Source code for ufl.algorithms.domain_analysis

"""Algorithms for building canonical data structure for integrals over subdomains."""

# Copyright (C) 2009-2016 Anders Logg and Martin Sandve Alnæs
# This file is part of UFL (
# SPDX-License-Identifier:    LGPL-3.0-or-later

import numbers
import typing
from collections import defaultdict

import ufl
from ufl.algorithms.coordinate_derivative_helpers import (
from ufl.algorithms.renumbering import renumber_indices
from ufl.form import Form
from ufl.integral import Integral
from ufl.protocols import id_or_none
from ufl.sorting import cmp_expr, sorted_expr
from ufl.utils.sorting import canonicalize_metadata, sorted_by_key

[docs] class IntegralData(object): """Utility class. This class has members (domain, integral_type, subdomain_id, integrals, metadata), where metadata is an empty dictionary that may be used for associating metadata with each object. """ __slots__ = ( "domain", "enabled_coefficients", "integral_coefficients", "integral_type", "integrals", "metadata", "subdomain_id", ) def __init__(self, domain, integral_type, subdomain_id, integrals, metadata): """Initialise.""" if 1 != len(set(itg.ufl_domain() for itg in integrals)): raise ValueError("Multiple domains mismatch in integral data.") if not all(integral_type == itg.integral_type() for itg in integrals): raise ValueError("Integral type mismatch in integral data.") if not all(subdomain_id == itg.subdomain_id() for itg in integrals): raise ValueError("Subdomain id mismatch in integral data.") self.domain = domain self.integral_type = integral_type self.subdomain_id = subdomain_id self.integrals = integrals # This is populated in preprocess using data not available at # this stage: self.integral_coefficients = None self.enabled_coefficients = None # TODO: I think we can get rid of this with some refactoring # in ffc: self.metadata = metadata def __lt__(self, other): """Check if self is less than other.""" # To preserve behaviour of extract_integral_data: return (self.integral_type, self.subdomain_id, self.integrals, self.metadata) < ( other.integral_type, other.subdomain_id, other.integrals, other.metadata, ) def __eq__(self, other): """Check for equality.""" # Currently only used for tests: return ( self.integral_type == other.integral_type and self.subdomain_id == other.subdomain_id and self.integrals == other.integrals and self.metadata == other.metadata ) def __str__(self): """Format as a string.""" s = f"IntegralData over domain({self.integral_type}, {self.subdomain_id})" s += " with integrals:\n" s += "\n\n".join(map(str, self.integrals)) s += "\nand metadata:\n{metadata}" return s
[docs] class ExprTupleKey(object): """Tuple comparison helper.""" __slots__ = ("x",) def __init__(self, x): """Initialise.""" self.x = x def __lt__(self, other): """Check if self is less than other.""" # Comparing expression first c = cmp_expr(self.x[0], other.x[0]) if c < 0: return True elif c > 0: return False else: # Comparing form compiler data mds = canonicalize_metadata(self.x[1]) mdo = canonicalize_metadata(other.x[1]) return mds < mdo
[docs] def group_integrals_by_domain_and_type(integrals, domains): """Group integrals by domain and type. Args: integrals: list of Integral objects domains: list of AbstractDomain objects from the parent Form Returns: Dictionary mapping (domain, integral_type) to list(Integral) """ integrals_by_domain_and_type = defaultdict(list) for itg in integrals: if itg.ufl_domain() is None: raise ValueError("Integral has no domain.") key = (itg.ufl_domain(), itg.integral_type()) # Append integral to list of integrals with shared key integrals_by_domain_and_type[key].append(itg) return integrals_by_domain_and_type
[docs] def integral_subdomain_ids(integral): """Get a tuple of integer subdomains or a valid string subdomain from integral.""" did = integral.subdomain_id() if isinstance(did, numbers.Integral): return (did,) elif isinstance(did, tuple): if not all(isinstance(d, numbers.Integral) for d in did): raise ValueError("Expecting only integer subdomains in tuple.") return did elif did in ("everywhere", "otherwise"): # TODO: Define list of valid strings somewhere more central return did else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid domain id {did}.")
[docs] def rearrange_integrals_by_single_subdomains( integrals: typing.List[Integral], do_append_everywhere_integrals: bool ) -> typing.Dict[int, typing.List[Integral]]: """Rearrange integrals over multiple subdomains to single subdomain integrals. Args: integrals: List of integrals do_append_everywhere_integrals: Boolean indicating if integrals defined on the whole domain should just be restricted to the set of input subdomain ids. Returns: The integrals reconstructed with single subdomain_id """ # Split integrals into lists of everywhere and subdomain integrals everywhere_integrals = [] subdomain_integrals = [] for itg in integrals: dids = integral_subdomain_ids(itg) if dids == "otherwise": raise ValueError("'otherwise' integrals should never occur before preprocessing.") elif dids == "everywhere": everywhere_integrals.append(itg) else: subdomain_integrals.append((dids, itg)) # Fill single_subdomain_integrals with lists of integrals from # subdomain_integrals, but split and restricted to single # subdomain ids single_subdomain_integrals = defaultdict(list) for dids, itg in subdomain_integrals: # Region or single subdomain id for did in dids: # Restrict integral to this subdomain! single_subdomain_integrals[did].append(itg.reconstruct(subdomain_id=did)) # Add everywhere integrals to each single subdomain id integral # list otherwise_integrals = [] for ev_itg in everywhere_integrals: # Restrict everywhere integral to 'otherwise' otherwise_integrals.append(ev_itg.reconstruct(subdomain_id="otherwise")) # Restrict everywhere integral to each subdomain # and append to each integral list if do_append_everywhere_integrals: for subdomain_id in sorted(single_subdomain_integrals.keys()): single_subdomain_integrals[subdomain_id].append( ev_itg.reconstruct(subdomain_id=subdomain_id) ) if otherwise_integrals: single_subdomain_integrals["otherwise"] = otherwise_integrals return single_subdomain_integrals
[docs] def accumulate_integrands_with_same_metadata(integrals): """Accumulate integrands with the same metedata. Args: integrals: a list of integrals Returns: A list of the form [(integrand0, metadata0), (integrand1, metadata1), ...] where integrand0 < integrand1 by the canonical ufl expression ordering criteria. """ # Group integrals by compiler data hash by_cdid = {} for itg in integrals: cd = itg.metadata() cdid = hash(canonicalize_metadata(cd)) if cdid not in by_cdid: by_cdid[cdid] = ([], cd) by_cdid[cdid][0].append(itg) # Accumulate integrands separately for each compiler data object # id for cdid in by_cdid: integrals, cd = by_cdid[cdid] # Ensure canonical sorting of more than two integrands integrands = sorted_expr((itg.integrand() for itg in integrals)) integrands_sum = sum(integrands[1:], integrands[0]) by_cdid[cdid] = (integrands_sum, cd) # Sort integrands canonically by integrand first then compiler # data return sorted(by_cdid.values(), key=ExprTupleKey)
[docs] def build_integral_data(integrals): """Build integral data given a list of integrals. The integrals you pass in here must have been rearranged and gathered (removing the "everywhere" subdomain_id). To do this, you should call group_form_integrals. Args: integrals: An iterable of Integral objects. Returns: A tuple of IntegralData objects. """ itgs = defaultdict(list) # --- Merge integral data that has the same integrals, for integral in integrals: integral_type = integral.integral_type() ufl_domain = integral.ufl_domain() subdomain_ids = integral.subdomain_id() if "everywhere" in subdomain_ids: raise ValueError( "'everywhere' not a valid subdomain id. " "Did you forget to call group_form_integrals?" ) # Group for integral data (One integral data object for all # integrals with same domain, itype, (but possibly different metadata). itgs[(ufl_domain, integral_type, subdomain_ids)].append(integral) # Build list with canonical ordering, iteration over dicts # is not deterministic across python versions def keyfunc(item): (d, itype, sid), integrals = item sid_int = tuple(-1 if i == "otherwise" else i for i in sid) return (d._ufl_sort_key_(), itype, (type(sid).__name__,), sid_int) integral_datas = [] for (d, itype, sid), integrals in sorted(itgs.items(), key=keyfunc): integral_datas.append(IntegralData(d, itype, sid, integrals, {})) return integral_datas
[docs] def group_form_integrals(form, domains, do_append_everywhere_integrals=True): """Group integrals by domain and type, performing canonical simplification. Args: form: the Form to group the integrals of. domains: an iterable of Domains. do_append_everywhere_integrals: Boolean indicating if integrals defined on the whole domain should just be restricted to the set of input subdomain ids. Returns: A new Form with gathered integrands. """ # Group integrals by domain and type integrals_by_domain_and_type = group_integrals_by_domain_and_type(form.integrals(), domains) integrals = [] for domain in domains: for integral_type in ufl.measure.integral_types(): # Get integrals with this domain and type ddt_integrals = integrals_by_domain_and_type.get((domain, integral_type)) if ddt_integrals is None: continue # Group integrals by subdomain id, after splitting e.g. # f*dx((1,2)) + g*dx((2,3)) -> f*dx(1) + (f+g)*dx(2) + g*dx(3) # (note: before this call, 'everywhere' is a valid subdomain_id, # and after this call, 'otherwise' is a valid subdomain_id) single_subdomain_integrals = rearrange_integrals_by_single_subdomains( ddt_integrals, do_append_everywhere_integrals ) for subdomain_id, ss_integrals in sorted_by_key(single_subdomain_integrals): # strip the coordinate derivatives from all integrals # this yields a list of the form [(coordinate derivative, integral), ...] stripped_integrals_and_coordderivs = strip_coordinate_derivatives(ss_integrals) # now group the integrals by the coordinate derivative def calc_hash(cd): return sum( sum(tuple_elem._ufl_compute_hash_() for tuple_elem in tuple_) for tuple_ in cd ) coordderiv_integrals_dict = {} for integral, coordderiv in stripped_integrals_and_coordderivs: coordderivhash = calc_hash(coordderiv) if coordderivhash in coordderiv_integrals_dict: coordderiv_integrals_dict[coordderivhash][1].append(integral) else: coordderiv_integrals_dict[coordderivhash] = (coordderiv, [integral]) # cd_integrals_dict is now a dict of the form # { hash: (CoordinateDerivative, [integral, integral, ...]), ... } # we can now put the integrals back together and then afterwards # apply the CoordinateDerivative again for cdhash, samecd_integrals in sorted_by_key(coordderiv_integrals_dict): # Accumulate integrands of integrals that share the # same compiler data integrands_and_cds = accumulate_integrands_with_same_metadata( samecd_integrals[1] ) for integrand, metadata in integrands_and_cds: integral = Integral( integrand, integral_type, domain, subdomain_id, metadata, None ) integral = attach_coordinate_derivatives(integral, samecd_integrals[0]) integrals.append(integral) # Group integrals by common integrand # u.dx(0)*dx(1) + u.dx(0)*dx(2) -> u.dx(0)*dx((1,2)) # to avoid duplicate kernels generated after geometry lowering unique_integrals = defaultdict(tuple) metadata_table = defaultdict(dict) for integral in integrals: integral_type = integral.integral_type() ufl_domain = integral.ufl_domain() metadata = integral.metadata() meta_hash = hash(canonicalize_metadata(metadata)) subdomain_id = integral.subdomain_id() subdomain_data = id_or_none(integral.subdomain_data()) integrand = renumber_indices(integral.integrand()) unique_integrals[(integral_type, ufl_domain, meta_hash, integrand, subdomain_data)] += ( subdomain_id, ) metadata_table[(integral_type, ufl_domain, meta_hash, integrand, subdomain_data)] = metadata grouped_integrals = [] for integral_data, subdomain_ids in unique_integrals.items(): (integral_type, ufl_domain, metadata, integrand, subdomain_data) = integral_data integral = Integral( integrand, integral_type, ufl_domain, subdomain_ids, metadata_table[integral_data], subdomain_data, ) grouped_integrals.append(integral) return Form(grouped_integrals)
[docs] def reconstruct_form_from_integral_data(integral_data): """Reconstruct a form from integral data.""" integrals = [] for ida in integral_data: integrals.extend(ida.integrals) return Form(integrals)