Source code for ufl.sorting

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""This module contains a sorting rule for expr objects that
is more robust w.r.t. argument numbering than using repr."""

# Copyright (C) 2008-2016 Martin Sandve Alnæs
# This file is part of UFL (
# SPDX-License-Identifier:    LGPL-3.0-or-later
# Modified by Anders Logg, 2009-2010.
# Modified by Johan Hake, 2010.

from functools import cmp_to_key

from ufl.core.expr import Expr
from ufl.argument import Argument
from ufl.coefficient import Coefficient
from ufl.core.multiindex import FixedIndex, MultiIndex
from ufl.variable import Label

def _cmp_multi_index(a, b):
    # Careful not to depend on Index.count() here!
    # This is placed first because it is most frequent.
    # Make decision based on the first index pair possible
    for i, j in zip(a._indices, b._indices):
        fix1 = isinstance(i, FixedIndex)
        fix2 = isinstance(j, FixedIndex)
        if fix1 and fix2:
            # Both are FixedIndex, sort by value
            x, y = i._value, j._value
            if x < y:
                return -1
            elif x > y:
                return +1
                # Same value, no decision
        elif fix1:
            # Sort fixed before free
            return -1
        elif fix2:
            # Sort fixed before free
            return +1
            # Both are Index, no decision, do not depend on count!
    # Failed to make a decision, return 0 by default
    # (this does not mean equality, it could be e.g.
    # [i,0] vs [j,0] because the counts of i,j cannot be used)
    return 0

def _cmp_label(a, b):
    # Don't compare counts! Causes circular problems when renumbering to get a canonical form.
    # Therefore, even though a and b are not equal in general (__eq__ won't be True),
    # but for this sorting they are considered equal and we return 0.
    return 0

def _cmp_coefficient(a, b):
    # It's ok to compare relative counts for Coefficients,
    # since their ordering is a property of the form
    x, y = a._count, b._count
    if x < y:
        return -1
    elif x > y:
        return +1
        return 0

def _cmp_argument(a, b):
    # It's ok to compare relative number and part for Arguments,
    # since their ordering is a property of the form
    x = (a._number, a._part)
    y = (b._number, b._part)
    if x < y:
        return -1
    elif x > y:
        return +1
        return 0

def _cmp_terminal_by_repr(a, b):
    # The cost of repr on a terminal is fairly small, and bounded
    x = repr(a)
    y = repr(b)
    return -1 if x < y else (0 if x == y else +1)

# Hack up a MultiFunction-like type dispatch for terminal comparisons
_terminal_cmps = [_cmp_terminal_by_repr] * Expr._ufl_num_typecodes_
_terminal_cmps[MultiIndex._ufl_typecode_] = _cmp_multi_index
_terminal_cmps[Argument._ufl_typecode_] = _cmp_argument
_terminal_cmps[Coefficient._ufl_typecode_] = _cmp_coefficient
_terminal_cmps[Label._ufl_typecode_] = _cmp_label

[docs]def cmp_expr(a, b): "Replacement for cmp(a, b), removed in Python 3, for Expr objects." # Modelled after pre_traversal to avoid recursion: left = [(a, b)] while left: a, b = left.pop() # First sort quickly by type code x, y = a._ufl_typecode_, b._ufl_typecode_ if x != y: return -1 if x < y else +1 # Now we know that the type is the same, check further based # on type specific properties. if a._ufl_is_terminal_: c = _terminal_cmps[x](a, b) if c: return c else: # If the hash is the same, assume equal for the purpose of # sorting. This introduces a minor chance of # nondeterministic behaviour, just as with MultiIndex. # Although collected statistics for complicated forms # suggest that the hash function is pretty good so there # shouldn't be collisions. # if hash(a) == hash(b): # FIXME: Test this for performance improvement. # return 0 # Delve into subtrees aops = a.ufl_operands bops = b.ufl_operands # Sort by children in natural order for (r, s) in zip(aops, bops): # Skip subtree if objects are the same if r is s: continue # Append subtree for further inspection left.append((r, s)) # All children compare as equal, a and b must be # equal. Except for... A few types, notably ExprList and # ExprMapping, can have a different number of operands. # Sort by the length if it's different. Doing this after # sorting by children because these types are rare so we # try to avoid the cost of this check for most nodes. x, y = len(aops), len(bops) if x != y: return -1 if x < y else +1 # Equal if we get out of the above loop! return 0
[docs]def sorted_expr(sequence): "Return a canonically sorted list of Expr objects in sequence." return sorted(sequence, key=cmp_to_key(cmp_expr))
[docs]def sorted_expr_sum(seq): seq2 = sorted(seq, key=cmp_to_key(cmp_expr)) s = seq2[0] for e in seq2[1:]: s = s + e return s