# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Algorithm for replacing gradients in an expression with reference gradients and coordinate mappings."""
# Copyright (C) 2008-2016 Martin Sandve Alnæs
# This file is part of UFL (https://www.fenicsproject.org)
# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
# Modified by Lizao Li <lzlarryli@gmail.com>, 2016
from itertools import chain, accumulate, repeat
from ufl.log import error
from ufl.core.multiindex import indices
from ufl.corealg.multifunction import MultiFunction, memoized_handler
from ufl.algorithms.map_integrands import map_integrand_dags
from ufl.classes import (ReferenceValue,
Jacobian, JacobianInverse, JacobianDeterminant)
from ufl.tensors import as_tensor, as_vector
from ufl.utils.sequences import product
import numpy
[docs]def sub_elements_with_mappings(element):
"Return an ordered list of the largest subelements that have a defined mapping."
if element.mapping() != "undefined":
return [element]
elements = []
for subelm in element.sub_elements():
if subelm.mapping() != "undefined":
return elements
[docs]def create_nested_lists(shape):
if len(shape) == 0:
return [None]
elif len(shape) == 1:
return [None] * shape[0]
return [create_nested_lists(shape[1:]) for i in range(shape[0])]
[docs]def reshape_to_nested_list(components, shape):
if len(shape) == 0:
assert len(components) == 1
return [components[0]]
elif len(shape) == 1:
assert len(components) == shape[0]
return components
n = product(shape[1:])
return [reshape_to_nested_list(components[n * i:n * (i + 1)], shape[1:]) for i in range(shape[0])]
[docs]def apply_known_single_pullback(r, element):
"""Apply pullback with given mapping.
:arg r: Expression wrapped in ReferenceValue
:arg element: The element defining the mapping
# Need to pass in r rather than the physical space thing, because
# the latter may be a ListTensor or similar, rather than a
# Coefficient/Argument (in the case of mixed elements, see below
# in apply_single_function_pullbacks), to which we cannot apply ReferenceValue
mapping = element.mapping()
domain = r.ufl_domain()
if mapping == "physical":
return r
elif mapping == "identity":
return r
elif mapping == "contravariant Piola":
J = Jacobian(domain)
detJ = JacobianDeterminant(J)
transform = (1.0 / detJ) * J
# Apply transform "row-wise" to TensorElement(PiolaMapped, ...)
*k, i, j = indices(len(r.ufl_shape) + 1)
kj = (*k, j)
f = as_tensor(transform[i, j] * r[kj], (*k, i))
return f
elif mapping == "covariant Piola":
K = JacobianInverse(domain)
# Apply transform "row-wise" to TensorElement(PiolaMapped, ...)
*k, i, j = indices(len(r.ufl_shape) + 1)
kj = (*k, j)
f = as_tensor(K[j, i] * r[kj], (*k, i))
return f
elif mapping == "L2 Piola":
detJ = JacobianDeterminant(domain)
return r / detJ
elif mapping == "double contravariant Piola":
J = Jacobian(domain)
detJ = JacobianDeterminant(J)
transform = (1.0 / detJ) * J
# Apply transform "row-wise" to TensorElement(PiolaMapped, ...)
*k, i, j, m, n = indices(len(r.ufl_shape) + 2)
kmn = (*k, m, n)
f = as_tensor((1.0 / detJ)**2 * J[i, m] * r[kmn] * J[j, n], (*k, i, j))
return f
elif mapping == "double covariant Piola":
K = JacobianInverse(domain)
# Apply transform "row-wise" to TensorElement(PiolaMapped, ...)
*k, i, j, m, n = indices(len(r.ufl_shape) + 2)
kmn = (*k, m, n)
f = as_tensor(K[m, i] * r[kmn] * K[n, j], (*k, i, j))
return f
error("Should never be reached!")
[docs]def apply_single_function_pullbacks(r, element):
"""Apply an appropriate pullback to something in physical space
:arg r: An expression wrapped in ReferenceValue.
:arg element: The element this expression lives in.
:returns: a pulled back expression."""
mapping = element.mapping()
if r.ufl_shape != element.reference_value_shape():
error("Expecting reference space expression with shape '%s', got '%s'" % (element.reference_value_shape(), r.ufl_shape))
if mapping in {"physical", "identity",
"contravariant Piola", "covariant Piola",
"double contravariant Piola", "double covariant Piola",
"L2 Piola"}:
# Base case in recursion through elements. If the element
# advertises a mapping we know how to handle, do that
# directly.
f = apply_known_single_pullback(r, element)
if f.ufl_shape != element.value_shape():
error("Expecting pulled back expression with shape '%s', got '%s'" % (element.value_shape(), f.ufl_shape))
return f
elif mapping in {"symmetries", "undefined"}:
# Need to pull back each unique piece of the reference space thing
gsh = element.value_shape()
rsh = r.ufl_shape
if mapping == "symmetries":
subelem = element.sub_elements()[0]
fcm = element.flattened_sub_element_mapping()
offsets = (product(subelem.reference_value_shape()) * i for i in fcm)
elements = repeat(subelem)
elements = sub_elements_with_mappings(element)
# Python >= 3.8 has an initial keyword argument to
# accumulate, but 3.7 does not.
offsets = chain([0],
for e in elements))
rflat = as_vector([r[idx] for idx in numpy.ndindex(rsh)])
g_components = []
# For each unique piece in reference space, apply the appropriate pullback
for offset, subelem in zip(offsets, elements):
sub_rsh = subelem.reference_value_shape()
rm = product(sub_rsh)
rsub = [rflat[offset + i] for i in range(rm)]
rsub = as_tensor(numpy.asarray(rsub).reshape(sub_rsh))
rmapped = apply_single_function_pullbacks(rsub, subelem)
# Flatten into the pulled back expression for the whole thing
for idx in numpy.ndindex(rmapped.ufl_shape)])
# And reshape appropriately
f = as_tensor(numpy.asarray(g_components).reshape(gsh))
if f.ufl_shape != element.value_shape():
error("Expecting pulled back expression with shape '%s', got '%s'" % (element.value_shape(), f.ufl_shape))
return f
error("Unhandled mapping type '%s'" % mapping)
[docs]class FunctionPullbackApplier(MultiFunction):
def __init__(self):
expr = MultiFunction.reuse_if_untouched
[docs] def terminal(self, t):
return t
def form_argument(self, o):
# Represent 0-derivatives of form arguments on reference
# element
f = apply_single_function_pullbacks(ReferenceValue(o), o.ufl_element())
assert f.ufl_shape == o.ufl_shape
return f
[docs]def apply_function_pullbacks(expr):
"""Change representation of coefficients and arguments in expression
by applying Piola mappings where applicable and representing all
form arguments in reference value.
@param expr:
An Expr.
return map_integrand_dags(FunctionPullbackApplier(), expr)