Source code for ufl.corealg.map_dag
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Basic algorithms for applying functions to subexpressions."""
# Copyright (C) 2014-2016 Martin Sandve Alnæs
# This file is part of UFL (
# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
# Modified by Massimiliano Leoni, 2016
from ufl.core.expr import Expr
from ufl.corealg.traversal import unique_post_traversal, cutoff_unique_post_traversal
from ufl.corealg.multifunction import MultiFunction
[docs]def map_expr_dag(function, expression,
"""Apply a function to each subexpression node in an expression DAG.
If *compress* is ``True`` (default) the output object from
the function is cached in a ``dict`` and reused such that the
resulting expression DAG does not contain duplicate objects.
If the same funtion is called multiple times in a transformation
(as for example in apply_derivatives), then to reuse caches across
the call, provide these two arguments:
:arg vcache: Optional dict for caching results of intermediate transformations
:arg rcache: Optional dict for caching results for compression.
Return the result of the final function call.
result, = map_expr_dags(function, [expression], compress=compress,
return result
[docs]def map_expr_dags(function, expressions,
"""Apply a function to each subexpression node in an expression DAG.
If *compress* is ``True`` (default) the output object from
the function is cached in a ``dict`` and reused such that the
resulting expression DAG does not contain duplicate objects.
If the same funtion is called multiple times in a transformation
(as for example in apply_derivatives), then to reuse caches across
the call, provide these two arguments:
:arg vcache: Optional dict for caching results of intermediate transformations
:arg rcache: Optional dict for caching results for compression.
Return a list with the result of the final function call for each expression.
# Temporary data structures
# expr -> r = function(expr,...), cache of intermediate results
vcache = {} if vcache is None else vcache
# r -> r, cache of result objects for memory reuse
rcache = {} if rcache is None else rcache
# Build mapping typecode:bool, for which types to skip the subtree of
if isinstance(function, MultiFunction):
cutoff_types = function._is_cutoff_type
handlers = function._handlers # Optimization
# Regular function: no skipping supported
cutoff_types = [False] * Expr._ufl_num_typecodes_
handlers = [function] * Expr._ufl_num_typecodes_
# Create visited set here to share between traversal calls
visited = set()
# Pick faster traversal algorithm if we have no cutoffs
if any(cutoff_types):
def traversal(expression):
return cutoff_unique_post_traversal(expression, cutoff_types, visited)
def traversal(expression):
return unique_post_traversal(expression, visited)
for expression in expressions:
# Iterate over all subexpression nodes, child before parent
for v in traversal(expression):
# Skip transformations on cache hit
if v in vcache:
# Cache miss: Get transformed operands, then apply transformation
if cutoff_types[v._ufl_typecode_]:
r = handlers[v._ufl_typecode_](v)
r = handlers[v._ufl_typecode_](v, *[vcache[u] for u in v.ufl_operands])
# Optionally check if r is in rcache, a memory optimization
# to be able to keep representation of result compact
if compress:
r2 = rcache.get(r)
if r2 is None:
# Cache miss: store in rcache
rcache[r] = r
# Cache hit: Use previously computed object r2,
# allowing r to be garbage collected as soon as possible
r = r2
# Store result in cache
vcache[v] = r
return [vcache[expression] for expression in expressions]