Source code for ufl.indexsum

"""This module defines the IndexSum class."""

# Copyright (C) 2008-2016 Martin Sandve Alnæs
# This file is part of UFL (
# SPDX-License-Identifier:    LGPL-3.0-or-later

from ufl.constantvalue import Zero
from ufl.core.expr import Expr, ufl_err_str
from ufl.core.multiindex import MultiIndex
from ufl.core.operator import Operator
from ufl.core.ufl_type import ufl_type
from ufl.precedence import parstr

# --- Sum over an index ---

[docs] @ufl_type(num_ops=2) class IndexSum(Operator): """Index sum.""" __slots__ = ("_dimension", "ufl_free_indices", "ufl_index_dimensions") def __new__(cls, summand, index): """Create a new IndexSum.""" # Error checks if not isinstance(summand, Expr): raise ValueError(f"Expecting Expr instance, got {ufl_err_str(summand)}") if not isinstance(index, MultiIndex): raise ValueError(f"Expecting MultiIndex instance, got {ufl_err_str(index)}") if len(index) != 1: raise ValueError(f"Expecting a single Index but got {len(index)}.") # Simplification to zero if isinstance(summand, Zero): sh = summand.ufl_shape (j,) = index fi = summand.ufl_free_indices fid = summand.ufl_index_dimensions pos = fi.index(j.count()) fi = fi[:pos] + fi[pos + 1 :] fid = fid[:pos] + fid[pos + 1 :] return Zero(sh, fi, fid) return Operator.__new__(cls) def __init__(self, summand, index): """Initialise.""" (j,) = index fi = summand.ufl_free_indices fid = summand.ufl_index_dimensions pos = fi.index(j.count()) self._dimension = fid[pos] self.ufl_free_indices = fi[:pos] + fi[pos + 1 :] self.ufl_index_dimensions = fid[:pos] + fid[pos + 1 :] Operator.__init__(self, (summand, index))
[docs] def index(self): """Get index.""" return self.ufl_operands[1][0]
[docs] def dimension(self): """Get dimension.""" return self._dimension
@property def ufl_shape(self): """Get UFL shape.""" return self.ufl_operands[0].ufl_shape
[docs] def evaluate(self, x, mapping, component, index_values): """Evaluate.""" (i,) = self.ufl_operands[1] tmp = 0 for k in range(self._dimension): index_values.push(i, k) tmp += self.ufl_operands[0].evaluate(x, mapping, component, index_values) index_values.pop() return tmp
def __str__(self): """Format as a string.""" return "sum_{%s} %s " % (str(self.ufl_operands[1]), parstr(self.ufl_operands[0], self))