"""The Measure class."""
# Copyright (C) 2008-2016 Martin Sandve Alnæs
# This file is part of UFL (https://www.fenicsproject.org)
# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
# Modified by Anders Logg 2008-2016
# Modified by Massimiliano Leoni, 2016.
import numbers
from itertools import chain
from ufl.checks import is_true_ufl_scalar
from ufl.constantvalue import as_ufl
from ufl.core.expr import Expr
from ufl.domain import AbstractDomain, as_domain, extract_domains
from ufl.protocols import id_or_none
# Export list for ufl.classes
__all_classes__ = ["Measure", "MeasureSum", "MeasureProduct"]
# TODO: Design a class IntegralType(name, shortname, codim, num_cells, ...)?
# TODO: Improve descriptions below:
# Enumeration of valid domain types
_integral_types = [
# === Integration over full topological dimension:
("cell", "dx"), # Over cells of a mesh
# === Integration over topological dimension - 1:
("exterior_facet", "ds"), # Over one-sided exterior facets of a mesh
("interior_facet", "dS"), # Over two-sided facets between pairs of adjacent cells of a mesh
# === Integration over topological dimension 0
("vertex", "dP"), # Over vertices of a mesh
# === Integration over custom domains
("custom", "dc"), # Over custom user-defined domains (run-time quadrature points)
("cutcell", "dC"), # Over a cell with some part cut away (run-time quadrature points)
), # Over a facet fragment overlapping with two or more cells (run-time quadrature points)
), # Over a cell fragment overlapping with two or more cells (run-time quadrature points)
# === Firedrake specifics:
("exterior_facet_bottom", "ds_b"), # Over bottom facets on extruded mesh
("exterior_facet_top", "ds_t"), # Over top facets on extruded mesh
("exterior_facet_vert", "ds_v"), # Over side facets of an extruded mesh
("interior_facet_horiz", "dS_h"), # Over horizontal facets of an extruded mesh
("interior_facet_vert", "dS_v"), # Over vertical facets of an extruded mesh
integral_type_to_measure_name = {i: s for i, s in _integral_types}
measure_name_to_integral_type = {s: i for i, s in _integral_types}
custom_integral_types = ("custom", "cutcell", "interface", "overlap")
point_integral_types = ("vertex",) # "point")
facet_integral_types = ("exterior_facet", "interior_facet")
def register_integral_type(integral_type, measure_name):
"""Register an integral type."""
global integral_type_to_measure_name, measure_name_to_integral_type
if measure_name != integral_type_to_measure_name.get(integral_type, measure_name):
raise ValueError("Integral type already added with different measure name!")
if integral_type != measure_name_to_integral_type.get(measure_name, integral_type):
raise ValueError("Measure name already used for another domain type!")
integral_type_to_measure_name[integral_type] = measure_name
measure_name_to_integral_type[measure_name] = integral_type
def as_integral_type(integral_type):
"""Map short name to long name and require a valid one."""
integral_type = integral_type.replace(" ", "_")
integral_type = measure_name_to_integral_type.get(integral_type, integral_type)
if integral_type not in integral_type_to_measure_name:
raise ValueError("Invalid integral_type.")
return integral_type
def integral_types():
"""Return a tuple of all domain type strings."""
return tuple(sorted(integral_type_to_measure_name.keys()))
def measure_names():
"""Return a tuple of all measure name strings."""
return tuple(sorted(measure_name_to_integral_type.keys()))
class Measure(object):
"""Representation of an integration measure.
The Measure object holds information about integration properties
to be transferred to a Form on multiplication with a scalar
__slots__ = ("_domain", "_integral_type", "_metadata", "_subdomain_data", "_subdomain_id")
def __init__(
integral_type, # "dx" etc
integral_type: one of "cell", etc, or short form "dx", etc
domain: an AbstractDomain object (most often a Mesh)
subdomain_id: either string "everywhere", a single subdomain id int, or tuple of ints
metadata: dict, with additional compiler-specific parameters
affecting how code is generated, including parameters
for optimization or debugging of generated code
subdomain_data: object representing data to interpret subdomain_id with
# Map short name to long name and require a valid one
self._integral_type = as_integral_type(integral_type)
# Check that we either have a proper AbstractDomain or none
if domain is not None:
domain = as_domain(domain)
if not isinstance(domain, AbstractDomain):
raise ValueError("Invalid domain.")
self._domain = domain
# Store subdomain data
self._subdomain_data = subdomain_data
# FIXME: Cannot require this (yet) because we currently have
# no way to implement ufl_id for dolfin SubDomain
# if not (self._subdomain_data is None or hasattr(self._subdomain_data, "ufl_id")):
# raise ValueError("Invalid domain data, missing ufl_id() implementation.")
# Accept "everywhere", single subdomain, or multiple
# subdomains
if isinstance(subdomain_id, tuple):
for did in subdomain_id:
if not isinstance(did, numbers.Integral):
raise ValueError(f"Invalid subdomain_id {did}.")
if not (subdomain_id in ("everywhere",) or isinstance(subdomain_id, numbers.Integral)):
raise ValueError(f"Invalid subdomain_id {subdomain_id}.")
self._subdomain_id = subdomain_id
# Validate compiler options are None or dict
if metadata is not None and not isinstance(metadata, dict):
raise ValueError("Invalid metadata.")
self._metadata = metadata or {}
def integral_type(self):
"""Return the domain type.
Valid domain types are "cell", "exterior_facet", "interior_facet", etc.
return self._integral_type
def ufl_domain(self):
"""Return the domain associated with this measure.
This may be None or a Domain object.
return self._domain
def subdomain_id(self):
"""Return the domain id of this measure (integer)."""
return self._subdomain_id
def reconstruct(
self, integral_type=None, subdomain_id=None, domain=None, metadata=None, subdomain_data=None
"""Construct a new Measure object with some properties replaced with new values.
<dm = Measure instance>
b = dm.reconstruct(subdomain_id=2)
c = dm.reconstruct(metadata={ "quadrature_degree": 3 })
Used by the call operator, so this is equivalent:
b = dm(2)
c = dm(0, { "quadrature_degree": 3 })
if subdomain_id is None:
subdomain_id = self.subdomain_id()
if domain is None:
domain = self.ufl_domain()
if metadata is None:
metadata = self.metadata()
if subdomain_data is None:
subdomain_data = self.subdomain_data()
return Measure(
def subdomain_data(self):
"""Return the integral subdomain_data.
This data is not interpreted by
UFL. Its intension is to give a context in which the domain
id is interpreted.
return self._subdomain_data
# Note: Must keep the order of the first two arguments here
# (subdomain_id, metadata) for backwards compatibility, because
# some tutorials write e.g. dx(0, {...}) to set metadata.
def __call__(
"""Reconfigure measure with new domain specification or metadata."""
# Let syntax dx() mean integral over everywhere
all_args = (subdomain_id, metadata, domain, subdomain_data, degree, scheme)
if all(arg is None for arg in all_args):
return self.reconstruct(subdomain_id="everywhere")
# Let syntax dx(domain) or dx(domain, metadata) mean integral
# over entire domain. To do this we need to hijack the first
# argument:
if subdomain_id is not None and (
isinstance(subdomain_id, AbstractDomain) or hasattr(subdomain_id, "ufl_domain")
if domain is not None:
raise ValueError(
"Ambiguous: setting domain both as keyword argument and first argument."
subdomain_id, domain = "everywhere", subdomain_id
# If degree or scheme is set, inject into metadata. This is a
# quick fix to enable the dx(..., degree=3) notation.
# TODO: Make degree and scheme properties of integrals instead of adding to metadata.
if (degree, scheme) != (None, None):
metadata = {} if metadata is None else metadata.copy()
if degree is not None:
metadata["quadrature_degree"] = degree
if scheme is not None:
metadata["quadrature_rule"] = scheme
# If we get any keywords, use them to reconstruct Measure.
# Note that if only one argument is given, it is the
# subdomain_id, e.g. dx(3) == dx(subdomain_id=3)
return self.reconstruct(
def __str__(self):
"""Format as a string."""
name = integral_type_to_measure_name[self._integral_type]
args = []
if self._subdomain_id is not None:
args.append("subdomain_id=%s" % (self._subdomain_id,))
if self._domain is not None:
args.append("domain=%s" % (self._domain,))
if self._metadata: # Stored as {} if None
args.append("metadata=%s" % (self._metadata,))
if self._subdomain_data is not None:
args.append("subdomain_data=%s" % (self._subdomain_data,))
return "%s(%s)" % (name, ", ".join(args))
def __repr__(self):
"""Return a repr string for this Measure."""
args = []
if self._subdomain_id is not None:
args.append("subdomain_id=%s" % repr(self._subdomain_id))
if self._domain is not None:
args.append("domain=%s" % repr(self._domain))
if self._metadata: # Stored as {} if None
args.append("metadata=%s" % repr(self._metadata))
if self._subdomain_data is not None:
args.append("subdomain_data=%s" % repr(self._subdomain_data))
r = "%s(%s)" % (type(self).__name__, ", ".join(args))
return r
def __hash__(self):
"""Return a hash value for this Measure."""
metadata_hashdata = tuple(sorted((k, id(v)) for k, v in list(self._metadata.items())))
hashdata = (
return hash(hashdata)
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Checks if two Measures are equal."""
sorted_metadata = sorted((k, id(v)) for k, v in list(self._metadata.items()))
sorted_other_metadata = sorted((k, id(v)) for k, v in list(other._metadata.items()))
return (
isinstance(other, Measure)
and self._integral_type == other._integral_type
and self._subdomain_id == other._subdomain_id
and self._domain == other._domain
and id_or_none(self._subdomain_data) == id_or_none(other._subdomain_data)
and sorted_metadata == sorted_other_metadata
def __add__(self, other):
"""Add two measures (self+other).
Creates an intermediate object used for the notation
expr * (dx(1) + dx(2)) := expr * dx(1) + expr * dx(2)
if isinstance(other, Measure):
# Let dx(1) + dx(2) equal dx((1,2))
return MeasureSum(self, other)
# Can only add Measures
return NotImplemented
def __mul__(self, other):
"""Multiply two measures (self*other).
Creates an intermediate object used for the notation
expr * (dm1 * dm2) := expr * dm1 * dm2
This is work in progress and not functional.
if isinstance(other, Measure):
# Tensor product measure support
return MeasureProduct(self, other)
# Can't multiply Measure from the right with non-Measure type
return NotImplemented
def __rmul__(self, integrand):
"""Multiply a scalar expression with measure to construct a form with a single integral.
This is to implement the notation
form = integrand * self
Integration properties are taken from this Measure object.
# Avoid circular imports
from ufl.form import Form
from ufl.integral import Integral
# Allow python literals: 1*dx and 1.0*dx
if isinstance(integrand, (int, float)):
integrand = as_ufl(integrand)
# Let other types implement multiplication with Measure if
# they want to (to support the dolfin-adjoint TimeMeasure)
if not isinstance(integrand, Expr):
return NotImplemented
# Allow only scalar integrands
if not is_true_ufl_scalar(integrand):
raise ValueError(
"Can only integrate scalar expressions. The integrand is a "
f"tensor expression with value shape {integrand.ufl_shape} and "
f"free indices with labels {integrand.ufl_free_indices}."
# If we have a tuple of domain ids build the integrals one by
# one and construct as a Form in one go.
subdomain_id = self.subdomain_id()
if isinstance(subdomain_id, tuple):
return Form(
(integrand * self.reconstruct(subdomain_id=d)).integrals()
for d in subdomain_id
# Check that we have an integer subdomain or a string
# ("everywhere" or "otherwise", any more?)
if not isinstance(
raise ValueError("Expecting integer or string domain id.")
# If we don't have an integration domain, try to find one in
# integrand
domain = self.ufl_domain()
if domain is None:
domains = extract_domains(integrand)
if len(domains) == 1:
(domain,) = domains
elif len(domains) == 0:
raise ValueError("This integral is missing an integration domain.")
raise ValueError(
"Multiple domains found, making the choice of integration domain ambiguous."
# Otherwise create and return a one-integral form
integral = Integral(
return Form([integral])
class MeasureSum(object):
"""Represents a sum of measures.
This is a notational intermediate object to translate the notation
f*ds(1) + f*ds(3)
__slots__ = ("_measures",)
def __init__(self, *measures):
self._measures = measures
def __rmul__(self, other):
integrals = [other * m for m in self._measures]
return sum(integrals)
def __add__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, Measure):
return MeasureSum(*(self._measures + (other,)))
elif isinstance(other, MeasureSum):
return MeasureSum(*(self._measures + other._measures))
return NotImplemented
def __str__(self):
"""Format as a string."""
return "{\n " + "\n + ".join(map(str, self._measures)) + "\n}"
class MeasureProduct(object):
"""Represents a product of measures.
This is a notational intermediate object to handle the notation
This is work in progress and not functional. It needs support
in other parts of ufl and the rest of the code generation chain.
__slots__ = ("_measures",)
def __init__(self, *measures):
"""Create MeasureProduct from given list of measures."""
self._measures = measures
if len(self._measures) < 2:
raise ValueError("Expecting at least two measures.")
def __mul__(self, other):
"""Flatten multiplication of product measures.
This is to ensure that (dm1*dm2)*dm3 is stored as a simple
list (dm1,dm2,dm3) in a single MeasureProduct.
if isinstance(other, Measure):
measures = self.sub_measures() + [other]
return MeasureProduct(*measures)
return NotImplemented
def __rmul__(self, integrand):
# TODO: Implement MeasureProduct.__rmul__ to construct integral and form somehow.
raise NotImplementedError()
def sub_measures(self):
"""Return submeasures."""
return self._measures