DOLFINx 0.9.0
DOLFINx C++ interface
No Matches
Form< T, U > Member List

This is the complete list of members for Form< T, U >, including all inherited members.

active_coeffs(IntegralType type, std::size_t i) constForm< T, U >inline
coefficient_offsets() constForm< T, U >inline
coefficients() constForm< T, U >inline
constants() constForm< T, U >inline
domain(IntegralType type, int i) constForm< T, U >inline
domain(IntegralType type, int i, const mesh::Mesh< geometry_type > &mesh) constForm< T, U >inline
Form(const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< const FunctionSpace< geometry_type > > > &V, X &&integrals, const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< const Function< scalar_type, geometry_type > > > &coefficients, const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< const Constant< scalar_type > > > &constants, bool needs_facet_permutations, const std::map< std::shared_ptr< const mesh::Mesh< geometry_type > >, std::span< const std::int32_t > > &entity_maps, std::shared_ptr< const mesh::Mesh< geometry_type > > mesh=nullptr)Form< T, U >inline
Form(const Form &form)=deleteForm< T, U >
Form(Form &&form)=defaultForm< T, U >
function_spaces() constForm< T, U >inline
geometry_type typedefForm< T, U >
integral_ids(IntegralType type) constForm< T, U >inline
integral_types() constForm< T, U >inline
kernel(IntegralType type, int i) constForm< T, U >inline
mesh() constForm< T, U >inline
needs_facet_permutations() constForm< T, U >inline
num_integrals(IntegralType type) constForm< T, U >inline
rank() constForm< T, U >inline
scalar_type typedefForm< T, U >
~Form()=defaultForm< T, U >virtual