DOLFINx 0.9.0
DOLFINx C++ interface
No Matches
CoordinateElement< T > Member List

This is the complete list of members for CoordinateElement< T >, including all inherited members.

cell_shape() constCoordinateElement< T >
compute_jacobian(const U &dphi, const V &cell_geometry, W &&J)CoordinateElement< T >inlinestatic
compute_jacobian_determinant(const U &J, std::span< typename U::value_type > w)CoordinateElement< T >inlinestatic
compute_jacobian_inverse(const U &J, V &&K)CoordinateElement< T >inlinestatic
CoordinateElement(std::shared_ptr< const basix::FiniteElement< T > > element)CoordinateElement< T >explicit
CoordinateElement(mesh::CellType celltype, int degree, basix::element::lagrange_variant type=basix::element::lagrange_variant::unset)CoordinateElement< T >
create_dof_layout() constCoordinateElement< T >
degree() constCoordinateElement< T >
dim() constCoordinateElement< T >
is_affine() const noexceptCoordinateElement< T >inline
mdspan2_t typedefCoordinateElement< T >
needs_dof_permutations() constCoordinateElement< T >
permute(std::span< std::int32_t > dofs, std::uint32_t cell_perm) constCoordinateElement< T >
permute_inv(std::span< std::int32_t > dofs, std::uint32_t cell_perm) constCoordinateElement< T >
permute_subentity_closure(std::span< std::int32_t > d, std::uint32_t cell_info, mesh::CellType entity_type, int entity_index) constCoordinateElement< T >
pull_back_affine(U &&X, const V &K, const std::array< T, 3 > &x0, const W &x)CoordinateElement< T >inlinestatic
pull_back_nonaffine(mdspan2_t< T > X, mdspan2_t< const T > x, mdspan2_t< const T > cell_geometry, double tol=1.0e-6, int maxit=15) constCoordinateElement< T >
push_forward(U &&x, const V &cell_geometry, const W &phi)CoordinateElement< T >inlinestatic
tabulate(int nd, std::span< const T > X, std::array< std::size_t, 2 > shape, std::span< T > basis) constCoordinateElement< T >
tabulate_shape(std::size_t nd, std::size_t num_points) constCoordinateElement< T >
variant() constCoordinateElement< T >
~CoordinateElement()=defaultCoordinateElement< T >virtual