThe boundary condition value
[in]V_g_dofsTwo arrays of degree-of-freedom indices (std::array<std::vector<std::int32_t>, 2>). First array are indices in the space where boundary condition is applied (V), second array are indices in the space of the boundary condition value function g. The dof indices are unrolled, i.e. are not by dof block.
[in]VThe function (sub)space on which the boundary condition is applied
The indices in dofs are unrolled and not for blocks.

◆ DirichletBC() [5/6]

template<dolfinx::scalar T, std::floating_point U>
DirichletBC ( const DirichletBC< T, U > & bc)

Copy constructor

[in]bcThe object to be copied

◆ DirichletBC() [6/6]

template<dolfinx::scalar T, std::floating_point U>
DirichletBC ( DirichletBC< T, U > && bc)

Move constructor

[in]bcThe object to be moved

Member Function Documentation

◆ dof_indices()

template<dolfinx::scalar T, std::floating_point U>
std::pair< std::span< const std::int32_t >, std::int32_t > dof_indices ( ) const

Access dof indices (local indices, unrolled), including ghosts, to which a Dirichlet condition is applied, and the index to the first non-owned (ghost) index. The array of indices is sorted.

Sorted array of dof indices (unrolled) and index to the first entry in the dof index array that is not owned. Entries dofs[:pos] are owned and entries dofs[pos:] are ghosts.

◆ function_space()

template<dolfinx::scalar T, std::floating_point U>
std::shared_ptr< const FunctionSpace< U > > function_space ( ) const

The function space to which boundary conditions are applied

The function space

◆ mark_dofs()

template<dolfinx::scalar T, std::floating_point U>
void mark_dofs ( std::span< std::int8_t > markers) const

Set markers[i] = true if dof i has a boundary condition applied.

Value of markers[i] is not changed otherwise.

[in,out]markersEntry makers[i] is set to true if dof i in V0 had a boundary condition applied, i.e. dofs which are fixed by a boundary condition. Other entries in markers are left unchanged.

◆ operator=()

template<dolfinx::scalar T, std::floating_point U>
DirichletBC & operator= ( const DirichletBC< T, U > & bc)

Assignment operator

[in]bcAnother DirichletBC object

◆ set()

template<dolfinx::scalar T, std::floating_point U>
void set ( std::span< T > x,
std::optional< std::span< const T > > x0,
T alpha = 1 ) const

Set entries in an array that are constrained by Dirichlet boundary conditions.

Entries in x that are constrained by a Dirichlet boundary conditions are set to alpha * (x_bc - x0), where x_bc is the (interpolated) boundary condition value.

For elements with point-wise evaluated degrees-of-freedom, e.g. Lagrange elements, x_bc is the value of the boundary condition at the degree-of-freedom. For elements with moment degrees-of-freedom, x_bc is the value of the boundary condition interpolated into the finite element space.

If x includes ghosted entries (entries available on the calling rank but owned by another rank), ghosted entries constrained by a Dirichlet condition will also be set.

[in,out]xArray to modify for Dirichlet boundary conditions.
[in]x0Optional array used in computing the value to set. If not provided it is treated as zero.
[in]alphaScaling to apply.

◆ value()

template<dolfinx::scalar T, std::floating_point U>
std::variant< std::shared_ptr< const Function< T, U > >, std::shared_ptr< const Constant< T > > > value ( ) const

Return boundary value function g

The boundary values Function

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