# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""This module attaches special functions to Expr.
This way we avoid circular dependencies between e.g.
Sum and its superclass Expr."""
# Copyright (C) 2008-2016 Martin Sandve Alnæs
# This file is part of UFL (https://www.fenicsproject.org)
# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
# Modified by Massimiliano Leoni, 2016.
from itertools import chain
import numbers
from ufl.log import error
from ufl.utils.stacks import StackDict
from ufl.core.expr import Expr
from ufl.constantvalue import Zero, as_ufl
from ufl.algebra import Sum, Product, Division, Power, Abs
from ufl.tensoralgebra import Transposed, Inner
from ufl.core.multiindex import MultiIndex, Index, FixedIndex, IndexBase, indices
from ufl.indexed import Indexed
from ufl.indexsum import IndexSum
from ufl.tensors import as_tensor, ComponentTensor
from ufl.restriction import PositiveRestricted, NegativeRestricted
from ufl.differentiation import Grad
from ufl.index_combination_utils import create_slice_indices, merge_overlapping_indices
from ufl.exprequals import expr_equals
# --- Boolean operators ---
from ufl.conditional import LE, GE, LT, GT
def _le(left, right):
"UFL operator: A boolean expresion (left <= right) for use with conditional."
return LE(left, right)
def _ge(left, right):
"UFL operator: A boolean expresion (left >= right) for use with conditional."
return GE(left, right)
def _lt(left, right):
"UFL operator: A boolean expresion (left < right) for use with conditional."
return LT(left, right)
def _gt(left, right):
"UFL operator: A boolean expresion (left > right) for use with conditional."
return GT(left, right)
# '==' needs to implement comparison of expression representations for
# use in hashmaps (dict and set), but the others can be overloaded in
# the language. It is possible that we can overload eq as well, but
# we'll need to fix some issues first and also check for a possible
# significant performance hit with compilation of complex
# forms. Replacing a==b with equiv(a,b) all over the code could be one
# way to reduce such a performance hit, but we cannot do anything
# about dict and set calling __eq__...
Expr.__eq__ = expr_equals
# != is used at least by tests, possibly in code as well, and must
# mean the opposite of ==, i.e. when evaluated as bool it must mean
# 'not equal representation'.
def _ne(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
Expr.__ne__ = _ne
Expr.__lt__ = _lt
Expr.__gt__ = _gt
Expr.__le__ = _le
Expr.__ge__ = _ge
# Python operators 'and'/'or' cannot be overloaded, and bitwise
# operators &/| don't have the right precedence levels
# Expr.__and__ = _and
# Expr.__or__ = _or
def _as_tensor(self, indices):
"UFL operator: A^indices := as_tensor(A, indices)."
if not isinstance(indices, tuple):
error("Expecting a tuple of Index objects to A^indices := as_tensor(A, indices).")
if not all(isinstance(i, Index) for i in indices):
error("Expecting a tuple of Index objects to A^indices := as_tensor(A, indices).")
return as_tensor(self, indices)
Expr.__xor__ = _as_tensor
# --- Helper functions for product handling ---
def _mult(a, b):
# Discover repeated indices, which results in index sums
afi = a.ufl_free_indices
bfi = b.ufl_free_indices
afid = a.ufl_index_dimensions
bfid = b.ufl_index_dimensions
fi, fid, ri, rid = merge_overlapping_indices(afi, afid, bfi, bfid)
# Pick out valid non-scalar products here (dot products):
# - matrix-matrix (A*B, M*grad(u)) => A . B
# - matrix-vector (A*v) => A . v
s1, s2 = a.ufl_shape, b.ufl_shape
r1, r2 = len(s1), len(s2)
if r1 == 0 and r2 == 0:
# Create scalar product
p = Product(a, b)
ti = ()
elif r1 == 0 or r2 == 0:
# Scalar - tensor product
if r2 == 0:
a, b = b, a
# Check for zero, simplifying early if possible
if isinstance(a, Zero) or isinstance(b, Zero):
shape = s1 or s2
return Zero(shape, fi, fid)
# Repeated indices are allowed, like in:
# v[i]*M[i,:]
# Apply product to scalar components
ti = indices(len(b.ufl_shape))
p = Product(a, b[ti])
elif r1 == 2 and r2 in (1, 2): # Matrix-matrix or matrix-vector
if ri:
error("Not expecting repeated indices in non-scalar product.")
# Check for zero, simplifying early if possible
if isinstance(a, Zero) or isinstance(b, Zero):
shape = s1[:-1] + s2[1:]
return Zero(shape, fi, fid)
# Return dot product in index notation
ai = indices(len(a.ufl_shape) - 1)
bi = indices(len(b.ufl_shape) - 1)
k = indices(1)
p = a[ai + k] * b[k + bi]
ti = ai + bi
error("Invalid ranks {0} and {1} in product.".format(r1, r2))
# TODO: I think applying as_tensor after index sums results in
# cleaner expression graphs.
# Wrap as tensor again
if ti:
p = as_tensor(p, ti)
# If any repeated indices were found, apply implicit summation
# over those
for i in ri:
mi = MultiIndex((Index(count=i),))
p = IndexSum(p, mi)
return p
# --- Extend Expr with algebraic operators ---
_valid_types = (Expr, numbers.Real, numbers.Integral, numbers.Complex)
def _mul(self, o):
if not isinstance(o, _valid_types):
return NotImplemented
o = as_ufl(o)
return _mult(self, o)
Expr.__mul__ = _mul
def _rmul(self, o):
if not isinstance(o, _valid_types):
return NotImplemented
o = as_ufl(o)
return _mult(o, self)
Expr.__rmul__ = _rmul
def _add(self, o):
if not isinstance(o, _valid_types):
return NotImplemented
return Sum(self, o)
Expr.__add__ = _add
def _radd(self, o):
if not isinstance(o, _valid_types):
return NotImplemented
if isinstance(o, numbers.Number) and o == 0:
# Allow adding scalar int 0 as a no-op, even for shaped self,
# needed for sum([a,b])
return self
return Sum(o, self)
Expr.__radd__ = _radd
def _sub(self, o):
if not isinstance(o, _valid_types):
return NotImplemented
return Sum(self, -o)
Expr.__sub__ = _sub
def _rsub(self, o):
if not isinstance(o, _valid_types):
return NotImplemented
return Sum(o, -self)
Expr.__rsub__ = _rsub
def _div(self, o):
if not isinstance(o, _valid_types):
return NotImplemented
sh = self.ufl_shape
if sh:
ii = indices(len(sh))
d = Division(self[ii], o)
return as_tensor(d, ii)
return Division(self, o)
Expr.__div__ = _div
Expr.__truediv__ = _div
def _rdiv(self, o):
if not isinstance(o, _valid_types):
return NotImplemented
return Division(o, self)
Expr.__rdiv__ = _rdiv
Expr.__rtruediv__ = _rdiv
def _pow(self, o):
if not isinstance(o, _valid_types):
return NotImplemented
if o == 2 and self.ufl_shape:
return Inner(self, self)
return Power(self, o)
Expr.__pow__ = _pow
def _rpow(self, o):
if not isinstance(o, _valid_types):
return NotImplemented
return Power(o, self)
Expr.__rpow__ = _rpow
# TODO: Add Negated class for this? Might simplify reductions in Add.
def _neg(self):
return -1 * self
Expr.__neg__ = _neg
def _abs(self):
return Abs(self)
Expr.__abs__ = _abs
# --- Extend Expr with restiction operators a("+"), a("-") ---
def _restrict(self, side):
if side == "+":
return PositiveRestricted(self)
if side == "-":
return NegativeRestricted(self)
error("Invalid side '%s' in restriction operator." % (side,))
def _eval(self, coord, mapping=None, component=()):
# Evaluate expression at this particular coordinate, with provided
# values for other terminals in mapping
# Evaluate derivatives first
from ufl.algorithms import expand_derivatives
f = expand_derivatives(self)
# Evaluate recursively
if mapping is None:
mapping = {}
index_values = StackDict()
return f.evaluate(coord, mapping, component, index_values)
def _call(self, arg, mapping=None, component=()):
# Taking the restriction or evaluating depending on argument
if arg in ("+", "-"):
if mapping is not None:
error("Not expecting a mapping when taking restriction.")
return _restrict(self, arg)
return _eval(self, arg, mapping, component)
Expr.__call__ = _call
# --- Extend Expr with the transpose operation A.T ---
def _transpose(self):
"""Transpose a rank-2 tensor expression. For more general transpose
operations of higher order tensor expressions, use indexing and Tensor."""
return Transposed(self)
Expr.T = property(_transpose)
# --- Extend Expr with indexing operator a[i] ---
[docs]def analyse_key(ii, rank):
"""Takes something the user might input as an index tuple
inside [], which could include complete slices (:) and
ellipsis (...), and returns tuples of actual UFL index objects.
The return value is a tuple (indices, axis_indices),
each being a tuple of IndexBase instances.
The return value 'indices' corresponds to all
input objects of these types:
- Index
- FixedIndex
- int => Wrapped in FixedIndex
The return value 'axis_indices' corresponds to all
input objects of these types:
- Complete slice (:) => Replaced by a single new index
- Ellipsis (...) => Replaced by multiple new indices
# Wrap in tuple
if not isinstance(ii, (tuple, MultiIndex)):
ii = (ii,)
# Flatten nested tuples, happens with f[...,ii] where ii is a
# tuple of indices
jj = []
for j in ii:
if isinstance(j, (tuple, MultiIndex)):
ii = tuple(jj)
# Convert all indices to Index or FixedIndex objects. If there is
# an ellipsis, split the indices into before and after.
axis_indices = set()
pre = []
post = []
indexlist = pre
for i in ii:
if i == Ellipsis:
# Switch from pre to post list when an ellipsis is
# encountered
if indexlist is not pre:
error("Found duplicate ellipsis.")
indexlist = post
# Convert index to a proper type
if isinstance(i, numbers.Integral):
idx = FixedIndex(i)
elif isinstance(i, IndexBase):
idx = i
elif isinstance(i, slice):
if i == slice(None):
idx = Index()
# TODO: Use ListTensor to support partial slices?
error("Partial slices not implemented, only complete slices like [:]")
error("Can't convert this object to index: %s" % (i,))
# Store index in pre or post list
# Handle ellipsis as a number of complete slices, that is create a
# number of new axis indices
num_axis = rank - len(pre) - len(post)
if indexlist is post:
ellipsis_indices = indices(num_axis)
ellipsis_indices = ()
# Construct final tuples to return
all_indices = tuple(chain(pre, ellipsis_indices, post))
axis_indices = tuple(i for i in all_indices if i in axis_indices)
return all_indices, axis_indices
def _getitem(self, component):
# Treat component consistently as tuple below
if not isinstance(component, tuple):
component = (component,)
shape = self.ufl_shape
# Analyse slices (:) and Ellipsis (...)
all_indices, slice_indices, repeated_indices = create_slice_indices(component, shape, self.ufl_free_indices)
# Check that we have the right number of indices for a tensor with
# this shape
if len(shape) != len(all_indices):
error("Invalid number of indices {0} for expression of rank {1}.".format(len(all_indices), len(shape)))
# Special case for simplifying foo[...] => foo, foo[:] => foo or
# similar
if len(slice_indices) == len(all_indices):
return self
# Special case for simplifying as_tensor(ai,(i,))[i] => ai
if isinstance(self, ComponentTensor):
if all_indices == self.indices().indices():
return self.ufl_operands[0]
# Apply all indices to index self, yielding a scalar valued
# expression
mi = MultiIndex(all_indices)
a = Indexed(self, mi)
# TODO: I think applying as_tensor after index sums results in
# cleaner expression graphs.
# If the Ellipsis or any slices were found, wrap as tensor valued
# with the slice indices created at the top here
if slice_indices:
a = as_tensor(a, slice_indices)
# If any repeated indices were found, apply implicit summation
# over those
for i in repeated_indices:
mi = MultiIndex((i,))
a = IndexSum(a, mi)
# Check for zero (last so we can get indices etc from a, could
# possibly be done faster by checking early instead)
if isinstance(self, Zero):
shape = a.ufl_shape
fi = a.ufl_free_indices
fid = a.ufl_index_dimensions
a = Zero(shape, fi, fid)
return a
Expr.__getitem__ = _getitem
# --- Extend Expr with spatial differentiation operator a.dx(i) ---
def _dx(self, *ii):
"Return the partial derivative with respect to spatial variable number *ii*."
d = self
# Unwrap ii to allow .dx(i,j) and .dx((i,j))
if len(ii) == 1 and isinstance(ii[0], tuple):
ii = ii[0]
# Apply all derivatives
for i in ii:
d = Grad(d)
# Take all components, applying repeated index sums in the [] operation
return d.__getitem__((Ellipsis,) + ii)
Expr.dx = _dx