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Basix 0.7.0

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basix::polyset Namespace Reference

Polynomial expansion sets. More...


enum class  type { standard = 0 , macroedge = 1 }
 Cell type.


template<std::floating_point T>
std::pair< std::vector< T >, std::array< std::size_t, 3 > > tabulate (cell::type celltype, polyset::type ptype, int d, int n, MDSPAN_IMPL_STANDARD_NAMESPACE::mdspan< const T, MDSPAN_IMPL_STANDARD_NAMESPACE::dextents< std::size_t, 2 >> x)
 Tabulate the orthonormal polynomial basis, and derivatives, at points on the reference cell. More...
template<std::floating_point T>
void tabulate (MDSPAN_IMPL_STANDARD_NAMESPACE::mdspan< T, MDSPAN_IMPL_STANDARD_NAMESPACE::dextents< std::size_t, 3 >> P, cell::type celltype, polyset::type ptype, int d, int n, MDSPAN_IMPL_STANDARD_NAMESPACE::mdspan< const T, MDSPAN_IMPL_STANDARD_NAMESPACE::dextents< std::size_t, 2 >> x)
 Tabulate the orthonormal polynomial basis, and derivatives, at points on the reference cell. More...
int dim (cell::type cell, polyset::type ptype, int d)
 Dimension of a polynomial space. More...
int nderivs (cell::type cell, int d)
 Number of derivatives that the orthonormal basis will have on the given cell. More...
polyset::type superset (cell::type cell, polyset::type type1, polyset::type type2)
 Get the polyset types that is a superset of two types on the given cell. More...
polyset::type restriction (polyset::type ptype, cell::type cell, cell::type restriction_cell)
 Get the polyset type that represents the restrictions of a type on a subentity. More...

Detailed Description

Polynomial expansion sets.

In Basix, the bases of the polynomial sets spanned by finite elements are represented by a set of coefficients of orthonormal polynomials on the cell. By orthogonality, we mean that

\[\int_R p_ip_j=\begin{cases}1&i=j\\0&i\not=j\end{cases}\]


Legendre polynomials form a set of orthogonal polynomials on an interval. Legrendre polynomials are a special case of the Jacobi polynomials, \(P_n^{\alpha, \beta}\), with the weights \((\alpha, \beta) = (0, 0)\). Using the Jacobi recurrence relation, we have

\[ n P^{0,0}_n(x) = (2n - 1) x P^{0,0}_{n - 1}(x) - (n-1) P^{0,0}_{n-2}(x),\]

starting with \(P^{0,0}_0 = 1\). Legendre polynomials are orthogonal when integrated over the interval [-1, 1].

In Basix, the interval [0, 1] is used as the reference, so we apply the transformation \(x\mapsto 2x-1\) to the standard Legendre polynomials. The orthogonal polynomials we use are therefore given by the recurrence relation

\[n p_n(x)=(2n-1)(2x-1)p_{n-1}(x)-(n-1)p_{n-2}(x).\]

For a given set of points, the recurrence relation can be used to compute the polynomial set up to arbitrary order.

Triangle (Dubiner's basis)

See Sherwin & Karniadakis (1995).

An orthogonal set over a triangle can be obtained with a change of variable to \(\zeta = 2\frac{1+x}{1 - y} - 1\), and a modified polynomial. The polynomial basis becomes:

\[ Q_{p,q} = P^{0,0}_p(\zeta) \left(\frac{1-y}{2}\right)^p\ P_q^{2p+1, 0}(y), \]

with a Legendre Polynomial of \(\zeta\) and a weighted Jacobi Polynomial of \(y\). In order to calculate these without actually multiplying together the two polynomials directly, we can first compute \(Q_{p, 0}\) using a recurrence relation (since \(P_0^{2p + 1, 0} = 1\)):

\[ p Q_{p,0} = (2p-1)(2x + y+1)Q_{p-1,0} - (p-1)(1-y)^2 Q_{p-2, 0}.\]

Subsequently, we can calculate \(Q_{p,q}\) by building up from \(Q_{p,0}\) with another recurrence relation:

\[ Q_{p,q} = (a_0 y + a_1) Q_{p, q-1} + a_2 Q_{p, q-2}, \]

where \(a_0, a_1, a_2\) are the coefficients in the Jacobi recurrence relation with \((\alpha,\beta) = (2p+1, 0)\), see Wikipedia. Note that \(a_2 = 0\) when \(q < 2\).


See Sherwin & Karniadakis (1995).

Let \(\zeta = 2\frac{1+x}{y+z} + 1\) and \(\xi = 2\frac{1+y}{1-z} - 1\). Orthogonal polynomials on a tetrahedron are then given by

\[ Q_{p, q, r} = P^{0,0}_p(\zeta)\left(\frac{y+z}{2}\right)^p\ P_q^{2p+1,0}(\xi)\left(\frac{1-z}{2}\right)^q\ P_r^{2(p+q+1), 0}(z).\]

This can similarly be built up by first computing \(Q_{p,0,0}\), then \(Q_{p, q, 0}\) and finally \(Q_{p, q, r}\) with recurrence relations on each axis.

Quadrilateral and hexahedron

The polynomial sets for quadrilateral and hexahedral elements can be formed by applying the recurrence relation for intervals in each direction.


The polynomial set for a prism can be computed by using using the recurrence relation for the triangle to get the polynomials that are constant with respect to \(z\), then applying the recurrence relation for the interval to compute further polynomials with \(z\)s.


Orthogonal polynomials on the pyramid element are best calculated in the same way as the tetrahedron, using recurrence relations on each axis. Let \(\zeta_x = 2\frac{1+x}{1-z} - 1\), \(\zeta_y = 2\frac{1+y}{1-z} - 1\). The recurrence relation is then

\[Q_{p, q, r} = P^{0,0}_p(\zeta_x) P^{0,0}_q(\zeta_y) \left(\frac{1-z}{2}\right)^{(p+q)} P_r^{2(p+q+1), 0}(z).\]


For each cell type, we obtain an orthonormal set of polynomials by scaling each of the orthogonal polynomials.


Recurrence relations can also be used to find the derivatives of the polynomials at given points. For example, on the interval, the first derivatives are given by

\[ n P'_n(x) = (2n - 1) \left(P_{n-1}(x) + x P'_{n - 1}(x)\right) + (n-1)P'_{n-2}(x). \]

More generally, the \(k\)-th derivative is given by

\[ n P^k_n(x) = (2n - 1) \left(k P^{k-1}_{n-1}(x) + x P^k_{n - 1}(x)\right)+ (n-1) P^k_{n-2}(x) \]

This is now a recurrence relation in both \(n\) and \(k\). Similar recurrence relations can be obtained for the derivatives of all the polynomial sets on the other shapes. Care must be taken with quadratic terms, and cross-terms in two and three dimensions.

Function Documentation

◆ dim()

int basix::polyset::dim ( cell::type  cell,
polyset::type  ptype,
int  d 

Dimension of a polynomial space.

[in]cellThe cell type
[in]ptypeThe polynomial type
[in]dThe polynomial degree
The number of terms in the basis spanning a space of polynomial degree d

◆ nderivs()

int basix::polyset::nderivs ( cell::type  cell,
int  d 

Number of derivatives that the orthonormal basis will have on the given cell.

[in]cellThe cell type
[in]dThe highest derivative order
The number of derivatives polynomial degree d

◆ restriction()

polyset::type basix::polyset::restriction ( polyset::type  ptype,
cell::type  cell,
cell::type  restriction_cell 

Get the polyset type that represents the restrictions of a type on a subentity.

[in]ptypeThe polyset type
[in]cellThe cell type
[in]restriction_cellThe cell type of the subentity
The restricted polyset type

◆ superset()

polyset::type basix::polyset::superset ( cell::type  cell,
polyset::type  type1,
polyset::type  type2 

Get the polyset types that is a superset of two types on the given cell.

[in]cellThe cell type
[in]type1The first polyset type
[in]type2The second polyset type
The superset type

◆ tabulate() [1/2]

template<std::floating_point T>
std::pair< std::vector< T >, std::array< std::size_t, 3 > > basix::polyset::tabulate ( cell::type  celltype,
polyset::type  ptype,
int  d,
int  n,
MDSPAN_IMPL_STANDARD_NAMESPACE::mdspan< const T, MDSPAN_IMPL_STANDARD_NAMESPACE::dextents< std::size_t, 2 >>  x 

Tabulate the orthonormal polynomial basis, and derivatives, at points on the reference cell.

All derivatives up to the given order are computed. If derivatives are not required, use n = 0. For example, order n = 2 for a 2D cell, will compute the basis \(\psi, d\psi/dx, d\psi/dy, d^2 \psi/dx^2, d^2\psi/dxdy, d^2\psi/dy^2\) in that order (0, 0), (1, 0), (0, 1), (2, 0), (1, 1), (0 ,2).

For an interval cell there are nderiv + 1 derivatives, for a 2D cell, there are (nderiv + 1)(nderiv + 2)/2 derivatives, and in 3D, there are (nderiv + 1)(nderiv + 2)(nderiv + 3)/6. The ordering is 'triangular' with the lower derivatives appearing first.

[in]celltypeCell type
[in]ptypeThe polynomial type
[in]dPolynomial degree
[in]nMaximum derivative order. Use n = 0 for the basis only.
[in]xPoints at which to evaluate the basis. The shape is (number of points, geometric dimension).
Polynomial sets, for each derivative, tabulated at points. The shape is (number of derivatives computed, number of points, basis index).
  • The first index is the derivative. The first entry is the basis itself. Derivatives are stored in triangular (2D) or tetrahedral (3D) ordering, eg if (p, q) denotes p order derivative with respect to x and q order derivative with respect to y, [0] -> (0, 0), [1] -> (1, 0), [2] -> (0, 1), [3] -> (2, 0), [4] -> (1, 1), [5] -> (0, 2), [6] -> (3, 0),... The function basix::indexing::idx maps tuples (p, q, r) to the array index.
  • The second index is the point, with index i corresponding to the point in row i of x.
  • The third index is the basis function index.
    Does the order for the third index need to be documented?

◆ tabulate() [2/2]

template<std::floating_point T>
void basix::polyset::tabulate ( MDSPAN_IMPL_STANDARD_NAMESPACE::mdspan< T, MDSPAN_IMPL_STANDARD_NAMESPACE::dextents< std::size_t, 3 >>  P,
cell::type  celltype,
polyset::type  ptype,
int  d,
int  n,
MDSPAN_IMPL_STANDARD_NAMESPACE::mdspan< const T, MDSPAN_IMPL_STANDARD_NAMESPACE::dextents< std::size_t, 2 >>  x 

Tabulate the orthonormal polynomial basis, and derivatives, at points on the reference cell.

All derivatives up to the given order are computed. If derivatives are not required, use n = 0. For example, order n = 2 for a 2D cell, will compute the basis \(\psi, d\psi/dx, d\psi/dy, d^2 \psi/dx^2, d^2\psi/dxdy, d^2\psi/dy^2\) in that order (0, 0), (1, 0), (0, 1), (2, 0), (1, 1), (0 ,2).

For an interval cell there are nderiv + 1 derivatives, for a 2D cell, there are (nderiv + 1)(nderiv + 2)/2 derivatives, and in 3D, there are (nderiv + 1)(nderiv + 2)(nderiv + 3)/6. The ordering is 'triangular' with the lower derivatives appearing first.

This function will be called at runtime when tabulating a finite element, so its performance is critical.
[in,out]PPolynomial sets, for each derivative, tabulated at points. The shape is (number of derivatives computed, number of points, basis index).
  • The first index is the derivative. The first entry is the basis itself. Derivatives are stored in triangular (2D) or tetrahedral (3D) ordering, eg if (p, q) denotes p order derivative with respect to x and q order derivative with respect to y, [0] -> (0, 0), [1] -> (1, 0), [2] -> (0, 1), [3] -> (2, 0), [4] -> (1, 1), [5] -> (0, 2), [6] -> (3, 0),... The function basix::indexing::idx maps tuples (p, q, r) to the array index.
  • The second index is the point, with index i corresponding to the point in row i of x.
  • The third index is the basis function index.
    Does the order for the third index need to be documented?
    [in]celltypeCell type
    [in]ptypeThe polynomial type
    [in]dPolynomial degree
    [in]nMaximum derivative order. Use n = 0 for the basis only.
    [in]xPoints at which to evaluate the basis. The shape is (number of points, geometric dimension).