DOLFINx C++ interface
No Matches
FiniteElement< T > Class Template Reference

Model of a finite element. More...

#include <FiniteElement.h>

Public Types

using geometry_type = T
 Geometry type of the Mesh that the FunctionSpace is defined on.

Public Member Functions

 FiniteElement (const basix::FiniteElement< geometry_type > &element, std::size_t block_size, bool symmetric=false)
 Create a finite element from a Basix finite element.
 FiniteElement (const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< const FiniteElement< geometry_type > > > &elements)
 Create mixed finite element from a list of finite elements.
 FiniteElement (mesh::CellType cell_type, std::span< const geometry_type > points, std::array< std::size_t, 2 > pshape, std::size_t block_size, bool symmetric=false)
 Create a quadrature element.
 FiniteElement (const FiniteElement &element)=delete
 Copy constructor.
 FiniteElement (FiniteElement &&element)=default
 Move constructor.
 ~FiniteElement ()=default
FiniteElementoperator= (const FiniteElement &element)=delete
 Copy assignment.
FiniteElementoperator= (FiniteElement &&element)=default
 Move assignment.
bool operator== (const FiniteElement &e) const
bool operator!= (const FiniteElement &e) const
std::string signature () const noexcept
int space_dimension () const noexcept
int block_size () const noexcept
int reference_value_size () const
std::span< const std::size_t > reference_value_shape () const noexcept
 The reference value shape.
const std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< int > > > & entity_dofs () const noexcept
 The local DOFs associated with each subentity of the cell.
const std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< int > > > & entity_closure_dofs () const noexcept
 The local DOFs associated with the closure of each subentity of the cell.
bool symmetric () const
 Does the element represent a symmetric 2-tensor?
void tabulate (std::span< geometry_type > values, std::span< const geometry_type > X, std::array< std::size_t, 2 > shape, int order) const
 Evaluate derivatives of the basis functions up to given order at points in the reference cell.
std::pair< std::vector< geometry_type >, std::array< std::size_t, 4 > > tabulate (std::span< const geometry_type > X, std::array< std::size_t, 2 > shape, int order) const
int num_sub_elements () const noexcept
 Number of sub elements (for a mixed or blocked element).
bool is_mixed () const noexcept
 Check if element is a mixed element.
const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< const FiniteElement< geometry_type > > > & sub_elements () const noexcept
 Get subelements (if any)
std::shared_ptr< const FiniteElement< geometry_type > > extract_sub_element (const std::vector< int > &component) const
 Extract sub finite element for component.
const basix::FiniteElement< geometry_type > & basix_element () const
 Return underlying Basix element (if it exists).
basix::maps::type map_type () const
 Get the map type used by the element.
bool interpolation_ident () const noexcept
bool map_ident () const noexcept
std::pair< std::vector< geometry_type >, std::array< std::size_t, 2 > > interpolation_points () const
 Points on the reference cell at which an expression needs to be evaluated in order to interpolate the expression in the finite element space.
std::pair< std::vector< geometry_type >, std::array< std::size_t, 2 > > interpolation_operator () const
std::pair< std::vector< geometry_type >, std::array< std::size_t, 2 > > create_interpolation_operator (const FiniteElement &from) const
 Create a matrix that maps degrees of freedom from one element to this element (interpolation).
bool needs_dof_transformations () const noexcept
 Check if DOF transformations are needed for this element.
bool needs_dof_permutations () const noexcept
 Check if DOF permutations are needed for this element.
template<typename U >
std::function< void(std::span< U >, std::span< const std::uint32_t >, std::int32_t, int)> dof_transformation_fn (doftransform ttype, bool scalar_element=false) const
 Return a function that applies a DOF transformation operator to some data (see T_apply()).
template<typename U >
std::function< void(std::span< U >, std::span< const std::uint32_t >, std::int32_t, int)> dof_transformation_right_fn (doftransform ttype, bool scalar_element=false) const
 Return a function that applies DOF transformation to some transposed data (see T_apply_right()).
template<typename U >
void T_apply (std::span< U > data, std::uint32_t cell_permutation, int n) const
 Transform basis functions from the reference element ordering and orientation to the globally consistent physical element ordering and orientation.
template<typename U >
void Tt_inv_apply (std::span< U > data, std::uint32_t cell_permutation, int n) const
 Apply the inverse transpose of the operator applied by T_apply().
template<typename U >
void Tt_apply (std::span< U > data, std::uint32_t cell_permutation, int n) const
 Apply the transpose of the operator applied by T_apply().
template<typename U >
void Tinv_apply (std::span< U > data, std::uint32_t cell_permutation, int n) const
 Apply the inverse of the operator applied by T_apply().
template<typename U >
void T_apply_right (std::span< U > data, std::uint32_t cell_permutation, int n) const
 Right(post)-apply the operator applied by T_apply().
template<typename U >
void Tinv_apply_right (std::span< U > data, std::uint32_t cell_permutation, int n) const
 Right(post)-apply the inverse of the operator applied by T_apply().
template<typename U >
void Tt_apply_right (std::span< U > data, std::uint32_t cell_permutation, int n) const
 Right(post)-apply the transpose of the operator applied by T_apply().
template<typename U >
void Tt_inv_apply_right (std::span< U > data, std::uint32_t cell_permutation, int n) const
 Right(post)-apply the transpose inverse of the operator applied by T_apply().
void permute (std::span< std::int32_t > doflist, std::uint32_t cell_permutation) const
 Permute indices associated with degree-of-freedoms on the reference element ordering to the globally consistent physical element degree-of-freedom ordering.
void permute_inv (std::span< std::int32_t > doflist, std::uint32_t cell_permutation) const
 Perform the inverse of the operation applied by permute().
std::function< void(std::span< std::int32_t >, std::uint32_t)> dof_permutation_fn (bool inverse=false, bool scalar_element=false) const
 Return a function that applies a degree-of-freedom permutation to some data.

Detailed Description

template<std::floating_point T>
class dolfinx::fem::FiniteElement< T >

Model of a finite element.

Provides the dof layout on a reference element, and various methods for evaluating and transforming the basis.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ FiniteElement() [1/3]

template<std::floating_point T>
FiniteElement ( const basix::FiniteElement< geometry_type > & element,
std::size_t block_size,
bool symmetric = false )

Create a finite element from a Basix finite element.

[in]elementBasix finite element
[in]block_sizeThe block size for the element
[in]symmetricIs the element a symmetric tensor?

◆ FiniteElement() [2/3]

template<std::floating_point T>
FiniteElement ( const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< const FiniteElement< geometry_type > > > & elements)

Create mixed finite element from a list of finite elements.

[in]elementsBasix finite elements

◆ FiniteElement() [3/3]

template<std::floating_point T>
FiniteElement ( mesh::CellType cell_type,
std::span< const geometry_type > points,
std::array< std::size_t, 2 > pshape,
std::size_t block_size,
bool symmetric = false )

Create a quadrature element.

[in]cell_typeThe cell type
[in]pointsQuadrature points
[in]pshapeShape of points array
[in]block_sizeThe block size for the element
[in]symmetricIs the element a symmetric tensor?

Member Function Documentation

◆ basix_element()

template<std::floating_point T>
const basix::FiniteElement< T > & basix_element ( ) const

Return underlying Basix element (if it exists).

Throwsa std::runtime_error is there no Basix element.

◆ block_size()

template<std::floating_point T>
int block_size ( ) const

Block size of the finite element function space. For BlockedElements, this is the number of DOFs colocated at each DOF point. For other elements, this is always 1.

Block size of the finite element space

◆ create_interpolation_operator()

template<std::floating_point T>
std::pair< std::vector< T >, std::array< std::size_t, 2 > > create_interpolation_operator ( const FiniteElement< T > & from) const

Create a matrix that maps degrees of freedom from one element to this element (interpolation).

[in]fromThe element to interpolate from
Matrix operator that maps the from degrees-of-freedom to the degrees-of-freedom of this element. The (0) matrix data (row-major storage) and (1) the shape (num_dofs of this element, num_dofs of from) are returned.
The two elements must use the same mapping between the reference and physical cells
Does not support mixed elements

◆ dof_permutation_fn()

template<std::floating_point T>
std::function< void(std::span< std::int32_t >, std::uint32_t)> dof_permutation_fn ( bool inverse = false,
bool scalar_element = false ) const

Return a function that applies a degree-of-freedom permutation to some data.

The returned function can apply permute() to mixed-elements.

The signature of the returned function has three arguments:

  • [in,out] doflist The numbers of the DOFs, a span of length num_dofs
  • [in] cell_permutation Permutation data for the cell
  • [in] block_size The block_size of the input data
[in]inverseIndicates if the inverse transformation should be returned.
[in]scalar_elementIndicates is the scalar transformations should be returned for a vector element.

◆ dof_transformation_fn()

template<std::floating_point T>
template<typename U >
std::function< void(std::span< U >, std::span< const std::uint32_t >, std::int32_t, int)> dof_transformation_fn ( doftransform ttype,
bool scalar_element = false ) const

Return a function that applies a DOF transformation operator to some data (see T_apply()).

The transformation is applied from the left-hand side, i.e.

\[ u \leftarrow T u. \]

If the transformation for the (sub)element is a permutation only, the returned function will do change the ordering for the (sub)element as it is assumed that permutations are incorporated into the degree-of-freedom map.

See the documentation for T_apply() for a description of the transformation for a single element type. This function generates a function that can apply the transformation to a mixed element.

The signature of the returned function has four arguments:

  • [in,out] data The data to be transformed. This data is flattened with row-major layout, shape=(num_dofs, block_size)
  • [in] cell_info Permutation data for the cell. The size of this is num_cells. For elements where no transformations are required, an empty span can be passed in.
  • [in] cell The cell number.
  • [in] n The block_size of the input data.
[in]ttypeThe transformation type. Typical usage is:
  • doftransform::standard Transforms basis function data from the reference element to the conforming 'physical' element, e.g. \(\phi = T \tilde{\phi}\).
  • doftransform::transpose Transforms degree-of-freedom data from the conforming (physical) ordering to the reference ordering, e.g. \(\tilde{u} = T^{T} u\).
  • doftransform::inverse: Transforms basis function data from the the conforming (physical) ordering to the reference ordering, e.g. \(\tilde{\phi} = T^{-1} \phi\).
  • doftransform::inverse_transpose: Transforms degree-of-freedom data from the reference element to the conforming (physical) ordering, e.g. \(u = T^{-t} \tilde{u}\).
[in]scalar_elementIndicates whether the scalar transformations should be returned for a vector element

◆ dof_transformation_right_fn()

template<std::floating_point T>
template<typename U >
std::function< void(std::span< U >, std::span< const std::uint32_t >, std::int32_t, int)> dof_transformation_right_fn ( doftransform ttype,
bool scalar_element = false ) const

Return a function that applies DOF transformation to some transposed data (see T_apply_right()).

The transformation is applied from the right-hand side, i.e.

\[ u^{t} \leftarrow u^{t} T. \]

If the transformation for the (sub)element is a permutation only, the returned function will do change the ordering for the (sub)element as it is assumed that permutations are incorporated into the degree-of-freedom map.

The signature of the returned function has four arguments:

  • [in,out] data The data to be transformed. This data is flattened with row-major layout, shape=(num_dofs, block_size)
  • [in] cell_info Permutation data for the cell. The size of this is num_cells. For elements where no transformations are required, an empty span can be passed in.
  • [in] cell The cell number
  • [in] block_size The block_size of the input data
[in]ttypeTransformation type. See dof_transformation_fn().
[in]scalar_elementIndicate if the scalar transformations should be returned for a vector element.

◆ interpolation_ident()

template<std::floating_point T>
bool interpolation_ident ( ) const

Check if interpolation into the finite element space is an identity operation given the evaluation on an expression at specific points, i.e. the degree-of-freedom are equal to point evaluations. The function will return true for Lagrange elements.

True if interpolation is an identity operation

◆ interpolation_operator()

template<std::floating_point T>
std::pair< std::vector< T >, std::array< std::size_t, 2 > > interpolation_operator ( ) const

Interpolation operator (matrix) Pi that maps a function evaluated at the points provided by FiniteElement::interpolation_points to the element degrees of freedom, i.e. dofs = Pi f_x. See the Basix documentation for basix::FiniteElement::interpolation_matrix for how the data in f_x should be ordered.

The interpolation operator Pi, returning the data for Pi (row-major storage) and the shape (num_dofs, num_points * / value_size)

◆ interpolation_points()

template<std::floating_point T>
std::pair< std::vector< T >, std::array< std::size_t, 2 > > interpolation_points ( ) const

Points on the reference cell at which an expression needs to be evaluated in order to interpolate the expression in the finite element space.

For Lagrange elements the points will just be the nodal positions. For other elements the points will typically be the quadrature points used to evaluate moment degrees of freedom.

Interpolation point coordinates on the reference cell, returning the (0) coordinates data (row-major) storage and (1) the shape (num_points, tdim).

◆ is_mixed()

template<std::floating_point T>
bool is_mixed ( ) const

Check if element is a mixed element.

A mixed element i composed of two or more elements of different types (a block element, e.g. a Lagrange element with block size >= 1 is not considered mixed).

True if element is mixed.

◆ map_ident()

template<std::floating_point T>
bool map_ident ( ) const

Check if the push forward/pull back map from the values on reference to the values on a physical cell for this element is the identity map.

True if the map is the identity

◆ needs_dof_permutations()

template<std::floating_point T>
bool needs_dof_permutations ( ) const

Check if DOF permutations are needed for this element.

DOF permutations will be needed for elements which might not be continuous when two neighbouring cells disagree on the orientation of a shared subentity, and when this can be corrected for by permuting the DOF numbering in the dofmap.

For example, higher order Lagrange elements will need DOF permutations, as the arrangement of DOFs on a shared sub-entity may be different from the point of view of neighbouring cells, and this can be corrected for by permuting the DOF numbers on each cell.

True if DOF transformations are required

◆ needs_dof_transformations()

template<std::floating_point T>
bool needs_dof_transformations ( ) const

Check if DOF transformations are needed for this element.

DOF transformations will be needed for elements which might not be continuous when two neighbouring cells disagree on the orientation of a shared sub-entity, and when this cannot be corrected for by permuting the DOF numbering in the dofmap.

For example, Raviart-Thomas elements will need DOF transformations, as the neighbouring cells may disagree on the orientation of a basis function, and this orientation cannot be corrected for by permuting the DOF numbers on each cell.

True if DOF transformations are required

◆ num_sub_elements()

template<std::floating_point T>
int num_sub_elements ( ) const

Number of sub elements (for a mixed or blocked element).

The number of sub elements

◆ operator!=()

template<std::floating_point T>
bool operator!= ( const FiniteElement< T > & e) const

Check if two elements are not equivalent

True is the two elements are not the same
Equality can be checked only for non-mixed elements. For a mixed element, this function will raise an exception.

◆ operator==()

template<std::floating_point T>
bool operator== ( const FiniteElement< T > & e) const

Check if two elements are equivalent

True is the two elements are the same
Equality can be checked only for non-mixed elements. For a mixed element, this function will raise an exception.

◆ permute()

template<std::floating_point T>
void permute ( std::span< std::int32_t > doflist,
std::uint32_t cell_permutation ) const

Permute indices associated with degree-of-freedoms on the reference element ordering to the globally consistent physical element degree-of-freedom ordering.

Given an array \(\tilde{d}\) that holds an integer associated with each degree-of-freedom and following the reference element degree-of-freedom ordering, this function computes

\[ d = P \tilde{d},\]

where \(P\) is a permutation matrix and \(d\) holds the integers in \(\tilde{d}\) but permuted to follow the globally consistent physical element degree-of-freedom ordering. The permutation is computed in-place.

[in,out]doflistIndicies associated with the degrees-of-freedom. Size=num_dofs.
[in]cell_permutationPermutation data for the cell.

◆ permute_inv()

template<std::floating_point T>
void permute_inv ( std::span< std::int32_t > doflist,
std::uint32_t cell_permutation ) const

Perform the inverse of the operation applied by permute().

Given an array \(d\) that holds an integer associated with each degree-of-freedom and following the globally consistent physical element degree-of-freedom ordering, this function computes

\[ \tilde{d} = P^{T} d, \]

where \(P^{T}\) is a permutation matrix and \(\tilde{d}\) holds the integers in \(d\) but permuted to follow the reference element degree-of-freedom ordering. The permutation is computed in-place.

[in,out]doflistIndicies associated with the degrees-of-freedom. Size=num_dofs.
[in]cell_permutationPermutation data for the cell.

◆ reference_value_size()

template<std::floating_point T>
int reference_value_size ( ) const

The value size, e.g. 1 for a scalar function, 2 for a 2D vector, 9 for a second-order tensor in 3D, for the reference element

The value size for the reference element

◆ signature()

template<std::floating_point T>
std::string signature ( ) const

String identifying the finite element

Element signature
The function is provided for convenience, but it should not be relied upon for determining the element type. Use other functions, commonly returning enums, to determine element properties.

◆ space_dimension()

template<std::floating_point T>
int space_dimension ( ) const

Dimension of the finite element function space (the number of degrees-of-freedom for the element)

Dimension of the finite element space

◆ T_apply()

template<std::floating_point T>
template<typename U >
void T_apply ( std::span< U > data,
std::uint32_t cell_permutation,
int n ) const

Transform basis functions from the reference element ordering and orientation to the globally consistent physical element ordering and orientation.

Consider that the value of a finite element function \(f_{h}\) at a point is given by

\[ f_{h} = \phi^{T} c, \]

where \(f_{h}\) has shape \(r \times 1\), \(\phi\) has shape \(d \times r\) and holds the finite element basis functions, and \(c\) has shape \(d \times 1\) and holds the degrees-of-freedom. The basis functions and degree-of-freedom are with respect to the physical element orientation. If the degrees-of-freedom on the physical element orientation are given by

\[ \phi = T \tilde{\phi}, \]

where \(T\) is a \(d \times d\) matrix, it follows from \(f_{h} = \phi^{T} c = \tilde{\phi}^{T} T^{T} c\) that

\[ \tilde{c} = T^{T} c. \]

This function applies \(T\) to data. The transformation is performed in-place. The operator \(T\) is orthogonal for many elements, but not all.

This function calls the corresponding Basix function.

[in,out]dataData to transform. The shape is (m, n), where m is the number of dgerees-of-freedom and the storage is row-major.
[in]cell_permutationPermutation data for the cell
[in]nNumber of columns in data.

◆ T_apply_right()

template<std::floating_point T>
template<typename U >
void T_apply_right ( std::span< U > data,
std::uint32_t cell_permutation,
int n ) const

Right(post)-apply the operator applied by T_apply().


\[ v^{T} = u^{T} T \]


[in,out]dataThe data to be transformed. This data is flattened with row-major layout, shape=(num_dofs, block_size).
[in]cell_permutationPermutation data for the cell
[in]nBlock size of the input data

◆ tabulate() [1/2]

template<std::floating_point T>
std::pair< std::vector< T >, std::array< std::size_t, 4 > > tabulate ( std::span< const geometry_type > X,
std::array< std::size_t, 2 > shape,
int order ) const

Evaluate all derivatives of the basis functions up to given order at given points in reference cell

[in]XThe reference coordinates at which to evaluate the basis functions. Shape is (num_points, topological dimension) (row-major storage)
[in]shapeThe shape of X
[in]orderThe number of derivatives (up to and including this order) to tabulate for
Basis function values and array shape (row-major storage)

◆ tabulate() [2/2]

template<std::floating_point T>
void tabulate ( std::span< geometry_type > values,
std::span< const geometry_type > X,
std::array< std::size_t, 2 > shape,
int order ) const

Evaluate derivatives of the basis functions up to given order at points in the reference cell.

[in,out]valuesArray that will be filled with the tabulated basis values. Must have shape (num_derivatives, num_points, / num_dofs, reference_value_size) (row-major storage)
[in]XThe reference coordinates at which to evaluate the basis functions. Shape is (num_points, topological dimension) (row-major storage)
[in]shapeThe shape of X
[in]orderThe number of derivatives (up to and including this order) to tabulate for

◆ Tinv_apply()

template<std::floating_point T>
template<typename U >
void Tinv_apply ( std::span< U > data,
std::uint32_t cell_permutation,
int n ) const

Apply the inverse of the operator applied by T_apply().

The transformation

\[ v = T^{-1} u \]

is performed in-place.

[in,out]dataThe data to be transformed. This data is flattened with row-major layout, shape=(num_dofs, block_size).
[in]cell_permutationPermutation data for the cell.
[in]nBlock size of the input data.

◆ Tinv_apply_right()

template<std::floating_point T>
template<typename U >
void Tinv_apply_right ( std::span< U > data,
std::uint32_t cell_permutation,
int n ) const

Right(post)-apply the inverse of the operator applied by T_apply().


\[ v^{T} = u^{T} T^{-1} \]


[in,out]dataData to be transformed. This data is flattened with row-major layout, shape=(num_dofs, block_size).
[in]cell_permutationPermutation data for the cell
[in]nBlock size of the input data

◆ Tt_apply()

template<std::floating_point T>
template<typename U >
void Tt_apply ( std::span< U > data,
std::uint32_t cell_permutation,
int n ) const

Apply the transpose of the operator applied by T_apply().

The transformation

\[ u \leftarrow T^{T} u \]

is performed in-place.

[in,out]dataThe data to be transformed. This data is flattened with row-major layout, shape=(num_dofs, block_size).
[in]cell_permutationPermutation data for the cell.
[in]nThe block size of the input data.

◆ Tt_apply_right()

template<std::floating_point T>
template<typename U >
void Tt_apply_right ( std::span< U > data,
std::uint32_t cell_permutation,
int n ) const

Right(post)-apply the transpose of the operator applied by T_apply().


\[ v^{T} = u^{T} T^{T} \]


[in,out]dataData to be transformed. The data is flattened with row-major layout, shape=(num_dofs, block_size).
[in]cell_permutationPermutation data for the cell
[in]nBlock size of the input data.

◆ Tt_inv_apply()

template<std::floating_point T>
template<typename U >
void Tt_inv_apply ( std::span< U > data,
std::uint32_t cell_permutation,
int n ) const

Apply the inverse transpose of the operator applied by T_apply().

The transformation

\[ v = T^{-T} u \]

is performed in-place.

[in,out]dataThe data to be transformed. This data is flattened with row-major layout, shape=(num_dofs, block_size).
[in]cell_permutationPermutation data for the cell.
[in]nBlock_size of the input data.

◆ Tt_inv_apply_right()

template<std::floating_point T>
template<typename U >
void Tt_inv_apply_right ( std::span< U > data,
std::uint32_t cell_permutation,
int n ) const

Right(post)-apply the transpose inverse of the operator applied by T_apply().


\[ v^{T} = u^{T} T^{-T} \]


[in,out]dataData to be transformed. This data is flattened with row-major layout, shape=(num_dofs, block_size).
[in]cell_permutationPermutation data for the cell.
[in]nBlock size of the input data.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: