Note: this is documentation for an old release. View the latest documentation at
DOLFINx 0.8.0
DOLFINx C++ interface
No Matches
Namespace List
Here is a list of all documented namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 NdolfinxTop-level namespace
 NcommonMiscellaneous classes, functions and types
 CScattererA Scatterer supports the MPI scattering and gathering of data that is associated with a common::IndexMap
 CTimeLoggerTimer logging
 CTimeLogManagerLogger initialisation
 NfemFinite element method functionality
 NpetscHelper functions for assembly into PETSc data structures
 NsparsitybuildSupport for building sparsity patterns from degree-of-freedom maps
 CConstantConstant value which can be attached to a Form
 CDofMapDegree-of-freedom map
 CExpressionRepresents a mathematical expression evaluated at a pre-defined set of points on the reference cell
 CFiniteElementModel of a finite element
 CFormA representation of finite element variational forms
 CFunctionSpaceThis class represents a finite element function space defined by a mesh, a finite element, and a local-to-global map of the degrees-of-freedom
 Cintegral_dataRepresents integral data, containing the integral ID, the kernel, and a list of entities to integrate over
 RDofTransformKernelDOF transform kernel concept
 RFEkernelFinite element cell kernel concept
 NgeometryGeometry data structures and algorithms
 NgraphGraph data structures and algorithms
 NkahipInterfaces to KaHIP parallel partitioner
 NioSupport for file IO
 NcellsFunctions for the re-ordering of input mesh topology to the DOLFINx ordering, and transpose orderings for file output
 Nxdmf_functionLow-level methods for reading/writing XDMF files
 Nxdmf_meshLow-level methods for reading XDMF files
 CADIOS2WriterBase class for ADIOS2-based writers
 CVTKFileOutput of meshes and functions in VTK/ParaView format
 NlaLinear algebra interface
 NpetscPETSc linear algebra functions
 CSLEPcEigenSolverThis class provides an eigenvalue solver for PETSc matrices. It is a wrapper for the SLEPc eigenvalue solver
 RMatSetMatrix accumulate/set concept for functions that can be used in assemblers to accumulate or set values in a matrix
 NmeshMesh data structures and algorithms on meshes
 CGeometryGeometry stores the geometry imposed on a mesh
 CMeshA Mesh consists of a set of connected and numbered mesh topological entities, and geometry data
 CMeshTagsMeshTags associate values with mesh topology entities
 CTopologyTopology stores the topology of a mesh, consisting of mesh entities and connectivity (incidence relations for the mesh entities)
 RMarkerFnRequirements on function for geometry marking
 NMPIMPI support functionality
 CCommA duplicate MPI communicator and manage lifetime of the communicator
 NnlsNonlinear solvers
 NrefinementMesh refinement algorithms
 NplazaPlaza mesh refinement