DOLFINx 0.9.0
DOLFINx C++ interface
No Matches
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12]
 CADIOS2WriterBase class for ADIOS2-based writers
 CAdjacencyList< T >
 CBoundingBoxTree< T >
 CCommA duplicate MPI communicator and manage lifetime of the communicator
 CConstant< T >Constant value which can be attached to a Form
 CCoordinateElement< T >
 CDirichletBC< T, U >
 CDofMapDegree-of-freedom map
 CExpression< T, U >Represents a mathematical expression evaluated at a pre-defined set of points on the reference cell
 Cdependent_false< T >
 CFiniteElement< T >
 CFiniteElement< T >Model of a finite element
 CForm< T, U >A representation of finite element variational forms
 CFunction< T, U >
 CFunctionSpace< T >This class represents a finite element function space defined by a mesh, a finite element, and a local-to-global map of the degrees-of-freedom
 CGeometry< T >Geometry stores the geometry imposed on a mesh
 CHyperElasticProblemHyperelastic problem class
 Cintegral_data< T, U >Represents integral data, containing the integral ID, the kernel, and a list of entities to integrate over
 CMatrixCSR< Scalar, Container, ColContainer, RowPtrContainer >Distributed sparse matrix
 CMesh< T >A Mesh consists of a set of connected and numbered mesh topological entities, and geometry data
 CMeshTags< T >MeshTags associate values with mesh topology entities
 CPointOwnershipData< T >Information on the ownership of points distributed across processes
 CScatterer< Allocator >A Scatterer supports the MPI scattering and gathering of data that is associated with a common::IndexMap
 CSLEPcEigenSolverThis class provides an eigenvalue solver for PETSc matrices. It is a wrapper for the SLEPc eigenvalue solver
 CTableThis class provides storage and pretty-printing for tables
 CTimeLoggerTimer logging
 CTimeLogManagerLogger initialisation
 CTopologyTopology stores the topology of a mesh, consisting of mesh entities and connectivity (incidence relations for the mesh entities)
 CVector< T, Container >
 CVTKFileOutput of meshes and functions in VTK/ParaView format