Source code for ufl.utils.formatting
"""Various string formatting utilities."""
# Copyright (C) 2008-2016 Martin Sandve Alnæs and Anders Logg
# This file is part of UFL (
# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
[docs]def camel2underscore(name):
"""Convert a CamelCaps string to underscore_syntax."""
letters = []
lastlower = False
for i in name:
thislower = i.islower() or i.isdigit()
if not thislower:
# Don't insert _ between multiple upper case letters
if lastlower:
i = i.lower()
lastlower = thislower
return "".join(letters)
[docs]def lstr(a):
"""Pretty-print list or tuple, invoking str() on items instead of repr() like str() does."""
if isinstance(a, list):
return "[" + ", ".join(lstr(item) for item in a) + "]"
elif isinstance(a, tuple):
return "(" + ", ".join(lstr(item) for item in a) + ")"
return str(a)
[docs]def tstr(t, colsize=80):
"""Pretty-print list of tuples of key-value pairs."""
if not t:
return ""
# Compute maximum key length
keylen = max(len(str(item[0])) for item in t)
# Key-length cannot be larger than colsize
if keylen > colsize:
return str(t)
# Pretty-print table
s = ""
for key, value in t:
key = str(key)
if isinstance(value, str):
value = "'%s'" % value
value = str(value)
s += key + ":" + " " * (keylen - len(key) + 1)
space = ""
while len(value) > 0:
end = min(len(value), colsize - keylen)
s += space + value[:end] + "\n"
value = value[end:]
space = " " * (keylen + 2)
return s
[docs]def istr(o):
"""Format object as string, inserting ? for None."""
if o is None:
return "?"
return str(o)
[docs]def estr(elements):
"""Format list of elements for printing."""
return ", ".join(f"{e}" for e in elements)
def _indent_string(n):
"""Return indentation string."""
return " " * n
def _tree_format_expression(expression, indentation, parentheses):
"""Tree format expression."""
ind = _indent_string(indentation)
if expression._ufl_is_terminal_:
s = "%s%s" % (ind, repr(expression))
sops = [
_tree_format_expression(o, indentation + 1, parentheses)
for o in expression.ufl_operands
s = "%s%s\n" % (ind, expression._ufl_class_.__name__)
if parentheses and len(sops) > 1:
s += "%s(\n" % (ind,)
s += "\n".join(sops)
if parentheses and len(sops) > 1:
s += "\n%s)" % (ind,)
return s