Here is a list of all documented functions with links to the class documentation for each member:
- c -
- cell_dofs() : DofMap
- cell_shape() : CoordinateElement< T >, FiniteElement< T >
- cell_type() : Topology
- close() : ADIOS2Writer, VTKFile, XDMFFile
- cmap() : Geometry< T >
- coefficient_offsets() : Expression< T, U >, Form< T, U >
- coefficients() : Expression< T, U >, Form< T, U >
- collapse() : DofMap, Function< T, U >, FunctionSpace< T >
- cols() : MatrixCSR< Scalar, Container, ColContainer, RowPtrContainer >
- column_index_map() : SparsityPattern
- column_indices() : SparsityPattern
- comm() : IndexMap, XDMFFile, Vector, SLEPcEigenSolver, SparsityPattern, Mesh< T >, Topology
- Comm() : Comm
- comm() : Comm, NewtonSolver
- component() : FunctionSpace< T >
- compute_jacobian() : CoordinateElement< T >
- compute_jacobian_determinant() : CoordinateElement< T >
- compute_jacobian_inverse() : CoordinateElement< T >
- connectivity() : Topology
- Constant() : Constant< T >
- constants() : Expression< T, U >, Form< T, U >
- contains() : FunctionSpace< T >
- CoordinateElement() : CoordinateElement< T >
- copy() : ElementDofLayout, Vector
- create_connectivity() : Topology
- create_dof_layout() : CoordinateElement< T >
- create_entities() : Topology
- create_entity_permutations() : Topology
- create_global_tree() : BoundingBoxTree< T >
- create_interpolation_operator() : FiniteElement< T >
- create_request_vector() : Scatterer< Allocator >
- create_vector() : Operator