# Copyright (C) 2018-2022 Garth N. Wells and Jørgen S. Dokken
# This file is part of DOLFINx (https://www.fenicsproject.org)
# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
"""Assembly functions into PETSc objects for variational forms.
Functions in this module generally apply functions in :mod:`dolfinx.fem`
to PETSc linear algebra objects and handle any PETSc-specific
# mypy: ignore-errors
from __future__ import annotations
import contextlib
import functools
import typing
from petsc4py import PETSc
# ruff: noqa: E402
import dolfinx
assert dolfinx.has_petsc4py
import numpy as np
import dolfinx.cpp as _cpp
import ufl
from dolfinx import la
from dolfinx.cpp.fem import pack_coefficients as _pack_coefficients
from dolfinx.cpp.fem import pack_constants as _pack_constants
from dolfinx.cpp.fem.petsc import discrete_gradient as _discrete_gradient
from dolfinx.cpp.fem.petsc import interpolation_matrix as _interpolation_matrix
from dolfinx.fem import assemble as _assemble
from dolfinx.fem.bcs import DirichletBC
from dolfinx.fem.bcs import bcs_by_block as _bcs_by_block
from dolfinx.fem.forms import Form
from dolfinx.fem.forms import extract_function_spaces as _extract_spaces
from dolfinx.fem.forms import form as _create_form
from dolfinx.fem.function import Function as _Function
from dolfinx.fem.function import FunctionSpace as _FunctionSpace
from dolfinx.la import create_petsc_vector
__all__ = [
def _extract_function_spaces(a: list[list[Form]]):
"""From a rectangular array of bilinear forms, extract the function
spaces for each block row and block column.
assert len({len(cols) for cols in a}) == 1, "Array of function spaces is not rectangular"
# Extract (V0, V1) pair for each block in 'a'
def fn(form):
return form.function_spaces if form is not None else None
from functools import partial
Vblock: typing.Iterable = map(partial(map, fn), a)
# Compute spaces for each row/column block
rows: list[set] = [set() for i in range(len(a))]
cols: list[set] = [set() for i in range(len(a[0]))]
for i, Vrow in enumerate(Vblock):
for j, V in enumerate(Vrow):
if V is not None:
rows = [e for row in rows for e in row]
cols = [e for col in cols for e in col]
assert len(rows) == len(a)
assert len(cols) == len(a[0])
return rows, cols
# -- Vector instantiation ----------------------------------------------------
def create_vector(L: Form) -> PETSc.Vec:
"""Create a PETSc vector that is compatible with a linear form.
L: A linear form.
A PETSc vector with a layout that is compatible with ``L``.
dofmap = L.function_spaces[0].dofmap
return create_petsc_vector(dofmap.index_map, dofmap.index_map_bs)
def create_vector_block(L: list[Form]) -> PETSc.Vec:
"""Create a PETSc vector (blocked) that is compatible with a list of linear forms.
Due to subtle issues in the interaction between petsc4py memory management
and the Python garbage collector, it is recommended that the method ``PETSc.Vec.destroy()``
is called on the returned object once the object is no longer required. Note that
``PETSc.Vec.destroy()`` is collective over the object's MPI communicator.
L: List of linear forms.
A PETSc vector with a layout that is compatible with ``L``.
maps = [
(form.function_spaces[0].dofmap.index_map, form.function_spaces[0].dofmap.index_map_bs)
for form in L
return _cpp.fem.petsc.create_vector_block(maps)
def create_vector_nest(L: list[Form]) -> PETSc.Vec:
"""Create a PETSc nested vector (``VecNest``) that is compatible with a list of linear forms.
L: List of linear forms.
A PETSc nested vector (``VecNest``) with a layout that is
compatible with ``L``.
maps = [
(form.function_spaces[0].dofmap.index_map, form.function_spaces[0].dofmap.index_map_bs)
for form in L
return _cpp.fem.petsc.create_vector_nest(maps)
# -- Matrix instantiation ----------------------------------------------------
def create_matrix(a: Form, mat_type=None) -> PETSc.Mat:
"""Create a PETSc matrix that is compatible with a bilinear form.
Due to subtle issues in the interaction between petsc4py memory management
and the Python garbage collector, it is recommended that the method ``PETSc.Mat.destroy()``
is called on the returned object once the object is no longer required. Note that
``PETSc.Mat.destroy()`` is collective over the object's MPI communicator.
a: A bilinear form.
mat_type: The PETSc matrix type (``MatType``).
A PETSc matrix with a layout that is compatible with ``a``.
if mat_type is None:
return _cpp.fem.petsc.create_matrix(a._cpp_object)
return _cpp.fem.petsc.create_matrix(a._cpp_object, mat_type)
def create_matrix_block(a: list[list[Form]]) -> PETSc.Mat:
"""Create a PETSc matrix that is compatible with a rectangular array of bilinear forms.
Due to subtle issues in the interaction between petsc4py memory management
and the Python garbage collector, it is recommended that the method ``PETSc.Mat.destroy()``
is called on the returned object once the object is no longer required. Note that
``PETSc.Mat.destroy()`` is collective over the object's MPI communicator.
a: Rectangular array of bilinear forms.
A PETSc matrix with a blocked layout that is compatible with
_a = [[None if form is None else form._cpp_object for form in arow] for arow in a]
return _cpp.fem.petsc.create_matrix_block(_a)
def create_matrix_nest(a: list[list[Form]]) -> PETSc.Mat:
"""Create a PETSc matrix (``MatNest``) that is compatible with an array of bilinear forms.
Due to subtle issues in the interaction between petsc4py memory management
and the Python garbage collector, it is recommended that the method ``PETSc.Mat.destroy()``
is called on the returned object once the object is no longer required. Note that
``PETSc.Mat.destroy()`` is collective over the object's MPI communicator.
a: Rectangular array of bilinear forms.
A PETSc matrix (``MatNest``) that is compatible with ``a``.
_a = [[None if form is None else form._cpp_object for form in arow] for arow in a]
return _cpp.fem.petsc.create_matrix_nest(_a)
# -- Vector assembly ---------------------------------------------------------
def assemble_vector(L: typing.Any, constants=None, coeffs=None) -> PETSc.Vec:
"""Assemble linear form into a new PETSc vector.
The returned vector is not finalised, i.e. ghost values are not
accumulated on the owning processes.
L: A linear form.
An assembled vector.
b = create_petsc_vector(
L.function_spaces[0].dofmap.index_map, L.function_spaces[0].dofmap.index_map_bs
with b.localForm() as b_local:
_assemble._assemble_vector_array(b_local.array_w, L, constants, coeffs)
return b
def _assemble_vector_vec(b: PETSc.Vec, L: Form, constants=None, coeffs=None) -> PETSc.Vec:
"""Assemble linear form into an existing PETSc vector.
The vector is not zeroed before assembly and it is not
finalised, i.e. ghost values are not accumulated on the owning
b: Vector to assemble the contribution of the linear form into.
L: A linear form to assemble into ``b``.
An assembled vector.
with b.localForm() as b_local:
_assemble._assemble_vector_array(b_local.array_w, L, constants, coeffs)
return b
def assemble_vector_nest(L: typing.Any, constants=None, coeffs=None) -> PETSc.Vec:
"""Assemble linear forms into a new nested PETSc (``VecNest``) vector.
The returned vector is not finalised, i.e. ghost values are not
accumulated on the owning processes.
maps = [
(form.function_spaces[0].dofmap.index_map, form.function_spaces[0].dofmap.index_map_bs)
for form in L
b = _cpp.fem.petsc.create_vector_nest(maps)
for b_sub in b.getNestSubVecs():
with b_sub.localForm() as b_local:
return _assemble_vector_nest_vec(b, L, constants, coeffs)
def _assemble_vector_nest_vec(
b: PETSc.Vec, L: list[Form], constants=None, coeffs=None
) -> PETSc.Vec:
"""Assemble linear forms into a nested PETSc (``VecNest``) vector.
The vector is not zeroed before assembly and it is not finalised,
i.e. ghost values are not accumulated on the owning processes.
constants = [None] * len(L) if constants is None else constants
coeffs = [None] * len(L) if coeffs is None else coeffs
for b_sub, L_sub, const, coeff in zip(b.getNestSubVecs(), L, constants, coeffs):
with b_sub.localForm() as b_local:
_assemble._assemble_vector_array(b_local.array_w, L_sub, const, coeff)
return b
# FIXME: Revise this interface
def assemble_vector_block(
L: list[Form],
a: list[list[Form]],
bcs: list[DirichletBC] = [],
x0: typing.Optional[PETSc.Vec] = None,
alpha: float = 1,
) -> PETSc.Vec:
"""Assemble linear forms into a monolithic vector.
The vector is not finalised, i.e. ghost values are not accumulated.
maps = [
(form.function_spaces[0].dofmap.index_map, form.function_spaces[0].dofmap.index_map_bs)
for form in L
b = _cpp.fem.petsc.create_vector_block(maps)
with b.localForm() as b_local:
return _assemble_vector_block_vec(
b, L, a, bcs, x0, alpha, constants_L, coeffs_L, constants_a, coeffs_a
def _assemble_vector_block_vec(
b: PETSc.Vec,
L: list[Form],
a: list[list[Form]],
bcs: list[DirichletBC] = [],
x0: typing.Optional[PETSc.Vec] = None,
alpha: float = 1,
) -> PETSc.Vec:
"""Assemble linear forms into a monolithic vector.
The vector is not zeroed and it is not finalised, i.e. ghost values
are not accumulated.
maps = [
(form.function_spaces[0].dofmap.index_map, form.function_spaces[0].dofmap.index_map_bs)
for form in L
if x0 is not None:
x0_local = _cpp.la.petsc.get_local_vectors(x0, maps)
x0_sub = x0_local
x0_local = []
x0_sub = [None] * len(maps)
constants_L = (
[form and _pack_constants(form._cpp_object) for form in L]
if constants_L is None
else constants_L
coeffs_L = (
[{} if form is None else _pack_coefficients(form._cpp_object) for form in L]
if coeffs_L is None
else coeffs_L
constants_a = (
if form is not None
else np.array([], dtype=PETSc.ScalarType)
for form in forms
for forms in a
if constants_a is None
else constants_a
coeffs_a = (
[{} if form is None else _pack_coefficients(form._cpp_object) for form in forms]
for forms in a
if coeffs_a is None
else coeffs_a
_bcs = [bc._cpp_object for bc in bcs]
bcs1 = _bcs_by_block(_extract_spaces(a, 1), _bcs)
b_local = _cpp.la.petsc.get_local_vectors(b, maps)
for b_sub, L_sub, a_sub, const_L, coeff_L, const_a, coeff_a in zip(
b_local, L, a, constants_L, coeffs_L, constants_a, coeffs_a
_cpp.fem.assemble_vector(b_sub, L_sub._cpp_object, const_L, coeff_L)
_a_sub = [None if form is None else form._cpp_object for form in a_sub]
_cpp.fem.apply_lifting(b_sub, _a_sub, const_a, coeff_a, bcs1, x0_local, alpha)
_cpp.la.petsc.scatter_local_vectors(b, b_local, maps)
b.ghostUpdate(addv=PETSc.InsertMode.ADD, mode=PETSc.ScatterMode.REVERSE)
bcs0 = _bcs_by_block(_extract_spaces(L), _bcs)
offset = 0
b_array = b.getArray(readonly=False)
for submap, bcs, _x0 in zip(maps, bcs0, x0_sub):
size = submap[0].size_local * submap[1]
for bc in bcs:
bc.set(b_array[offset : offset + size], _x0, alpha)
offset += size
return b
# -- Matrix assembly ---------------------------------------------------------
def assemble_matrix(
a: typing.Any, bcs: list[DirichletBC] = [], diagonal: float = 1.0, constants=None, coeffs=None
"""Assemble bilinear form into a matrix.
The returned matrix is not finalised, i.e. ghost values are not
The returned matrix is not 'assembled', i.e. ghost contributions
have not been communicated.
a: Bilinear form to assembled into a matrix.
bc: Dirichlet boundary conditions applied to the system.
diagonal: Value to set on the matrix diagonal for Dirichlet
boundary condition constrained degrees-of-freedom belonging
to the same trial and test space.
constants: Constants appearing the in the form.
coeffs: Coefficients appearing the in the form.
Matrix representing the bilinear form.
A = _cpp.fem.petsc.create_matrix(a._cpp_object)
assemble_matrix_mat(A, a, bcs, diagonal, constants, coeffs)
return A
def assemble_matrix_mat(
A: PETSc.Mat,
a: Form,
bcs: list[DirichletBC] = [],
diagonal: float = 1.0,
) -> PETSc.Mat:
"""Assemble bilinear form into a matrix.
The returned matrix is not finalised, i.e. ghost values are not
constants = _pack_constants(a._cpp_object) if constants is None else constants
coeffs = _pack_coefficients(a._cpp_object) if coeffs is None else coeffs
_bcs = [bc._cpp_object for bc in bcs]
_cpp.fem.petsc.assemble_matrix(A, a._cpp_object, constants, coeffs, _bcs)
if a.function_spaces[0] is a.function_spaces[1]:
_cpp.fem.petsc.insert_diagonal(A, a.function_spaces[0], _bcs, diagonal)
return A
# FIXME: Revise this interface
def assemble_matrix_nest(
a: list[list[Form]],
bcs: list[DirichletBC] = [],
diagonal: float = 1.0,
) -> PETSc.Mat:
"""Create a nested matrix and assemble bilinear forms into the matrix.
a: Rectangular (list-of-lists) array for bilinear forms.
bcs: Dirichlet boundary conditions.
mat_types: PETSc matrix type for each matrix block.
diagonal: Value to set on the matrix diagonal for Dirichlet
boundary condition constrained degrees-of-freedom belonging
to the same trial and test space.
constants: Constants appearing the in the form.
coeffs: Coefficients appearing the in the form.
PETSc matrix (``MatNest``) representing the block of bilinear
_a = [[None if form is None else form._cpp_object for form in arow] for arow in a]
A = _cpp.fem.petsc.create_matrix_nest(_a, mat_types)
_assemble_matrix_nest_mat(A, a, bcs, diagonal, constants, coeffs)
return A
def _assemble_matrix_nest_mat(
A: PETSc.Mat,
a: list[list[Form]],
bcs: list[DirichletBC] = [],
diagonal: float = 1.0,
) -> PETSc.Mat:
"""Assemble bilinear forms into a nested matrix
A: PETSc ``MatNest`` matrix. Matrix must have been correctly
initialized for the bilinear forms.
a: Rectangular (list-of-lists) array for bilinear forms.
bcs: Dirichlet boundary conditions.
mat_types: PETSc matrix type for each matrix block.
diagonal: Value to set on the matrix diagonal for Dirichlet
boundary condition constrained degrees-of-freedom belonging
to the same trial and test space.
constants: Constants appearing the in the form.
coeffs: Coefficients appearing the in the form.
PETSc matrix (``MatNest``) representing the block of bilinear
constants = (
[[form and _pack_constants(form._cpp_object) for form in forms] for forms in a]
if constants is None
else constants
coeffs = (
[{} if form is None else _pack_coefficients(form._cpp_object) for form in forms]
for forms in a
if coeffs is None
else coeffs
for i, (a_row, const_row, coeff_row) in enumerate(zip(a, constants, coeffs)):
for j, (a_block, const, coeff) in enumerate(zip(a_row, const_row, coeff_row)):
if a_block is not None:
Asub = A.getNestSubMatrix(i, j)
assemble_matrix_mat(Asub, a_block, bcs, diagonal, const, coeff)
elif i == j:
for bc in bcs:
row_forms = [row_form for row_form in a_row if row_form is not None]
assert len(row_forms) > 0
if row_forms[0].function_spaces[0].contains(bc.function_space):
raise RuntimeError(
f"Diagonal sub-block ({i}, {j}) cannot be 'None'"
" and have DirichletBC applied."
" Consider assembling a zero block."
return A
# FIXME: Revise this interface
def assemble_matrix_block(
a: list[list[Form]],
bcs: list[DirichletBC] = [],
diagonal: float = 1.0,
) -> PETSc.Mat: # type: ignore
"""Assemble bilinear forms into a blocked matrix."""
_a = [[None if form is None else form._cpp_object for form in arow] for arow in a]
A = _cpp.fem.petsc.create_matrix_block(_a)
return _assemble_matrix_block_mat(A, a, bcs, diagonal, constants, coeffs)
def _assemble_matrix_block_mat(
A: PETSc.Mat,
a: list[list[Form]],
bcs: list[DirichletBC] = [],
diagonal: float = 1.0,
) -> PETSc.Mat:
"""Assemble bilinear forms into a blocked matrix."""
constants = (
if form is not None
else np.array([], dtype=PETSc.ScalarType)
for form in forms
for forms in a
if constants is None
else constants
coeffs = (
[{} if form is None else _pack_coefficients(form._cpp_object) for form in forms]
for forms in a
if coeffs is None
else coeffs
V = _extract_function_spaces(a)
is_rows = _cpp.la.petsc.create_index_sets(
[(Vsub.dofmap.index_map, Vsub.dofmap.index_map_bs) for Vsub in V[0]]
is_cols = _cpp.la.petsc.create_index_sets(
[(Vsub.dofmap.index_map, Vsub.dofmap.index_map_bs) for Vsub in V[1]]
# Assemble form
_bcs = [bc._cpp_object for bc in bcs]
for i, a_row in enumerate(a):
for j, a_sub in enumerate(a_row):
if a_sub is not None:
Asub = A.getLocalSubMatrix(is_rows[i], is_cols[j])
Asub, a_sub._cpp_object, constants[i][j], coeffs[i][j], _bcs, True
A.restoreLocalSubMatrix(is_rows[i], is_cols[j], Asub)
elif i == j:
for bc in bcs:
row_forms = [row_form for row_form in a_row if row_form is not None]
assert len(row_forms) > 0
if row_forms[0].function_spaces[0].contains(bc.function_space):
raise RuntimeError(
f"Diagonal sub-block ({i}, {j}) cannot be 'None' "
" and have DirichletBC applied."
" Consider assembling a zero block."
# Flush to enable switch from add to set in the matrix
# Set diagonal
for i, a_row in enumerate(a):
for j, a_sub in enumerate(a_row):
if a_sub is not None:
Asub = A.getLocalSubMatrix(is_rows[i], is_cols[j])
if a_sub.function_spaces[0] is a_sub.function_spaces[1]:
_cpp.fem.petsc.insert_diagonal(Asub, a_sub.function_spaces[0], _bcs, diagonal)
A.restoreLocalSubMatrix(is_rows[i], is_cols[j], Asub)
return A
# -- Modifiers for Dirichlet conditions ---------------------------------------
def apply_lifting(
b: PETSc.Vec,
a: list[Form],
bcs: list[list[DirichletBC]],
x0: list[PETSc.Vec] = [],
alpha: float = 1,
) -> None:
"""Apply the function :func:`dolfinx.fem.apply_lifting` to a PETSc Vector."""
with contextlib.ExitStack() as stack:
x0 = [stack.enter_context(x.localForm()) for x in x0]
x0_r = [x.array_r for x in x0]
b_local = stack.enter_context(b.localForm())
_assemble.apply_lifting(b_local.array_w, a, bcs, x0_r, alpha, constants, coeffs)
def apply_lifting_nest(
b: PETSc.Vec,
a: list[list[Form]],
bcs: list[DirichletBC],
x0: typing.Optional[PETSc.Vec] = None,
alpha: float = 1,
) -> PETSc.Vec:
"""Apply the function :func:`dolfinx.fem.apply_lifting` to each sub-vector
in a nested PETSc Vector."""
x0 = [] if x0 is None else x0.getNestSubVecs()
bcs1 = _bcs_by_block(_extract_spaces(a, 1), bcs)
constants = (
if form is not None
else np.array([], dtype=PETSc.ScalarType)
for form in forms
for forms in a
if constants is None
else constants
coeffs = (
[{} if form is None else _pack_coefficients(form._cpp_object) for form in forms]
for forms in a
if coeffs is None
else coeffs
for b_sub, a_sub, const, coeff in zip(b.getNestSubVecs(), a, constants, coeffs):
apply_lifting(b_sub, a_sub, bcs1, x0, alpha, const, coeff)
return b
def set_bc(
b: PETSc.Vec, bcs: list[DirichletBC], x0: typing.Optional[PETSc.Vec] = None, alpha: float = 1
) -> None:
"""Apply the function :func:`dolfinx.fem.set_bc` to a PETSc Vector."""
if x0 is not None:
x0 = x0.array_r
for bc in bcs:
bc.set(b.array_w, x0, alpha)
def set_bc_nest(
b: PETSc.Vec,
bcs: list[list[DirichletBC]],
x0: typing.Optional[PETSc.Vec] = None,
alpha: float = 1,
) -> None:
"""Apply the function :func:`dolfinx.fem.set_bc` to each sub-vector of a nested PETSc Vector."""
_b = b.getNestSubVecs()
x0 = len(_b) * [None] if x0 is None else x0.getNestSubVecs()
for b_sub, bc, x_sub in zip(_b, bcs, x0):
set_bc(b_sub, bc, x_sub, alpha)
class LinearProblem:
"""Class for solving a linear variational problem.
Solves of the form :math:`a(u, v) = L(v) \\, \\forall v \\in V`
using PETSc as a linear algebra backend.
def __init__(
a: ufl.Form,
L: ufl.Form,
bcs: list[DirichletBC] = [],
u: typing.Optional[_Function] = None,
petsc_options: typing.Optional[dict] = None,
form_compiler_options: typing.Optional[dict] = None,
jit_options: typing.Optional[dict] = None,
"""Initialize solver for a linear variational problem.
a: A bilinear UFL form, the left hand side of the
variational problem.
L: A linear UFL form, the right hand side of the variational
bcs: A list of Dirichlet boundary conditions.
u: The solution function. It will be created if not provided.
petsc_options: Options that are passed to the linear
algebra backend PETSc. For available choices for the
'petsc_options' kwarg, see the `PETSc documentation
form_compiler_options: Options used in FFCx compilation of
this form. Run ``ffcx --help`` at the commandline to see
all available options.
jit_options: Options used in CFFI JIT compilation of C
code generated by FFCx. See `python/dolfinx/jit.py` for
all available options. Takes priority over all other
option values.
problem = LinearProblem(a, L, [bc0, bc1], petsc_options={"ksp_type": "preonly",
"pc_type": "lu",
self._a = _create_form(
self._A = create_matrix(self._a)
self._L = _create_form(
self._b = create_vector(self._L)
if u is None:
# Extract function space from TrialFunction (which is at the
# end of the argument list as it is numbered as 1, while the
# Test function is numbered as 0)
self.u = _Function(a.arguments()[-1].ufl_function_space())
self.u = u
self._x = la.create_petsc_vector_wrap(self.u.x)
self.bcs = bcs
self._solver = PETSc.KSP().create(self.u.function_space.mesh.comm)
# Give PETSc solver options a unique prefix
problem_prefix = f"dolfinx_solve_{id(self)}"
# Set PETSc options
opts = PETSc.Options()
if petsc_options is not None:
for k, v in petsc_options.items():
opts[k] = v
# Set matrix and vector PETSc options
def __del__(self):
def solve(self) -> _Function:
"""Solve the problem."""
# Assemble lhs
assemble_matrix_mat(self._A, self._a, bcs=self.bcs)
# Assemble rhs
with self._b.localForm() as b_loc:
assemble_vector(self._b, self._L)
# Apply boundary conditions to the rhs
apply_lifting(self._b, [self._a], bcs=[self.bcs])
self._b.ghostUpdate(addv=PETSc.InsertMode.ADD, mode=PETSc.ScatterMode.REVERSE)
for bc in self.bcs:
# Solve linear system and update ghost values in the solution
self._solver.solve(self._b, self._x)
return self.u
def L(self) -> Form:
"""The compiled linear form"""
return self._L
def a(self) -> Form:
"""The compiled bilinear form"""
return self._a
def A(self) -> PETSc.Mat:
"""Matrix operator"""
return self._A
def b(self) -> PETSc.Vec:
"""Right-hand side vector"""
return self._b
def solver(self) -> PETSc.KSP:
"""Linear solver object"""
return self._solver
class NonlinearProblem:
"""Nonlinear problem class for solving the non-linear problems.
Solves problems of the form :math:`F(u, v) = 0 \\ \\forall v \\in V` using
PETSc as the linear algebra backend.
def __init__(
F: ufl.form.Form,
u: _Function,
bcs: list[DirichletBC] = [],
J: ufl.form.Form = None,
form_compiler_options: typing.Optional[dict] = None,
jit_options: typing.Optional[dict] = None,
"""Initialize solver for solving a non-linear problem using Newton's method`.
F: The PDE residual F(u, v)
u: The unknown
bcs: List of Dirichlet boundary conditions
J: UFL representation of the Jacobian (Optional)
form_compiler_options: Options used in FFCx
compilation of this form. Run ``ffcx --help`` at the
command line to see all available options.
jit_options: Options used in CFFI JIT compilation of C
code generated by FFCx. See ``python/dolfinx/jit.py``
for all available options. Takes priority over all
other option values.
problem = LinearProblem(F, u, [bc0, bc1])
self._L = _create_form(
F, form_compiler_options=form_compiler_options, jit_options=jit_options
# Create the Jacobian matrix, dF/du
if J is None:
V = u.function_space
du = ufl.TrialFunction(V)
J = ufl.derivative(F, u, du)
self._a = _create_form(
J, form_compiler_options=form_compiler_options, jit_options=jit_options
self.bcs = bcs
def L(self) -> Form:
"""Compiled linear form (the residual form)"""
return self._L
def a(self) -> Form:
"""Compiled bilinear form (the Jacobian form)"""
return self._a
def F(self, x: PETSc.Vec, b: PETSc.Vec) -> None:
"""Assemble the residual F into the vector b.
x: The vector containing the latest solution
b: Vector to assemble the residual into
# Reset the residual vector
with b.localForm() as b_local:
assemble_vector(b, self._L)
# Apply boundary condition
apply_lifting(b, [self._a], bcs=[self.bcs], x0=[x], alpha=-1.0)
b.ghostUpdate(addv=PETSc.InsertMode.ADD, mode=PETSc.ScatterMode.REVERSE)
set_bc(b, self.bcs, x, -1.0)
def J(self, x: PETSc.Vec, A: PETSc.Mat) -> None:
"""Assemble the Jacobian matrix.
x: The vector containing the latest solution
assemble_matrix_mat(A, self._a, self.bcs)
def discrete_gradient(space0: _FunctionSpace, space1: _FunctionSpace) -> PETSc.Mat:
"""Assemble a discrete gradient operator.
The discrete gradient operator interpolates the gradient of a H1
finite element function into a H(curl) space. It is assumed that the
H1 space uses an identity map and the H(curl) space uses a covariant
Piola map.
Due to subtle issues in the interaction between petsc4py memory management
and the Python garbage collector, it is recommended that the method ``PETSc.Mat.destroy()``
is called on the returned object once the object is no longer required. Note that
``PETSc.Mat.destroy()`` is collective over the object's MPI communicator.
space0: H1 space to interpolate the gradient from.
space1: H(curl) space to interpolate into.
Discrete gradient operator.
return _discrete_gradient(space0._cpp_object, space1._cpp_object)
def interpolation_matrix(space0: _FunctionSpace, space1: _FunctionSpace) -> PETSc.Mat:
"""Assemble an interpolation operator matrix.
Due to subtle issues in the interaction between petsc4py memory management
and the Python garbage collector, it is recommended that the method ``PETSc.Mat.destroy()``
is called on the returned object once the object is no longer required. Note that
``PETSc.Mat.destroy()`` is collective over the object's MPI communicator.
space0: Space to interpolate from.
space1: Space to interpolate into.
Interpolation matrix.
return _interpolation_matrix(space0._cpp_object, space1._cpp_object)