Note: this is documentation for an old release. View the latest documentation at
DOLFINx  0.5.1
DOLFINx C++ interface
1 // Copyright (C) 2003-2022 Anders Logg and Garth N. Wells
2 //
3 // This file is part of DOLFINx (
4 //
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
7 #pragma once
9 #include "DofMap.h"
10 #include "FiniteElement.h"
11 #include "FunctionSpace.h"
12 #include "interpolate.h"
13 #include <dolfinx/common/IndexMap.h>
14 #include <dolfinx/la/Vector.h>
15 #include <dolfinx/mesh/Geometry.h>
16 #include <dolfinx/mesh/Mesh.h>
17 #include <dolfinx/mesh/Topology.h>
18 #include <functional>
19 #include <memory>
20 #include <numeric>
21 #include <span>
22 #include <string>
23 #include <utility>
24 #include <vector>
25 #include <xtensor/xadapt.hpp>
26 #include <xtensor/xtensor.hpp>
28 namespace dolfinx::fem
29 {
30 class FunctionSpace;
31 template <typename T>
32 class Expression;
34 template <typename T>
35 class Expression;
43 template <typename T>
44 class Function
45 {
46 public:
48  using value_type = T;
52  explicit Function(std::shared_ptr<const FunctionSpace> V)
53  : _function_space(V),
54  _x(std::make_shared<la::Vector<T>>(V->dofmap()->index_map,
55  V->dofmap()->index_map_bs()))
56  {
57  if (!V->component().empty())
58  {
59  throw std::runtime_error("Cannot create Function from subspace. Consider "
60  "collapsing the function space");
61  }
62  }
71  Function(std::shared_ptr<const FunctionSpace> V,
72  std::shared_ptr<la::Vector<T>> x)
73  : _function_space(V), _x(x)
74  {
75  // We do not check for a subspace since this constructor is used for
76  // creating subfunctions
78  // Assertion uses '<=' to deal with sub-functions
79  assert(V->dofmap());
80  assert(V->dofmap()->index_map->size_global() * V->dofmap()->index_map_bs()
81  <= _x->bs() * _x->map()->size_global());
82  }
84  // Copy constructor
85  Function(const Function& v) = delete;
88  Function(Function&& v) = default;
91  ~Function() = default;
94  Function& operator=(Function&& v) = default;
96  // Assignment
97  Function& operator=(const Function& v) = delete;
102  Function sub(int i) const
103  {
104  auto sub_space = _function_space->sub({i});
105  assert(sub_space);
106  return Function(sub_space, _x);
107  }
113  {
114  // Create new collapsed FunctionSpace
115  auto [V, map] = _function_space->collapse();
117  // Create new vector
118  auto x = std::make_shared<la::Vector<T>>(V.dofmap()->index_map,
119  V.dofmap()->index_map_bs());
121  // Copy values into new vector
122  std::span<const T> x_old = _x->array();
123  std::span<T> x_new = x->mutable_array();
124  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < map.size(); ++i)
125  {
126  assert((int)i < x_new.size());
127  assert(map[i] < x_old.size());
128  x_new[i] = x_old[map[i]];
129  }
131  return Function(std::make_shared<FunctionSpace>(std::move(V)), x);
132  }
136  std::shared_ptr<const FunctionSpace> function_space() const
137  {
138  return _function_space;
139  }
142  std::shared_ptr<const la::Vector<T>> x() const { return _x; }
145  std::shared_ptr<la::Vector<T>> x() { return _x; }
150  void interpolate(const Function<T>& v, std::span<const std::int32_t> cells)
151  {
152  fem::interpolate(*this, v, cells);
153  }
157  void interpolate(const Function<T>& v)
158  {
159  assert(_function_space);
160  assert(_function_space->mesh());
161  int tdim = _function_space->mesh()->topology().dim();
162  auto cell_map = _function_space->mesh()->topology().index_map(tdim);
163  assert(cell_map);
164  std::int32_t num_cells = cell_map->size_local() + cell_map->num_ghosts();
165  std::vector<std::int32_t> cells(num_cells, 0);
166  std::iota(cells.begin(), cells.end(), 0);
168  fem::interpolate(*this, v, cells);
169  }
175  const std::function<xt::xarray<T>(const xt::xtensor<double, 2>&)>& f,
176  std::span<const std::int32_t> cells)
177  {
178  assert(_function_space);
179  assert(_function_space->element());
180  assert(_function_space->mesh());
181  const std::vector<double> x = fem::interpolation_coords(
182  *_function_space->element(), *_function_space->mesh(), cells);
183  auto _x = xt::adapt(x, std::vector<std::size_t>{3, x.size() / 3});
184  auto fx = f(_x);
185  assert(fx.dimension() <= 2);
186  if (int vs = _function_space->element()->value_size();
187  vs == 1 and fx.dimension() == 1)
188  {
189  // Check for scalar-valued functions
190  if (fx.shape(0) != x.size() / 3)
191  throw std::runtime_error("Data returned by callable has wrong length");
192  }
193  else
194  {
195  // Check for vector/tensor value
196  if (fx.dimension() != 2)
197  throw std::runtime_error("Expected 2D array of data");
198  if (fx.shape(0) != vs)
199  {
200  throw std::runtime_error(
201  "Data returned by callable has wrong shape(0) size");
202  }
203  if (fx.shape(1) != x.size() / 3)
204  {
205  throw std::runtime_error(
206  "Data returned by callable has wrong shape(1) size");
207  }
208  }
210  std::array<std::size_t, 2> fshape;
211  if (fx.dimension() == 1)
212  fshape = {1, fx.shape(0)};
213  else
214  fshape = {fx.shape(0), fx.shape(1)};
216  fem::interpolate(*this, std::span<const T>(, fx.size()), fshape,
217  cells);
218  }
223  const std::function<xt::xarray<T>(const xt::xtensor<double, 2>&)>& f)
224  {
225  assert(_function_space);
226  assert(_function_space->mesh());
227  const int tdim = _function_space->mesh()->topology().dim();
228  auto cell_map = _function_space->mesh()->topology().index_map(tdim);
229  assert(cell_map);
230  std::int32_t num_cells = cell_map->size_local() + cell_map->num_ghosts();
231  std::vector<std::int32_t> cells(num_cells, 0);
232  std::iota(cells.begin(), cells.end(), 0);
233  interpolate(f, cells);
234  }
242  void interpolate(const Expression<T>& e, std::span<const std::int32_t> cells)
243  {
244  // Check that spaces are compatible
245  assert(_function_space);
246  assert(_function_space->element());
247  std::size_t value_size = e.value_size();
248  if (e.argument_function_space())
249  throw std::runtime_error("Cannot interpolate Expression with Argument");
251  if (value_size != _function_space->element()->value_size())
252  {
253  throw std::runtime_error(
254  "Function value size not equal to Expression value size");
255  }
257  {
258  // Compatibility check
259  auto [X0, shape0] = e.X();
260  auto [X1, shape1] = _function_space->element()->interpolation_points();
261  if (shape0 != shape1)
262  {
263  throw std::runtime_error(
264  "Function element interpolation points has different shape to "
265  "Expression interpolation points");
266  }
267  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < X0.size(); ++i)
268  {
269  if (std::abs(X0[i] - X1[i]) > 1.0e-10)
270  {
271  throw std::runtime_error("Function element interpolation points not "
272  "equal to Expression interpolation points");
273  }
274  }
275  }
277  // Array to hold evaluted Expression
278  std::size_t num_cells = cells.size();
279  std::size_t num_points = e.X().second[0];
280  xt::xtensor<T, 3> f({num_cells, num_points, value_size});
282  // Evaluate Expression at points
283  auto f_view = xt::reshape_view(f, {num_cells, num_points * value_size});
284  e.eval(cells, f_view);
286  // Reshape evaluated data to fit interpolate
287  // Expression returns matrix of shape (num_cells, num_points *
288  // value_size), i.e. xyzxyz ordering of dof values per cell per point.
289  // The interpolation uses xxyyzz input, ordered for all points of each
290  // cell, i.e. (value_size, num_cells*num_points)
291  xt::xarray<T> _f = xt::reshape_view(xt::transpose(f, {2, 0, 1}),
292  {value_size, num_cells * num_points});
294  // Interpolate values into appropriate space
295  fem::interpolate(*this, std::span<const T>(, _f.size()),
296  {_f.shape(0), _f.shape(1)}, cells);
297  }
301  void interpolate(const Expression<T>& e)
302  {
303  assert(_function_space);
304  assert(_function_space->mesh());
305  const int tdim = _function_space->mesh()->topology().dim();
306  auto cell_map = _function_space->mesh()->topology().index_map(tdim);
307  assert(cell_map);
308  std::int32_t num_cells = cell_map->size_local() + cell_map->num_ghosts();
309  std::vector<std::int32_t> cells(num_cells, 0);
310  std::iota(cells.begin(), cells.end(), 0);
311  interpolate(e, cells);
312  }
326  void eval(std::span<const double> x, std::array<std::size_t, 2> xshape,
327  std::span<const std::int32_t> cells, std::span<T> u,
328  std::array<std::size_t, 2> ushape) const
329  {
330  if (cells.empty())
331  return;
333  assert(x.size() == xshape[0] * xshape[1]);
334  assert(u.size() == ushape[0] * ushape[1]);
336  // TODO: This could be easily made more efficient by exploiting points
337  // being ordered by the cell to which they belong.
339  if (xshape[0] != cells.size())
340  {
341  throw std::runtime_error(
342  "Number of points and number of cells must be equal.");
343  }
344  if (xshape[0] != ushape[0])
345  {
346  throw std::runtime_error(
347  "Length of array for Function values must be the "
348  "same as the number of points.");
349  }
351  // Get mesh
352  assert(_function_space);
353  std::shared_ptr<const mesh::Mesh> mesh = _function_space->mesh();
354  assert(mesh);
355  const std::size_t gdim = mesh->geometry().dim();
356  const std::size_t tdim = mesh->topology().dim();
357  auto map = mesh->topology().index_map(tdim);
359  // Get geometry data
360  const graph::AdjacencyList<std::int32_t>& x_dofmap
361  = mesh->geometry().dofmap();
362  const std::size_t num_dofs_g = mesh->geometry().cmap().dim();
363  std::span<const double> x_g = mesh->geometry().x();
365  // Get coordinate map
366  const CoordinateElement& cmap = mesh->geometry().cmap();
368  // Get element
369  std::shared_ptr<const FiniteElement> element = _function_space->element();
370  assert(element);
371  const int bs_element = element->block_size();
372  const std::size_t reference_value_size
373  = element->reference_value_size() / bs_element;
374  const std::size_t value_size = element->value_size() / bs_element;
375  const std::size_t space_dimension = element->space_dimension() / bs_element;
377  // If the space has sub elements, concatenate the evaluations on the
378  // sub elements
379  const int num_sub_elements = element->num_sub_elements();
380  if (num_sub_elements > 1 and num_sub_elements != bs_element)
381  {
382  throw std::runtime_error("Function::eval is not supported for mixed "
383  "elements. Extract subspaces.");
384  }
386  // Create work vector for expansion coefficients
387  std::vector<T> coefficients(space_dimension * bs_element);
389  // Get dofmap
390  std::shared_ptr<const DofMap> dofmap = _function_space->dofmap();
391  assert(dofmap);
392  const int bs_dof = dofmap->bs();
394  std::span<const std::uint32_t> cell_info;
395  if (element->needs_dof_transformations())
396  {
397  mesh->topology_mutable().create_entity_permutations();
398  cell_info = std::span(mesh->topology().get_cell_permutation_info());
399  }
401  namespace stdex = std::experimental;
402  using cmdspan4_t
403  = stdex::mdspan<const double, stdex::dextents<std::size_t, 4>>;
404  using mdspan2_t = stdex::mdspan<double, stdex::dextents<std::size_t, 2>>;
405  using mdspan3_t = stdex::mdspan<double, stdex::dextents<std::size_t, 3>>;
407  std::vector<double> coord_dofs_b(num_dofs_g * gdim);
408  mdspan2_t coord_dofs(, num_dofs_g, gdim);
409  std::vector<double> xp_b(1 * gdim);
410  mdspan2_t xp(, 1, gdim);
412  // Loop over points
413  std::fill(, + u.size(), 0.0);
414  const std::span<const T>& _v = _x->array();
416  // Evaluate geometry basis at point (0, 0, 0) on the reference cell.
417  // Used in affine case.
418  std::array<std::size_t, 4> phi0_shape = cmap.tabulate_shape(1, 1);
419  std::vector<double> phi0_b(std::reduce(phi0_shape.begin(), phi0_shape.end(),
420  1, std::multiplies{}));
421  cmdspan4_t phi0(, phi0_shape);
422  cmap.tabulate(1, std::vector<double>(tdim), {1, tdim}, phi0_b);
423  auto dphi0 = stdex::submdspan(phi0, std::pair(1, tdim + 1), 0,
424  stdex::full_extent, 0);
426  // Data structure for evaluating geometry basis at specific points.
427  // Used in non-affine case.
428  std::array<std::size_t, 4> phi_shape = cmap.tabulate_shape(1, 1);
429  std::vector<double> phi_b(
430  std::reduce(phi_shape.begin(), phi_shape.end(), 1, std::multiplies{}));
431  cmdspan4_t phi(, phi_shape);
432  auto dphi = stdex::submdspan(phi, std::pair(1, tdim + 1), 0,
433  stdex::full_extent, 0);
435  // Reference coordinates for each point
436  std::vector<double> Xb(xshape[0] * tdim);
437  mdspan2_t X(, xshape[0], tdim);
439  // Geometry data at each point
440  std::vector<double> J_b(xshape[0] * gdim * tdim);
441  mdspan3_t J(, xshape[0], gdim, tdim);
442  std::vector<double> K_b(xshape[0] * tdim * gdim);
443  mdspan3_t K(, xshape[0], tdim, gdim);
444  std::vector<double> detJ(xshape[0]);
445  std::vector<double> det_scratch(2 * gdim * tdim);
447  // Prepare geometry data in each cell
448  for (std::size_t p = 0; p < cells.size(); ++p)
449  {
450  const int cell_index = cells[p];
452  // Skip negative cell indices
453  if (cell_index < 0)
454  continue;
456  // Get cell geometry (coordinate dofs)
457  auto x_dofs = x_dofmap.links(cell_index);
458  assert(x_dofs.size() == num_dofs_g);
459  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < num_dofs_g; ++i)
460  {
461  const int pos = 3 * x_dofs[i];
462  for (std::size_t j = 0; j < gdim; ++j)
463  coord_dofs(i, j) = x_g[pos + j];
464  }
466  for (std::size_t j = 0; j < gdim; ++j)
467  xp(0, j) = x[p * xshape[1] + j];
469  auto _J = stdex::submdspan(J, p, stdex::full_extent, stdex::full_extent);
470  auto _K = stdex::submdspan(K, p, stdex::full_extent, stdex::full_extent);
472  std::array<double, 3> Xpb = {0, 0, 0};
473  stdex::mdspan<double,
474  stdex::extents<std::size_t, 1, stdex::dynamic_extent>>
475  Xp(, 1, tdim);
477  // Compute reference coordinates X, and J, detJ and K
478  if (cmap.is_affine())
479  {
480  CoordinateElement::compute_jacobian(dphi0, coord_dofs, _J);
482  std::array<double, 3> x0 = {0, 0, 0};
483  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < coord_dofs.extent(1); ++i)
484  x0[i] += coord_dofs(0, i);
485  CoordinateElement::pull_back_affine(Xp, _K, x0, xp);
486  detJ[p]
488  }
489  else
490  {
491  // Pull-back physical point xp to reference coordinate Xp
492  cmap.pull_back_nonaffine(Xp, xp, coord_dofs);
494  cmap.tabulate(1, std::span(, tdim), {1, tdim}, phi_b);
495  CoordinateElement::compute_jacobian(dphi, coord_dofs, _J);
497  detJ[p]
499  }
501  for (std::size_t j = 0; j < X.extent(1); ++j)
502  X(p, j) = Xpb[j];
503  }
505  // Prepare basis function data structures
506  std::vector<double> basis_derivatives_reference_values_b(
507  1 * xshape[0] * space_dimension * reference_value_size);
508  cmdspan4_t basis_derivatives_reference_values(
509, 1, xshape[0],
510  space_dimension, reference_value_size);
511  std::vector<double> basis_values_b(space_dimension * value_size);
512  mdspan2_t basis_values(, space_dimension, value_size);
514  // Compute basis on reference element
515  element->tabulate(basis_derivatives_reference_values_b, Xb,
516  {X.extent(0), X.extent(1)}, 0);
518  using xu_t = stdex::mdspan<double, stdex::dextents<std::size_t, 2>>;
519  using xU_t = stdex::mdspan<const double, stdex::dextents<std::size_t, 2>>;
520  using xJ_t = stdex::mdspan<const double, stdex::dextents<std::size_t, 2>>;
521  using xK_t = stdex::mdspan<const double, stdex::dextents<std::size_t, 2>>;
522  auto push_forward_fn
523  = element->basix_element().map_fn<xu_t, xU_t, xJ_t, xK_t>();
525  auto apply_dof_transformation
526  = element->get_dof_transformation_function<double>();
527  const std::size_t num_basis_values = space_dimension * reference_value_size;
529  for (std::size_t p = 0; p < cells.size(); ++p)
530  {
531  const int cell_index = cells[p];
533  // Skip negative cell indices
534  if (cell_index < 0)
535  continue;
537  // Permute the reference values to account for the cell's
538  // orientation
539  apply_dof_transformation(
540  std::span(
541  + p * num_basis_values,
542  num_basis_values),
543  cell_info, cell_index, reference_value_size);
545  {
546  auto _U = stdex::submdspan(basis_derivatives_reference_values, 0, p,
547  stdex::full_extent, stdex::full_extent);
548  auto _J
549  = stdex::submdspan(J, p, stdex::full_extent, stdex::full_extent);
550  auto _K
551  = stdex::submdspan(K, p, stdex::full_extent, stdex::full_extent);
552  push_forward_fn(basis_values, _U, _J, detJ[p], _K);
553  }
555  // Get degrees of freedom for current cell
556  std::span<const std::int32_t> dofs = dofmap->cell_dofs(cell_index);
557  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < dofs.size(); ++i)
558  for (int k = 0; k < bs_dof; ++k)
559  coefficients[bs_dof * i + k] = _v[bs_dof * dofs[i] + k];
561  // Compute expansion
562  for (int k = 0; k < bs_element; ++k)
563  {
564  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < space_dimension; ++i)
565  {
566  for (std::size_t j = 0; j < value_size; ++j)
567  {
568  u[p * ushape[1] + (j * bs_element + k)]
569  += coefficients[bs_element * i + k] * basis_values(i, j);
570  }
571  }
572  }
573  }
574  }
577  std::string name = "u";
579 private:
580  // The function space
581  std::shared_ptr<const FunctionSpace> _function_space;
583  // The vector of expansion coefficients (local)
584  std::shared_ptr<la::Vector<T>> _x;
585 };
586 } // namespace dolfinx::fem
Degree-of-freedeom map representations ans tools.
A CoordinateElement manages coordinate mappings for isoparametric cells.
Definition: CoordinateElement.h:32
static void compute_jacobian(const U &dphi, const V &cell_geometry, W &&J)
Compute Jacobian for a cell with given geometry using the basis functions and first order derivatives...
Definition: CoordinateElement.h:100
static void pull_back_affine(U &&X, const V &K, const std::array< double, 3 > &x0, const W &x)
Compute reference coordinates X for physical coordinates x for an affine map. For the affine case,...
Definition: CoordinateElement.h:184
static void compute_jacobian_inverse(const U &J, V &&K)
Compute the inverse of the Jacobian.
Definition: CoordinateElement.h:109
std::array< std::size_t, 4 > tabulate_shape(std::size_t nd, std::size_t num_points) const
Shape of array to fill when calling FiniteElement::tabulate
Definition: CoordinateElement.cpp:42
void pull_back_nonaffine(mdspan2_t X, cmdspan2_t x, cmdspan2_t cell_geometry, double tol=1.0e-8, int maxit=10) const
Compute reference coordinates X for physical coordinates x for a non-affine map.
Definition: CoordinateElement.cpp:62
void tabulate(int nd, std::span< const double > X, std::array< std::size_t, 2 > shape, std::span< double > basis) const
Evaluate basis values and derivatives at set of points.
Definition: CoordinateElement.cpp:47
bool is_affine() const noexcept
Check is geometry map is affine.
Definition: CoordinateElement.h:241
static double compute_jacobian_determinant(const U &J, std::span< typename U::value_type > w)
Compute the determinant of the Jacobian.
Definition: CoordinateElement.h:126
Represents a mathematical expression evaluated at a pre-defined set of points on the reference cell....
Definition: Expression.h:34
std::shared_ptr< const FunctionSpace > argument_function_space() const
Get argument function space.
Definition: Expression.h:98
int value_size() const
Get value size.
Definition: Expression.h:231
void eval(const std::span< const std::int32_t > &cells, U &values) const
Evaluate the expression on cells.
Definition: Expression.h:140
std::pair< std::vector< double >, std::array< std::size_t, 2 > > X() const
Evaluation points on the reference cell.
Definition: Expression.h:243
This class represents a function in a finite element function space , given by.
Definition: Function.h:45
void interpolate(const std::function< xt::xarray< T >(const xt::xtensor< double, 2 > &)> &f, std::span< const std::int32_t > cells)
Interpolate an expression function on a list of cells.
Definition: Function.h:174
Function(std::shared_ptr< const FunctionSpace > V, std::shared_ptr< la::Vector< T >> x)
Create function on given function space with a given vector.
Definition: Function.h:71
void interpolate(const Expression< T > &e)
Interpolate an Expression (based on UFL) on all cells.
Definition: Function.h:301
void interpolate(const Function< T > &v)
Interpolate a Function.
Definition: Function.h:157
std::shared_ptr< la::Vector< T > > x()
Underlying vector.
Definition: Function.h:145
Function collapse() const
Collapse a subfunction (view into a Function) to a stand-alone Function.
Definition: Function.h:112
Function sub(int i) const
Extract subfunction (view into the Function)
Definition: Function.h:102
void eval(std::span< const double > x, std::array< std::size_t, 2 > xshape, std::span< const std::int32_t > cells, std::span< T > u, std::array< std::size_t, 2 > ushape) const
Evaluate the Function at points.
Definition: Function.h:326
void interpolate(const std::function< xt::xarray< T >(const xt::xtensor< double, 2 > &)> &f)
Interpolate an expression function on the whole domain.
Definition: Function.h:222
std::shared_ptr< const la::Vector< T > > x() const
Underlying vector.
Definition: Function.h:142
std::string name
Definition: Function.h:577
Function(std::shared_ptr< const FunctionSpace > V)
Create function on given function space.
Definition: Function.h:52
void interpolate(const Function< T > &v, std::span< const std::int32_t > cells)
Interpolate a Function.
Definition: Function.h:150
void interpolate(const Expression< T > &e, std::span< const std::int32_t > cells)
Interpolate an Expression (based on UFL)
Definition: Function.h:242
Function(Function &&v)=default
Move constructor.
std::shared_ptr< const FunctionSpace > function_space() const
Access the function space.
Definition: Function.h:136
Function & operator=(Function &&v)=default
Move assignment.
T value_type
Field type for the Function, e.g. double.
Definition: Function.h:48
This class provides a static adjacency list data structure. It is commonly used to store directed gra...
Definition: AdjacencyList.h:26
std::span< T > links(int node)
Get the links (edges) for given node.
Definition: AdjacencyList.h:111
Distributed vector.
Definition: Vector.h:26
Finite element method functionality.
Definition: assemble_matrix_impl.h:25
void interpolate(Function< T > &u, std::span< const T > f, std::array< std::size_t, 2 > fshape, std::span< const std::int32_t > cells)
Interpolate an expression f(x) in a finite element space.
Definition: interpolate.h:421
std::vector< double > interpolation_coords(const FiniteElement &element, const mesh::Mesh &mesh, std::span< const std::int32_t > cells)
Compute the evaluation points in the physical space at which an expression should be computed to inte...
Definition: interpolate.cpp:16