DOLFINx 0.9.0
DOLFINx C++ interface
No Matches
dolfinx::fem Namespace Reference

Finite element method functionality. More...


namespace  petsc
 Helper functions for assembly into PETSc data structures.
namespace  sparsitybuild
 Support for building sparsity patterns from degree-of-freedom maps.


class  Constant
 Constant value which can be attached to a Form. More...
class  CoordinateElement
class  DirichletBC
class  DofMap
 Degree-of-freedom map. More...
class  ElementDofLayout
class  Expression
 Represents a mathematical expression evaluated at a pre-defined set of points on the reference cell. More...
class  FiniteElement
 Model of a finite element. More...
class  Form
 A representation of finite element variational forms. More...
class  Function
class  FunctionSpace
 This class represents a finite element function space defined by a mesh, a finite element, and a local-to-global map of the degrees-of-freedom. More...
struct  integral_data
 Represents integral data, containing the integral ID, the kernel, and a list of entities to integrate over. More...


concept  MDSpan
concept  DofTransformKernel
 DOF transform kernel concept.
concept  FEkernel
 Finite element cell kernel concept.


enum class  doftransform { standard = 0 , transpose = 1 , inverse = 2 , inverse_transpose = 3 }
 DOF transformation type. More...
enum class  IntegralType : std::int8_t { cell = 0 , exterior_facet = 1 , interior_facet = 2 , vertex = 3 }
 Type of integral. More...


template<dolfinx::scalar T>
std::map< std::pair< IntegralType, int >, std::pair< std::span< const T >, int > > make_coefficients_span (const std::map< std::pair< IntegralType, int >, std::pair< std::vector< T >, int > > &coeffs)
 Create a map of std::spans from a map of std::vectors.
template<dolfinx::scalar T, std::floating_point U>
assemble_scalar (const Form< T, U > &M, std::span< const T > constants, const std::map< std::pair< IntegralType, int >, std::pair< std::span< const T >, int > > &coefficients)
 Assemble functional into scalar.
template<dolfinx::scalar T, std::floating_point U>
assemble_scalar (const Form< T, U > &M)
template<dolfinx::scalar T, std::floating_point U>
void assemble_vector (std::span< T > b, const Form< T, U > &L, std::span< const T > constants, const std::map< std::pair< IntegralType, int >, std::pair< std::span< const T >, int > > &coefficients)
 Assemble linear form into a vector.
template<dolfinx::scalar T, std::floating_point U>
void assemble_vector (std::span< T > b, const Form< T, U > &L)
 Assemble linear form into a vector.
template<dolfinx::scalar T, std::floating_point U>
void apply_lifting (std::span< T > b, const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< const Form< T, U > > > &a, const std::vector< std::span< const T > > &constants, const std::vector< std::map< std::pair< IntegralType, int >, std::pair< std::span< const T >, int > > > &coeffs, const std::vector< std::vector< std::shared_ptr< const DirichletBC< T, U > > > > &bcs1, const std::vector< std::span< const T > > &x0, T alpha)
template<dolfinx::scalar T, std::floating_point U>
void apply_lifting (std::span< T > b, const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< const Form< T, U > > > &a, const std::vector< std::vector< std::shared_ptr< const DirichletBC< T, U > > > > &bcs1, const std::vector< std::span< const T > > &x0, T alpha)
template<dolfinx::scalar T, std::floating_point U>
void assemble_matrix (la::MatSet< T > auto mat_add, const Form< T, U > &a, std::span< const T > constants, const std::map< std::pair< IntegralType, int >, std::pair< std::span< const T >, int > > &coefficients, std::span< const std::int8_t > dof_marker0, std::span< const std::int8_t > dof_marker1)
 Assemble bilinear form into a matrix. Matrix must already be initialised. Does not zero or finalise the matrix.
template<dolfinx::scalar T, std::floating_point U>
void assemble_matrix (auto mat_add, const Form< T, U > &a, std::span< const T > constants, const std::map< std::pair< IntegralType, int >, std::pair< std::span< const T >, int > > &coefficients, const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< const DirichletBC< T, U > > > &bcs)
template<dolfinx::scalar T, std::floating_point U>
void assemble_matrix (auto mat_add, const Form< T, U > &a, const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< const DirichletBC< T, U > > > &bcs)
template<dolfinx::scalar T, std::floating_point U>
void assemble_matrix (auto mat_add, const Form< T, U > &a, std::span< const std::int8_t > dof_marker0, std::span< const std::int8_t > dof_marker1)
 Assemble bilinear form into a matrix. Matrix must already be initialised. Does not zero or finalise the matrix.
template<dolfinx::scalar T>
void set_diagonal (auto set_fn, std::span< const std::int32_t > rows, T diagonal=1.0)
 Sets a value to the diagonal of a matrix for specified rows.
template<dolfinx::scalar T, std::floating_point U>
void set_diagonal (auto set_fn, const FunctionSpace< U > &V, const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< const DirichletBC< T, U > > > &bcs, T diagonal=1.0)
 Sets a value to the diagonal of the matrix for rows with a Dirichlet boundary conditions applied.
std::vector< std::int32_t > locate_dofs_topological (const mesh::Topology &topology, const DofMap &dofmap, int dim, std::span< const std::int32_t > entities, bool remote=true)
 Find degrees-of-freedom which belong to the provided mesh entities (topological).
std::array< std::vector< std::int32_t >, 2 > locate_dofs_topological (const mesh::Topology &topology, std::array< std::reference_wrapper< const DofMap >, 2 > dofmaps, int dim, std::span< const std::int32_t > entities, bool remote=true)
 Find degrees-of-freedom which belong to the provided mesh entities (topological).
template<std::floating_point T, typename U >
std::vector< std::int32_t > locate_dofs_geometrical (const FunctionSpace< T > &V, U marker_fn)
 Find degrees of freedom whose geometric coordinate is true for the provided marking function.
template<std::floating_point T, typename U >
std::array< std::vector< std::int32_t >, 2 > locate_dofs_geometrical (const std::array< std::reference_wrapper< const FunctionSpace< T > >, 2 > &V, U marker_fn)
template<dolfinx::scalar T, std::floating_point U = dolfinx::scalar_value_type_t<T>>
void discrete_gradient (mesh::Topology &topology, std::pair< std::reference_wrapper< const FiniteElement< U > >, std::reference_wrapper< const DofMap > > V0, std::pair< std::reference_wrapper< const FiniteElement< U > >, std::reference_wrapper< const DofMap > > V1, auto &&mat_set)
 Assemble a discrete gradient operator.
template<dolfinx::scalar T, std::floating_point U>
void interpolation_matrix (const FunctionSpace< U > &V0, const FunctionSpace< U > &V1, auto &&mat_set)
 Assemble an interpolation operator matrix.
graph::AdjacencyList< std::int32_t > transpose_dofmap (MDSPAN_IMPL_STANDARD_NAMESPACE::mdspan< const std::int32_t, MDSPAN_IMPL_STANDARD_NAMESPACE::dextents< std::size_t, 2 > > dofmap, std::int32_t num_cells)
 Create an adjacency list that maps a global index (process-wise) to the 'unassembled' cell-wise contributions.
std::tuple< common::IndexMap, int, std::vector< std::vector< std::int32_t > > > build_dofmap_data (MPI_Comm comm, const mesh::Topology &topology, const std::vector< ElementDofLayout > &element_dof_layouts, const std::function< std::vector< int >(const graph::AdjacencyList< std::int32_t > &)> &reorder_fn)
template<dolfinx::scalar T>
std::array< std::vector< std::shared_ptr< const FunctionSpace< T > > >, 2 > common_function_spaces (const std::vector< std::vector< std::array< std::shared_ptr< const FunctionSpace< T > >, 2 > > > &V)
template<std::floating_point T>
std::vector< std::size_t > compute_value_shape (std::shared_ptr< const dolfinx::fem::FiniteElement< T > > element, std::size_t tdim, std::size_t gdim)
 Compute the physical value shape of an element for a mesh.
template<typename U , typename V , typename W , typename X >
 FunctionSpace (U mesh, V element, W dofmap, X value_shape) -> FunctionSpace< typename std::remove_cvref< typename U::element_type >::type::geometry_type::value_type >
 Type deduction.
template<std::floating_point T>
std::vector< T > interpolation_coords (const fem::FiniteElement< T > &element, const mesh::Geometry< T > &geometry, std::span< const std::int32_t > cells)
 Compute the evaluation points in the physical space at which an expression should be computed to interpolate it in a finite element space.
template<dolfinx::scalar T, std::floating_point U>
void interpolate (Function< T, U > &u, std::span< const T > f, std::array< std::size_t, 2 > fshape, std::span< const std::int32_t > cells)
 Interpolate an evaluated expression f(x) in a finite element space.
template<std::floating_point T>
geometry::PointOwnershipData< T > create_interpolation_data (const mesh::Geometry< T > &geometry0, const FiniteElement< T > &element0, const mesh::Mesh< T > &mesh1, std::span< const std::int32_t > cells, T padding)
 Generate data needed to interpolate finite element Functions across different meshes.
template<dolfinx::scalar T, std::floating_point U>
void interpolate (Function< T, U > &u, const Function< T, U > &v, std::span< const std::int32_t > cells, const geometry::PointOwnershipData< U > &interpolation_data)
 Interpolate a finite element Function defined on a mesh to a finite element Function defined on different (non-matching) mesh.
template<dolfinx::scalar T, std::floating_point U>
void interpolate (Function< T, U > &u1, std::span< const std::int32_t > cells1, const Function< T, U > &u0, std::span< const std::int32_t > cells0)
 Interpolate from one finite element Function to another Function on the same (sub)mesh.
std::vector< std::int32_t > compute_integration_domains (IntegralType integral_type, const mesh::Topology &topology, std::span< const std::int32_t > entities, int dim)
 Given an integral type and a set of entities, compute the entities that should be integrated over.
template<dolfinx::scalar T, std::floating_point U>
std::vector< std::vector< std::array< std::shared_ptr< const FunctionSpace< U > >, 2 > > > extract_function_spaces (const std::vector< std::vector< const Form< T, U > * > > &a)
 Extract test (0) and trial (1) function spaces pairs for each bilinear form for a rectangular array of forms.
template<dolfinx::scalar T, std::floating_point U>
la::SparsityPattern create_sparsity_pattern (const Form< T, U > &a)
 Create a sparsity pattern for a given form.
template<std::floating_point T>
ElementDofLayout create_element_dof_layout (const fem::FiniteElement< T > &element, const std::vector< int > &parent_map={})
 Create an ElementDofLayout from a FiniteElement.
DofMap create_dofmap (MPI_Comm comm, const ElementDofLayout &layout, mesh::Topology &topology, std::function< void(std::span< std::int32_t >, std::uint32_t)> permute_inv, std::function< std::vector< int >(const graph::AdjacencyList< std::int32_t > &)> reorder_fn)
 Create a dof map on mesh.
std::vector< DofMapcreate_dofmaps (MPI_Comm comm, const std::vector< ElementDofLayout > &layouts, mesh::Topology &topology, std::function< void(std::span< std::int32_t >, std::uint32_t)> permute_inv, std::function< std::vector< int >(const graph::AdjacencyList< std::int32_t > &)> reorder_fn)
 Create a set of dofmaps on a given topology.
std::vector< std::string > get_coefficient_names (const ufcx_form &ufcx_form)
std::vector< std::string > get_constant_names (const ufcx_form &ufcx_form)
 Get the name of each constant in a UFC form.
template<dolfinx::scalar T, std::floating_point U = scalar_value_type_t<T>>
Form< T, U > create_form_factory (const ufcx_form &ufcx_form, const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< const FunctionSpace< U > > > &spaces, const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< const Function< T, U > > > &coefficients, const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< const Constant< T > > > &constants, const std::map< IntegralType, std::vector< std::pair< std::int32_t, std::span< const std::int32_t > > > > &subdomains, const std::map< std::shared_ptr< const mesh::Mesh< U > >, std::span< const std::int32_t > > &entity_maps, std::shared_ptr< const mesh::Mesh< U > > mesh=nullptr)
 Create a Form from UFCx input with coefficients and constants passed in the required order.
template<dolfinx::scalar T, std::floating_point U = scalar_value_type_t<T>>
Form< T, U > create_form (const ufcx_form &ufcx_form, const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< const FunctionSpace< U > > > &spaces, const std::map< std::string, std::shared_ptr< const Function< T, U > > > &coefficients, const std::map< std::string, std::shared_ptr< const Constant< T > > > &constants, const std::map< IntegralType, std::vector< std::pair< std::int32_t, std::span< const std::int32_t > > > > &subdomains, const std::map< std::shared_ptr< const mesh::Mesh< U > >, std::span< const std::int32_t > > &entity_maps, std::shared_ptr< const mesh::Mesh< U > > mesh=nullptr)
 Create a Form from UFC input with coefficients and constants resolved by name.
template<dolfinx::scalar T, std::floating_point U = scalar_value_type_t<T>>
Form< T, U > create_form (ufcx_form *(*fptr)(), const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< const FunctionSpace< U > > > &spaces, const std::map< std::string, std::shared_ptr< const Function< T, U > > > &coefficients, const std::map< std::string, std::shared_ptr< const Constant< T > > > &constants, const std::map< IntegralType, std::vector< std::pair< std::int32_t, std::span< const std::int32_t > > > > &subdomains, const std::map< std::shared_ptr< const mesh::Mesh< U > >, std::span< const std::int32_t > > &entity_maps, std::shared_ptr< const mesh::Mesh< U > > mesh=nullptr)
 Create a Form using a factory function that returns a pointer to a ufcx_form.
template<std::floating_point T>
FunctionSpace< T > create_functionspace (std::shared_ptr< mesh::Mesh< T > > mesh, const basix::FiniteElement< T > &e, const std::vector< std::size_t > &value_shape={}, std::function< std::vector< int >(const graph::AdjacencyList< std::int32_t > &)> reorder_fn=nullptr)
 Create a function space from a Basix element.
template<dolfinx::scalar T, std::floating_point U>
std::pair< std::vector< T >, int > allocate_coefficient_storage (const Form< T, U > &form, IntegralType integral_type, int id)
 Allocate storage for coefficients of a pair (integral_type, / id) from a Form.
template<dolfinx::scalar T, std::floating_point U>
std::map< std::pair< IntegralType, int >, std::pair< std::vector< T >, int > > allocate_coefficient_storage (const Form< T, U > &form)
 Allocate memory for packed coefficients of a Form.
template<dolfinx::scalar T, std::floating_point U>
void pack_coefficients (const Form< T, U > &form, IntegralType integral_type, int id, std::span< T > c, int cstride)
 Pack coefficients of a Form for a given integral type and domain id.
template<dolfinx::scalar T, std::floating_point U = scalar_value_type_t<T>>
Expression< T, U > create_expression (const ufcx_expression &e, const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< const Function< T, U > > > &coefficients, const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< const Constant< T > > > &constants, std::shared_ptr< const FunctionSpace< U > > argument_function_space=nullptr)
 Create Expression from UFC.
template<dolfinx::scalar T, std::floating_point U = scalar_value_type_t<T>>
Expression< T, U > create_expression (const ufcx_expression &e, const std::map< std::string, std::shared_ptr< const Function< T, U > > > &coefficients, const std::map< std::string, std::shared_ptr< const Constant< T > > > &constants, std::shared_ptr< const FunctionSpace< U > > argument_function_space=nullptr)
 Create Expression from UFC input (with named coefficients and constants).
template<dolfinx::scalar T, std::floating_point U>
void pack_coefficients (const Form< T, U > &form, std::map< std::pair< IntegralType, int >, std::pair< std::vector< T >, int > > &coeffs)
 Pack coefficients of a Form.
template<dolfinx::scalar T, std::floating_point U>
std::pair< std::vector< T >, int > pack_coefficients (const Expression< T, U > &e, std::span< const std::int32_t > entities, std::size_t estride)
 Pack coefficients of a Expression u for a give list of active entities.
template<typename U >
std::vector< typename U::scalar_type > pack_constants (const U &u)
 Pack constants of u into a single array ready for assembly.

Detailed Description

Finite element method functionality.

Classes and algorithms for finite element method spaces and operations.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ doftransform

enum class doftransform

DOF transformation type.








Transpose inverse.

◆ IntegralType

enum class IntegralType : std::int8_t

Type of integral.




Exterior facet.


Interior facet.



Function Documentation

◆ allocate_coefficient_storage() [1/2]

template<dolfinx::scalar T, std::floating_point U>
std::map< std::pair< IntegralType, int >, std::pair< std::vector< T >, int > > allocate_coefficient_storage ( const Form< T, U > & form)

Allocate memory for packed coefficients of a Form.

[in]formThe Form
Map from a form (integral_type, domain_id) pair to a (coeffs, cstride) pair

◆ allocate_coefficient_storage() [2/2]

template<dolfinx::scalar T, std::floating_point U>
std::pair< std::vector< T >, int > allocate_coefficient_storage ( const Form< T, U > & form,
IntegralType integral_type,
int id )

Allocate storage for coefficients of a pair (integral_type, / id) from a Form.

[in]formThe Form
[in]integral_typeType of integral
[in]idThe id of the integration domain
A storage container and the column stride

◆ apply_lifting() [1/2]

template<dolfinx::scalar T, std::floating_point U>
void apply_lifting ( std::span< T > b,
const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< const Form< T, U > > > & a,
const std::vector< std::span< const T > > & constants,
const std::vector< std::map< std::pair< IntegralType, int >, std::pair< std::span< const T >, int > > > & coeffs,
const std::vector< std::vector< std::shared_ptr< const DirichletBC< T, U > > > > & bcs1,
const std::vector< std::span< const T > > & x0,
T alpha )

Modify b such that:

b <- b - alpha * A_j (g_j - x0_j)

where j is a block (nest) index. For a non-blocked problem j = 0. The boundary conditions bcs1 are on the trial spaces V_j. The forms in [a] must have the same test space as L (from which b was built), but the trial space may differ. If x0 is not supplied, then it is treated as zero.

Ghost contributions are not accumulated (not sent to owner). Caller is responsible for calling VecGhostUpdateBegin/End.

◆ apply_lifting() [2/2]

template<dolfinx::scalar T, std::floating_point U>
void apply_lifting ( std::span< T > b,
const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< const Form< T, U > > > & a,
const std::vector< std::vector< std::shared_ptr< const DirichletBC< T, U > > > > & bcs1,
const std::vector< std::span< const T > > & x0,
T alpha )

Modify b such that:

b <- b - alpha * A_j.(g_j - x0_j)

where j is a block (nest) index. For a non-blocked problem j = 0. The boundary conditions bcs1 are on the trial spaces V_j. The forms in [a] must have the same test space as L (from which b was built), but the trial space may differ. If x0 is not supplied, then it is treated as zero.

Ghost contributions are not accumulated (not sent to owner). Caller is responsible for calling VecGhostUpdateBegin/End.

◆ assemble_matrix() [1/4]

template<dolfinx::scalar T, std::floating_point U>
void assemble_matrix ( auto mat_add,
const Form< T, U > & a,
const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< const DirichletBC< T, U > > > & bcs )

Assemble bilinear form into a matrix

[in]mat_addThe function for adding values into the matrix
[in]aThe bilinear from to assemble
[in]bcsBoundary conditions to apply. For boundary condition dofs the row and column are zeroed. The diagonal entry is not set.

◆ assemble_matrix() [2/4]

template<dolfinx::scalar T, std::floating_point U>
void assemble_matrix ( auto mat_add,
const Form< T, U > & a,
std::span< const std::int8_t > dof_marker0,
std::span< const std::int8_t > dof_marker1 )

Assemble bilinear form into a matrix. Matrix must already be initialised. Does not zero or finalise the matrix.

[in]mat_addThe function for adding values into the matrix
[in]aThe bilinear form to assemble
[in]dof_marker0Boundary condition markers for the rows. If bc[i] is true then rows i in A will be zeroed. The index i is a local index.
[in]dof_marker1Boundary condition markers for the columns. If bc[i] is true then rows i in A will be zeroed. The index i is a local index.

◆ assemble_matrix() [3/4]

template<dolfinx::scalar T, std::floating_point U>
void assemble_matrix ( auto mat_add,
const Form< T, U > & a,
std::span< const T > constants,
const std::map< std::pair< IntegralType, int >, std::pair< std::span< const T >, int > > & coefficients,
const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< const DirichletBC< T, U > > > & bcs )

Assemble bilinear form into a matrix

[in]mat_addThe function for adding values into the matrix
[in]aThe bilinear from to assemble
[in]constantsConstants that appear in a
[in]coefficientsCoefficients that appear in a
[in]bcsBoundary conditions to apply. For boundary condition dofs the row and column are zeroed. The diagonal entry is not set.

◆ assemble_matrix() [4/4]

template<dolfinx::scalar T, std::floating_point U>
void assemble_matrix ( la::MatSet< T > auto mat_add,
const Form< T, U > & a,
std::span< const T > constants,
const std::map< std::pair< IntegralType, int >, std::pair< std::span< const T >, int > > & coefficients,
std::span< const std::int8_t > dof_marker0,
std::span< const std::int8_t > dof_marker1 )

Assemble bilinear form into a matrix. Matrix must already be initialised. Does not zero or finalise the matrix.

[in]mat_addThe function for adding values into the matrix
[in]aThe bilinear form to assemble
[in]constantsConstants that appear in a
[in]coefficientsCoefficients that appear in a
[in]dof_marker0Boundary condition markers for the rows. If bc[i] is true then rows i in A will be zeroed. The index i is a local index.
[in]dof_marker1Boundary condition markers for the columns. If bc[i] is true then rows i in A will be zeroed. The index i is a local index.

◆ assemble_scalar() [1/2]

template<dolfinx::scalar T, std::floating_point U>
T assemble_scalar ( const Form< T, U > & M)

Assemble functional into scalar

Caller is responsible for accumulation across processes.
[in]MThe form (functional) to assemble
The contribution to the form (functional) from the local process

◆ assemble_scalar() [2/2]

template<dolfinx::scalar T, std::floating_point U>
T assemble_scalar ( const Form< T, U > & M,
std::span< const T > constants,
const std::map< std::pair< IntegralType, int >, std::pair< std::span< const T >, int > > & coefficients )

Assemble functional into scalar.

The caller supplies the form constants and coefficients for this version, which has efficiency benefits if the data can be re-used for multiple calls.

Caller is responsible for accumulation across processes.
[in]MThe form (functional) to assemble
[in]constantsThe constants that appear in M
[in]coefficientsThe coefficients that appear in M
The contribution to the form (functional) from the local process

◆ assemble_vector() [1/2]

template<dolfinx::scalar T, std::floating_point U>
void assemble_vector ( std::span< T > b,
const Form< T, U > & L )

Assemble linear form into a vector.

[in,out]bThe vector to be assembled. It will not be zeroed before assembly.
[in]LThe linear forms to assemble into b

◆ assemble_vector() [2/2]

template<dolfinx::scalar T, std::floating_point U>
void assemble_vector ( std::span< T > b,
const Form< T, U > & L,
std::span< const T > constants,
const std::map< std::pair< IntegralType, int >, std::pair< std::span< const T >, int > > & coefficients )

Assemble linear form into a vector.

The caller supplies the form constants and coefficients for this version, which has efficiency benefits if the data can be re-used for multiple calls.

[in,out]bThe vector to be assembled. It will not be zeroed before assembly.
[in]LThe linear forms to assemble into b
[in]constantsThe constants that appear in L
[in]coefficientsThe coefficients that appear in L

◆ build_dofmap_data()

std::tuple< common::IndexMap, int, std::vector< std::vector< std::int32_t > > > build_dofmap_data ( MPI_Comm comm,
const mesh::Topology & topology,
const std::vector< ElementDofLayout > & element_dof_layouts,
const std::function< std::vector< int >(const graph::AdjacencyList< std::int32_t > &)> & reorder_fn )

Build dofmap data for elements on a mesh topology

[in]commMPI communicator
[in]topologyThe mesh topology
[in]element_dof_layoutsThe element dof layouts for each cell type in topology
[in]reorder_fnGraph reordering function that is applied to the dofmaps
The index map, block size, and dofmaps for each element type

◆ common_function_spaces()

template<dolfinx::scalar T>
std::array< std::vector< std::shared_ptr< const FunctionSpace< T > > >, 2 > common_function_spaces ( const std::vector< std::vector< std::array< std::shared_ptr< const FunctionSpace< T > >, 2 > > > & V)

Extract FunctionSpaces for (0) rows blocks and (1) columns blocks from a rectangular array of (test, trial) space pairs. The test space must be the same for each row and the trial spaces must be the same for each column. Raises an exception if there is an inconsistency. e.g. if each form in row i does not have the same test space then an exception is raised.

[in]VVector function spaces for (0) each row block and (1) each column block

◆ compute_integration_domains()

std::vector< std::int32_t > compute_integration_domains ( fem::IntegralType integral_type,
const mesh::Topology & topology,
std::span< const std::int32_t > entities,
int dim )

Given an integral type and a set of entities, compute the entities that should be integrated over.

This function returns a list [(id, entities)]. For cell integrals entities are the cell indices. For exterior facet integrals, entities is a list of (cell_index, local_facet_index) pairs. For interior facet integrals, entities is a list of (cell_index0, local_facet_index0, cell_index1, local_facet_index1). id refers to the subdomain id used in the definition of the integration measures of the variational form.

Owned mesh entities only are returned. Ghost entities are not included.
[in]integral_typeIntegral type
[in]topologyMesh topology
[in]entitiesList of mesh entities
[in]dimTopological dimension of entities
List of integration entities
For facet integrals, the topology facet-to-cell and cell-to-facet connectivity must be computed before calling this function.

◆ compute_value_shape()

template<std::floating_point T>
std::vector< std::size_t > compute_value_shape ( std::shared_ptr< const dolfinx::fem::FiniteElement< T > > element,
std::size_t tdim,
std::size_t gdim )

Compute the physical value shape of an element for a mesh.

[in]elementThe element
[in]tdimTopological dimension
[in]gdimGeometric dimension
Physical valus shape

◆ create_dofmap()

fem::DofMap create_dofmap ( MPI_Comm comm,
const ElementDofLayout & layout,
mesh::Topology & topology,
std::function< void(std::span< std::int32_t >, std::uint32_t)> permute_inv,
std::function< std::vector< int >(const graph::AdjacencyList< std::int32_t > &)> reorder_fn )

Create a dof map on mesh.

[in]commMPI communicator
[in]layoutDof layout on an element
[in]topologyMesh topology
[in]permute_invFunction to un-permute dofs. nullptr when transformation is not required.
[in]reorder_fnGraph reordering function called on the dofmap
A new dof map

◆ create_dofmaps()

std::vector< fem::DofMap > create_dofmaps ( MPI_Comm comm,
const std::vector< ElementDofLayout > & layouts,
mesh::Topology & topology,
std::function< void(std::span< std::int32_t >, std::uint32_t)> permute_inv,
std::function< std::vector< int >(const graph::AdjacencyList< std::int32_t > &)> reorder_fn )

Create a set of dofmaps on a given topology.

[in]commMPI communicator
[in]layoutsDof layout on each element type
[in]topologyMesh topology
[in]permute_invFunction to un-permute dofs. nullptr when transformation is not required.
[in]reorder_fnGraph reordering function called on the dofmaps
The list of new dof maps
The number of layouts must match the number of cell types in the topology

◆ create_form() [1/2]

template<dolfinx::scalar T, std::floating_point U = scalar_value_type_t<T>>
Form< T, U > create_form ( const ufcx_form & ufcx_form,
const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< const FunctionSpace< U > > > & spaces,
const std::map< std::string, std::shared_ptr< const Function< T, U > > > & coefficients,
const std::map< std::string, std::shared_ptr< const Constant< T > > > & constants,
const std::map< IntegralType, std::vector< std::pair< std::int32_t, std::span< const std::int32_t > > > > & subdomains,
const std::map< std::shared_ptr< const mesh::Mesh< U > >, std::span< const std::int32_t > > & entity_maps,
std::shared_ptr< const mesh::Mesh< U > > mesh = nullptr )

Create a Form from UFC input with coefficients and constants resolved by name.

[in]ufcx_formUFC form
[in]spacesFunction spaces for the Form arguments.
[in]coefficientsCoefficient fields in the form (by name).
[in]constantsSpatial constants in the form (by name).
[in]subdomainsSubdomain markers.
Each value in subdomains must be sorted by domain id.
[in]entity_mapsThe entity maps for the form. Empty for single domain problems.
[in]meshMesh of the domain. This is required if the form has no arguments, e.g. a functional.
A Form

◆ create_form() [2/2]

template<dolfinx::scalar T, std::floating_point U = scalar_value_type_t<T>>
Form< T, U > create_form ( ufcx_form *(* fptr )(),
const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< const FunctionSpace< U > > > & spaces,
const std::map< std::string, std::shared_ptr< const Function< T, U > > > & coefficients,
const std::map< std::string, std::shared_ptr< const Constant< T > > > & constants,
const std::map< IntegralType, std::vector< std::pair< std::int32_t, std::span< const std::int32_t > > > > & subdomains,
const std::map< std::shared_ptr< const mesh::Mesh< U > >, std::span< const std::int32_t > > & entity_maps,
std::shared_ptr< const mesh::Mesh< U > > mesh = nullptr )

Create a Form using a factory function that returns a pointer to a ufcx_form.

Coefficients and constants are resolved by name/string.

[in]fptrPointer to a function returning a pointer to ufcx_form.
[in]spacesFunction spaces for the Form arguments.
[in]coefficientsCoefficient fields in the form (by name),
[in]constantsSpatial constants in the form (by name),
[in]subdomainsSubdomain markers.
Each value in subdomains must be sorted by domain id.
[in]entity_mapsThe entity maps for the form. Empty for single domain problems.
[in]meshMesh of the domain. This is required if the form has no arguments, e.g. a functional.
A Form

◆ create_form_factory()

template<dolfinx::scalar T, std::floating_point U = scalar_value_type_t<T>>
Form< T, U > create_form_factory ( const ufcx_form & ufcx_form,
const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< const FunctionSpace< U > > > & spaces,
const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< const Function< T, U > > > & coefficients,
const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< const Constant< T > > > & constants,
const std::map< IntegralType, std::vector< std::pair< std::int32_t, std::span< const std::int32_t > > > > & subdomains,
const std::map< std::shared_ptr< const mesh::Mesh< U > >, std::span< const std::int32_t > > & entity_maps,
std::shared_ptr< const mesh::Mesh< U > > mesh = nullptr )

Create a Form from UFCx input with coefficients and constants passed in the required order.

Use fem::create_form to create a fem::Form with coefficients and constants associated with the name/string.

[in]ufcx_formThe UFCx form.
[in]spacesVector of function spaces. The number of spaces is equal to the rank of the form.
[in]coefficientsCoefficient fields in the form.
[in]constantsSpatial constants in the form.
[in]subdomainsSubdomain markers.
[in]entity_mapsThe entity maps for the form. Empty for single domain problems.
[in]meshThe mesh of the domain.
Each value in subdomains must be sorted by domain id.

◆ create_functionspace()

template<std::floating_point T>
FunctionSpace< T > create_functionspace ( std::shared_ptr< mesh::Mesh< T > > mesh,
const basix::FiniteElement< T > & e,
const std::vector< std::size_t > & value_shape = {},
std::function< std::vector< int >(const graph::AdjacencyList< std::int32_t > &)> reorder_fn = nullptr )

Create a function space from a Basix element.

[in]eBasix finite element.
[in]value_shapeValue shape for 'blocked' elements, e.g. vector-valued Lagrange elements where each component for the vector field is a Lagrange element. For example, a vector-valued element in 3D will have value_shape equal to {3}, and for a second-order tensor element in 2D value_shape equal to {2, 2}.
[in]reorder_fnThe graph reordering function to call on the dofmap. If nullptr, the default re-ordering is used.
The created function space

◆ create_interpolation_data()

template<std::floating_point T>
geometry::PointOwnershipData< T > create_interpolation_data ( const mesh::Geometry< T > & geometry0,
const FiniteElement< T > & element0,
const mesh::Mesh< T > & mesh1,
std::span< const std::int32_t > cells,
T padding )

Generate data needed to interpolate finite element Functions across different meshes.

[in]geometry0Mesh geometry of the space to interpolate into
[in]element0Element of the space to interpolate into
[in]mesh1Mesh of the function to interpolate from
[in]cellsIndices of the cells in the destination mesh on which to interpolate. Should be the same as the list used when calling interpolation_coords.
[in]paddingAbsolute padding of bounding boxes of all entities on mesh1. This is used avoid floating point issues when an interpolation point from mesh0 is on the surface of a cell in mesh1. This parameter can also be used for extrapolation, i.e. if cells in mesh0 is not overlapped by mesh1.
Setting the padding to a large value will increase the runtime of this function, as one has to determine what entity is closest if there is no intersection.

◆ create_sparsity_pattern()

template<dolfinx::scalar T, std::floating_point U>
la::SparsityPattern create_sparsity_pattern ( const Form< T, U > & a)

Create a sparsity pattern for a given form.

The pattern is not finalised, i.e. the caller is responsible for calling SparsityPattern::assemble.
[in]aA bilinear form
The corresponding sparsity pattern

◆ discrete_gradient()

template<dolfinx::scalar T, std::floating_point U = dolfinx::scalar_value_type_t<T>>
void discrete_gradient ( mesh::Topology & topology,
std::pair< std::reference_wrapper< const FiniteElement< U > >, std::reference_wrapper< const DofMap > > V0,
std::pair< std::reference_wrapper< const FiniteElement< U > >, std::reference_wrapper< const DofMap > > V1,
auto && mat_set )

Assemble a discrete gradient operator.

The discrete gradient operator \(A\) interpolates the gradient of a Lagrange finite element function in \(V_0 \subset H^1\) into a Nédélec (first kind) space \(V_1 \subset H({\rm curl})\), i.e. \(\nabla V_0 \rightarrow V_1\). If \(u_0\) is the degree-of-freedom vector associated with \(V_0\), the hen \(u_1=Au_0\) where \(u_1\) is the degrees-of-freedom vector for interpolating function in the \(H({\rm curl})\) space. An example of where discrete gradient operators are used is the creation of algebraic multigrid solvers for \(H({\rm curl})\) and \(H({\rm div})\) problems.

The sparsity pattern for a discrete operator can be initialised using sparsitybuild::cells. The space V1 should be used for the rows of the sparsity pattern, V0 for the columns.
This function relies on the user supplying appropriate input and output spaces. See parameter descriptions.
[in]topologyMesh topology
[in]V0Lagrange element and dofmap for corresponding space to interpolate the gradient from
[in]V1Nédélec (first kind) element and and dofmap for corresponding space to interpolate into
[in]mat_setA functor that sets values in a matrix

◆ extract_function_spaces()

template<dolfinx::scalar T, std::floating_point U>
std::vector< std::vector< std::array< std::shared_ptr< const FunctionSpace< U > >, 2 > > > extract_function_spaces ( const std::vector< std::vector< const Form< T, U > * > > & a)

Extract test (0) and trial (1) function spaces pairs for each bilinear form for a rectangular array of forms.

[in]aA rectangular block on bilinear forms
Rectangular array of the same shape as a with a pair of function spaces in each array entry. If a form is null, then the returned function space pair is (null, null).

◆ get_coefficient_names()

std::vector< std::string > get_coefficient_names ( const ufcx_form & ufcx_form)

Get the name of each coefficient in a UFC form

[in]ufcx_formThe UFC form
The name of each coefficient

◆ get_constant_names()

std::vector< std::string > get_constant_names ( const ufcx_form & ufcx_form)

Get the name of each constant in a UFC form.

[in]ufcx_formThe UFC form
The name of each constant

◆ interpolate() [1/3]

template<dolfinx::scalar T, std::floating_point U>
void interpolate ( Function< T, U > & u,
const Function< T, U > & v,
std::span< const std::int32_t > cells,
const geometry::PointOwnershipData< U > & interpolation_data )

Interpolate a finite element Function defined on a mesh to a finite element Function defined on different (non-matching) mesh.

Template Parameters
TFunction scalar type.
Umesh::Mesh geometry scalar type.
uFunction to interpolate into.
vFunction to interpolate from.
cellsCells indices relative to the mesh associated with u that will be interpolated into.
interpolation_dataData required for associating the interpolation points of u with cells in v. This is computed by fem::create_interpolation_data.

◆ interpolate() [2/3]

template<dolfinx::scalar T, std::floating_point U>
void interpolate ( Function< T, U > & u,
std::span< const T > f,
std::array< std::size_t, 2 > fshape,
std::span< const std::int32_t > cells )

Interpolate an evaluated expression f(x) in a finite element space.

Template Parameters
TScalar type
UMesh geometry type
[out]uFunction object to interpolate into
[in]fEvaluation of the function f(x) at the physical points x given by interpolation_coords. The element used in interpolation_coords should be the same element as associated with u. The shape of f is (value_size, num_points), with row-major storage.
[in]fshapeShape of f.
[in]cellsIndices of the cells in the mesh on which to interpolate. Should be the same as the list of cells used when calling interpolation_coords.

◆ interpolate() [3/3]

template<dolfinx::scalar T, std::floating_point U>
void interpolate ( Function< T, U > & u1,
std::span< const std::int32_t > cells1,
const Function< T, U > & u0,
std::span< const std::int32_t > cells0 )

Interpolate from one finite element Function to another Function on the same (sub)mesh.

Interpolation can be performed on a subset of mesh cells and Functions may be defined on 'sub-meshes'.

[out]u1Function to interpolate into.
[in]cells1Cell indices associated with the mesh of u1 that will be interpolated onto.
[in]u0Function to b interpolated from.
[in]cells0Cell indices associated with the mesh of u0 that will be interpolated from. If cells1[i] is the index of a cell in the mesh associated with u1, then cells0[i] is the index of the same cell but in the mesh associated with u0. cells0 and cells1 must be the same size.

◆ interpolation_coords()

template<std::floating_point T>
std::vector< T > interpolation_coords ( const fem::FiniteElement< T > & element,
const mesh::Geometry< T > & geometry,
std::span< const std::int32_t > cells )

Compute the evaluation points in the physical space at which an expression should be computed to interpolate it in a finite element space.

[in]elementElement to be interpolated into.
[in]geometryMesh geometry.
[in]cellsIndices of the cells in the mesh to compute interpolation coordinates for.
The coordinates in the physical space at which to evaluate an expression. The shape is (3, num_points) and storage is row-major.

◆ interpolation_matrix()

template<dolfinx::scalar T, std::floating_point U>
void interpolation_matrix ( const FunctionSpace< U > & V0,
const FunctionSpace< U > & V1,
auto && mat_set )

Assemble an interpolation operator matrix.

The interpolation operator \(A\) interpolates a function in the space \(V_0\) into a space \(V_1\). If \(u_0\) is the degree-of-freedom vector associated with \(V_0\), then the degree-of-freedom vector \(u_1\) for the interpolated function in \(V_1\) is given by \(u_1=Au_0\).

The sparsity pattern for a discrete operator can be initialised using sparsitybuild::cells. The space V1 should be used for the rows of the sparsity pattern, V0 for the columns.
[in]V0The space to interpolate from
[in]V1The space to interpolate to
[in]mat_setA functor that sets values in a matrix

◆ locate_dofs_geometrical() [1/2]

template<std::floating_point T, typename U >
std::vector< std::int32_t > locate_dofs_geometrical ( const FunctionSpace< T > & V,
U marker_fn )

Find degrees of freedom whose geometric coordinate is true for the provided marking function.

This function is slower than the topological version.
[in]VThe function (sub)space on which degrees of freedom will be located.
[in]marker_fnFunction marking tabulated degrees of freedom
Array of DOF index blocks (local to the MPI rank) in the space V. The array uses the block size of the dofmap associated with V.

◆ locate_dofs_geometrical() [2/2]

template<std::floating_point T, typename U >
std::array< std::vector< std::int32_t >, 2 > locate_dofs_geometrical ( const std::array< std::reference_wrapper< const FunctionSpace< T > >, 2 > & V,
U marker_fn )

Finds degrees of freedom whose geometric coordinate is true for the provided marking function.

This function is slower than the topological version
[in]VThe function (sub)space(s) on which degrees of freedom will be located. The spaces must share the same mesh and element type.
[in]marker_fnFunction marking tabulated degrees of freedom
Array of DOF indices (local to the MPI rank) in the spaces V[0] and V[1]. The array[0](i) entry is the DOF index in the space V[0] and array[1](i) is the corresponding DOF entry in the space V[1]. The returned dofs are 'unrolled', i.e. block size = 1.

◆ locate_dofs_topological() [1/2]

std::vector< std::int32_t > locate_dofs_topological ( const mesh::Topology & topology,
const DofMap & dofmap,
int dim,
std::span< const std::int32_t > entities,
bool remote = true )

Find degrees-of-freedom which belong to the provided mesh entities (topological).

Degrees-of-freedom for discontinuous elements are associated with the cell even if they may appear to be associated with a facet/edge/vertex.
[in]topologyMesh topology.
[in]dofmapDofmap that associated DOFs with cells.
[in]dimTopological dimension of mesh entities on which degrees-of-freedom will be located
[in]entitiesIndices of mesh entities. All DOFs associated with the closure of these indices will be returned
[in]remoteTrue to return also "remotely located" degree-of-freedom indices. Remotely located degree-of-freedom indices are local/owned by the current process, but which the current process cannot identify because it does not recognize mesh entity as a marked. For example, a boundary condition dof at a vertex where this process does not have the associated boundary facet. This commonly occurs with partitioned meshes.
Array of DOF index blocks (local to the MPI rank) in the space V. The array uses the block size of the dofmap associated with V.
The topology cell->entity and entity->cell connectivity must have been computed before calling this function.

◆ locate_dofs_topological() [2/2]

std::array< std::vector< std::int32_t >, 2 > locate_dofs_topological ( const mesh::Topology & topology,
std::array< std::reference_wrapper< const DofMap >, 2 > dofmaps,
int dim,
std::span< const std::int32_t > entities,
bool remote = true )

Find degrees-of-freedom which belong to the provided mesh entities (topological).

Degrees-of-freedom for discontinuous elements are associated with the cell even if they may appear to be associated with a facet/edge/vertex.
[in]topologyMesh topology.
[in]dofmapsThe dofmaps.
[in]dimTopological dimension of mesh entities on which degrees-of-freedom will be located
[in]entitiesIndices of mesh entities. All DOFs associated with the closure of these indices will be returned
[in]remoteTrue to return also "remotely located" degree-of-freedom indices. Remotely located degree-of-freedom indices are local/owned by the current process, but which the current process cannot identify because it does not recognize mesh entity as a marked. For example, a boundary condition dof at a vertex where this process does not have the associated boundary facet. This commonly occurs with partitioned meshes.
Array of DOF indices (local to the MPI rank) in the spaces V[0] and V[1]. The array[0](i) entry is the DOF index in the space V[0] and array[1](i) is the corresponding DOF entry in the space V[1]. The returned dofs are 'unrolled', i.e. block size = 1.
The topology cell->entity and entity->cell connectivity must have been computed before calling this function.

◆ pack_coefficients() [1/3]

template<dolfinx::scalar T, std::floating_point U>
std::pair< std::vector< T >, int > pack_coefficients ( const Expression< T, U > & e,
std::span< const std::int32_t > entities,
std::size_t estride )

Pack coefficients of a Expression u for a give list of active entities.

[in]eThe Expression
[in]entitiesA list of active entities
[in]estrideStride for each entity in active entities (1 for cells, 2 for facets)
A pair of the form (coeffs, cstride)

◆ pack_coefficients() [2/3]

template<dolfinx::scalar T, std::floating_point U>
void pack_coefficients ( const Form< T, U > & form,
IntegralType integral_type,
int id,
std::span< T > c,
int cstride )

Pack coefficients of a Form for a given integral type and domain id.

[in]formThe Form
[in]integral_typeType of integral
[in]idThe id of the integration domain
[in,out]cThe coefficient array
[in]cstrideThe coefficient stride

◆ pack_coefficients() [3/3]

template<dolfinx::scalar T, std::floating_point U>
void pack_coefficients ( const Form< T, U > & form,
std::map< std::pair< IntegralType, int >, std::pair< std::vector< T >, int > > & coeffs )

Pack coefficients of a Form.

This is subject to change
[in]formThe Form
[in,out]coeffsA map from an (integral_type, domain_id) pair to a (coeffs, cstride) pair. coeffs is a storage container representing an array of shape (num_int_entities, cstride) in which to pack the coefficient data, where num_int_entities is the number of entities being integrated over and cstride is the number of coefficient data entries per integration entity. coeffs is flattened into row-major layout.

◆ pack_constants()

template<typename U >
std::vector< typename U::scalar_type > pack_constants ( const U & u)

Pack constants of u into a single array ready for assembly.

This function is subject to change.

◆ set_diagonal() [1/2]

template<dolfinx::scalar T, std::floating_point U>
void set_diagonal ( auto set_fn,
const FunctionSpace< U > & V,
const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< const DirichletBC< T, U > > > & bcs,
T diagonal = 1.0 )

Sets a value to the diagonal of the matrix for rows with a Dirichlet boundary conditions applied.

This function is typically called after assembly. The assembly function zeroes Dirichlet rows and columns. This function adds the value only to rows that are locally owned, and therefore does not create a need for parallel communication. For block matrices, this function should normally be called only on the diagonal blocks, i.e. blocks for which the test and trial spaces are the same.

[in]set_fnThe function for setting values to a matrix
[in]VThe function space for the rows and columns of the matrix. It is used to extract only the Dirichlet boundary conditions that are define on V or subspaces of V.
[in]bcsThe Dirichlet boundary conditions
[in]diagonalThe value to add to the diagonal for rows with a boundary condition applied

◆ set_diagonal() [2/2]

template<dolfinx::scalar T>
void set_diagonal ( auto set_fn,
std::span< const std::int32_t > rows,
T diagonal = 1.0 )

Sets a value to the diagonal of a matrix for specified rows.

This function is typically called after assembly. The assembly function zeroes Dirichlet rows and columns. For block matrices, this function should normally be called only on the diagonal blocks, i.e. blocks for which the test and trial spaces are the same.

[in]set_fnThe function for setting values to a matrix
[in]rowsThe row blocks, in local indices, for which to add a value to the diagonal
[in]diagonalThe value to add to the diagonal for the specified rows

◆ transpose_dofmap()

graph::AdjacencyList< std::int32_t > transpose_dofmap ( MDSPAN_IMPL_STANDARD_NAMESPACE::mdspan< const std::int32_t, MDSPAN_IMPL_STANDARD_NAMESPACE::dextents< std::size_t, 2 > > dofmap,
std::int32_t num_cells )

Create an adjacency list that maps a global index (process-wise) to the 'unassembled' cell-wise contributions.

It is built from the usual (cell, local index) -> global index dof map. An 'unassembled' vector is the stacked cell contributions, ordered by cell index. If the usual dof map is:

Cell: 0 1 2 3
Global index: [ [0, 3, 5], [3, 2, 4], [4, 3, 2], [2, 1, 0]]

the 'transpose' dof map will be:

Global index: 0 1 2 3 4 5
Unassembled index: [ [0, 11], [10], [4, 8, 9], [1, 3, 7], [5, 6], [2] ]

[in]dofmapThe standard dof map that for each cell (node) gives the global (process-wise) index of each local (cell-wise) index.
[in]num_cellsThe number of cells (nodes) in dofmap to consider. The first num_cells are used. This is argument is typically used to exclude ghost cell contributions.
Map from global (process-wise) index to positions in an unaassembled array. The links for each node are sorted.