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1 // Copyright (c) 2020-2024 Chris Richardson, Matthew Scroggs and Garth . Wells
2 // FEniCS Project
3 // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
5 #pragma once
7 #include "cell.h"
8 #include "element-families.h"
9 #include "maps.h"
10 #include "mdspan.hpp"
11 #include "polyset.h"
12 #include "precompute.h"
13 #include "sobolev-spaces.h"
14 #include <array>
15 #include <concepts>
16 #include <cstdint>
17 #include <functional>
18 #include <map>
19 #include <numeric>
20 #include <span>
21 #include <string>
22 #include <tuple>
23 #include <utility>
24 #include <vector>
27 namespace basix
28 {
30 namespace impl
31 {
32 template <typename T, std::size_t d>
33 using mdspan_t = MDSPAN_IMPL_STANDARD_NAMESPACE::mdspan<
34  T, MDSPAN_IMPL_STANDARD_NAMESPACE::dextents<std::size_t, d>>;
35 template <typename T, std::size_t d>
36 using mdarray_t
38  T, MDSPAN_IMPL_STANDARD_NAMESPACE::dextents<std::size_t, d>>;
42 template <typename T>
43 std::array<std::vector<mdspan_t<const T, 2>>, 4>
44 to_mdspan(std::array<std::vector<mdarray_t<T, 2>>, 4>& x)
45 {
46  std::array<std::vector<mdspan_t<const T, 2>>, 4> x1;
47  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < x.size(); ++i)
48  for (std::size_t j = 0; j < x[i].size(); ++j)
49  x1[i].emplace_back(x[i][j].data(), x[i][j].extents());
51  return x1;
52 }
56 template <typename T>
57 std::array<std::vector<mdspan_t<const T, 4>>, 4>
58 to_mdspan(std::array<std::vector<mdarray_t<T, 4>>, 4>& M)
59 {
60  std::array<std::vector<mdspan_t<const T, 4>>, 4> M1;
61  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < M.size(); ++i)
62  for (std::size_t j = 0; j < M[i].size(); ++j)
63  M1[i].emplace_back(M[i][j].data(), M[i][j].extents());
65  return M1;
66 }
70 template <typename T>
71 std::array<std::vector<mdspan_t<const T, 2>>, 4>
72 to_mdspan(const std::array<std::vector<std::vector<T>>, 4>& x,
73  const std::array<std::vector<std::array<std::size_t, 2>>, 4>& shape)
74 {
75  std::array<std::vector<mdspan_t<const T, 2>>, 4> x1;
76  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < x.size(); ++i)
77  for (std::size_t j = 0; j < x[i].size(); ++j)
78  x1[i].push_back(mdspan_t<const T, 2>(x[i][j].data(), shape[i][j]));
80  return x1;
81 }
85 template <typename T>
86 std::array<std::vector<mdspan_t<const T, 4>>, 4>
87 to_mdspan(const std::array<std::vector<std::vector<T>>, 4>& M,
88  const std::array<std::vector<std::array<std::size_t, 4>>, 4>& shape)
89 {
90  std::array<std::vector<mdspan_t<const T, 4>>, 4> M1;
91  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < M.size(); ++i)
92  for (std::size_t j = 0; j < M[i].size(); ++j)
93  M1[i].push_back(mdspan_t<const T, 4>(M[i][j].data(), shape[i][j]));
95  return M1;
96 }
98 } // namespace impl
100 namespace element
101 {
103 template <typename T, std::size_t d>
104 using mdspan_t = impl::mdspan_t<T, d>;
121 template <std::floating_point T>
122 std::tuple<std::array<std::vector<std::vector<T>>, 4>,
123  std::array<std::vector<std::array<std::size_t, 2>>, 4>,
124  std::array<std::vector<std::vector<T>>, 4>,
125  std::array<std::vector<std::array<std::size_t, 4>>, 4>>
126 make_discontinuous(const std::array<std::vector<mdspan_t<const T, 2>>, 4>& x,
127  const std::array<std::vector<mdspan_t<const T, 4>>, 4>& M,
128  std::size_t tdim, std::size_t value_size);
130 } // namespace element
137 template <std::floating_point F>
139 {
140  template <typename T, std::size_t d>
141  using mdspan_t = MDSPAN_IMPL_STANDARD_NAMESPACE::mdspan<
142  T, MDSPAN_IMPL_STANDARD_NAMESPACE::dextents<std::size_t, d>>;
144 public:
318  polyset::type poly_type, int degree,
319  const std::vector<std::size_t>& value_shape,
320  mdspan_t<const F, 2> wcoeffs,
321  const std::array<std::vector<mdspan_t<const F, 2>>, 4>& x,
322  const std::array<std::vector<mdspan_t<const F, 4>>, 4>& M,
326  element::lagrange_variant lvariant,
327  element::dpc_variant dvariant,
328  std::vector<int> dof_ordering = {});
331  FiniteElement(const FiniteElement& element) = default;
334  FiniteElement(FiniteElement&& element) = default;
337  ~FiniteElement() = default;
340  FiniteElement& operator=(const FiniteElement& element) = default;
343  FiniteElement& operator=(FiniteElement&& element) = default;
349  bool operator==(const FiniteElement& e) const;
352  std::size_t hash() const;
363  std::array<std::size_t, 4> tabulate_shape(std::size_t nd,
364  std::size_t num_points) const
365  {
366  std::size_t ndsize = 1;
367  for (std::size_t i = 1; i <= nd; ++i)
368  ndsize *= (_cell_tdim + i);
369  for (std::size_t i = 1; i <= nd; ++i)
370  ndsize /= i;
371  std::size_t vs = std::accumulate(_value_shape.begin(), _value_shape.end(),
372  1, std::multiplies{});
373  std::size_t ndofs = _coeffs.second[0];
374  return {ndsize, num_points, ndofs, vs};
375  }
398  std::pair<std::vector<F>, std::array<std::size_t, 4>>
399  tabulate(int nd, impl::mdspan_t<const F, 2> x) const;
424  std::pair<std::vector<F>, std::array<std::size_t, 4>>
425  tabulate(int nd, std::span<const F> x,
426  std::array<std::size_t, 2> shape) const;
453  void tabulate(int nd, impl::mdspan_t<const F, 2> x,
454  mdspan_t<F, 4> basis) const;
481  void tabulate(int nd, std::span<const F> x, std::array<std::size_t, 2> xshape,
482  std::span<F> basis) const;
486  cell::type cell_type() const { return _cell_type; }
490  polyset::type polyset_type() const { return _poly_type; }
494  int degree() const { return _degree; }
500  int embedded_superdegree() const { return _embedded_superdegree; }
505  int embedded_subdegree() const { return _embedded_subdegree; }
512  const std::vector<std::size_t>& value_shape() const { return _value_shape; }
518  int dim() const { return _coeffs.second[0]; }
522  element::family family() const { return _family; }
527  {
528  return _lagrange_variant;
529  }
533  element::dpc_variant dpc_variant() const { return _dpc_variant; }
537  maps::type map_type() const { return _map_type; }
541  sobolev::space sobolev_space() const { return _sobolev_space; }
547  bool discontinuous() const { return _discontinuous; }
552  {
553  return _dof_transformations_are_permutations;
554  }
558  {
559  return _dof_transformations_are_identity;
560  }
576  std::pair<std::vector<F>, std::array<std::size_t, 3>>
577  push_forward(impl::mdspan_t<const F, 3> U, impl::mdspan_t<const F, 3> J,
578  std::span<const F> detJ, impl::mdspan_t<const F, 3> K) const;
587  std::pair<std::vector<F>, std::array<std::size_t, 3>>
588  pull_back(impl::mdspan_t<const F, 3> u, impl::mdspan_t<const F, 3> J,
589  std::span<const F> detJ, impl::mdspan_t<const F, 3> K) const;
622  template <typename O, typename P, typename Q, typename R>
623  std::function<void(O&, const P&, const Q&, F, const R&)> map_fn() const
624  {
625  switch (_map_type)
626  {
627  case maps::type::identity:
628  return [](O& u, const P& U, const Q&, F, const R&)
629  {
630  assert(U.extent(0) == u.extent(0));
631  assert(U.extent(1) == u.extent(1));
632  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < U.extent(0); ++i)
633  for (std::size_t j = 0; j < U.extent(1); ++j)
634  u(i, j) = U(i, j);
635  };
636  case maps::type::covariantPiola:
637  return [](O& u, const P& U, const Q& J, F detJ, const R& K)
638  { maps::covariant_piola(u, U, J, detJ, K); };
639  case maps::type::contravariantPiola:
640  return [](O& u, const P& U, const Q& J, F detJ, const R& K)
641  { maps::contravariant_piola(u, U, J, detJ, K); };
642  case maps::type::doubleCovariantPiola:
643  return [](O& u, const P& U, const Q& J, F detJ, const R& K)
644  { maps::double_covariant_piola(u, U, J, detJ, K); };
645  case maps::type::doubleContravariantPiola:
646  return [](O& u, const P& U, const Q& J, F detJ, const R& K)
647  { maps::double_contravariant_piola(u, U, J, detJ, K); };
648  default:
649  throw std::runtime_error("Map not implemented");
650  }
651  }
660  const std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<int>>>& entity_dofs() const
661  {
662  return _edofs;
663  }
674  const std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<int>>>& entity_closure_dofs() const
675  {
676  return _e_closure_dofs;
677  }
760  std::pair<std::vector<F>, std::array<std::size_t, 3>>
761  base_transformations() const;
767  std::map<cell::type, std::pair<std::vector<F>, std::array<std::size_t, 3>>>
769  {
770  return _entity_transformations;
771  }
795  void permute(std::span<std::int32_t> d, std::uint32_t cell_info) const
796  {
797  if (!_dof_transformations_are_permutations)
798  {
799  throw std::runtime_error(
800  "The DOF transformations for this element are not permutations");
801  }
803  if (_dof_transformations_are_identity)
804  return;
805  else
806  permute_data<std::int32_t, false>(d, 1, cell_info, _eperm);
807  }
826  void permute_inv(std::span<std::int32_t> d, std::uint32_t cell_info) const
827  {
828  if (!_dof_transformations_are_permutations)
829  {
830  throw std::runtime_error(
831  "The DOF transformations for this element are not permutations");
832  }
834  if (_dof_transformations_are_identity)
835  return;
836  else
837  permute_data<std::int32_t, true>(d, 1, cell_info, _eperm_inv);
838  }
855  void permute_subentity_closure(std::span<std::int32_t> d,
856  std::uint32_t cell_info,
857  cell::type entity_type, int entity_index) const
858  {
859  const int entity_dim = cell::topological_dimension(entity_type);
861  int face_start = _cell_tdim == 3 ? 3 * _edofs[2].size() : 0;
863  std::uint32_t entity_info = 0;
864  switch (entity_dim)
865  {
866  case 0:
867  return;
868  case 1:
869  entity_info = cell_info >> (face_start + entity_index) & 1;
870  break;
871  case 2:
872  entity_info = cell_info >> (3 * entity_index) & 7;
873  break;
874  default:
875  throw std::runtime_error("Unsupported cell dimension");
876  }
877  permute_subentity_closure(d, entity_info, entity_type);
878  }
892  void permute_subentity_closure_inv(std::span<std::int32_t> d,
893  std::uint32_t cell_info,
894  cell::type entity_type,
895  int entity_index) const
896  {
897  const int entity_dim = cell::topological_dimension(entity_type);
899  int face_start = _cell_tdim == 3 ? 3 * _edofs[2].size() : 0;
901  std::uint32_t entity_info;
902  switch (entity_dim)
903  {
904  case 0:
905  return;
906  case 1:
907  entity_info = cell_info >> (face_start + entity_index) & 1;
908  break;
909  case 2:
910  entity_info = cell_info >> (3 * entity_index) & 7;
911  break;
912  default:
913  throw std::runtime_error("Unsupported cell dimension");
914  }
915  permute_subentity_closure_inv(d, entity_info, entity_type);
916  }
933  void permute_subentity_closure(std::span<std::int32_t> d,
934  std::uint32_t entity_info,
935  cell::type entity_type) const
936  {
937  if (!_dof_transformations_are_permutations)
938  {
939  throw std::runtime_error(
940  "The DOF transformations for this element are not permutations");
941  }
943  const int entity_dim = cell::topological_dimension(entity_type);
945  if (entity_dim == 0)
946  return;
948  auto& perm =;
949  if (entity_dim == 1)
950  {
951  if (entity_info & 1)
952  {
953  precompute::apply_permutation(perm[0], d);
954  }
955  }
956  else if (entity_dim == 2)
957  {
958  // Rotate a face
959  for (std::uint32_t r = 0; r < (entity_info >> 1 & 3); ++r)
960  {
961  precompute::apply_permutation(perm[0], d);
962  }
964  // Reflect a face (post rotate)
965  if (entity_info & 1)
966  {
967  precompute::apply_permutation(perm[1], d);
968  }
969  }
970  else
971  {
972  throw std::runtime_error(
973  "Invalid dimension for permute_subentity_closure");
974  }
975  }
988  void permute_subentity_closure_inv(std::span<std::int32_t> d,
989  std::uint32_t entity_info,
990  cell::type entity_type) const
991  {
992  if (!_dof_transformations_are_permutations)
993  {
994  throw std::runtime_error(
995  "The DOF transformations for this element are not permutations");
996  }
998  const int entity_dim = cell::topological_dimension(entity_type);
1000  if (entity_dim == 0)
1001  return;
1003  auto& perm =;
1004  if (entity_dim == 1)
1005  {
1006  if (entity_info & 1)
1007  {
1008  precompute::apply_permutation(perm[0], d);
1009  }
1010  }
1011  else if (entity_dim == 2)
1012  {
1013  // Reflect a face (pre rotate)
1014  if (entity_info & 1)
1015  {
1016  precompute::apply_permutation(perm[1], d);
1017  }
1019  // Rotate a face
1020  for (std::uint32_t r = 0; r < (entity_info >> 1 & 3); ++r)
1021  {
1022  precompute::apply_permutation(perm[0], d);
1023  }
1024  }
1025  else
1026  {
1027  throw std::runtime_error(
1028  "Invalid dimension for permute_subentity_closure");
1029  }
1030  }
1062  template <typename T>
1063  void T_apply(std::span<T> u, int n, std::uint32_t cell_info) const;
1075  template <typename T>
1076  void Tt_apply(std::span<T> u, int n, std::uint32_t cell_info) const;
1089  template <typename T>
1090  void Tt_inv_apply(std::span<T> u, int n, std::uint32_t cell_info) const;
1102  template <typename T>
1103  void Tinv_apply(std::span<T> u, int n, std::uint32_t cell_info) const;
1115  template <typename T>
1116  void Tt_apply_right(std::span<T> u, int n, std::uint32_t cell_info) const;
1127  template <typename T>
1128  void T_apply_right(std::span<T> u, int n, std::uint32_t cell_info) const;
1140  template <typename T>
1141  void Tinv_apply_right(std::span<T> u, int n, std::uint32_t cell_info) const;
1153  template <typename T>
1154  void Tt_inv_apply_right(std::span<T> u, int n, std::uint32_t cell_info) const;
1162  const std::pair<std::vector<F>, std::array<std::size_t, 2>>& points() const
1163  {
1164  return _points;
1165  }
1218  const std::pair<std::vector<F>, std::array<std::size_t, 2>>&
1220  {
1221  return _matM;
1222  }
1229  const std::pair<std::vector<F>, std::array<std::size_t, 2>>&
1230  dual_matrix() const
1231  {
1232  return _dual_matrix;
1233  }
1271  const std::pair<std::vector<F>, std::array<std::size_t, 2>>& wcoeffs() const
1272  {
1273  return _wcoeffs;
1274  }
1280  const std::array<
1281  std::vector<std::pair<std::vector<F>, std::array<std::size_t, 2>>>, 4>&
1282  x() const
1283  {
1284  return _x;
1285  }
1323  const std::array<
1324  std::vector<std::pair<std::vector<F>, std::array<std::size_t, 4>>>, 4>&
1325  M() const
1326  {
1327  return _M;
1328  }
1333  const std::pair<std::vector<F>, std::array<std::size_t, 2>>&
1335  {
1336  return _coeffs;
1337  }
1350  {
1351  return !_tensor_factors.empty();
1352  }
1366  std::vector<std::vector<FiniteElement<F>>>
1368  {
1370  throw std::runtime_error("Element has no tensor product representation.");
1371  return _tensor_factors;
1372  }
1378  bool interpolation_is_identity() const { return _interpolation_is_identity; }
1381  int interpolation_nderivs() const { return _interpolation_nderivs; }
1384  const std::vector<int>& dof_ordering() const { return _dof_ordering; }
1386 private:
1393  template <typename T, bool post>
1394  void permute_data(
1395  std::span<T> data, int block_size, std::uint32_t cell_info,
1396  const std::map<cell::type, std::vector<std::vector<std::size_t>>>& eperm)
1397  const;
1399  using array2_t = std::pair<std::vector<F>, std::array<std::size_t, 2>>;
1400  using array3_t = std::pair<std::vector<F>, std::array<std::size_t, 3>>;
1401  using trans_data_t
1402  = std::vector<std::pair<std::vector<std::size_t>, array2_t>>;
1410  template <typename T, bool post, typename OP>
1411  void
1412  transform_data(std::span<T> data, int block_size, std::uint32_t cell_info,
1413  const std::map<cell::type, trans_data_t>& etrans, OP op) const;
1415  // Cell type
1416  cell::type _cell_type;
1418  // Polyset type
1419  polyset::type _poly_type;
1421  // Topological dimension of the cell
1422  std::size_t _cell_tdim;
1424  // Topological dimension of the cell
1425  std::vector<std::vector<cell::type>> _cell_subentity_types;
1427  // Finite element family
1428  element::family _family;
1430  // Lagrange variant
1431  element::lagrange_variant _lagrange_variant;
1433  // DPC variant
1434  element::dpc_variant _dpc_variant;
1436  // Degree that was input when creating the element
1437  int _degree;
1439  // Degree
1440  int _interpolation_nderivs;
1442  // Highest degree polynomial in element's polyset
1443  int _embedded_superdegree;
1445  // Highest degree space that is a subspace of element's polyset
1446  int _embedded_subdegree;
1448  // Value shape
1449  std::vector<std::size_t> _value_shape;
1452  maps::type _map_type;
1455  sobolev::space _sobolev_space;
1457  // Shape function coefficient of expansion sets on cell. If shape
1458  // function is given by @f$\psi_i = \sum_{k} \phi_{k}
1459  // \alpha^{i}_{k}@f$, then _coeffs(i, j) = @f$\alpha^i_k@f$. ie
1460  // _coeffs.row(i) are the expansion coefficients for shape function i
1461  // (@f$\psi_{i}@f$).
1462  std::pair<std::vector<F>, std::array<std::size_t, 2>> _coeffs;
1464  // Dofs associated with each cell (sub-)entity
1465  std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<int>>> _edofs;
1467  // Dofs associated with the closdure of each cell (sub-)entity
1468  std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<int>>> _e_closure_dofs;
1470  // Entity transformations
1471  std::map<cell::type, array3_t> _entity_transformations;
1473  // Set of points used for point evaluation
1474  // Experimental - currently used for an implementation of
1475  // "tabulate_dof_coordinates" Most useful for Lagrange. This may change or go
1476  // away. For non-Lagrange elements, these points will be used in combination
1477  // with _interpolation_matrix to perform interpolation
1478  std::pair<std::vector<F>, std::array<std::size_t, 2>> _points;
1480  // Interpolation points on the cell. The shape is (entity_dim, num
1481  // entities of given dimension, num_points, tdim)
1482  std::array<std::vector<std::pair<std::vector<F>, std::array<std::size_t, 2>>>,
1483  4>
1484  _x;
1487  std::pair<std::vector<F>, std::array<std::size_t, 2>> _matM;
1489  // Indicates whether or not the DOF transformations are all
1490  // permutations
1491  bool _dof_transformations_are_permutations;
1493  // Indicates whether or not the DOF transformations are all identity
1494  bool _dof_transformations_are_identity;
1496  // The entity permutations (factorised). This will only be set if
1497  // _dof_transformations_are_permutations is True and
1498  // _dof_transformations_are_identity is False
1499  std::map<cell::type, std::vector<std::vector<std::size_t>>> _eperm;
1501  // The reverse entity permutations (factorised). This will only be set
1502  // if _dof_transformations_are_permutations is True and
1503  // _dof_transformations_are_identity is False
1504  std::map<cell::type, std::vector<std::vector<std::size_t>>> _eperm_inv;
1506  // The entity transformations in precomputed form
1507  std::map<cell::type, trans_data_t> _etrans;
1509  // The transposed entity transformations in precomputed form
1510  std::map<cell::type, trans_data_t> _etransT;
1512  // The inverse entity transformations in precomputed form
1513  std::map<cell::type, trans_data_t> _etrans_inv;
1515  // The inverse transpose entity transformations in precomputed form
1516  std::map<cell::type, trans_data_t> _etrans_invT;
1518  // The subentity closure permutations (factorised). This will only be set if
1519  // _dof_transformations_are_permutations is True
1520  std::map<cell::type, std::vector<std::vector<std::size_t>>>
1521  _subentity_closure_perm;
1523  // The inverse subentity closure permutations (factorised). This will only be
1524  // set if _dof_transformations_are_permutations is True
1525  std::map<cell::type, std::vector<std::vector<std::size_t>>>
1526  _subentity_closure_perm_inv;
1528  // Indicates whether or not this is the discontinuous version of the
1529  // element
1530  bool _discontinuous;
1532  // The dual matrix
1533  std::pair<std::vector<F>, std::array<std::size_t, 2>> _dual_matrix;
1535  // Dof reordering for different element dof layout compatibility.
1536  // The reference basix layout is ordered by entity, i.e. dofs on
1537  // vertices, followed by edges, faces, then internal dofs.
1538  // _dof_ordering stores the map to the new order required, e.g.
1539  // for a P2 triangle, _dof_ordering=[0 3 5 1 2 4] will place
1540  // dofs 0, 3, 5 on the vertices and 1, 2, 4, on the edges.
1541  std::vector<int> _dof_ordering;
1543  // Tensor product representation
1544  // Entries of tuple are (list of elements on an interval, permutation
1545  // of DOF numbers)
1546  // @todo: For vector-valued elements, a tensor product type and a
1547  // scaling factor may additionally be needed.
1548  std::vector<std::vector<FiniteElement>> _tensor_factors;
1550  // Is the interpolation matrix an identity?
1551  bool _interpolation_is_identity;
1553  // The coefficients that define the polynomial set in terms of the
1554  // orthonormal polynomials
1555  std::pair<std::vector<F>, std::array<std::size_t, 2>> _wcoeffs;
1557  // Interpolation matrices for each entity
1558  using array4_t
1559  = std::vector<std::pair<std::vector<F>, std::array<std::size_t, 4>>>;
1560  std::array<array4_t, 4> _M;
1561 };
1588 template <std::floating_point T>
1589 FiniteElement<T> create_custom_element(
1590  cell::type cell_type, const std::vector<std::size_t>& value_shape,
1591  impl::mdspan_t<const T, 2> wcoeffs,
1592  const std::array<std::vector<impl::mdspan_t<const T, 2>>, 4>& x,
1593  const std::array<std::vector<impl::mdspan_t<const T, 4>>, 4>& M,
1594  int interpolation_nderivs, maps::type map_type,
1595  sobolev::space sobolev_space, bool discontinuous, int embedded_subdegree,
1596  int embedded_superdegree, polyset::type poly_type);
1609 template <std::floating_point T>
1610 FiniteElement<T> create_element(element::family family, cell::type cell,
1611  int degree, element::lagrange_variant lvariant,
1612  element::dpc_variant dvariant,
1613  bool discontinuous,
1614  std::vector<int> dof_ordering = {});
1627 std::vector<int> tp_dof_ordering(element::family family, cell::type cell,
1628  int degree, element::lagrange_variant lvariant,
1629  element::dpc_variant dvariant,
1630  bool discontinuous);
1644 template <std::floating_point T>
1645 std::vector<std::vector<FiniteElement<T>>>
1646 tp_factors(element::family family, cell::type cell, int degree,
1648  bool discontinuous, std::vector<int> dof_ordering);
1661 template <std::floating_point T>
1662 FiniteElement<T>
1663 create_tp_element(element::family family, cell::type cell, int degree,
1664  element::lagrange_variant lvariant,
1665  element::dpc_variant dvariant, bool discontinuous);
1669 std::string version();
1671 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1672 template <std::floating_point F>
1673 template <typename T, bool post>
1674 void FiniteElement<F>::permute_data(
1675  std::span<T> data, int block_size, std::uint32_t cell_info,
1676  const std::map<cell::type, std::vector<std::vector<std::size_t>>>& eperm)
1677  const
1678 {
1679  if (_cell_tdim >= 2)
1680  {
1681  // This assumes 3 bits are used per face. This will need updating if 3D
1682  // cells with faces with more than 4 sides are implemented
1683  int face_start = _cell_tdim == 3 ? 3 * _edofs[2].size() : 0;
1685  // Permute DOFs on edges
1686  {
1687  auto& trans =[0];
1688  for (std::size_t e = 0; e < _edofs[1].size(); ++e)
1689  {
1690  // Reverse an edge
1691  if (cell_info >> (face_start + e) & 1)
1692  {
1693  precompute::apply_permutation_mapped(trans, data, _edofs[1][e],
1694  block_size);
1695  }
1696  }
1697  }
1699  if (_cell_tdim == 3)
1700  {
1701  // Permute DOFs on faces
1702  for (std::size_t f = 0; f < _edofs[2].size(); ++f)
1703  {
1704  auto& trans =[2][f]);
1706  // Reflect a face (pre rotate)
1707  if (!post and cell_info >> (3 * f) & 1)
1708  {
1709  precompute::apply_permutation_mapped(trans[1], data, _edofs[2][f],
1710  block_size);
1711  }
1713  // Rotate a face
1714  for (std::uint32_t r = 0; r < (cell_info >> (3 * f + 1) & 3); ++r)
1715  {
1716  precompute::apply_permutation_mapped(trans[0], data, _edofs[2][f],
1717  block_size);
1718  }
1720  // Reflect a face (post rotate)
1721  if (post and cell_info >> (3 * f) & 1)
1722  {
1723  precompute::apply_permutation_mapped(trans[1], data, _edofs[2][f],
1724  block_size);
1725  }
1726  }
1727  }
1728  }
1729 }
1730 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1731 template <std::floating_point F>
1732 template <typename T, bool post, typename OP>
1733 void FiniteElement<F>::transform_data(
1734  std::span<T> data, int block_size, std::uint32_t cell_info,
1735  const std::map<cell::type, trans_data_t>& etrans, OP op) const
1736 {
1737  if (_cell_tdim >= 2)
1738  {
1739  // This assumes 3 bits are used per face. This will need updating if
1740  // 3D cells with faces with more than 4 sides are implemented
1741  int face_start = _cell_tdim == 3 ? 3 * _edofs[2].size() : 0;
1742  int dofstart = 0;
1743  for (auto& edofs0 : _edofs[0])
1744  dofstart += edofs0.size();
1746  // Transform DOFs on edges
1747  {
1748  auto& [v_size_t, matrix] =[0];
1749  for (std::size_t e = 0; e < _edofs[1].size(); ++e)
1750  {
1751  // Reverse an edge
1752  if (cell_info >> (face_start + e) & 1)
1753  {
1754  op(std::span(v_size_t),
1755  mdspan_t<const F, 2>(, matrix.second), data,
1756  dofstart, block_size);
1757  }
1758  dofstart += _edofs[1][e].size();
1759  }
1760  }
1762  if (_cell_tdim == 3)
1763  {
1764  // Permute DOFs on faces
1765  for (std::size_t f = 0; f < _edofs[2].size(); ++f)
1766  {
1767  auto& trans =[2][f]);
1769  // Reflect a face (pre rotation)
1770  if (!post and cell_info >> (3 * f) & 1)
1771  {
1772  const auto& m = trans[1];
1773  const auto& v_size_t = std::get<0>(m);
1774  const auto& matrix = std::get<1>(m);
1775  op(std::span(v_size_t),
1776  mdspan_t<const F, 2>(, matrix.second), data,
1777  dofstart, block_size);
1778  }
1780  // Rotate a face
1781  for (std::uint32_t r = 0; r < (cell_info >> (3 * f + 1) & 3); ++r)
1782  {
1783  const auto& m = trans[0];
1784  const auto& v_size_t = std::get<0>(m);
1785  const auto& matrix = std::get<1>(m);
1786  op(std::span(v_size_t),
1787  mdspan_t<const F, 2>(, matrix.second), data,
1788  dofstart, block_size);
1789  }
1791  // Reflect a face (post rotation)
1792  if (post and cell_info >> (3 * f) & 1)
1793  {
1794  const auto& m = trans[1];
1795  const auto& v_size_t = std::get<0>(m);
1796  const auto& matrix = std::get<1>(m);
1797  op(std::span(v_size_t),
1798  mdspan_t<const F, 2>(, matrix.second), data,
1799  dofstart, block_size);
1800  }
1802  dofstart += _edofs[2][f].size();
1803  }
1804  }
1805  }
1806 }
1807 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1808 template <std::floating_point F>
1809 template <typename T>
1810 void FiniteElement<F>::T_apply(std::span<T> u, int n,
1811  std::uint32_t cell_info) const
1812 {
1813  if (_dof_transformations_are_identity)
1814  return;
1816  if (_dof_transformations_are_permutations)
1817  permute_data<T, false>(u, n, cell_info, _eperm);
1818  else
1819  {
1820  transform_data<T, false>(u, n, cell_info, _etrans,
1821  precompute::apply_matrix<F, T>);
1822  }
1823 }
1824 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1825 template <std::floating_point F>
1826 template <typename T>
1827 void FiniteElement<F>::Tt_apply(std::span<T> u, int n,
1828  std::uint32_t cell_info) const
1829 {
1830  if (_dof_transformations_are_identity)
1831  return;
1832  else if (_dof_transformations_are_permutations)
1833  permute_data<T, true>(u, n, cell_info, _eperm_inv);
1834  else
1835  {
1836  transform_data<T, true>(u, n, cell_info, _etransT,
1837  precompute::apply_matrix<F, T>);
1838  }
1839 }
1840 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1841 template <std::floating_point F>
1842 template <typename T>
1843 void FiniteElement<F>::Tt_inv_apply(std::span<T> u, int n,
1844  std::uint32_t cell_info) const
1845 {
1846  if (_dof_transformations_are_identity)
1847  return;
1848  else if (_dof_transformations_are_permutations)
1849  permute_data<T, false>(u, n, cell_info, _eperm);
1850  else
1851  {
1852  transform_data<T, false>(u, n, cell_info, _etrans_invT,
1853  precompute::apply_matrix<F, T>);
1854  }
1855 }
1856 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1857 template <std::floating_point F>
1858 template <typename T>
1859 void FiniteElement<F>::Tinv_apply(std::span<T> u, int n,
1860  std::uint32_t cell_info) const
1861 {
1862  if (_dof_transformations_are_identity)
1863  return;
1864  else if (_dof_transformations_are_permutations)
1865  permute_data<T, true>(u, n, cell_info, _eperm_inv);
1866  else
1867  {
1868  transform_data<T, true>(u, n, cell_info, _etrans_inv,
1869  precompute::apply_matrix<F, T>);
1870  }
1871 }
1872 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1873 template <std::floating_point F>
1874 template <typename T>
1875 void FiniteElement<F>::Tt_apply_right(std::span<T> u, int n,
1876  std::uint32_t cell_info) const
1877 {
1878  if (_dof_transformations_are_identity)
1879  return;
1880  else if (_dof_transformations_are_permutations)
1881  {
1882  assert(u.size() % n == 0);
1883  const int step = u.size() / n;
1884  for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
1885  {
1886  std::span<T> dblock( + i * step, step);
1887  permute_data<T, false>(dblock, 1, cell_info, _eperm);
1888  }
1889  }
1890  else
1891  {
1892  transform_data<T, false>(u, n, cell_info, _etrans,
1893  precompute::apply_tranpose_matrix_right<F, T>);
1894  }
1895 }
1896 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1897 template <std::floating_point F>
1898 template <typename T>
1899 void FiniteElement<F>::Tinv_apply_right(std::span<T> u, int n,
1900  std::uint32_t cell_info) const
1901 {
1902  if (_dof_transformations_are_identity)
1903  return;
1904  else if (_dof_transformations_are_permutations)
1905  {
1906  assert(u.size() % n == 0);
1907  const int step = u.size() / n;
1908  for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
1909  {
1910  std::span<T> dblock( + i * step, step);
1911  permute_data<T, false>(dblock, 1, cell_info, _eperm);
1912  }
1913  }
1914  else
1915  {
1916  transform_data<T, false>(u, n, cell_info, _etrans_invT,
1917  precompute::apply_tranpose_matrix_right<F, T>);
1918  }
1919 }
1920 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1921 template <std::floating_point F>
1922 template <typename T>
1923 void FiniteElement<F>::T_apply_right(std::span<T> u, int n,
1924  std::uint32_t cell_info) const
1925 {
1926  if (_dof_transformations_are_identity)
1927  return;
1928  else if (_dof_transformations_are_permutations)
1929  {
1930  assert(u.size() % n == 0);
1931  const int step = u.size() / n;
1932  for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
1933  {
1934  std::span<T> dblock( + i * step, step);
1935  permute_data<T, true>(dblock, 1, cell_info, _eperm_inv);
1936  }
1937  }
1938  else
1939  {
1940  transform_data<T, true>(u, n, cell_info, _etransT,
1941  precompute::apply_tranpose_matrix_right<F, T>);
1942  }
1943 }
1944 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1945 template <std::floating_point F>
1946 template <typename T>
1947 void FiniteElement<F>::Tt_inv_apply_right(std::span<T> u, int n,
1948  std::uint32_t cell_info) const
1949 {
1950  if (_dof_transformations_are_identity)
1951  return;
1952  else if (_dof_transformations_are_permutations)
1953  {
1954  assert(u.size() % n == 0);
1955  const int step = u.size() / n;
1956  for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
1957  {
1958  std::span<T> dblock( + i * step, step);
1959  permute_data<T, true>(dblock, 1, cell_info, _eperm_inv);
1960  }
1961  }
1962  else
1963  {
1964  transform_data<T, true>(u, n, cell_info, _etrans_inv,
1965  precompute::apply_tranpose_matrix_right<F, T>);
1966  }
1967 }
1968 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1970 } // namespace basix
A finite element.
Definition: finite-element.h:139
std::map< cell::type, std::pair< std::vector< F >, std::array< std::size_t, 3 > > > entity_transformations() const
Return the entity dof transformation matrices.
Definition: finite-element.h:768
void Tinv_apply_right(std::span< T > u, int n, std::uint32_t cell_info) const
Right(post)-apply the inverse of the operator applied by T_apply().
Definition: finite-element.h:1899
const std::vector< int > & dof_ordering() const
Get dof layout.
Definition: finite-element.h:1384
std::vector< std::vector< FiniteElement< F > > > get_tensor_product_representation() const
Get the tensor product representation of this element.
Definition: finite-element.h:1367
const std::pair< std::vector< F >, std::array< std::size_t, 2 > > & wcoeffs() const
Get the coefficients that define the polynomial set in terms of the orthonormal polynomials.
Definition: finite-element.h:1271
const std::array< std::vector< std::pair< std::vector< F >, std::array< std::size_t, 4 > > >, 4 > & M() const
Get the interpolation matrices for each subentity.
Definition: finite-element.h:1325
std::pair< std::vector< F >, std::array< std::size_t, 3 > > base_transformations() const
Get the base transformations.
Definition: finite-element.cpp:1632
void T_apply(std::span< T > u, int n, std::uint32_t cell_info) const
Transform basis functions from the reference element ordering and orientation to the globally consist...
Definition: finite-element.h:1810
void Tt_apply(std::span< T > u, int n, std::uint32_t cell_info) const
Apply the transpose of the operator applied by T_apply().
Definition: finite-element.h:1827
void permute_subentity_closure_inv(std::span< std::int32_t > d, std::uint32_t cell_info, cell::type entity_type, int entity_index) const
Perform the inverse of the operation applied by permute_subentity_closure().
Definition: finite-element.h:892
const std::pair< std::vector< F >, std::array< std::size_t, 2 > > & coefficient_matrix() const
Get the matrix of coefficients.
Definition: finite-element.h:1334
const std::pair< std::vector< F >, std::array< std::size_t, 2 > > & dual_matrix() const
Get the dual matrix.
Definition: finite-element.h:1230
bool dof_transformations_are_identity() const
Indicates is the dof transformations are all the identity.
Definition: finite-element.h:557
bool operator==(const FiniteElement &e) const
Check if two elements are the same.
Definition: finite-element.cpp:1451
void permute_subentity_closure_inv(std::span< std::int32_t > d, std::uint32_t entity_info, cell::type entity_type) const
Perform the inverse of the operation applied by permute_subentity_closure().
Definition: finite-element.h:988
int embedded_subdegree() const
Highest degree n such that a Lagrange (or vector Lagrange) element of degree n is a subspace of this ...
Definition: finite-element.h:505
void T_apply_right(std::span< T > u, int n, std::uint32_t cell_info) const
Right(post)-apply the operator applied by T_apply().
Definition: finite-element.h:1923
FiniteElement(FiniteElement &&element)=default
Move constructor.
bool has_tensor_product_factorisation() const
Indicates whether or not this element can be represented as a product of elements defined on lower-di...
Definition: finite-element.h:1349
const std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< int > > > & entity_closure_dofs() const
Get the dofs on the closure of each topological entity: (vertices, edges, faces, cell) in that order.
Definition: finite-element.h:674
int interpolation_nderivs() const
The number of derivatives needed when interpolating.
Definition: finite-element.h:1381
std::pair< std::vector< F >, std::array< std::size_t, 4 > > tabulate(int nd, impl::mdspan_t< const F, 2 > x) const
Compute basis values and derivatives at set of points.
Definition: finite-element.cpp:1540
int embedded_superdegree() const
Lowest degree n such that the highest degree polynomial in this element is contained in a Lagrange (o...
Definition: finite-element.h:500
std::function< void(O &, const P &, const Q &, F, const R &)> map_fn() const
Return a function that performs the appropriate push-forward/pull-back for the element type.
Definition: finite-element.h:623
int dim() const
Dimension of the finite element space.
Definition: finite-element.h:518
FiniteElement(element::family family, cell::type cell_type, polyset::type poly_type, int degree, const std::vector< std::size_t > &value_shape, mdspan_t< const F, 2 > wcoeffs, const std::array< std::vector< mdspan_t< const F, 2 >>, 4 > &x, const std::array< std::vector< mdspan_t< const F, 4 >>, 4 > &M, int interpolation_nderivs, maps::type map_type, sobolev::space sobolev_space, bool discontinuous, int embedded_subdegree, int embedded_superdegree, element::lagrange_variant lvariant, element::dpc_variant dvariant, std::vector< int > dof_ordering={})
Construct a finite element.
void permute(std::span< std::int32_t > d, std::uint32_t cell_info) const
Permute indices associated with degree-of-freedoms on the reference element ordering to the globally ...
Definition: finite-element.h:795
std::size_t hash() const
Get a unique hash of this element.
Definition: finite-element.cpp:1490
void permute_inv(std::span< std::int32_t > d, std::uint32_t cell_info) const
Perform the inverse of the operation applied by permute().
Definition: finite-element.h:826
void Tt_apply_right(std::span< T > u, int n, std::uint32_t cell_info) const
Right(post)-apply the transpose of the operator applied by T_apply().
Definition: finite-element.h:1875
void Tt_inv_apply(std::span< T > u, int n, std::uint32_t cell_info) const
Apply the inverse transpose of the operator applied by T_apply().
Definition: finite-element.h:1843
void permute_subentity_closure(std::span< std::int32_t > d, std::uint32_t cell_info, cell::type entity_type, int entity_index) const
Permute indices associated with degree-of-freedoms on the closure of a sub-entity of the reference el...
Definition: finite-element.h:855
element::lagrange_variant lagrange_variant() const
Lagrange variant of the element.
Definition: finite-element.h:526
void Tt_inv_apply_right(std::span< T > u, int n, std::uint32_t cell_info) const
Right(post)-apply the transpose inverse of the operator applied by T_apply().
Definition: finite-element.h:1947
const std::vector< std::size_t > & value_shape() const
Element value tensor shape.
Definition: finite-element.h:512
int degree() const
Get the element polynomial degree.
Definition: finite-element.h:494
void permute_subentity_closure(std::span< std::int32_t > d, std::uint32_t entity_info, cell::type entity_type) const
Permute indices associated with degree-of-freedoms on the closure of a sub-entity of the reference el...
Definition: finite-element.h:933
const std::pair< std::vector< F >, std::array< std::size_t, 2 > > & points() const
Return the interpolation points.
Definition: finite-element.h:1162
void Tinv_apply(std::span< T > u, int n, std::uint32_t cell_info) const
Apply the inverse of the operator applied by T_apply().
Definition: finite-element.h:1859
std::array< std::size_t, 4 > tabulate_shape(std::size_t nd, std::size_t num_points) const
Array shape for tabulate basis values and derivatives at set of points.
Definition: finite-element.h:363
FiniteElement & operator=(const FiniteElement &element)=default
Assignment operator.
sobolev::space sobolev_space() const
Underlying Sobolev space for this element.
Definition: finite-element.h:541
FiniteElement(const FiniteElement &element)=default
Copy constructor.
polyset::type polyset_type() const
Get the element polyset type.
Definition: finite-element.h:490
const std::pair< std::vector< F >, std::array< std::size_t, 2 > > & interpolation_matrix() const
Return a matrix of weights interpolation.
Definition: finite-element.h:1219
std::pair< std::vector< F >, std::array< std::size_t, 3 > > pull_back(impl::mdspan_t< const F, 3 > u, impl::mdspan_t< const F, 3 > J, std::span< const F > detJ, impl::mdspan_t< const F, 3 > K) const
Map function values from a physical cell to the reference.
Definition: finite-element.cpp:1741
bool dof_transformations_are_permutations() const
Indicates if the degree-of-freedom transformations are all permutations.
Definition: finite-element.h:551
std::pair< std::vector< F >, std::array< std::size_t, 3 > > push_forward(impl::mdspan_t< const F, 3 > U, impl::mdspan_t< const F, 3 > J, std::span< const F > detJ, impl::mdspan_t< const F, 3 > K) const
Map function values from the reference to a physical cell.
Definition: finite-element.cpp:1701
const std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< int > > > & entity_dofs() const
Get the dofs on each topological entity: (vertices, edges, faces, cell) in that order.
Definition: finite-element.h:660
cell::type cell_type() const
Get the element cell type.
Definition: finite-element.h:486
bool interpolation_is_identity() const
Indicates whether or not the interpolation matrix for this element is an identity matrix.
Definition: finite-element.h:1378
const std::array< std::vector< std::pair< std::vector< F >, std::array< std::size_t, 2 > > >, 4 > & x() const
Get the interpolation points for each subentity.
Definition: finite-element.h:1282
FiniteElement & operator=(FiniteElement &&element)=default
Move assignment operator.
bool discontinuous() const
Indicates whether this element is the discontinuous variant.
Definition: finite-element.h:547
maps::type map_type() const
Map type for the element.
Definition: finite-element.h:537
element::dpc_variant dpc_variant() const
DPC variant of the element.
Definition: finite-element.h:533
element::family family() const
The finite element family.
Definition: finite-element.h:522
Cell type.
Definition: cell.h:21
int topological_dimension(cell::type celltype)
Definition: cell.cpp:295
Variants of a Lagrange space that can be created.
Definition: element-families.h:12
impl::mdspan_t< T, d > mdspan_t
Typedef for mdspan.
Definition: finite-element.h:104
std::tuple< std::array< std::vector< std::vector< T > >, 4 >, std::array< std::vector< std::array< std::size_t, 2 > >, 4 >, std::array< std::vector< std::vector< T > >, 4 >, std::array< std::vector< std::array< std::size_t, 4 > >, 4 > > make_discontinuous(const std::array< std::vector< mdspan_t< const T, 2 >>, 4 > &x, const std::array< std::vector< mdspan_t< const T, 4 >>, 4 > &M, std::size_t tdim, std::size_t value_size)
Definition: finite-element.cpp:521
Definition: element-families.h:32
Available element families.
Definition: element-families.h:45
void covariant_piola(O &&r, const P &U, const Q &, double, const R &K)
Covariant Piola map.
Definition: maps.h:61
void contravariant_piola(O &&r, const P &U, const Q &J, double detJ, const R &)
Contravariant Piola map.
Definition: maps.h:81
void double_contravariant_piola(O &&r, const P &U, const Q &J, double detJ, const R &)
Double contravariant Piola map.
Definition: maps.h:135
void double_covariant_piola(O &&r, const P &U, const Q &J, double, const R &K)
Double covariant Piola map.
Definition: maps.h:103
Map type.
Definition: maps.h:39
Cell type.
Definition: polyset.h:136
void apply_permutation(std::span< const std::size_t > perm, std::span< E > data, std::size_t offset=0, std::size_t n=1)
Apply a (precomputed) permutation .
Definition: precompute.h:144
void apply_permutation_mapped(std::span< const std::size_t > perm, std::span< E > data, std::span< const int > emap, std::size_t n=1)
Permutation of mapped data.
Definition: precompute.h:154
Sobolev space type.
Definition: sobolev-spaces.h:13
Basix: FEniCS runtime basis evaluation library.
Definition: cell.h:17
FiniteElement< T > create_element(element::family family, cell::type cell, int degree, element::lagrange_variant lvariant, element::dpc_variant dvariant, bool discontinuous, std::vector< int > dof_ordering={})
Definition: finite-element.cpp:194
std::vector< int > tp_dof_ordering(element::family family, cell::type cell, int degree, element::lagrange_variant lvariant, element::dpc_variant dvariant, bool discontinuous)
Definition: finite-element.cpp:400
std::vector< std::vector< FiniteElement< T > > > tp_factors(element::family family, cell::type cell, int degree, element::lagrange_variant lvariant, element::dpc_variant dvariant, bool discontinuous, std::vector< int > dof_ordering)
Definition: finite-element.cpp:350
std::string version()
Definition: finite-element.cpp:1779
FiniteElement< T > create_tp_element(element::family family, cell::type cell, int degree, element::lagrange_variant lvariant, element::dpc_variant dvariant, bool discontinuous)
Definition: finite-element.cpp:331
FiniteElement< T > create_custom_element(cell::type cell_type, const std::vector< std::size_t > &value_shape, impl::mdspan_t< const T, 2 > wcoeffs, const std::array< std::vector< impl::mdspan_t< const T, 2 >>, 4 > &x, const std::array< std::vector< impl::mdspan_t< const T, 4 >>, 4 > &M, int interpolation_nderivs, maps::type map_type, sobolev::space sobolev_space, bool discontinuous, int embedded_subdegree, int embedded_superdegree, polyset::type poly_type)
Definition: finite-element.cpp:610