Source code for ufl.algorithms.transformer


This module defines the Transformer base class and some
basic specializations to further base other algorithms upon,
as well as some utilities for easier application of such
# Copyright (C) 2008-2016 Martin Sandve Alnæs and Anders Logg
# This file is part of UFL (
# SPDX-License-Identifier:    LGPL-3.0-or-later
# Modified by Anders Logg, 2009-2010

import inspect

from ufl.algorithms.map_integrands import map_integrands
from ufl.classes import Variable, all_ufl_classes
from ufl.core.ufl_type import UFLType

[docs]def is_post_handler(function): """Check if function is a handler that expects transformed children as input.""" insp = inspect.getfullargspec(function) num_args = len(insp[0]) + int(insp[1] is not None) visit_children_first = num_args > 2 return visit_children_first
[docs]class Transformer(object): """Transformer. Base class for a visitor-like algorithm design pattern used to transform expression trees from one representation to another. """ _handlers_cache = {} def __init__(self, variable_cache=None): """Initialise.""" if variable_cache is None: variable_cache = {} self._variable_cache = variable_cache # Analyse class properties and cache handler data the # first time this is run for a particular class cache_data = Transformer._handlers_cache.get(type(self)) if not cache_data: cache_data = [None] * len(all_ufl_classes) # For all UFL classes for classobject in all_ufl_classes: # Iterate over the inheritance chain # (NB! This assumes that all UFL classes inherits a single # Expr subclass and that this is the first superclass!) for c in classobject.mro(): # Register classobject with handler for the first # encountered superclass try: handler_name = c._ufl_handler_name_ except AttributeError as attribute_error: if type(classobject) is not UFLType: raise attribute_error # Default handler name for UFL types handler_name = UFLType._ufl_handler_name_ function = getattr(self, handler_name, None) if function: cache_data[classobject._ufl_typecode_] = ( handler_name, is_post_handler(function), ) break Transformer._handlers_cache[type(self)] = cache_data # Build handler list for this particular class (get functions # bound to self) self._handlers = [(getattr(self, name), post) for (name, post) in cache_data] # Keep a stack of objects visit is called on, to ease # backtracking self._visit_stack = []
[docs] def print_visit_stack(self): """Print visit stack.""" print("/" * 80) print("Visit stack in Transformer:") def sstr(s): """Format.""" ss = str(type(s)) + " ; " n = 160 - len(ss) return ss + str(s)[:n] print("\n".join(sstr(s) for s in self._visit_stack)) print("\\" * 80)
[docs] def visit(self, o): """Visit.""" # Update stack self._visit_stack.append(o) # Get handler for the UFL class of o (type(o) may be an # external subclass of the actual UFL class) h, visit_children_first = self._handlers[o._ufl_typecode_] # Is this a handler that expects transformed children as # input? if visit_children_first: # Yes, visit all children first and then call h. r = h(o, *[self.visit(op) for op in o.ufl_operands]) else: # No, this is a handler that handles its own children # (arguments self and o, where self is already bound) r = h(o) # Update stack and return self._visit_stack.pop() return r
[docs] def undefined(self, o): """Trigger error.""" raise ValueError(f"No handler defined for {o._ufl_class_.__name__}.")
[docs] def reuse(self, o): """Reuse Expr (ignore children).""" return o
[docs] def reuse_if_untouched(self, o, *ops): """Reuse object if operands are the same objects. Use in your own subclass by setting e.g. `expr = MultiFunction.reuse_if_untouched` as a default rule. """ if all(a is b for a, b in zip(o.ufl_operands, ops)): return o else: return o._ufl_expr_reconstruct_(*ops)
# It's just so slow to compare all operands, avoiding it now reuse_if_possible = reuse_if_untouched
[docs] def always_reconstruct(self, o, *operands): """Reconstruct expr.""" return o._ufl_expr_reconstruct_(*operands)
# Set default behaviour for any UFLType ufl_type = undefined # Set default behaviour for any Terminal terminal = reuse
[docs] def reuse_variable(self, o): """Reuse variable.""" # Check variable cache to reuse previously transformed # variable if possible e, l = o.ufl_operands # noqa: E741 v = self._variable_cache.get(l) if v is not None: return v # Visit the expression our variable represents e2 = self.visit(e) # If the expression is the same, reuse Variable object if e == e2: v = o else: # Recreate Variable (with same label) v = Variable(e2, l) # Cache variable self._variable_cache[l] = v return v
[docs] def reconstruct_variable(self, o): """Reconstruct variable.""" # Check variable cache to reuse previously transformed # variable if possible e, l = o.ufl_operands # noqa: E741 v = self._variable_cache.get(l) if v is not None: return v # Visit the expression our variable represents e2 = self.visit(e) # Always reconstruct Variable (with same label) v = Variable(e2, l) self._variable_cache[l] = v return v
[docs]class ReuseTransformer(Transformer): """Reuse transformer.""" def __init__(self, variable_cache=None): """Initialise.""" Transformer.__init__(self, variable_cache) # Set default behaviour for any Expr expr = Transformer.reuse_if_untouched # Set default behaviour for any Terminal terminal = Transformer.reuse # Set default behaviour for Variable variable = Transformer.reuse_variable
[docs]class CopyTransformer(Transformer): """Copy transformer.""" def __init__(self, variable_cache=None): """Initialise.""" Transformer.__init__(self, variable_cache) # Set default behaviour for any Expr expr = Transformer.always_reconstruct # Set default behaviour for any Terminal terminal = Transformer.reuse # Set default behaviour for Variable variable = Transformer.reconstruct_variable
[docs]class VariableStripper(ReuseTransformer): """Variable stripper.""" def __init__(self): """Initialise.""" ReuseTransformer.__init__(self)
[docs] def variable(self, o): """Visit a variable.""" return self.visit(o.ufl_operands[0])
[docs]def apply_transformer(e, transformer, integral_type=None): """Apply transforms. Apply transformer.visit(expression) to each integrand expression in form, or to form if it is an Expr. """ return map_integrands(lambda expr: transformer.visit(expr), e, integral_type)
[docs]def strip_variables(e): """Replace all Variable instances with the expression they represent.""" return apply_transformer(e, VariableStripper())