Source code for ufl.core.multiindex

"""This module defines the single index types and some internal index utilities."""

# Copyright (C) 2008-2016 Martin Sandve Alnæs and Anders Logg
# This file is part of UFL (
# SPDX-License-Identifier:    LGPL-3.0-or-later
# Modified by Massimiliano Leoni, 2016.

from ufl.core.terminal import Terminal
from ufl.core.ufl_type import ufl_type
from ufl.utils.counted import Counted

# Export list for ufl.classes
__all_classes__ = ["IndexBase", "FixedIndex", "Index"]

[docs] class IndexBase(object): """Base class for all indices.""" __slots__ = () def __init__(self): """Initialise."""
[docs] class FixedIndex(IndexBase): """UFL value: An index with a specific value assigned.""" __slots__ = ("_hash", "_value") _cache = {} def __getnewargs__(self): """Get new args.""" return (self._value,) def __new__(cls, value): """Create new FixedIndex.""" self = FixedIndex._cache.get(value) if self is None: if not isinstance(value, int): raise ValueError("Expecting integer value for fixed index.") self = IndexBase.__new__(cls) self._init(value) FixedIndex._cache[value] = self return self def _init(self, value): """Initialise.""" IndexBase.__init__(self) self._value = value self._hash = hash(("FixedIndex", self._value)) def __init__(self, value): """Initialise.""" def __hash__(self): """Hash.""" return self._hash def __eq__(self, other): """Check equality.""" return isinstance(other, FixedIndex) and (self._value == other._value) def __int__(self): """Convert to int.""" return self._value def __str__(self): """Represent with a string.""" return f"{self._value}" def __repr__(self): """Return representation.""" return f"FixedIndex({self._value})"
[docs] class Index(IndexBase, Counted): """UFL value: An index with no value assigned. Used to represent free indices in Einstein indexing notation. """ __slots__ = ("_count", "_counted_class") def __init__(self, count=None): """Initialise.""" IndexBase.__init__(self) Counted.__init__(self, count, Index) def __hash__(self): """Hash.""" return hash(("Index", self._count)) def __eq__(self, other): """Check equality.""" return isinstance(other, Index) and (self._count == other._count) def __str__(self): """Represent as a string.""" c = f"{self._count}" if len(c) > 1: c = f"{{{c}}}" return f"i_{c}" def __repr__(self): """Return representation.""" return f"Index({self._count})"
[docs] @ufl_type() class MultiIndex(Terminal): """Represents a sequence of indices, either fixed or free.""" __slots__ = ("_indices",) _cache = {} def __getnewargs__(self): """Get new args.""" return (self._indices,) def __new__(cls, indices): """Create new MultiIndex.""" if not isinstance(indices, tuple): raise ValueError("Expecting a tuple of indices.") if all(isinstance(ind, FixedIndex) for ind in indices): # Cache multiindices consisting of purely fixed indices # (aka flyweight pattern) key = tuple(ind._value for ind in indices) self = MultiIndex._cache.get(key) if self is not None: return self self = Terminal.__new__(cls) MultiIndex._cache[key] = self else: # Create a new object if we have any free indices (too # many combinations to cache) if not all(isinstance(ind, IndexBase) for ind in indices): raise ValueError("Expecting only Index and FixedIndex objects.") self = Terminal.__new__(cls) # Initialize here instead of in __init__ to avoid overwriting # self._indices from cached objects self._init(indices) return self def __init__(self, indices): """Initialise.""" def _init(self, indices): """Initialise.""" Terminal.__init__(self) self._indices = indices
[docs] def indices(self): """Return tuple of indices.""" return self._indices
def _ufl_compute_hash_(self): """Compute UFL hash.""" return hash(("MultiIndex",) + tuple(hash(ind) for ind in self._indices)) def __eq__(self, other): """Check equality.""" return isinstance(other, MultiIndex) and self._indices == other._indices
[docs] def evaluate(self, x, mapping, component, index_values): """Evaluate index.""" # Build component from index values component = [] for i in self._indices: if isinstance(i, FixedIndex): component.append(i._value) elif isinstance(i, Index): component.append(index_values[i]) return tuple(component)
@property def ufl_shape(self): """Get the UFL shape. This should not be used. """ raise ValueError("Multiindex has no shape (it is not a tensor expression).") @property def ufl_free_indices(self): """Get the UFL free indices. This should not be used. """ raise ValueError("Multiindex has no free indices (it is not a tensor expression).") @property def ufl_index_dimensions(self): """Get the UFL index dimensions. This should not be used. """ raise ValueError("Multiindex has no free indices (it is not a tensor expression).")
[docs] def is_cellwise_constant(self): """Check if cellwise constant. Always True. """ return True
[docs] def ufl_domains(self): """Return tuple of domains related to this terminal object.""" return ()
# --- Adding multiindices --- def __add__(self, other): """Add.""" if isinstance(other, tuple): return MultiIndex(self._indices + other) elif isinstance(other, MultiIndex): return MultiIndex(self._indices + other._indices) return NotImplemented def __radd__(self, other): """Add.""" if isinstance(other, tuple): return MultiIndex(other + self._indices) elif isinstance(other, MultiIndex): return MultiIndex(other._indices + self._indices) return NotImplemented # --- String formatting --- def __str__(self): """Format as a string.""" return ", ".join(str(i) for i in self._indices) def __repr__(self): """Return representation.""" return f"MultiIndex({self._indices!r})" # --- Iteration protocol --- def __len__(self): """Get length.""" return len(self._indices) def __getitem__(self, i): """Get an item.""" return self._indices[i] def __iter__(self): """Return iteratable.""" return iter(self._indices)
[docs] def indices(n): """Return a tuple of n new Index objects.""" return tuple(Index() for i in range(n))