DOLFINx C++ interface
No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NdolfinxTop-level namespace
 NcommonMiscellaneous classes, functions and types
 CScattererA Scatterer supports the MPI scattering and gathering of data that is associated with a common::IndexMap
 CTimeLoggerTime logger maintaining data collected by Timer, if registered
 CTimerTimer for measuring and logging elapsed time durations
 NfemFinite element method functionality
 CBasixElementDataBasix element holder
 CConstantConstant value which can be attached to a Form
 CDofMapDegree-of-freedom map
 CExpressionRepresents a mathematical expression evaluated at a pre-defined set of points on the reference cell
 CFiniteElementModel of a finite element
 CFormA representation of finite element variational forms
 CFunctionSpaceThis class represents a finite element function space defined by a mesh, a finite element, and a local-to-global map of the degrees-of-freedom
 Cintegral_dataRepresents integral data, containing the integral ID, the kernel, and a list of entities to integrate over
 NgeometryGeometry data structures and algorithms
 CPointOwnershipDataInformation on the ownership of points distributed across processes
 NgraphGraph data structures and algorithms
 NioSupport for file IO
 CVTKFileOutput of meshes and functions in VTK/ParaView format
 CXDMFFileRead and write mesh::Mesh, fem::Function and other objects in XDMF
 NlaLinear algebra interface
 CMatrixCSRDistributed sparse matrix
 NmeshMesh data structures and algorithms on meshes
 CGeometryGeometry stores the geometry imposed on a mesh
 CMeshA Mesh consists of a set of connected and numbered mesh topological entities, and geometry data
 CMeshTagsMeshTags associate values with mesh topology entities
 CTopologyTopology stores the topology of a mesh, consisting of mesh entities and connectivity (incidence relations for the mesh entities)
 NMPIMPI support functionality
 CCommA duplicate MPI communicator and manage lifetime of the communicator
 Cmpi_type_mappingMPI Type
 CTableThis class provides storage and pretty-printing for tables
 CHyperElasticProblemHyperelastic problem class