DOLFINx C++ interface
▼Nbasix | |
CFiniteElement | |
▼Ndolfinx | Top-level namespace |
▼Ncommon | Miscellaneous classes, functions and types |
CIndexMap | |
CScatterer | A Scatterer supports the MPI scattering and gathering of data that is associated with a common::IndexMap |
CTimeLogger | Time logger maintaining data collected by Timer, if registered |
CTimer | Timer for measuring and logging elapsed time durations |
▼Nfem | Finite element method functionality |
CBasixElementData | Basix element holder |
CConstant | Constant value which can be attached to a Form |
CCoordinateElement | |
CDirichletBC | |
CDofMap | Degree-of-freedom map |
CElementDofLayout | |
CExpression | Represents a mathematical expression evaluated at a pre-defined set of points on the reference cell |
CFiniteElement | Model of a finite element |
CForm | A representation of finite element variational forms |
CFunction | |
CFunctionSpace | This class represents a finite element function space defined by a mesh, a finite element, and a local-to-global map of the degrees-of-freedom |
Cintegral_data | Represents integral data, containing the integral ID, the kernel, and a list of entities to integrate over |
▼Ngeometry | Geometry data structures and algorithms |
CBoundingBoxTree | |
CPointOwnershipData | Information on the ownership of points distributed across processes |
▼Ngraph | Graph data structures and algorithms |
CAdjacencyList | |
▼Nio | Support for file IO |
CVTKFile | Output of meshes and functions in VTK/ParaView format |
CXDMFFile | Read and write mesh::Mesh, fem::Function and other objects in XDMF |
▼Nla | Linear algebra interface |
CMatrixCSR | Distributed sparse matrix |
CSparsityPattern | |
CVector | |
▼Nmesh | Mesh data structures and algorithms on meshes |
CGeometry | Geometry stores the geometry imposed on a mesh |
CMesh | A Mesh consists of a set of connected and numbered mesh topological entities, and geometry data |
CMeshTags | MeshTags associate values with mesh topology entities |
CTopology | Topology stores the topology of a mesh, consisting of mesh entities and connectivity (incidence relations for the mesh entities) |
▼NMPI | MPI support functionality |
CComm | A duplicate MPI communicator and manage lifetime of the communicator |
Cdependent_false | |
Cmpi_type_mapping | MPI Type |
CTable | This class provides storage and pretty-printing for tables |
CHyperElasticProblem | Hyperelastic problem class |