Source code for ufl.algorithms.estimate_degrees

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Algorithms for estimating polynomial degrees of expressions."""

# Copyright (C) 2008-2016 Martin Sandve Alnæs and Anders Logg
# This file is part of UFL (
# SPDX-License-Identifier:    LGPL-3.0-or-later
# Modified by Anders Logg, 2009-2010
# Modified by Jan Blechta, 2012

from ufl.log import warning, error
from ufl.form import Form
from ufl.integral import Integral
from ufl.algorithms.multifunction import MultiFunction
from ufl.corealg.map_dag import map_expr_dags
from ufl.checks import is_cellwise_constant
from ufl.constantvalue import IntValue

[docs]class IrreducibleInt(int): """Degree type used by quadrilaterals. Unlike int, values of this type are not decremeneted by _reduce_degree. """ pass
[docs]class SumDegreeEstimator(MultiFunction): "This algorithm is exact for a few operators and heuristic for many." def __init__(self, default_degree, element_replace_map): MultiFunction.__init__(self) self.default_degree = default_degree self.element_replace_map = element_replace_map
[docs] def constant_value(self, v): "Constant values are constant." return 0
[docs] def constant(self, v): return 0
[docs] def geometric_quantity(self, v): "Some geometric quantities are cellwise constant. Others are nonpolynomial and thus hard to estimate." if is_cellwise_constant(v): return 0 else: # As a heuristic, just returning domain degree to bump up degree somewhat return v.ufl_domain().ufl_coordinate_element().degree()
[docs] def spatial_coordinate(self, v): "A coordinate provides additional degrees depending on coordinate field of domain." return v.ufl_domain().ufl_coordinate_element().degree()
[docs] def cell_coordinate(self, v): "A coordinate provides one additional degree." return 1
[docs] def argument(self, v): """A form argument provides a degree depending on the element, or the default degree if the element has no degree.""" return v.ufl_element().degree() # FIXME: Use component to improve accuracy for mixed elements
[docs] def coefficient(self, v): """A form argument provides a degree depending on the element, or the default degree if the element has no degree.""" e = v.ufl_element() e = self.element_replace_map.get(e, e) d = # FIXME: Use component to improve accuracy for mixed elements if d is None: d = self.default_degree return d
def _reduce_degree(self, v, f): """Reduces the estimated degree by one; used when derivatives are taken. Does not reduce the degree when TensorProduct elements or quadrilateral elements are involved.""" if isinstance(f, int) and not isinstance(f, IrreducibleInt): return max(f - 1, 0) else: # if tuple, do not reduce return f def _add_degrees(self, v, *ops): def add_single(ops): if any(isinstance(o, IrreducibleInt) for o in ops): return IrreducibleInt(sum(ops)) else: return sum(ops) if any(isinstance(o, tuple) for o in ops): # we can add a slight hack here to handle things # like adding 0 to (3, 3) [by expanding # 0 to (0, 0) when making tempops] tempops = [foo if isinstance(foo, tuple) else (foo, foo) for foo in ops] return tuple(map(add_single, zip(*tempops))) else: return add_single(ops) def _max_degrees(self, v, *ops): def max_single(ops): if any(isinstance(o, IrreducibleInt) for o in ops): return IrreducibleInt(max(ops)) else: return max(ops) if any(isinstance(o, tuple) for o in ops): tempops = [foo if isinstance(foo, tuple) else (foo, foo) for foo in ops] return tuple(map(max_single, zip(*tempops))) else: return max_single(ops + (0,)) def _not_handled(self, v, *args): error("Missing degree handler for type %s" % v._ufl_class_.__name__)
[docs] def expr(self, v, *ops): "For most operators we take the max degree of its operands." warning("Missing degree estimation handler for type %s" % v._ufl_class_.__name__) return self._add_degrees(v, *ops)
# Utility types with no degree concept
[docs] def multi_index(self, v): return None
[docs] def label(self, v): return None
# Fall-through, indexing and similar types
[docs] def reference_value(self, rv, f): return f
[docs] def variable(self, v, e, l): return e
[docs] def transposed(self, v, A): return A
[docs] def index_sum(self, v, A, ii): return A
[docs] def indexed(self, v, A, ii): return A
[docs] def component_tensor(self, v, A, ii): return A
list_tensor = _max_degrees
[docs] def positive_restricted(self, v, a): return a
[docs] def negative_restricted(self, v, a): return a
[docs] def conj(self, v, a): return a
[docs] def real(self, v, a): return a
[docs] def imag(self, v, a): return a
# A sum takes the max degree of its operands: sum = _max_degrees # TODO: Need a new algorithm which considers direction of # derivatives of form arguments A spatial derivative reduces the # degree with one grad = _reduce_degree reference_grad = _reduce_degree # Handling these types although they should not occur... please # apply preprocessing before using this algorithm: nabla_grad = _reduce_degree div = _reduce_degree reference_div = _reduce_degree nabla_div = _reduce_degree curl = _reduce_degree reference_curl = _reduce_degree
[docs] def cell_avg(self, v, a): "Cell average of a function is always cellwise constant." return 0
[docs] def facet_avg(self, v, a): "Facet average of a function is always cellwise constant." return 0
# A product accumulates the degrees of its operands: product = _add_degrees # Handling these types although they should not occur... please # apply preprocessing before using this algorithm: inner = _add_degrees dot = _add_degrees outer = _add_degrees cross = _add_degrees # Explicitly not handling these types, please apply preprocessing # before using this algorithm: derivative = _not_handled # base type compound_derivative = _not_handled # base type compound_tensor_operator = _not_handled # base class variable_derivative = _not_handled trace = _not_handled determinant = _not_handled cofactor = _not_handled inverse = _not_handled deviatoric = _not_handled skew = _not_handled sym = _not_handled
[docs] def abs(self, v, a): "This is a heuristic, correct if there is no " if a == 0: return a else: return a
[docs] def division(self, v, *ops): "Using the sum here is a heuristic. Consider e.g. (x+1)/(x-1)." return self._add_degrees(v, *ops)
[docs] def power(self, v, a, b): """If b is a positive integer: degree(a**b) == degree(a)*b otherwise use the heuristic degree(a**b) == degree(a) + 2""" f, g = v.ufl_operands if isinstance(g, IntValue): gi = g.value() if gi >= 0: if isinstance(a, int): return a * gi else: return tuple(foo * gi for foo in a) # Something to a non-(positive integer) power, e.g. float, # negative integer, Coefficient, etc. return self._add_degrees(v, a, 2)
[docs] def atan_2(self, v, a, b): """Using the heuristic degree(atan2(const,const)) == 0 degree(atan2(a,b)) == max(degree(a),degree(b))+2 which can be wildly inaccurate but at least gives a somewhat high integration degree. """ if a or b: return self._add_degrees(v, self._max_degrees(v, a, b), 2) else: return self._max_degrees(v, a, b)
[docs] def math_function(self, v, a): """Using the heuristic degree(sin(const)) == 0 degree(sin(a)) == degree(a)+2 which can be wildly inaccurate but at least gives a somewhat high integration degree. """ if a: return self._add_degrees(v, a, 2) else: return a
[docs] def bessel_function(self, v, nu, x): """Using the heuristic degree(bessel_*(const)) == 0 degree(bessel_*(x)) == degree(x)+2 which can be wildly inaccurate but at least gives a somewhat high integration degree. """ if x: return self._add_degrees(v, x, 2) else: return x
[docs] def condition(self, v, *args): return None
[docs] def conditional(self, v, c, t, f): """Degree of condition does not influence degree of values which conditional takes. So heuristicaly taking max of true degree and false degree. This will be exact in cells where condition takes single value. For improving accuracy of quadrature near condition transition surface quadrature order must be adjusted manually.""" return self._max_degrees(v, t, f)
[docs] def min_value(self, v, l, r): """Same as conditional.""" return self._max_degrees(v, l, r)
max_value = min_value
[docs] def coordinate_derivative(self, v, integrand_degree, b, direction_degree, d): """ We use the heuristic that a shape derivative in direction V introduces terms V and grad(V) into the integrand. Hence we add the degree of the deformation to the estimate. """ return self._add_degrees(v, integrand_degree, direction_degree)
[docs] def expr_list(self, v, *o): return self._max_degrees(v, *o)
[docs] def expr_mapping(self, v, *o): return self._max_degrees(v, *o)
[docs]def estimate_total_polynomial_degree(e, default_degree=1, element_replace_map={}): """Estimate total polynomial degree of integrand. NB! Although some compound types are supported here, some derivatives and compounds must be preprocessed prior to degree estimation. In generic code, this algorithm should only be applied after preprocessing. For coefficients defined on an element with unspecified degree (None), the degree is set to the given default degree. """ de = SumDegreeEstimator(default_degree, element_replace_map) if isinstance(e, Form): if not e.integrals(): error("Got form with no integrals!") degrees = map_expr_dags(de, [it.integrand() for it in e.integrals()]) elif isinstance(e, Integral): degrees = map_expr_dags(de, [e.integrand()]) else: degrees = map_expr_dags(de, [e]) degree = max(degrees) if degrees else default_degree return degree