# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"Types for representing a cell."
# Copyright (C) 2008-2016 Martin Sandve Alnæs
# This file is part of UFL (https://www.fenicsproject.org)
# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
# Modified by Anders Logg, 2009.
# Modified by Kristian B. Oelgaard, 2009
# Modified by Marie E. Rognes 2012
# Modified by Andrew T. T. McRae, 2014
# Modified by Massimiliano Leoni, 2016
import numbers
import functools
import ufl.cell
from ufl.log import error
from ufl.core.ufl_type import attach_operators_from_hash_data
# Export list for ufl.classes
__all_classes__ = ["AbstractCell", "Cell", "TensorProductCell"]
# --- The most abstract cell class, base class for other cell types
[docs]class AbstractCell(object):
"""Representation of an abstract finite element cell with only the
dimensions known.
__slots__ = ("_topological_dimension",
def __init__(self, topological_dimension, geometric_dimension):
# Validate dimensions
if not isinstance(geometric_dimension, numbers.Integral):
error("Expecting integer geometric_dimension.")
if not isinstance(topological_dimension, numbers.Integral):
error("Expecting integer topological_dimension.")
if topological_dimension > geometric_dimension:
error("Topological dimension cannot be larger than geometric dimension.")
# Store validated dimensions
self._topological_dimension = topological_dimension
self._geometric_dimension = geometric_dimension
[docs] def topological_dimension(self):
"Return the dimension of the topology of this cell."
return self._topological_dimension
[docs] def geometric_dimension(self):
"Return the dimension of the space this cell is embedded in."
return self._geometric_dimension
[docs] def is_simplex(self):
"Return True if this is a simplex cell."
raise NotImplementedError("Implement this to allow important checks and optimizations.")
[docs] def has_simplex_facets(self):
"Return True if all the facets of this cell are simplex cells."
raise NotImplementedError("Implement this to allow important checks and optimizations.")
def __lt__(self, other):
"Define an arbitrarily chosen but fixed sort order for all cells."
if not isinstance(other, AbstractCell):
return NotImplemented
# Sort by gdim first, tdim next, then whatever's left
# depending on the subclass
s = (self.geometric_dimension(), self.topological_dimension())
o = (other.geometric_dimension(), other.topological_dimension())
if s != o:
return s < o
return self._ufl_hash_data_() < other._ufl_hash_data_()
# --- Basic topological properties of known basic cells
# Mapping from cell name to number of cell entities of each
# topological dimension
num_cell_entities = {"vertex": (1,),
"interval": (2, 1),
"triangle": (3, 3, 1),
"quadrilateral": (4, 4, 1),
"tetrahedron": (4, 6, 4, 1),
"prism": (6, 9, 5, 1),
"pyramid": (5, 8, 5, 1),
"hexahedron": (8, 12, 6, 1)}
# Mapping from cell name to topological dimension
cellname2dim = dict((k, len(v) - 1) for k, v in num_cell_entities.items())
# --- Basic cell representation classes
class Cell(AbstractCell):
"Representation of a named finite element cell with known structure."
__slots__ = ("_cellname",)
def __init__(self, cellname, geometric_dimension=None):
"Initialize basic cell description."
self._cellname = cellname
# The topological dimension is defined by the cell type, so
# the cellname must be among the known ones, so we can find
# the known dimension, unless we have a product cell, in which
# the given dimension is used
topological_dimension = len(num_cell_entities[cellname]) - 1
# The geometric dimension defaults to equal the topological
# dimension unless overridden for embedded cells
if geometric_dimension is None:
geometric_dimension = topological_dimension
# Initialize and validate dimensions
AbstractCell.__init__(self, topological_dimension, geometric_dimension)
# --- Overrides of AbstractCell methods ---
[docs] def reconstruct(self, geometric_dimension=None):
if geometric_dimension is None:
geometric_dimension = self._geometric_dimension
return Cell(self._cellname, geometric_dimension=geometric_dimension)
[docs] def is_simplex(self):
" Return True if this is a simplex cell."
return self.num_vertices() == self.topological_dimension() + 1
[docs] def has_simplex_facets(self):
"Return True if all the facets of this cell are simplex cells."
return self.is_simplex() or self.cellname() == "quadrilateral"
# --- Specific cell properties ---
[docs] def cellname(self):
"Return the cellname of the cell."
return self._cellname
[docs] def num_vertices(self):
"The number of cell vertices."
return num_cell_entities[self.cellname()][0]
[docs] def num_edges(self):
"The number of cell edges."
return num_cell_entities[self.cellname()][1]
[docs] def num_facets(self):
"The number of cell facets."
tdim = self.topological_dimension()
return num_cell_entities[self.cellname()][tdim - 1]
# --- Facet properties ---
[docs] def facet_types(self):
"A tuple of ufl.Cell representing the facets of self."
# TODO Move outside method?
facet_type_names = {"interval": ("vertex",),
"triangle": ("interval",),
"quadrilateral": ("interval",),
"tetrahedron": ("triangle",),
"hexahedron": ("quadrilateral",),
"prism": ("triangle", "quadrilateral")}
return tuple(ufl.Cell(facet_name, self.geometric_dimension())
for facet_name in facet_type_names[self.cellname()])
# --- Special functions for proper object behaviour ---
def __str__(self):
gdim = self.geometric_dimension()
tdim = self.topological_dimension()
s = self.cellname()
if gdim > tdim:
s += "%dD" % gdim
return s
def __repr__(self):
# For standard cells, return name of builtin cell object if
# possible. This reduces the size of the repr strings for
# domains, elements, etc. as well
gdim = self.geometric_dimension()
tdim = self.topological_dimension()
name = self.cellname()
if gdim == tdim and name in cellname2dim:
r = name
r = "Cell(%s, %s)" % (repr(name), repr(gdim))
return r
def _ufl_hash_data_(self):
return (self._geometric_dimension, self._topological_dimension,
class TensorProductCell(AbstractCell):
__slots__ = ("_cells",)
def __init__(self, *cells, **kwargs):
keywords = list(kwargs.keys())
if keywords and keywords != ["geometric_dimension"]:
raise ValueError(
"TensorProductCell got an unexpected keyword argument '%s'" %
self._cells = tuple(as_cell(cell) for cell in cells)
tdim = sum([cell.topological_dimension() for cell in self._cells])
if kwargs:
gdim = kwargs["geometric_dimension"]
gdim = sum([cell.geometric_dimension() for cell in self._cells])
AbstractCell.__init__(self, tdim, gdim)
[docs] def cellname(self):
"Return the cellname of the cell."
return " * ".join([cell._cellname for cell in self._cells])
[docs] def reconstruct(self, geometric_dimension=None):
if geometric_dimension is None:
geometric_dimension = self._geometric_dimension
return TensorProductCell(*(self._cells), geometric_dimension=geometric_dimension)
[docs] def is_simplex(self):
"Return True if this is a simplex cell."
if len(self._cells) == 1:
return self._cells[0].is_simplex()
return False
[docs] def has_simplex_facets(self):
"Return True if all the facets of this cell are simplex cells."
if len(self._cells) == 1:
return self._cells[0].has_simplex_facets()
return False
[docs] def num_vertices(self):
"The number of cell vertices."
return functools.reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, [c.num_vertices() for c in self._cells])
[docs] def num_edges(self):
"The number of cell edges."
error("Not defined for TensorProductCell.")
[docs] def num_facets(self):
"The number of cell facets."
return sum(c.num_facets() for c in self._cells if c.topological_dimension() > 0)
[docs] def sub_cells(self):
"Return list of cell factors."
return self._cells
def __str__(self):
gdim = self.geometric_dimension()
tdim = self.topological_dimension()
reprs = ", ".join(repr(c) for c in self._cells)
if gdim == tdim:
gdimstr = ""
gdimstr = ", geometric_dimension=%d" % gdim
r = "TensorProductCell(%s%s)" % (reprs, gdimstr)
return r
def __repr__(self):
return str(self)
def _ufl_hash_data_(self):
return tuple(c._ufl_hash_data_() for c in self._cells) + (self._geometric_dimension,)
# --- Utility conversion functions
# Mapping from topological dimension to reference cell name for
# simplices
_simplex_dim2cellname = {0: "vertex",
1: "interval",
2: "triangle",
3: "tetrahedron"}
# Mapping from topological dimension to reference cell name for
# hypercubes
_hypercube_dim2cellname = {0: "vertex",
1: "interval",
2: "quadrilateral",
3: "hexahedron"}
[docs]def simplex(topological_dimension, geometric_dimension=None):
"Return a simplex cell of given dimension."
return Cell(_simplex_dim2cellname[topological_dimension],
[docs]def hypercube(topological_dimension, geometric_dimension=None):
"Return a hypercube cell of given dimension."
return Cell(_hypercube_dim2cellname[topological_dimension],
[docs]def as_cell(cell):
"""Convert any valid object to a Cell or return cell if it is already a Cell.
Allows an already valid cell, a known cellname string, or a tuple of cells for a product cell.
if isinstance(cell, AbstractCell):
return cell
elif isinstance(cell, str):
return Cell(cell)
elif isinstance(cell, tuple):
return TensorProductCell(cell)
error("Invalid cell %s." % cell)