Source code for ufl.corealg.multifunction
"""Base class for multifunctions with UFL ``Expr`` type dispatch."""
# Copyright (C) 2008-2016 Martin Sandve Alnæs
# This file is part of UFL (
# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
# Modified by Massimiliano Leoni, 2016
import inspect
from ufl.core.expr import Expr
from ufl.core.ufl_type import UFLType
[docs]def get_num_args(function):
"""Return the number of arguments accepted by *function*."""
sig = inspect.signature(function)
return len(sig.parameters) + 1
[docs]def memoized_handler(handler):
"""Function decorator to memoize ``MultiFunction`` handlers."""
def _memoized_handler(self, o):
c = getattr(self, "_memoized_handler_cache")
r = c.get(o)
if r is None:
r = handler(self, o)
c[o] = r
return r
return _memoized_handler
[docs]class MultiFunction(object):
"""Base class for collections of non-recursive expression node handlers.
Subclass this (remember to call the ``__init__`` method of this class),
and implement handler functions for each ``Expr`` type, using the lower case
handler name of the type (``exprtype._ufl_handler_name_``).
This class is optimized for efficient type based dispatch in the
operator via typecode based lookup of the handler function bound to the
algorithm object. Of course Python's function call overhead still applies.
_handlers_cache = {}
def __init__(self):
# Analyse class properties and cache handler data the
# first time this is run for a particular class
# (cached for each algorithm for performance)
algorithm_class = type(self)
cache_data = MultiFunction._handlers_cache.get(algorithm_class)
if not cache_data:
handler_names = [None] * len(Expr._ufl_all_classes_)
# Iterate over the inheritance chain for each Expr
# subclass (NB! This assumes that all UFL classes inherits
# from a single Expr subclass and that the first
# superclass is always from the UFL Expr hierarchy!)
for classobject in Expr._ufl_all_classes_:
for c in classobject.mro():
# Register classobject with handler for the first
# encountered superclass
handler_name = c._ufl_handler_name_
except AttributeError as attribute_error:
if type(classobject) is not UFLType:
raise attribute_error
# Default handler name for UFL types
handler_name = UFLType._ufl_handler_name_
if hasattr(self, handler_name):
handler_names[classobject._ufl_typecode_] = handler_name
is_cutoff_type = [get_num_args(getattr(self, name)) == 2
for name in handler_names]
cache_data = (handler_names, is_cutoff_type)
MultiFunction._handlers_cache[algorithm_class] = cache_data
# Build handler list for this particular class (get functions
# bound to self, these cannot be cached)
handler_names, is_cutoff_type = cache_data
self._handlers = [getattr(self, name) for name in handler_names]
self._is_cutoff_type = is_cutoff_type
# Create cache for memoized_handler
self._memoized_handler_cache = {}
def __call__(self, o, *args):
"""Delegate to handler function based on typecode of first argument."""
return self._handlers[o._ufl_typecode_](o, *args)
[docs] def undefined(self, o, *args):
"""Trigger error for types with missing handlers."""
raise ValueError(f"No handler defined for {o._ufl_class_.__name__}.")
[docs] def reuse_if_untouched(self, o, *ops):
"""Reuse object if operands are the same objects.
Use in your own subclass by setting e.g.
expr = MultiFunction.reuse_if_untouched
as a default rule.
if all(a is b for a, b in zip(o.ufl_operands, ops)):
return o
return o._ufl_expr_reconstruct_(*ops)
# Set default behaviour for any UFLType as undefined
ufl_type = undefined