Copyright (C) 2022 Igor A. Baratta and Massimiliano Leoni
This file is part of DOLFINx (
SPDX-License-Identifier:    LGPL-3.0-or-later

Interpolation different meshes

#include <basix/e-lagrange.h>
#include <dolfinx/fem/dolfinx_fem.h>
#include <dolfinx/io/ADIOS2Writers.h>
#include <dolfinx/mesh/generation.h>
#include <memory>
using namespace dolfinx;
using T = double;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  init_logging(argc, argv);
  MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
    MPI_Comm comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD;

    // Create a tetrahedral mesh
    auto mesh_tet = std::make_shared<mesh::Mesh<double>>(
        mesh::create_box(comm, {{{0, 0, 0}, {1, 1, 1}}}, {20, 20, 20},

    // Create a hexahedral mesh
    auto mesh_hex = std::make_shared<mesh::Mesh<double>>(
        mesh::create_box(comm, {{{0, 0, 0}, {1, 1, 1}}}, {15, 15, 15},

    basix::FiniteElement element_tet = basix::element::create_lagrange<double>(
        mesh::cell_type_to_basix_type(mesh_tet->topology()->cell_type()), 1,
        basix::element::lagrange_variant::equispaced, false);
    auto V_tet = std::make_shared<fem::FunctionSpace<double>>(
        fem::create_functionspace(mesh_tet, element_tet,

    basix::FiniteElement element_hex = basix::element::create_lagrange<double>(
        mesh::cell_type_to_basix_type(mesh_hex->topology()->cell_type()), 2,
        basix::element::lagrange_variant::equispaced, false);
    auto V_hex = std::make_shared<fem::FunctionSpace<double>>(
        fem::create_functionspace(mesh_hex, element_hex,

    auto u_tet = std::make_shared<fem::Function<T>>(V_tet);
    auto u_hex = std::make_shared<fem::Function<T>>(V_hex);

    auto fun = [](auto x) -> std::pair<std::vector<T>, std::vector<std::size_t>>
      std::vector<T> fdata(3 * x.extent(1), 0.0);
      using dextent = MDSPAN_IMPL_STANDARD_NAMESPACE::dextents<std::size_t, 2>;
      MDSPAN_IMPL_STANDARD_NAMESPACE::mdspan<double, dextent> f(, 3,
      for (std::size_t i = 0; i < x.extent(1); ++i)
        f(0, i) = std::cos(10 * x(0, i)) * std::sin(10 * x(2, i));
        f(1, i) = std::sin(10 * x(0, i)) * std::sin(10 * x(2, i));
        f(2, i) = std::cos(10 * x(0, i)) * std::cos(10 * x(2, i));
      return {std::move(fdata), {3, x.extent(1)}};

    // Interpolate an expression into u_tet

    // Interpolate from u_tet to u_hex
    constexpr T padding = 1e-8;
    auto nmm_interpolation_data
        = fem::create_nonmatching_meshes_interpolation_data(
            *u_tet->function_space()->mesh(), padding);
    constexpr std::span<const std::int32_t> cell_map;
    u_hex->interpolate(*u_tet, cell_map, nmm_interpolation_data);
#ifdef HAS_ADIOS2
    io::VTXWriter<double> write_tet(mesh_tet->comm(), "u_tet.bp", {u_tet});
    io::VTXWriter<double> write_hex(mesh_hex->comm(), "u_hex.bp", {u_hex});

  return 0;