Source code for ufl.exprequals
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from collections import defaultdict
from ufl.core.expr import Expr
from ufl.log import error
hash_total = defaultdict(int)
hash_collisions = defaultdict(int)
hash_equals = defaultdict(int)
hash_notequals = defaultdict(int)
[docs]def print_collisions():
keys = sorted(hash_total.keys(), key=lambda x: (hash_collisions[x], x))
print("Collision statistics ({0} keys):".format(len(keys)))
print("[key: equals; notequals; collisions]")
n = max(len(str(k)) for k in keys)
fmt = ("%%%ds" % n) + ": \t %6d (%3d%%); %6d (%3d%%); %6d (%3d%%) col; tot %d"
for k in keys:
co = hash_collisions[k]
eq = hash_equals[k]
ne = hash_notequals[k]
tot = hash_total[k]
sn, on = k
# Skip those that are all not equal
if sn != on and ne == tot:
print(fmt % (k, eq, int(100.0 * eq / tot),
ne, int(100.0 * ne / tot),
co, int(100.0 * co / tot),
[docs]def measure_collisions(equals_func):
def equals_func_with_collision_measuring(self, other):
# Call equals
equal = equals_func(self, other)
# Get properties
st = type(self)
ot = type(other)
sn = st.__name__
on = ot.__name__
sh = hash(self)
oh = hash(other)
key = (sn, on)
# If hashes are the same but objects are not equal, we have a
# collision
hash_total[key] += 1
if sh == oh and not equal:
hash_collisions[key] += 1
elif sh != oh and equal:
error("Equal objects must always have the same hash! Objects are:\n{0}\n{1}".format(self, other))
elif sh == oh and equal:
hash_equals[key] += 1
elif sh != oh and not equal:
hash_notequals[key] += 1
return equal
return equals_func_with_collision_measuring
# @measure_collisions
[docs]def recursive_expr_equals(self, other): # Much faster than the more complex algorithms above!
"""Checks whether the two expressions are represented the
exact same way. This does not check if the expressions are
mathematically equal or equivalent! Used by sets and dicts."""
# To handle expr == int/float
if not isinstance(other, Expr):
return False
# Fast cutoff for common case
if self._ufl_typecode_ != other._ufl_typecode_:
return False
# Compare hashes, will cutoff more or less all nonequal types
if hash(self) != hash(other):
return False
# Large objects are costly to compare with themselves
if self is other:
return True
# Terminals
if self._ufl_is_terminal_:
# Compare terminals with custom == to capture subclass
# overloading of __eq__
return self == other
# --- Operators, most likely equal, below here is the costly part
# --- if it recurses through a large tree! ---
# Recurse manually to call expr_equals directly without the class
# EQ overhead!
equal = all(recursive_expr_equals(a, b) for (a, b) in zip(self.ufl_operands,
return equal
# @measure_collisions
[docs]def nonrecursive_expr_equals(self, other):
"""Checks whether the two expressions are represented the
exact same way. This does not check if the expressions are
mathematically equal or equivalent! Used by sets and dicts."""
# Fast cutoffs for common cases, type difference or hash
# difference will cutoff more or less all nonequal types
if type(self) != type(other) or hash(self) != hash(other):
return False
# Large objects are costly to compare with themselves
if self is other:
return True
# Modelled after pre_traversal to avoid recursion:
left = [(self, other)]
while left:
s, o = left.pop()
if s._ufl_is_terminal_:
# Compare terminals
if not s == o:
return False
# Delve into subtrees
so = s.ufl_operands
oo = o.ufl_operands
if len(so) != len(oo):
return False
for s, o in zip(so, oo):
# Fast cutoff for common case
if s._ufl_typecode_ != o._ufl_typecode_:
return False
# Skip subtree if objects are the same
if s is o:
# Append subtree for further inspection
left.append((s, o))
# Equal if we get out of the above loop!
# Eagerly DAGify to reduce the size of the tree.
self.ufl_operands = other.ufl_operands
return True
# expr_equals = recursive_expr_equals
expr_equals = nonrecursive_expr_equals