Common (dolfinx::common
namespace common
Miscellaneous classes, functions and types.
This namespace provides utility type functions for managing subsystems, convenience classes and library-wide typedefs.
std::vector<int32_t> compute_owned_indices(const std::span<const std::int32_t> &indices, const IndexMap &map)
Given a vector of indices (local numbering, owned or ghost) and an index map, this function returns the indices owned by this process, including indices that might have been in the list of indices on another processes.
- Parameters
indices – [in] List of indices
map – [in] The index map
- Returns
Indices owned by the calling process
std::tuple<std::int64_t, std::vector<std::int32_t>, std::vector<std::vector<std::int64_t>>, std::vector<std::vector<int>>> stack_index_maps(const std::vector<std::pair<std::reference_wrapper<const common::IndexMap>, int>> &maps)
Compute layout data and ghost indices for a stacked (concatenated) index map, i.e. ‘splice’ multiple maps into one.
The input maps are concatenated, with indices in
and owned by the caller remaining owned by the caller. Ghost data is stored at the end of the local range as normal, with the ghosts in blocks in the order of the index maps inmaps
Index maps with a block size are unrolled in the data for the concatenated index map.
Communication is required to compute the new ghost indices.
- Parameters
maps – [in] List of (index map, block size) pairs
- Returns
The (0) global offset of a concatenated map for the calling rank, (1) local offset for the owned indices of each submap in the concatenated map, (2) new indices for the ghosts for each submap, and (3) owner rank of each ghost entry for each submap.
template<typename U, typename V>
std::pair<std::vector<typename U::value_type>, std::vector<typename V::value_type>> sort_unique(const U &indices, const V &values) Sort two arrays based on the values in array
. Any duplicate indices and the corresponding value are removed. In the case of duplicates, the entry with the smallest value is retained.- Parameters
indices – [in] Array of indices
values – [in] Array of values
- Returns
Sorted (indices, values), with sorting based on indices
template<class T>
std::size_t hash_local(const T &x) Compute a hash of a given object.
The hash is computed using Boost container hash (
- Parameters
x – [in] The object to compute a hash of.
- Returns
The hash values.
template<class T>
std::size_t hash_global(MPI_Comm comm, const T &x) Compute a hash for a distributed (MPI) object.
A hash is computed on each process for the local part of the obejct. Then, a hash of the std::vector containing each local hash key in rank order is returned.
- Parameters
comm – [in] The communicator on which to compute the hash.
x – [in] The object to compute a hash of.
- Returns
The hash values.
class IndexMap
- #include <IndexMap.h>
This class represents the distribution index arrays across processes. An index array is a contiguous collection of N+1 indices [0, 1, …, N] that are distributed across M processes. On a given process, the IndexMap stores a portion of the index set using local indices [0, 1, … , n], and a map from the local indices to a unique global index.
Public Functions
IndexMap(MPI_Comm comm, std::int32_t local_size)
Create an non-overlapping index map.
- Parameters
comm – [in] The MPI communicator
local_size – [in] Local size of the index map, i.e. the number of owned entries
IndexMap(MPI_Comm comm, std::int32_t local_size, const std::span<const std::int64_t> &ghosts, const std::span<const int> &owners)
Create an overlapping (ghosted) index map.
This constructor uses a ‘consensus’ algorithm to determine the ranks that ghost indices that are owned by the caller. This requires non-trivial MPI communication. If the ranks that ghost indices owned by the caller are known, it more efficient to use the constructor that takes these ranks as an argument.
- Parameters
comm – [in] The MPI communicator
local_size – [in] Local size of the index map, i.e. the number of owned entries
ghosts – [in] The global indices of ghost entries
owners – [in] Owner rank (on global communicator) of each entry in
IndexMap(MPI_Comm comm, std::int32_t local_size, const std::array<std::vector<int>, 2> &src_dest, const std::span<const std::int64_t> &ghosts, const std::span<const int> &owners)
Create an overlapping (ghosted) index map.
This constructor is optimised for the case where the ‘source’ (ranks that own indices ghosted by the caller) and ‘destination’ ranks (ranks that ghost indices owned by the caller) are already available. It allows the complex computation of the destination ranks from
- Parameters
comm – [in] The MPI communicator
local_size – [in] Local size of the index map, i.e. the number
src_dest – [in] Lists of [0] src and [1] dest ranks. The list in each must be sorted and not contain duplicates.
ranks are owners of the indices inghosts
ranks are the rank that ghost indices owned by the caller.ghosts – [in] The global indices of ghost entries
owners – [in] Owner rank (on global communicator) of each entry in
~IndexMap() = default
std::array<std::int64_t, 2> local_range() const noexcept
Range of indices (global) owned by this process.
std::int32_t num_ghosts() const noexcept
Number of ghost indices on this process.
std::int32_t size_local() const noexcept
Number of indices owned by on this process.
std::int64_t size_global() const noexcept
Number indices across communicator.
const std::vector<std::int64_t> &ghosts() const noexcept
Local-to-global map for ghosts (local indexing beyond end of local range)
MPI_Comm comm() const
Return the MPI communicator that the map is defined on.
- Returns
void local_to_global(const std::span<const std::int32_t> &local, const std::span<std::int64_t> &global) const
Compute global indices for array of local indices.
- Parameters
local – [in] Local indices
global – [out] The global indices
void global_to_local(const std::span<const std::int64_t> &global, const std::span<std::int32_t> &local) const
Compute local indices for array of global indices.
- Parameters
global – [in] Global indices
local – [out] The local of the corresponding global index in ‘global’. Returns -1 if the local index does not exist on this process.
std::vector<std::int64_t> global_indices() const
Build list of indices with global indexing.
- Returns
The global index for all local indices (0, 1, 2, …) on this process, including ghosts
inline const std::vector<int> &owners() const
The ranks that own each ghost index.
- Returns
List of ghost owners. The owning rank of the ith ghost index is
std::pair<IndexMap, std::vector<std::int32_t>> create_submap(const std::span<const std::int32_t> &indices) const
Create new index map from a subset of indices in this index map.
The order of the owned indices is preserved, with new map effectively a ‘compressed’ map.
- Parameters
indices – [in] Local indices in the map that should appear in the new index map. All indices must be owned, i.e. indices must be less than
.- Pre
must be sorted and contain no duplicates.- Returns
The (i) new index map and (ii) a map from the ghost position in the new map to the ghost position in the original (this) map
graph::AdjacencyList<int> index_to_dest_ranks() const
Compute map from each local (owned) index to the set of ranks that have the index as a ghost.
- Todo:
Aim to remove this function?
- Returns
shared indices
Build a list of owned indices that are ghosted by another rank.
- Returns
The local index of owned indices that are ghosts on other rank(s). The indicies are unique and sorted.
const std::vector<int> &src() const noexcept
Ordered set of MPI ranks that own caller’s ghost indices.
Typically used when creating neighbourhood communicators.
- Returns
MPI ranks than own ghost indices. The ranks are unique and sorted.
const std::vector<int> &dest() const noexcept
Ordered set of MPI ranks that ghost indices owned by caller.
Typically used when creating neighbourhood communicators.
- Returns
MPI ranks than own ghost indices. The ranks are unique and sorted.
bool overlapped() const noexcept
Check if index map has overlaps (ghosts on any rank).
The return value of this function is determined by which constructor was used to create the index map.
- Returns
True if index map has overlaps on any ranks, otherwise false.
IndexMap(MPI_Comm comm, std::int32_t local_size)
class Scatterer
- #include <Scatterer.h>
A Scatterer supports the MPI scattering and gathering of data that is associated with a common::IndexMap.
Scatter and gather operations uses MPI neighbourhood collectives. The implementation is designed is for sparse communication patterns, as it typical of patterns based on and IndexMap.
Public Functions
Scatterer(const IndexMap &map, int bs)
Create a scatterer.
- Parameters
map – [in] The index map that describes the parallel layout of data
bs – [in] The block size of data associated with each index in
that will be scattered/gathered
template<typename T>
inline void scatter_fwd_begin(const std::span<const T> &send_buffer, const std::span<T> &recv_buffer, MPI_Request &request) const Start a non-blocking send of owned data to ranks that ghost the data.
The communication is completed by calling Scatterer::scatter_fwd_end. The send and receive buffer should not be changed until after Scatterer::scatter_fwd_end has been called.
- Parameters
send_buffer – [in] Local data associated with each owned local index to be sent to process where the data is ghosted. It must not be changed until after a call to Scatterer::scatter_fwd_end. The order of data in the buffer is given by Scatterer::local_indices.
recv_buffer – A buffer used for the received data. The position of ghost entries in the buffer is given by Scatterer::remote_indices. The buffer must not be accessed or changed until after a call to Scatterer::scatter_fwd_end.
request – The MPI request handle for tracking the status of the non-blocking communication
void scatter_fwd_end(MPI_Request &request) const
Complete a non-blocking send from the local owner to process ranks that have the index as a ghost.
This function completes the communication started by Scatterer::scatter_fwd_begin.
- Parameters
request – [in] The MPI request handle for tracking the status of the send
template<typename T, typename Functor>
inline void scatter_fwd_begin(const std::span<const T> &local_data, std::span<T> local_buffer, std::span<T> remote_buffer, Functor pack_fn, MPI_Request &request) const Scatter data associated with owned indices to ghosting ranks.
This function is intended for advanced usage, and in particular when using CUDA/device-aware MPI.
- Parameters
local_data – [in] All data associated with owned indices. Size is
from the IndexMap used to create the scatterer, multiplied by the block size. The data for each index is blocked.local_buffer – [in] Working buffer. The required size is given by Scatterer::local_buffer_size.
remote_buffer – [out] Working buffer. The required size is given by Scatterer::remote_buffer_size.
pack_fn – [in] Function to pack data from
into the send buffer. It is passed as an argument to support CUDA/device-aware MPI.request – [in] The MPI request handle for tracking the status of the send
template<typename T, typename Functor>
inline void scatter_fwd_end(const std::span<const T> &remote_buffer, std::span<T> remote_data, Functor unpack_fn, MPI_Request &request) const Complete a non-blocking send from the local owner to process ranks that have the index as a ghost, and unpack received buffer into remote data.
This function completes the communication started by Scatterer::scatter_fwd_begin.
- Parameters
remote_buffer – [in] Working buffer, same used in Scatterer::scatter_fwd_begin.
remote_data – [out] Received data associated with the ghost indices. The order follows the order of the ghost indices in the IndexMap used to create the scatterer. The size equal to the number of ghosts in the index map multiplied by the block size. The data for each index is blocked.
unpack_fn – [in] Function to unpack the received buffer into
. It is passed as an argument to support CUDA/device-aware MPI.request – [in] The MPI request handle for tracking the status of the send
template<typename T>
inline void scatter_fwd(const std::span<const T> &local_data, std::span<T> remote_data) const Scatter data associated with owned indices to ghosting ranks.
- Parameters
local_data – [in] All data associated with owned indices. Size is
from the IndexMap used to create the scatterer, multiplied by the block size. The data for each index is blockedremote_data – [out] Received data associated with the ghost indices. The order follows the order of the ghost indices in the IndexMap used to create the scatterer. The size equal to the number of ghosts in the index map multiplied by the block size. The data for each index is blocked.
template<typename T>
inline void scatter_rev_begin(const std::span<const T> &send_buffer, const std::span<T> &recv_buffer, MPI_Request &request) const Start a non-blocking send of ghost data to ranks that own the data.
The communication is completed by calling Scatterer::scatter_rev_end. The send and receive buffers should not be changed until after Scatterer::scatter_rev_end has been called.
The buffer must not be accessed or changed until after a call to Scatterer::scatter_fwd_end.
- Parameters
send_buffer – [in] Data associated with each ghost index. This data is sent to process that owns the index. It must not be changed until after a call to Scatterer::scatter_ref_end.
recv_buffer – Buffer used for the received data. The position of owned indices in the buffer is given by Scatterer::local_indices. Scatterer::local_displacements()[i] is the location of the first entry in
received from neighbourhood rank i. The number of entries received from neighbourhood rank i is Scatterer::local_displacements()[i + 1] - Scatterer::local_displacements()[i].recv_buffer[j]
is the data associated with the index Scatterer::local_indices()[j] in the index map.request – The MPI request handle for tracking the status of the non-blocking communication
void scatter_rev_end(MPI_Request &request) const
End the reverse scatter communication.
This function must be called after Scatterer::scatter_rev_begin. The buffers passed to Scatterer::scatter_rev_begin must not be modified until after the function has been called.
- Parameters
request – [in] The handle used when calling Scatterer::scatter_rev_begin
template<typename T, typename Functor>
inline void scatter_rev_begin(const std::span<const T> &remote_data, std::span<T> remote_buffer, std::span<T> local_buffer, Functor pack_fn, MPI_Request &request) const Scatter data associated with ghost indices to owning ranks.
This function is intended for advanced usage, and in particular when using CUDA/device-aware MPI.
- Template Parameters
T – The data type to send
BinaryOp – The reduction to perform when reducing data received from ghosting ranks to the value associated with the index on the owner
Functor1 – The pack function
Functor2 – The unpack function
- Parameters
remote_data – [in] Received data associated with the ghost indices. The order follows the order of the ghost indices in the IndexMap used to create the scatterer. The size equal to the number of ghosts in the index map multiplied by the block size. The data for each index is blocked.
local_buffer – [out] Working buffer. The requires size is given by Scatterer::local_buffer_size.
remote_buffer – [out] Working buffer. The requires size is given by Scatterer::remote_buffer_size.
pack_fn – [in] Function to pack data from
into the send buffer. It is passed as an argument to support CUDA/device-aware MPI.request – The MPI request handle for tracking the status of the non-blocking communication
template<typename T, typename Functor, typename BinaryOp>
inline void scatter_rev_end(const std::span<const T> &local_buffer, std::span<T> local_data, Functor unpack_fn, BinaryOp op, MPI_Request &request) End the reverse scatter communication, and unpack the received local buffer into local data.
This function must be called after Scatterer::scatter_rev_begin. The buffers passed to Scatterer::scatter_rev_begin must not be modified until after the function has been called.
- Parameters
local_buffer – [in] Working buffer. Same buffer should be used in Scatterer::scatter_rev_begin.
local_data – [out] All data associated with owned indices. Size is
from the IndexMap used to create the scatterer, multiplied by the block size. The data for each index is blocked.unpack_fn – [in] Function to unpack the receive buffer into
. It is passed as an argument to support CUDA/device-aware MPI.op – [in] The reduction operation when accumulating received values. To add the received values use
.request – [in] The handle used when calling Scatterer::scatter_rev_begin
template<typename T, typename BinaryOp>
inline void scatter_rev(std::span<T> local_data, const std::span<const T> &remote_data, BinaryOp op) Scatter data associated with ghost indices to ranks that own the indices.
std::int32_t local_buffer_size() const noexcept
Size of buffer for local data (owned and shared) used in forward and reverse communication.
- Returns
The required buffer size
std::int32_t remote_buffer_size() const noexcept
Buffer size for remote data (ghosts) used in forward and reverse communication.
- Returns
The required buffer size
const std::vector<std::int32_t> &local_indices() const noexcept
Return a vector of local indices (owned) used to pack/unpack local data. These indices are grouped by neighbor process (process for which an index is a ghost).
const std::vector<std::int32_t> &remote_indices() const noexcept
Return a vector of remote indices (ghosts) used to pack/unpack ghost data. These indices are grouped by neighbor process (ghost owners).
int bs() const noexcept
The number values (block size) to send per index in the common::IndexMap use to create the scatterer.
- Returns
The block size
Scatterer(const IndexMap &map, int bs)
class TimeLogger
- #include <TimeLogger.h>
Timer logging.
Public Functions
TimeLogger() = default
~TimeLogger() = default
void register_timing(std::string task, double wall, double user, double system)
Register timing (for later summary)
Table timings(std::set<TimingType> type)
Return a summary of timings and tasks in a Table.
void list_timings(MPI_Comm comm, std::set<TimingType> type, Table::Reduction reduction)
List a summary of timings and tasks. Reduction type is printed.
- Parameters
comm – MPI Communicator
type – Set of possible timings: wall, user or system
reduction – Reduction type (min, max or average)
std::tuple<int, double, double, double> timing(std::string task)
Return timing.
- Parameters
task – [in] The task name to retrieve the timing for
- Returns
Values (count, total wall time, total user time, total system time) for given task.
TimeLogger() = default
class TimeLogManager
- #include <TimeLogManager.h>
Logger initialisation.
Public Static Functions
static TimeLogger &logger()
Singleton instance of logger.
static TimeLogger &logger()
class Timer
- #include <Timer.h>
A timer can be used for timing tasks. The basic usage is.
Timer timer(“Assembling over cells”);
The timer is started at construction and timing ends when the timer is destroyed (goes out of scope). It is also possible to start and stop a timer explicitly by
timer.start(); timer.stop();
Timings are stored globally and a summary may be printed by calling
Public Functions
Create timer without logging.
Timer(const std::string &task)
Create timer with logging.
void start()
Zero and start timer.
void resume()
Resume timer. Not well-defined for logging timer.
double stop()
Stop timer, return wall time elapsed and store timing data into logger.
std::array<double, 3> elapsed() const
Return wall, user and system time in seconds.
namespace impl
std::vector<int32_t> compute_owned_indices(const std::span<const std::int32_t> &indices, const IndexMap &map)