Source code for ufl.exprcontainers

"""This module defines special types for representing mapping of expressions to expressions."""
# Copyright (C) 2014 Martin Sandve Alnæs
# This file is part of UFL (
# SPDX-License-Identifier:    LGPL-3.0-or-later

from ufl.argument import Coargument
from ufl.coefficient import Cofunction
from ufl.core.expr import Expr
from ufl.core.operator import Operator
from ufl.core.ufl_type import ufl_type

# --- Non-tensor types ---

[docs] @ufl_type(num_ops="varying") class ExprList(Operator): """List of Expr objects. For internal use, never to be created by end users.""" __slots__ = () def __init__(self, *operands): """Initialise.""" Operator.__init__(self, operands) # Enable Cofunction/Coargument for BaseForm differentiation if not all(isinstance(i, (Expr, Cofunction, Coargument)) for i in operands): raise ValueError("Expecting Expr, Cofunction or Coargument in ExprList.") def __getitem__(self, i): """Get an item.""" return self.ufl_operands[i] def __len__(self): """Get the length.""" return len(self.ufl_operands) def __iter__(self): """Return iterable.""" return iter(self.ufl_operands) def __str__(self): """Format as a string.""" return "ExprList(*(%s,))" % ", ".join(str(i) for i in self.ufl_operands) def __repr__(self): """Representation.""" r = "ExprList(*%s)" % repr(self.ufl_operands) return r @property def ufl_shape(self): """Get the UFL shape.""" raise ValueError("A non-tensor type has no ufl_shape.") @property def ufl_free_indices(self): """Get the UFL free indices.""" raise ValueError("A non-tensor type has no ufl_free_indices.")
[docs] def free_indices(self): """Get the free indices.""" raise ValueError("A non-tensor type has no free_indices.")
@property def ufl_index_dimensions(self): """Get the UFL index dimensions.""" raise ValueError("A non-tensor type has no ufl_index_dimensions.")
[docs] def index_dimensions(self): """Get the index dimensions.""" raise ValueError("A non-tensor type has no index_dimensions.")
[docs] @ufl_type(num_ops="varying") class ExprMapping(Operator): """Mapping of Expr objects. For internal use, never to be created by end users.""" __slots__ = () def __init__(self, *operands): """Initialise.""" Operator.__init__(self, operands) if not all(isinstance(e, Expr) for e in operands): raise ValueError("Expecting Expr in ExprMapping.")
[docs] def ufl_domains(self): """Get the UFL domains.""" # Because this type can act like a terminal if it has no # operands, we need to override some recursive operations if self.ufl_operands: return Operator.ufl_domains() else: return []
def __str__(self): """Format as a string.""" return "ExprMapping(*%s)" % repr(self.ufl_operands) def __repr__(self): """Representation.""" r = "ExprMapping(*%s)" % repr(self.ufl_operands) return r @property def ufl_shape(self): """Get the UFL shape.""" raise ValueError("A non-tensor type has no ufl_shape.") @property def ufl_free_indices(self): """Get the UFL free indices.""" raise ValueError("A non-tensor type has no ufl_free_indices.")
[docs] def free_indices(self): """Get the free indices.""" raise ValueError("A non-tensor type has no free_indices.")
@property def ufl_index_dimensions(self): """Get the UFL index dimensions.""" raise ValueError("A non-tensor type has no ufl_index_dimensions.")
[docs] def index_dimensions(self): """Get the index dimensions.""" raise ValueError("A non-tensor type has no index_dimensions.")