"""Types for representing a cell."""
# Copyright (C) 2008-2016 Martin Sandve Alnæs
# This file is part of UFL (https://www.fenicsproject.org)
# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
from __future__ import annotations
import functools
import numbers
import typing
import weakref
from ufl.core.ufl_type import UFLObject
from abc import abstractmethod
__all_classes__ = ["AbstractCell", "Cell", "TensorProductCell"]
[docs]class AbstractCell(UFLObject):
"""A base class for all cells."""
[docs] @abstractmethod
def topological_dimension(self) -> int:
"""Return the dimension of the topology of this cell."""
[docs] @abstractmethod
def geometric_dimension(self) -> int:
"""Return the dimension of the geometry of this cell."""
[docs] @abstractmethod
def is_simplex(self) -> bool:
"""Return True if this is a simplex cell."""
[docs] @abstractmethod
def has_simplex_facets(self) -> bool:
"""Return True if all the facets of this cell are simplex cells."""
def _lt(self, other) -> bool:
"""Define an arbitrarily chosen but fixed sort order for all instances of this type with the same dimensions."""
[docs] @abstractmethod
def num_sub_entities(self, dim: int) -> int:
"""Get the number of sub-entities of the given dimension."""
[docs] @abstractmethod
def sub_entities(self, dim: int) -> typing.Tuple[AbstractCell, ...]:
"""Get the sub-entities of the given dimension."""
[docs] @abstractmethod
def sub_entity_types(self, dim: int) -> typing.Tuple[AbstractCell, ...]:
"""Get the unique sub-entity types of the given dimension."""
[docs] @abstractmethod
def cellname(self) -> str:
"""Return the cellname of the cell."""
[docs] @abstractmethod
def reconstruct(self, **kwargs: typing.Any) -> Cell:
"""Reconstruct this cell, overwriting properties by those in kwargs."""
def __lt__(self, other: AbstractCell) -> bool:
"""Define an arbitrarily chosen but fixed sort order for all cells."""
if type(self) is type(other):
s = (self.geometric_dimension(), self.topological_dimension())
o = (other.geometric_dimension(), other.topological_dimension())
if s != o:
return s < o
return self._lt(other)
if type(self).__name__ == type(other).__name__:
raise ValueError("Cannot order cell types with the same name")
return type(self).__name__ < type(other).__name__
[docs] def num_vertices(self) -> int:
"""Get the number of vertices."""
return self.num_sub_entities(0)
[docs] def num_edges(self) -> int:
"""Get the number of edges."""
return self.num_sub_entities(1)
[docs] def num_faces(self) -> int:
"""Get the number of faces."""
return self.num_sub_entities(2)
[docs] def num_facets(self) -> int:
"""Get the number of facets.
Facets are entities of dimension tdim-1.
tdim = self.topological_dimension()
return self.num_sub_entities(tdim - 1)
[docs] def num_ridges(self) -> int:
"""Get the number of ridges.
Ridges are entities of dimension tdim-2.
tdim = self.topological_dimension()
return self.num_sub_entities(tdim - 2)
[docs] def num_peaks(self) -> int:
"""Get the number of peaks.
Peaks are entities of dimension tdim-3.
tdim = self.topological_dimension()
return self.num_sub_entities(tdim - 3)
[docs] def vertices(self) -> typing.Tuple[AbstractCell, ...]:
"""Get the vertices."""
return self.sub_entities(0)
[docs] def edges(self) -> typing.Tuple[AbstractCell, ...]:
"""Get the edges."""
return self.sub_entities(1)
[docs] def faces(self) -> typing.Tuple[AbstractCell, ...]:
"""Get the faces."""
return self.sub_entities(2)
[docs] def facets(self) -> typing.Tuple[AbstractCell, ...]:
"""Get the facets.
Facets are entities of dimension tdim-1.
tdim = self.topological_dimension()
return self.sub_entities(tdim - 1)
[docs] def ridges(self) -> typing.Tuple[AbstractCell, ...]:
"""Get the ridges.
Ridges are entities of dimension tdim-2.
tdim = self.topological_dimension()
return self.sub_entities(tdim - 2)
[docs] def peaks(self) -> typing.Tuple[AbstractCell, ...]:
"""Get the peaks.
Peaks are entities of dimension tdim-3.
tdim = self.topological_dimension()
return self.sub_entities(tdim - 3)
[docs] def vertex_types(self) -> typing.Tuple[AbstractCell, ...]:
"""Get the unique vertices types."""
return self.sub_entity_types(0)
[docs] def edge_types(self) -> typing.Tuple[AbstractCell, ...]:
"""Get the unique edge types."""
return self.sub_entity_types(1)
[docs] def face_types(self) -> typing.Tuple[AbstractCell, ...]:
"""Get the unique face types."""
return self.sub_entity_types(2)
[docs] def facet_types(self) -> typing.Tuple[AbstractCell, ...]:
"""Get the unique facet types.
Facets are entities of dimension tdim-1.
tdim = self.topological_dimension()
return self.sub_entity_types(tdim - 1)
[docs] def ridge_types(self) -> typing.Tuple[AbstractCell, ...]:
"""Get the unique ridge types.
Ridges are entities of dimension tdim-2.
tdim = self.topological_dimension()
return self.sub_entity_types(tdim - 2)
[docs] def peak_types(self) -> typing.Tuple[AbstractCell, ...]:
"""Get the unique peak types.
Peaks are entities of dimension tdim-3.
tdim = self.topological_dimension()
return self.sub_entity_types(tdim - 3)
_sub_entity_celltypes = {
"vertex": [("vertex", )],
"interval": [tuple("vertex" for i in range(2)), ("interval", )],
"triangle": [tuple("vertex" for i in range(3)), tuple("interval" for i in range(3)), ("triangle", )],
"quadrilateral": [tuple("vertex" for i in range(4)), tuple("interval" for i in range(4)), ("quadrilateral", )],
"tetrahedron": [tuple("vertex" for i in range(4)), tuple("interval" for i in range(6)),
tuple("triangle" for i in range(4)), ("tetrahedron", )],
"hexahedron": [tuple("vertex" for i in range(8)), tuple("interval" for i in range(12)),
tuple("quadrilateral" for i in range(6)), ("hexahedron", )],
"prism": [tuple("vertex" for i in range(6)), tuple("interval" for i in range(9)),
("triangle", "quadrilateral", "quadrilateral", "quadrilateral", "triangle"), ("prism", )],
"pyramid": [tuple("vertex" for i in range(5)), tuple("interval" for i in range(8)),
("quadrilateral", "triangle", "triangle", "triangle", "triangle"), ("pyramid", )],
"pentatope": [tuple("vertex" for i in range(5)), tuple("interval" for i in range(10)),
tuple("triangle" for i in range(10)), tuple("tetrahedron" for i in range(5)), ("pentatope", )],
"tesseract": [tuple("vertex" for i in range(16)), tuple("interval" for i in range(32)),
tuple("quadrilateral" for i in range(24)), tuple("hexahedron" for i in range(8)), ("tesseract", )],
[docs]class Cell(AbstractCell):
"""Representation of a named finite element cell with known structure."""
__slots__ = ("_cellname", "_tdim", "_gdim", "_num_cell_entities", "_sub_entity_types",
"_sub_entities", "_sub_entity_types")
def __init__(self, cellname: str, geometric_dimension: typing.Optional[int] = None):
cellname: Name of the cell
geometric_dimension: Geometric dimension
if cellname not in _sub_entity_celltypes:
raise ValueError(f"Unsupported cell type: {cellname}")
self._sub_entity_celltypes = _sub_entity_celltypes[cellname]
self._cellname = cellname
self._tdim = len(self._sub_entity_celltypes) - 1
self._gdim = self._tdim if geometric_dimension is None else geometric_dimension
self._num_cell_entities = [len(i) for i in self._sub_entity_celltypes]
self._sub_entities = [tuple(Cell(t, self._gdim) for t in se_types)
for se_types in self._sub_entity_celltypes[:-1]]
self._sub_entity_types = [tuple(set(i)) for i in self._sub_entities]
self._sub_entities.append((weakref.proxy(self), ))
self._sub_entity_types.append((weakref.proxy(self), ))
if not isinstance(self._gdim, numbers.Integral):
raise ValueError("Expecting integer geometric_dimension.")
if not isinstance(self._tdim, numbers.Integral):
raise ValueError("Expecting integer topological_dimension.")
if self._tdim > self._gdim:
raise ValueError("Topological dimension cannot be larger than geometric dimension.")
[docs] def topological_dimension(self) -> int:
"""Return the dimension of the topology of this cell."""
return self._tdim
[docs] def geometric_dimension(self) -> int:
"""Return the dimension of the geometry of this cell."""
return self._gdim
[docs] def is_simplex(self) -> bool:
"""Return True if this is a simplex cell."""
return self._cellname in ["vertex", "interval", "triangle", "tetrahedron"]
[docs] def has_simplex_facets(self) -> bool:
"""Return True if all the facets of this cell are simplex cells."""
return self._cellname in ["interval", "triangle", "quadrilateral", "tetrahedron"]
[docs] def num_sub_entities(self, dim: int) -> int:
"""Get the number of sub-entities of the given dimension."""
if dim < 0:
return 0
return self._num_cell_entities[dim]
except IndexError:
return 0
[docs] def sub_entities(self, dim: int) -> typing.Tuple[AbstractCell, ...]:
"""Get the sub-entities of the given dimension."""
if dim < 0:
return ()
return self._sub_entities[dim]
except IndexError:
return ()
[docs] def sub_entity_types(self, dim: int) -> typing.Tuple[AbstractCell, ...]:
"""Get the unique sub-entity types of the given dimension."""
if dim < 0:
return ()
return self._sub_entity_types[dim]
except IndexError:
return ()
def _lt(self, other) -> bool:
return self._cellname < other._cellname
[docs] def cellname(self) -> str:
"""Return the cellname of the cell."""
return self._cellname
def __str__(self) -> str:
"""Format as a string."""
if self._gdim == self._tdim:
return self._cellname
return f"{self._cellname}{self._gdim}D"
def __repr__(self) -> str:
if self._gdim == self._tdim:
return self._cellname
return f"Cell({self._cellname}, {self._gdim})"
def _ufl_hash_data_(self) -> typing.Hashable:
"""UFL hash data."""
return (self._cellname, self._gdim)
[docs] def reconstruct(self, **kwargs: typing.Any) -> Cell:
"""Reconstruct this cell, overwriting properties by those in kwargs."""
gdim = self._gdim
for key, value in kwargs.items():
if key == "geometric_dimension":
gdim = value
raise TypeError(f"reconstruct() got unexpected keyword argument '{key}'")
return Cell(self._cellname, geometric_dimension=gdim)
[docs]class TensorProductCell(AbstractCell):
"""Tensor product cell."""
__slots__ = ("_cells", "_tdim", "_gdim")
def __init__(self, *cells: Cell, geometric_dimension: typing.Optional[int] = None):
cells: Cells to take the tensor product of
geometric_dimension: Geometric dimension
self._cells = tuple(as_cell(cell) for cell in cells)
self._tdim = sum([cell.topological_dimension() for cell in self._cells])
self._gdim = self._tdim if geometric_dimension is None else geometric_dimension
if not isinstance(self._gdim, numbers.Integral):
raise ValueError("Expecting integer geometric_dimension.")
if not isinstance(self._tdim, numbers.Integral):
raise ValueError("Expecting integer topological_dimension.")
if self._tdim > self._gdim:
raise ValueError("Topological dimension cannot be larger than geometric dimension.")
[docs] def sub_cells(self) -> typing.List[AbstractCell]:
"""Return list of cell factors."""
return self._cells
[docs] def topological_dimension(self) -> int:
"""Return the dimension of the topology of this cell."""
return self._tdim
[docs] def geometric_dimension(self) -> int:
"""Return the dimension of the geometry of this cell."""
return self._gdim
[docs] def is_simplex(self) -> bool:
"""Return True if this is a simplex cell."""
if len(self._cells) == 1:
return self._cells[0].is_simplex()
return False
[docs] def has_simplex_facets(self) -> bool:
"""Return True if all the facets of this cell are simplex cells."""
if len(self._cells) == 1:
return self._cells[0].has_simplex_facets()
if self._tdim == 1:
return True
return False
[docs] def num_sub_entities(self, dim: int) -> int:
"""Get the number of sub-entities of the given dimension."""
if dim < 0 or dim > self._tdim:
return 0
if dim == 0:
return functools.reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, [c.num_vertices() for c in self._cells])
if dim == self._tdim - 1:
# Note: This is not the number of facets that the cell has, but I'm leaving it here for now
# to not change past behaviour
return sum(c.num_facets() for c in self._cells if c.topological_dimension() > 0)
if dim == self._tdim:
return 1
raise NotImplementedError(f"TensorProductCell.num_sub_entities({dim}) is not implemented.")
[docs] def sub_entities(self, dim: int) -> typing.Tuple[AbstractCell, ...]:
"""Get the sub-entities of the given dimension."""
if dim < 0 or dim > self._tdim:
return []
if dim == 0:
return [Cell("vertex", self._gdim) for i in range(self.num_sub_entities(0))]
if dim == self._tdim:
return [self]
raise NotImplementedError(f"TensorProductCell.sub_entities({dim}) is not implemented.")
[docs] def sub_entity_types(self, dim: int) -> typing.Tuple[AbstractCell, ...]:
"""Get the unique sub-entity types of the given dimension."""
if dim < 0 or dim > self._tdim:
return []
if dim == 0:
return [Cell("vertex", self._gdim)]
if dim == self._tdim:
return [self]
raise NotImplementedError(f"TensorProductCell.sub_entities({dim}) is not implemented.")
def _lt(self, other) -> bool:
return self._ufl_hash_data_() < other._ufl_hash_data_()
[docs] def cellname(self) -> str:
"""Return the cellname of the cell."""
return " * ".join([cell.cellname() for cell in self._cells])
def __str__(self) -> str:
"""Format as a string."""
s = "TensorProductCell("
s += ", ".join(f"{c!r}" for c in self._cells)
if self._tdim != self._gdim:
s += f", geometric_dimension={self._gdim}"
s += ")"
return s
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return str(self)
def _ufl_hash_data_(self) -> typing.Hashable:
"""UFL hash data."""
return tuple(c._ufl_hash_data_() for c in self._cells) + (self._gdim,)
[docs] def reconstruct(self, **kwargs: typing.Any) -> Cell:
"""Reconstruct this cell, overwriting properties by those in kwargs."""
gdim = self._gdim
for key, value in kwargs.items():
if key == "geometric_dimension":
gdim = value
raise TypeError(f"reconstruct() got unexpected keyword argument '{key}'")
return TensorProductCell(*self._cells, geometric_dimension=gdim)
[docs]def simplex(topological_dimension: int, geometric_dimension: typing.Optional[int] = None):
"""Return a simplex cell of the given dimension."""
if topological_dimension == 0:
return Cell("vertex", geometric_dimension)
if topological_dimension == 1:
return Cell("interval", geometric_dimension)
if topological_dimension == 2:
return Cell("triangle", geometric_dimension)
if topological_dimension == 3:
return Cell("tetrahedron", geometric_dimension)
if topological_dimension == 4:
return Cell("pentatope", geometric_dimension)
raise ValueError(f"Unsupported topological dimension for simplex: {topological_dimension}")
[docs]def hypercube(topological_dimension, geometric_dimension=None):
"""Return a hypercube cell of the given dimension."""
if topological_dimension == 0:
return Cell("vertex", geometric_dimension)
if topological_dimension == 1:
return Cell("interval", geometric_dimension)
if topological_dimension == 2:
return Cell("quadrilateral", geometric_dimension)
if topological_dimension == 3:
return Cell("hexahedron", geometric_dimension)
if topological_dimension == 4:
return Cell("tesseract", geometric_dimension)
raise ValueError(f"Unsupported topological dimension for hypercube: {topological_dimension}")
[docs]def as_cell(cell: typing.Union[AbstractCell, str, typing.Tuple[AbstractCell, ...]]) -> AbstractCell:
"""Convert any valid object to a Cell or return cell if it is already a Cell.
Allows an already valid cell, a known cellname string, or a tuple of cells for a product cell.
if isinstance(cell, AbstractCell):
return cell
elif isinstance(cell, str):
return Cell(cell)
elif isinstance(cell, tuple):
return TensorProductCell(cell)
raise ValueError(f"Invalid cell {cell}.")