Source code for ufl.utils.derivativetuples

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"This module contains a collection of utilities for representing partial derivatives as integer tuples."

# Copyright (C) 2013-2016 Martin Sandve Alnæs and Anders Logg
# This file is part of UFL (
# SPDX-License-Identifier:    LGPL-3.0-or-later

import itertools

[docs]def derivative_counts_to_listing(derivative_counts): """Convert a derivative count tuple to a derivative listing tuple. The derivative d^3 / dy^2 dz is represented in counting form as (0, 2, 1) meaning (dx^0, dy^2, dz^1) and in listing form as (1, 1, 2) meaning (dy, dy, dz). """ derivatives = [] # = 1 for i, d in enumerate(derivative_counts): derivatives.extend((i,) * d) # *= d/dx_i^d return tuple(derivatives)
[docs]def derivative_listing_to_counts(derivatives, gdim): """Convert a derivative listing tuple to a derivative count tuple. The derivative d^3 / dy^2 dz is represented in counting form as (0, 2, 1) meaning (dx^0, dy^2, dz^1) and in listing form as (1, 1, 2) meaning (dy, dy, dz). """ derivative_counts = [0] * gdim for d in derivatives: derivative_counts[d] += 1 return tuple(derivative_counts)
[docs]def compute_derivative_tuples(n, gdim): """Compute the list of all derivative tuples for derivatives of given total order n and given geometric dimension gdim. This function returns two lists. The first is a list of tuples, where each tuple of length n specifies the coordinate directions of the n derivatives. The second is a corresponding list of tuples, where each tuple of length gdim specifies the number of derivatives in each direction. Both lists have length gdim^n and are ordered as expected by the UFC function tabulate_basis_derivatives. Example: If n = 2 and gdim = 3, then the nice tuples are (0, 0) <--> (2, 0, 0) <--> d^2/dxdx (0, 1) <--> (1, 1, 0) <--> d^2/dxdy (0, 2) <--> (1, 0, 1) <--> d^2/dxdz (1, 0) <--> (1, 1, 0) <--> d^2/dydx (1, 1) <--> (0, 2, 0) <--> d^2/dydy (1, 2) <--> (0, 1, 1) <--> d^2/dydz (2, 0) <--> (1, 0, 1) <--> d^2/dzdx (2, 1) <--> (0, 1, 1) <--> d^2/dzdy (2, 2) <--> (0, 0, 2) <--> d^2/dzdz """ # Create list of derivatives (note that we have d^n derivatives) deriv_tuples = [d for d in itertools.product(*(n * [range(0, gdim)]))] # Translate from list of derivative tuples to list of tuples # expressing the number of derivatives in each dimension... _deriv_tuples = [tuple(len([_d for _d in d if _d == i]) for i in range(gdim)) for d in deriv_tuples] return deriv_tuples, _deriv_tuples