DOLFINx 0.9.0
DOLFINx C++ interface
No Matches
DirichletBC< T, U > Member List

This is the complete list of members for DirichletBC< T, U >, including all inherited members.

DirichletBC(const S &g, X &&dofs, std::shared_ptr< const FunctionSpace< U > > V)DirichletBC< T, U >inline
DirichletBC(std::shared_ptr< const Constant< T > > g, X &&dofs, std::shared_ptr< const FunctionSpace< U > > V)DirichletBC< T, U >inline
DirichletBC(std::shared_ptr< const Function< T, U > > g, X &&dofs)DirichletBC< T, U >inline
DirichletBC(std::shared_ptr< const Function< T, U > > g, X &&V_g_dofs, std::shared_ptr< const FunctionSpace< U > > V)DirichletBC< T, U >inline
DirichletBC(const DirichletBC &bc)=defaultDirichletBC< T, U >
DirichletBC(DirichletBC &&bc)=defaultDirichletBC< T, U >
dof_indices() constDirichletBC< T, U >inline
function_space() constDirichletBC< T, U >inline
mark_dofs(std::span< std::int8_t > markers) constDirichletBC< T, U >inline
operator=(const DirichletBC &bc)=defaultDirichletBC< T, U >
operator=(DirichletBC &&bc)=defaultDirichletBC< T, U >
set(std::span< T > x, std::optional< std::span< const T > > x0, T alpha=1) constDirichletBC< T, U >inline
value() constDirichletBC< T, U >inline
~DirichletBC()=defaultDirichletBC< T, U >