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Enumerations | Functions
basix::maps Namespace Reference

Information about finite element maps. More...


enum  type {
  identity, covariantPiola, contravariantPiola, doubleCovariantPiola,
 Cell type.


const std::string & type_to_str (maps::type type)
 Convert mapping type enum to string.
template<typename O , typename P , typename Mat0 , typename Mat1 >
void apply_map (O &&u, const P &U, const Mat0 &J, double detJ, const Mat1 &K, maps::type map_type)

Detailed Description

Information about finite element maps.

Function Documentation

◆ apply_map()

template<typename O , typename P , typename Mat0 , typename Mat1 >
void basix::maps::apply_map ( O &&  u,
const P &  U,
const Mat0 &  J,
double  detJ,
const Mat1 &  K,
maps::type  map_type 

Apply a map to data. Note that the required input arguments depends on the type of map.

[out]uThe field after mapping, flattened with row-major layout
[in]UThe field to be mapped, flattened with row-major layout
[in]JJacobian of the map
[in]detJDeterminant of J
[in]KThe inverse of J
[in]map_typeThe map type