"""Types for representing a geometric domain."""
# Copyright (C) 2008-2016 Martin Sandve Alnæs
# This file is part of UFL (https://www.fenicsproject.org)
# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
import numbers
from ufl.cell import AbstractCell
from ufl.core.ufl_id import attach_ufl_id
from ufl.core.ufl_type import UFLObject
from ufl.corealg.traversal import traverse_unique_terminals
from ufl.sobolevspace import H1
# Export list for ufl.classes
__all_classes__ = ["AbstractDomain", "Mesh", "MeshView"]
class AbstractDomain(object):
"""Symbolic representation of a geometric domain.
Domain has only a geometric and a topological dimension.
def __init__(self, topological_dimension, geometric_dimension):
# Validate dimensions
if not isinstance(geometric_dimension, numbers.Integral):
raise ValueError(
f"Expecting integer geometric dimension, not {geometric_dimension.__class__}"
if not isinstance(topological_dimension, numbers.Integral):
raise ValueError(
f"Expecting integer topological dimension, not {topological_dimension.__class__}"
if topological_dimension > geometric_dimension:
raise ValueError("Topological dimension cannot be larger than geometric dimension.")
# Store validated dimensions
self._topological_dimension = topological_dimension
self._geometric_dimension = geometric_dimension
def geometric_dimension(self):
"""Return the dimension of the space this domain is embedded in."""
return self._geometric_dimension
def topological_dimension(self):
"""Return the dimension of the topology of this domain."""
return self._topological_dimension
# TODO: Would it be useful to have a domain representing R^d? E.g. for
# Expression.
# class EuclideanSpace(AbstractDomain):
# def __init__(self, geometric_dimension):
# AbstractDomain.__init__(self, geometric_dimension, geometric_dimension)
class Mesh(AbstractDomain, UFLObject):
"""Symbolic representation of a mesh."""
def __init__(self, coordinate_element, ufl_id=None, cargo=None):
self._ufl_id = self._init_ufl_id(ufl_id)
# Store reference to object that will not be used by UFL
self._ufl_cargo = cargo
if cargo is not None and cargo.ufl_id() != self._ufl_id:
raise ValueError("Expecting cargo object (e.g. dolfin.Mesh) to have the same ufl_id.")
# No longer accepting coordinates provided as a Coefficient
from ufl.coefficient import Coefficient
if isinstance(coordinate_element, (Coefficient, AbstractCell)):
raise ValueError("Expecting a coordinate element in the ufl.Mesh construct.")
# Store coordinate element
self._ufl_coordinate_element = coordinate_element
# Derive dimensions from element
(gdim,) = coordinate_element.reference_value_shape
tdim = coordinate_element.cell.topological_dimension()
AbstractDomain.__init__(self, tdim, gdim)
def ufl_cargo(self):
"""Return carried object that will not be used by UFL."""
return self._ufl_cargo
def ufl_coordinate_element(self):
"""Get the coordinate element."""
return self._ufl_coordinate_element
def ufl_cell(self):
"""Get the cell."""
return self._ufl_coordinate_element.cell
def is_piecewise_linear_simplex_domain(self):
"""Check if the domain is a piecewise linear simplex."""
ce = self._ufl_coordinate_element
return ce.embedded_superdegree <= 1 and ce in H1 and self.ufl_cell().is_simplex()
def __repr__(self):
r = "Mesh(%s, %s)" % (repr(self._ufl_coordinate_element), repr(self._ufl_id))
return r
def __str__(self):
"""Format as a string."""
return "<Mesh #%s>" % (self._ufl_id,)
def _ufl_hash_data_(self):
"""UFL hash data."""
return (self._ufl_id, self._ufl_coordinate_element)
def _ufl_signature_data_(self, renumbering):
"""UFL signature data."""
return ("Mesh", renumbering[self], self._ufl_coordinate_element)
# NB! Dropped __lt__ here, don't want users to write 'mesh1 <
# mesh2'.
def _ufl_sort_key_(self):
"""UFL sort key."""
typespecific = (self._ufl_id, self._ufl_coordinate_element)
return (self.geometric_dimension(), self.topological_dimension(), "Mesh", typespecific)
class MeshView(AbstractDomain, UFLObject):
"""Symbolic representation of a mesh."""
def __init__(self, mesh, topological_dimension, ufl_id=None):
self._ufl_id = self._init_ufl_id(ufl_id)
# Store mesh
self._ufl_mesh = mesh
# Derive dimensions from element
coordinate_element = mesh.ufl_coordinate_element()
(gdim,) = coordinate_element.value_shape
tdim = coordinate_element.cell.topological_dimension()
AbstractDomain.__init__(self, tdim, gdim)
def ufl_mesh(self):
"""Get the mesh."""
return self._ufl_mesh
def ufl_cell(self):
"""Get the cell."""
return self._ufl_mesh.ufl_cell()
def is_piecewise_linear_simplex_domain(self):
"""Check if the domain is a piecewise linear simplex."""
return self._ufl_mesh.is_piecewise_linear_simplex_domain()
def __repr__(self):
tdim = self.topological_dimension()
r = "MeshView(%s, %s, %s)" % (repr(self._ufl_mesh), repr(tdim), repr(self._ufl_id))
return r
def __str__(self):
"""Format as a string."""
return "<MeshView #%s of dimension %d over mesh %s>" % (
def _ufl_hash_data_(self):
"""UFL hash data."""
return (self._ufl_id,) + self._ufl_mesh._ufl_hash_data_()
def _ufl_signature_data_(self, renumbering):
"""UFL signature data."""
return ("MeshView", renumbering[self], self._ufl_mesh._ufl_signature_data_(renumbering))
# NB! Dropped __lt__ here, don't want users to write 'mesh1 <
# mesh2'.
def _ufl_sort_key_(self):
"""UFL sort key."""
typespecific = (self._ufl_id, self._ufl_mesh)
return (self.geometric_dimension(), self.topological_dimension(), "MeshView", typespecific)
def as_domain(domain):
"""Convert any valid object to an AbstractDomain type."""
if isinstance(domain, AbstractDomain):
# Modern UFL files and dolfin behaviour
return domain
return extract_unique_domain(domain)
except AttributeError:
return domain.ufl_domain()
def sort_domains(domains):
"""Sort domains in a canonical ordering."""
return tuple(sorted(domains, key=lambda domain: domain._ufl_sort_key_()))
def join_domains(domains):
"""Take a list of domains and return a tuple with only unique domain objects.
Checks that domains with the same id are compatible.
# Use hashing to join domains, ignore None
domains = set(domains) - set((None,))
if not domains:
return ()
# Check geometric dimension compatibility
gdims = set()
for domain in domains:
if len(gdims) != 1:
raise ValueError("Found domains with different geometric dimensions.")
return domains
# TODO: Move these to an analysis module?
def extract_domains(expr):
"""Return all domains expression is defined on."""
domainlist = []
for t in traverse_unique_terminals(expr):
return sorted(
key=lambda D: (D.topological_dimension(), D.ufl_cell(), D.ufl_id()),
def extract_unique_domain(expr):
"""Return the single unique domain expression is defined on or throw an error."""
domains = extract_domains(expr)
if len(domains) == 1:
return domains[0]
elif domains:
raise ValueError("Found multiple domains, cannot return just one.")
return None
def find_geometric_dimension(expr):
"""Find the geometric dimension of an expression."""
gdims = set()
for t in traverse_unique_terminals(expr):
domain = extract_unique_domain(t)
if domain is not None:
if len(gdims) != 1:
raise ValueError("Cannot determine geometric dimension from expression.")
(gdim,) = gdims
return gdim