# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Algorithms for building canonical data structure for integrals over subdomains."""
# Copyright (C) 2009-2016 Anders Logg and Martin Sandve Alnæs
# This file is part of UFL (https://www.fenicsproject.org)
# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
from collections import defaultdict
import ufl
from ufl.log import error
from ufl.integral import Integral
from ufl.form import Form
from ufl.sorting import cmp_expr, sorted_expr
from ufl.utils.sorting import canonicalize_metadata, sorted_by_key
from ufl.algorithms.coordinate_derivative_helpers import attach_coordinate_derivatives, strip_coordinate_derivatives
import numbers
[docs]class IntegralData(object):
"""Utility class with the members (domain, integral_type,
subdomain_id, integrals, metadata)
where metadata is an empty dictionary that may be used for
associating metadata with each object.
__slots__ = ('domain', 'integral_type', 'subdomain_id',
'integrals', 'metadata',
def __init__(self, domain, integral_type, subdomain_id, integrals,
if 1 != len(set(itg.ufl_domain() for itg in integrals)):
error("Multiple domains mismatch in integral data.")
if not all(integral_type == itg.integral_type() for itg in integrals):
error("Integral type mismatch in integral data.")
if not all(subdomain_id == itg.subdomain_id() for itg in integrals):
error("Subdomain id mismatch in integral data.")
self.domain = domain
self.integral_type = integral_type
self.subdomain_id = subdomain_id
self.integrals = integrals
# This is populated in preprocess using data not available at
# this stage:
self.integral_coefficients = None
self.enabled_coefficients = None
# TODO: I think we can get rid of this with some refactoring
# in ffc:
self.metadata = metadata
def __lt__(self, other):
# To preserve behaviour of extract_integral_data:
return ((self.integral_type, self.subdomain_id,
self.integrals, self.metadata) <
(other.integral_type, other.subdomain_id, other.integrals,
def __eq__(self, other):
# Currently only used for tests:
return (self.integral_type == other.integral_type and
self.subdomain_id == other.subdomain_id and
self.integrals == other.integrals and
self.metadata == other.metadata)
def __str__(self):
s = "IntegralData over domain(%s, %s), with integrals:\n%s\nand metadata:\n%s" % (
self.integral_type, self.subdomain_id,
'\n\n'.join(map(str, self.integrals)), self.metadata)
return s
[docs]def dicts_lt(a, b):
na = 0 if a is None else len(a)
nb = 0 if b is None else len(b)
if na != nb:
return len(a) < len(b)
for ia, ib in zip(sorted_by_key(a), sorted_by_key(b)):
# Assuming keys are sortable (usually str)
if ia[0] != ib[0]:
return (ia[0].__class__.__name__, ia[0]) < (ib[0].__class__.__name__, ib[0]) # Hack to preserve type sorting in py3
# Assuming values are sortable
if ia[1] != ib[1]:
return (ia[1].__class__.__name__, ia[1]) < (ib[1].__class__.__name__, ib[1]) # Hack to preserve type sorting in py3
# Tuple comparison helper
[docs]class ExprTupleKey(object):
__slots__ = ('x',)
def __init__(self, x):
self.x = x
def __lt__(self, other):
# Comparing expression first
c = cmp_expr(self.x[0], other.x[0])
if c < 0:
return True
elif c > 0:
return False
# Comparing form compiler data
mds = canonicalize_metadata(self.x[1])
mdo = canonicalize_metadata(other.x[1])
return mds < mdo
[docs]def group_integrals_by_domain_and_type(integrals, domains):
integrals: list of Integral objects
domains: list of AbstractDomain objects from the parent Form
integrals_by_domain_and_type: dict: (domain, integral_type) -> list(Integral)
integrals_by_domain_and_type = defaultdict(list)
for itg in integrals:
if itg.ufl_domain() is None:
error("Integral has no domain.")
key = (itg.ufl_domain(), itg.integral_type())
# Append integral to list of integrals with shared key
return integrals_by_domain_and_type
[docs]def integral_subdomain_ids(integral):
"Get a tuple of integer subdomains or a valid string subdomain from integral."
did = integral.subdomain_id()
if isinstance(did, numbers.Integral):
return (did,)
elif isinstance(did, tuple):
if not all(isinstance(d, numbers.Integral) for d in did):
error("Expecting only integer subdomains in tuple.")
return did
elif did in ("everywhere", "otherwise"):
# TODO: Define list of valid strings somewhere more central
return did
error("Invalid domain id %s." % did)
[docs]def rearrange_integrals_by_single_subdomains(integrals, do_append_everywhere_integrals):
"""Rearrange integrals over multiple subdomains to single subdomain integrals.
integrals: list(Integral)
integrals: dict: subdomain_id -> list(Integral) (reconstructed with single subdomain_id)
# Split integrals into lists of everywhere and subdomain integrals
everywhere_integrals = []
subdomain_integrals = []
for itg in integrals:
dids = integral_subdomain_ids(itg)
if dids == "otherwise":
error("'otherwise' integrals should never occur before preprocessing.")
elif dids == "everywhere":
subdomain_integrals.append((dids, itg))
# Fill single_subdomain_integrals with lists of integrals from
# subdomain_integrals, but split and restricted to single
# subdomain ids
single_subdomain_integrals = defaultdict(list)
for dids, itg in subdomain_integrals:
# Region or single subdomain id
for did in dids:
# Restrict integral to this subdomain!
# Add everywhere integrals to each single subdomain id integral
# list
otherwise_integrals = []
for ev_itg in everywhere_integrals:
# Restrict everywhere integral to 'otherwise'
# Restrict everywhere integral to each subdomain
# and append to each integral list
if do_append_everywhere_integrals:
for subdomain_id in sorted(single_subdomain_integrals.keys()):
if otherwise_integrals:
single_subdomain_integrals["otherwise"] = otherwise_integrals
return single_subdomain_integrals
[docs]def build_integral_data(integrals):
"""Build integral data given a list of integrals.
:arg integrals: An iterable of :class:`~.Integral` objects.
:returns: A tuple of :class:`IntegralData` objects.
The integrals you pass in here must have been rearranged and
gathered (removing the "everywhere" subdomain_id. To do this, you
should call :func:`group_form_integrals`.
itgs = defaultdict(list)
for integral in integrals:
domain = integral.ufl_domain()
integral_type = integral.integral_type()
subdomain_id = integral.subdomain_id()
if subdomain_id == "everywhere":
raise ValueError("'everywhere' not a valid subdomain id. Did you forget to call group_form_integrals?")
# Group for integral data (One integral data object for all
# integrals with same domain, itype, subdomain_id (but
# possibly different metadata).
itgs[(domain, integral_type, subdomain_id)].append(integral)
# Build list with canonical ordering, iteration over dicts
# is not deterministic across python versions
def keyfunc(item):
(d, itype, sid), integrals = item
return (d._ufl_sort_key_(), itype, (type(sid).__name__, sid))
integral_datas = []
for (d, itype, sid), integrals in sorted(itgs.items(), key=keyfunc):
integral_datas.append(IntegralData(d, itype, sid, integrals, {}))
return integral_datas