Source code for ufl.algorithms.remove_complex_nodes

"""Algorithm for removing conj, real, and imag nodes from a form for when the user is in 'real mode'."""

from ufl.corealg.multifunction import MultiFunction
from ufl.constantvalue import ComplexValue
from ufl.algorithms.map_integrands import map_integrand_dags

[docs]class ComplexNodeRemoval(MultiFunction): """Replaces complex operator nodes with their children.""" expr = MultiFunction.reuse_if_untouched
[docs] def conj(self, o, a): """Apply to conj.""" return a
[docs] def real(self, o, a): """Apply to real.""" return a
[docs] def imag(self, o, a): """Apply to imag.""" raise ValueError("Unexpected imag in real expression.")
[docs] def terminal(self, t, *ops): """Apply to terminal.""" if isinstance(t, ComplexValue): raise ValueError('Unexpected complex value in real expression.') else: return t
[docs]def remove_complex_nodes(expr): """Replaces complex operator nodes with their children. This is called during compute_form_data if the compiler wishes to compile real-valued forms. In essence this strips all trace of complex support from the preprocessed form. """ return map_integrand_dags(ComplexNodeRemoval(), expr)