DOLFINx 0.9.0
DOLFINx C++ interface
No Matches
VTKFile Class Reference

Output of meshes and functions in VTK/ParaView format. More...

#include <VTKFile.h>

Public Member Functions

 VTKFile (MPI_Comm comm, const std::filesystem::path &filename, const std::string &file_mode)
 Create VTK file.
 ~VTKFile ()
void close ()
 Close file.
void flush ()
 Flushes XML files to disk.
template<std::floating_point U>
void write (const mesh::Mesh< U > &mesh, double time=0.0)
 Write a mesh to file. Supports arbitrary order Lagrange isoparametric cells.
template<dolfinx::scalar T, std::floating_point U = scalar_value_type_t<T>>
void write (const std::vector< std::reference_wrapper< const fem::Function< T, U > > > &u, double t)
 Write finite elements function with an associated time step.

Detailed Description

Output of meshes and functions in VTK/ParaView format.

Isoparametric meshes of arbitrary degree are supported. For finite element functions, cell-based (DG0) and Lagrange (point-based) functions can be saved. For vertex-based functions the output must be isoparametic, i.e. the geometry and the finite element functions must be defined using the same basis.

This format is not suitable for checkpointing.

Member Function Documentation

◆ write() [1/2]

template<std::floating_point U>
void write ( const mesh::Mesh< U > & mesh,
double time = 0.0 )

Write a mesh to file. Supports arbitrary order Lagrange isoparametric cells.

[in]meshMesh to write to file.
[in]timeTime parameter to associate with mesh.

◆ write() [2/2]

template<dolfinx::scalar T, std::floating_point U>
void write ( const std::vector< std::reference_wrapper< const fem::Function< T, U > > > & u,
double t )

Write finite elements function with an associated time step.

Functions in u cannot be sub-Functions. Extract sub-Functions before output.
All Functions in u with point-wise data must use the same element type (up to the block size) and the element must be (discontinuous) Lagrange. Interpolate fem::Function before output if required.
[in]uList of functions to write to file
[in]tTime parameter to associate with u
All Functions in u must share the same mesh

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