# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""This module contains the apply_derivatives algorithm which computes the derivatives of a form of expression."""
# Copyright (C) 2008-2016 Martin Sandve Alnæs
# This file is part of UFL (https://www.fenicsproject.org)
# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
from collections import defaultdict
from ufl.log import error, warning
from ufl.core.expr import ufl_err_str
from ufl.core.terminal import Terminal
from ufl.core.multiindex import MultiIndex, FixedIndex, indices
from ufl.tensors import as_tensor, as_scalar, as_scalars, unit_indexed_tensor, unwrap_list_tensor
from ufl.classes import ConstantValue, Identity, Zero, FloatValue
from ufl.classes import Coefficient, FormArgument, ReferenceValue
from ufl.classes import Grad, ReferenceGrad, Variable
from ufl.classes import Indexed, ListTensor, ComponentTensor
from ufl.classes import ExprList, ExprMapping
from ufl.classes import Product, Sum, IndexSum
from ufl.classes import Conj, Real, Imag
from ufl.classes import JacobianInverse
from ufl.classes import SpatialCoordinate
from ufl.constantvalue import is_true_ufl_scalar, is_ufl_scalar
from ufl.operators import (conditional, sign,
sqrt, exp, ln, cos, sin, cosh, sinh,
bessel_J, bessel_Y, bessel_I, bessel_K,
cell_avg, facet_avg)
from math import pi
from ufl.corealg.multifunction import MultiFunction
from ufl.corealg.map_dag import map_expr_dag
from ufl.algorithms.map_integrands import map_integrand_dags
from ufl.checks import is_cellwise_constant
from ufl.differentiation import CoordinateDerivative
# TODO: Add more rulesets?
# - DivRuleset
# - CurlRuleset
# - ReferenceGradRuleset
# - ReferenceDivRuleset
# Set this to True to enable previously default workaround
# for bug in FFC handling of conditionals, uflacs does not
# have this bug.
[docs]class GenericDerivativeRuleset(MultiFunction):
def __init__(self, var_shape):
self._var_shape = var_shape
# --- Error checking for missing handlers and unexpected types
[docs] def expr(self, o):
error("Missing differentiation handler for type {0}. Have you added a new type?".format(o._ufl_class_.__name__))
[docs] def unexpected(self, o):
error("Unexpected type {0} in AD rules.".format(o._ufl_class_.__name__))
[docs] def override(self, o):
error("Type {0} must be overridden in specialized AD rule set.".format(o._ufl_class_.__name__))
[docs] def derivative(self, o):
error("Unhandled derivative type {0}, nested differentiation has failed.".format(o._ufl_class_.__name__))
[docs] def fixme(self, o):
error("FIXME: Unimplemented differentiation handler for type {0}.".format(o._ufl_class_.__name__))
# --- Some types just don't have any derivative, this is just to
# --- make algorithm structure generic
[docs] def non_differentiable_terminal(self, o):
"Labels and indices are not differentiable. It's convenient to return the non-differentiated object."
return o
label = non_differentiable_terminal
multi_index = non_differentiable_terminal
# --- Helper functions for creating zeros with the right shapes
[docs] def independent_terminal(self, o):
"Return a zero with the right shape for terminals independent of differentiation variable."
return Zero(o.ufl_shape + self._var_shape)
[docs] def independent_operator(self, o):
"Return a zero with the right shape and indices for operators independent of differentiation variable."
return Zero(o.ufl_shape + self._var_shape, o.ufl_free_indices, o.ufl_index_dimensions)
# --- All derivatives need to define grad and averaging
grad = override
cell_avg = override
facet_avg = override
# --- Default rules for terminals
# Literals are by definition independent of any differentiation variable
constant_value = independent_terminal
# Constants are independent of any differentiation
constant = independent_terminal
# Rules for form arguments must be specified in specialized rule set
form_argument = override
# Rules for geometric quantities must be specified in specialized rule set
geometric_quantity = override
# These types are currently assumed independent, but for non-affine domains
# this no longer holds and we want to implement rules for them.
# facet_normal = independent_terminal
# spatial_coordinate = independent_terminal
# cell_coordinate = independent_terminal
# Measures of cell entities, assuming independent although
# this will not be true for all of these for non-affine domains
# cell_volume = independent_terminal
# circumradius = independent_terminal
# facet_area = independent_terminal
# cell_surface_area = independent_terminal
# min_cell_edge_length = independent_terminal
# max_cell_edge_length = independent_terminal
# min_facet_edge_length = independent_terminal
# max_facet_edge_length = independent_terminal
# Other stuff
# cell_orientation = independent_terminal
# quadrature_weigth = independent_terminal
# These types are currently not expected to show up in AD pass.
# To make some of these available to the end-user, they need to be
# implemented here.
# facet_coordinate = unexpected
# cell_origin = unexpected
# facet_origin = unexpected
# cell_facet_origin = unexpected
# jacobian = unexpected
# jacobian_determinant = unexpected
# jacobian_inverse = unexpected
# facet_jacobian = unexpected
# facet_jacobian_determinant = unexpected
# facet_jacobian_inverse = unexpected
# cell_facet_jacobian = unexpected
# cell_facet_jacobian_determinant = unexpected
# cell_facet_jacobian_inverse = unexpected
# cell_vertices = unexpected
# cell_edge_vectors = unexpected
# facet_edge_vectors = unexpected
# reference_cell_edge_vectors = unexpected
# reference_facet_edge_vectors = unexpected
# cell_normal = unexpected # TODO: Expecting rename
# cell_normals = unexpected
# facet_tangents = unexpected
# cell_tangents = unexpected
# cell_midpoint = unexpected
# facet_midpoint = unexpected
# --- Default rules for operators
[docs] def variable(self, o, df, unused_l):
return df
# --- Indexing and component handling
[docs] def indexed(self, o, Ap, ii): # TODO: (Partially) duplicated in nesting rules
# Propagate zeros
if isinstance(Ap, Zero):
return self.independent_operator(o)
# Untangle as_tensor(C[kk], jj)[ii] -> C[ll] to simplify
# resulting expression
if isinstance(Ap, ComponentTensor):
B, jj = Ap.ufl_operands
if isinstance(B, Indexed):
C, kk = B.ufl_operands
kk = list(kk)
if all(j in kk for j in jj):
rep = dict(zip(jj, ii))
Cind = [rep.get(k, k) for k in kk]
expr = Indexed(C, MultiIndex(tuple(Cind)))
assert expr.ufl_free_indices == o.ufl_free_indices
assert expr.ufl_shape == o.ufl_shape
return expr
# Otherwise a more generic approach
r = len(Ap.ufl_shape) - len(ii)
if r:
kk = indices(r)
op = Indexed(Ap, MultiIndex(ii.indices() + kk))
op = as_tensor(op, kk)
op = Indexed(Ap, ii)
return op
[docs] def list_tensor(self, o, *dops):
return ListTensor(*dops)
[docs] def component_tensor(self, o, Ap, ii):
if isinstance(Ap, Zero):
op = self.independent_operator(o)
Ap, jj = as_scalar(Ap)
op = as_tensor(Ap, ii.indices() + jj)
return op
# --- Algebra operators
[docs] def index_sum(self, o, Ap, i):
return IndexSum(Ap, i)
[docs] def sum(self, o, da, db):
return da + db
[docs] def product(self, o, da, db):
# Even though arguments to o are scalar, da and db may be
# tensor valued
a, b = o.ufl_operands
(da, db), ii = as_scalars(da, db)
pa = Product(da, b)
pb = Product(a, db)
s = Sum(pa, pb)
if ii:
s = as_tensor(s, ii)
return s
[docs] def division(self, o, fp, gp):
f, g = o.ufl_operands
if not is_ufl_scalar(f):
error("Not expecting nonscalar nominator")
if not is_true_ufl_scalar(g):
error("Not expecting nonscalar denominator")
# do_df = 1/g
# do_dg = -h/g
# op = do_df*fp + do_df*gp
# op = (fp - o*gp) / g
# Get o and gp as scalars, multiply, then wrap as a tensor
# again
so, oi = as_scalar(o)
sgp, gi = as_scalar(gp)
o_gp = so * sgp
if oi or gi:
o_gp = as_tensor(o_gp, oi + gi)
op = (fp - o_gp) / g
return op
[docs] def power(self, o, fp, gp):
f, g = o.ufl_operands
if not is_true_ufl_scalar(f):
error("Expecting scalar expression f in f**g.")
if not is_true_ufl_scalar(g):
error("Expecting scalar expression g in f**g.")
# Derivation of the general case: o = f(x)**g(x)
# do/df = g * f**(g-1) = g / f * o
# do/dg = ln(f) * f**g = ln(f) * o
# do/df * df + do/dg * dg = o * (g / f * df + ln(f) * dg)
if isinstance(gp, Zero):
# This probably produces better results for the common
# case of f**constant
op = fp * g * f**(g - 1)
# Note: This produces expressions like (1/w)*w**5 instead of w**4
# op = o * (fp * g / f + gp * ln(f)) # This reuses o
op = f**(g - 1) * (g * fp + f * ln(f) * gp) # This gives better accuracy in dolfin integration test
# Example: d/dx[x**(x**3)]:
# f = x
# g = x**3
# df = 1
# dg = 3*x**2
# op1 = o * (fp * g / f + gp * ln(f))
# = x**(x**3) * (x**3/x + 3*x**2*ln(x))
# op2 = f**(g-1) * (g*fp + f*ln(f)*gp)
# = x**(x**3-1) * (x**3 + x*3*x**2*ln(x))
return op
[docs] def abs(self, o, df):
f, = o.ufl_operands
# return conditional(eq(f, 0), 0, Product(sign(f), df)) abs is
# not complex differentiable, so we workaround the case of a
# real F in complex mode by defensively casting to real inside
# the sign.
return sign(Real(f)) * df
# --- Complex algebra
[docs] def conj(self, o, df):
return Conj(df)
[docs] def real(self, o, df):
return Real(df)
[docs] def imag(self, o, df):
return Imag(df)
# --- Mathfunctions
[docs] def math_function(self, o, df):
# FIXME: Introduce a UserOperator type instead of this hack
# and define user derivative() function properly
if hasattr(o, 'derivative'):
f, = o.ufl_operands
return df * o.derivative()
error("Unknown math function.")
[docs] def sqrt(self, o, fp):
return fp / (2 * o)
[docs] def exp(self, o, fp):
return fp * o
[docs] def ln(self, o, fp):
f, = o.ufl_operands
if isinstance(f, Zero):
error("Division by zero.")
return fp / f
[docs] def cos(self, o, fp):
f, = o.ufl_operands
return fp * -sin(f)
[docs] def sin(self, o, fp):
f, = o.ufl_operands
return fp * cos(f)
[docs] def tan(self, o, fp):
f, = o.ufl_operands
return 2.0 * fp / (cos(2.0 * f) + 1.0)
[docs] def cosh(self, o, fp):
f, = o.ufl_operands
return fp * sinh(f)
[docs] def sinh(self, o, fp):
f, = o.ufl_operands
return fp * cosh(f)
[docs] def tanh(self, o, fp):
f, = o.ufl_operands
def sech(y):
return (2.0 * cosh(y)) / (cosh(2.0 * y) + 1.0)
return fp * sech(f)**2
[docs] def acos(self, o, fp):
f, = o.ufl_operands
return -fp / sqrt(1.0 - f**2)
[docs] def asin(self, o, fp):
f, = o.ufl_operands
return fp / sqrt(1.0 - f**2)
[docs] def atan(self, o, fp):
f, = o.ufl_operands
return fp / (1.0 + f**2)
[docs] def atan_2(self, o, fp, gp):
f, g = o.ufl_operands
return (g * fp - f * gp) / (f**2 + g**2)
[docs] def erf(self, o, fp):
f, = o.ufl_operands
return fp * (2.0 / sqrt(pi) * exp(-f**2))
# --- Bessel functions
[docs] def bessel_j(self, o, nup, fp):
nu, f = o.ufl_operands
if not (nup is None or isinstance(nup, Zero)):
error("Differentiation of bessel function w.r.t. nu is not supported.")
if isinstance(nu, Zero):
op = -bessel_J(1, f)
op = 0.5 * (bessel_J(nu - 1, f) - bessel_J(nu + 1, f))
return op * fp
[docs] def bessel_y(self, o, nup, fp):
nu, f = o.ufl_operands
if not (nup is None or isinstance(nup, Zero)):
error("Differentiation of bessel function w.r.t. nu is not supported.")
if isinstance(nu, Zero):
op = -bessel_Y(1, f)
op = 0.5 * (bessel_Y(nu - 1, f) - bessel_Y(nu + 1, f))
return op * fp
[docs] def bessel_i(self, o, nup, fp):
nu, f = o.ufl_operands
if not (nup is None or isinstance(nup, Zero)):
error("Differentiation of bessel function w.r.t. nu is not supported.")
if isinstance(nu, Zero):
op = bessel_I(1, f)
op = 0.5 * (bessel_I(nu - 1, f) + bessel_I(nu + 1, f))
return op * fp
[docs] def bessel_k(self, o, nup, fp):
nu, f = o.ufl_operands
if not (nup is None or isinstance(nup, Zero)):
error("Differentiation of bessel function w.r.t. nu is not supported.")
if isinstance(nu, Zero):
op = -bessel_K(1, f)
op = -0.5 * (bessel_K(nu - 1, f) + bessel_K(nu + 1, f))
return op * fp
# --- Restrictions
[docs] def restricted(self, o, fp):
# Restriction and differentiation commutes
if isinstance(fp, ConstantValue):
return fp # TODO: Add simplification to Restricted instead?
return fp(o._side) # (f+-)' == (f')+-
# --- Conditionals
[docs] def binary_condition(self, o, dl, dr):
# Should not be used anywhere...
return None
[docs] def not_condition(self, o, c):
# Should not be used anywhere...
return None
[docs] def conditional(self, o, unused_dc, dt, df):
if isinstance(dt, Zero) and isinstance(df, Zero):
# Assuming dt and df have the same indices here, which
# should be the case
return dt
# Placing t[1],f[1] outside here to avoid getting
# arguments inside conditionals. This will fail when dt
# or df become NaN or Inf in floating point computations!
c = o.ufl_operands[0]
dc = conditional(c, 1, 0)
return dc * dt + (1.0 - dc) * df
# Not placing t[1],f[1] outside, allowing arguments inside
# conditionals. This will make legacy ffc fail, but
# should work with uflacs.
c = o.ufl_operands[0]
return conditional(c, dt, df)
[docs] def max_value(self, o, df, dg):
# d/dx max(f, g) =
# f > g: df/dx
# f < g: dg/dx
# Placing df,dg outside here to avoid getting arguments inside
# conditionals
f, g = o.ufl_operands
dc = conditional(f > g, 1, 0)
return dc * df + (1.0 - dc) * dg
[docs] def min_value(self, o, df, dg):
# d/dx min(f, g) =
# f < g: df/dx
# else: dg/dx
# Placing df,dg outside here to avoid getting arguments
# inside conditionals
f, g = o.ufl_operands
dc = conditional(f < g, 1, 0)
return dc * df + (1.0 - dc) * dg
[docs]class GradRuleset(GenericDerivativeRuleset):
def __init__(self, geometric_dimension):
GenericDerivativeRuleset.__init__(self, var_shape=(geometric_dimension,))
self._Id = Identity(geometric_dimension)
# --- Specialized rules for geometric quantities
[docs] def geometric_quantity(self, o):
"""Default for geometric quantities is do/dx = 0 if piecewise constant,
otherwise transform derivatives to reference derivatives.
Override for specific types if other behaviour is needed."""
if is_cellwise_constant(o):
return self.independent_terminal(o)
domain = o.ufl_domain()
K = JacobianInverse(domain)
Do = grad_to_reference_grad(o, K)
return Do
[docs] def jacobian_inverse(self, o):
# grad(K) == K_ji rgrad(K)_rj
if is_cellwise_constant(o):
return self.independent_terminal(o)
if not o._ufl_is_terminal_:
error("ReferenceValue can only wrap a terminal")
Do = grad_to_reference_grad(o, o)
return Do
# TODO: Add more explicit geometry type handlers here, with
# non-affine domains several should be non-zero.
[docs] def spatial_coordinate(self, o):
"dx/dx = I"
return self._Id
[docs] def cell_coordinate(self, o):
"dX/dx = inv(dx/dX) = inv(J) = K"
# FIXME: Is this true for manifolds? What about orientation?
return JacobianInverse(o.ufl_domain())
# --- Specialized rules for form arguments
[docs] def coefficient(self, o):
if is_cellwise_constant(o):
return self.independent_terminal(o)
return Grad(o)
[docs] def argument(self, o):
# TODO: Enable this after fixing issue#13, unless we move
# simplificat ion to a separate stage?
# if is_cellwise_constant(o):
# # Collapse gradient of cellwise constant function to zero
# # TODO: Missing this type
# return AnnotatedZero(o.ufl_shape + self._var_shape, arguments=(o,))
return Grad(o)
# --- Rules for values or derivatives in reference frame
[docs] def reference_value(self, o):
# grad(o) == grad(rv(f)) -> K_ji*rgrad(rv(f))_rj
f = o.ufl_operands[0]
if f.ufl_element().mapping() == "physical":
# TODO: Do we need to be more careful for immersed things?
return ReferenceGrad(o)
if not f._ufl_is_terminal_:
error("ReferenceValue can only wrap a terminal")
domain = f.ufl_domain()
K = JacobianInverse(domain)
Do = grad_to_reference_grad(o, K)
return Do
[docs] def reference_grad(self, o):
# grad(o) == grad(rgrad(rv(f))) -> K_ji*rgrad(rgrad(rv(f)))_rj
f = o.ufl_operands[0]
valid_operand = f._ufl_is_in_reference_frame_ or isinstance(f, (JacobianInverse, SpatialCoordinate))
if not valid_operand:
error("ReferenceGrad can only wrap a reference frame type!")
domain = f.ufl_domain()
K = JacobianInverse(domain)
Do = grad_to_reference_grad(o, K)
return Do
# --- Nesting of gradients
[docs] def grad(self, o):
"Represent grad(grad(f)) as Grad(Grad(f))."
# Check that o is a "differential terminal"
if not isinstance(o.ufl_operands[0], (Grad, Terminal)):
error("Expecting only grads applied to a terminal.")
return Grad(o)
def _grad(self, o):
# TODO: Not sure how to detect that gradient of f is cellwise constant.
# Can we trust element degrees?
# if is_cellwise_constant(o):
# return self.terminal(o)
# TODO: Maybe we can ask "f.has_derivatives_of_order(n)" to check
# if we should make a zero here?
# 1) n = count number of Grads, get f
# 2) if not f.has_derivatives(n): return zero(...)
cell_avg = GenericDerivativeRuleset.independent_operator
facet_avg = GenericDerivativeRuleset.independent_operator
[docs]def grad_to_reference_grad(o, K):
"""Relates grad(o) to reference_grad(o) using the Jacobian inverse.
o: Operand
K: Jacobian inverse
Do: grad(o) written in terms of reference_grad(o) and K
r = indices(len(o.ufl_shape))
i, j = indices(2)
# grad(o) == K_ji rgrad(o)_rj
Do = as_tensor(K[j, i] * ReferenceGrad(o)[r + (j,)], r + (i,))
return Do
[docs]class ReferenceGradRuleset(GenericDerivativeRuleset):
def __init__(self, topological_dimension):
self._Id = Identity(topological_dimension)
# --- Specialized rules for geometric quantities
[docs] def geometric_quantity(self, o):
"dg/dX = 0 if piecewise constant, otherwise ReferenceGrad(g)"
if is_cellwise_constant(o):
return self.independent_terminal(o)
# TODO: Which types does this involve? I don't think the
# form compilers will handle this.
return ReferenceGrad(o)
[docs] def spatial_coordinate(self, o):
"dx/dX = J"
# Don't convert back to J, otherwise we get in a loop
return ReferenceGrad(o)
[docs] def cell_coordinate(self, o):
"dX/dX = I"
return self._Id
# TODO: Add more geometry types here, with non-affine domains
# several should be non-zero.
# --- Specialized rules for form arguments
[docs] def reference_value(self, o):
if not o.ufl_operands[0]._ufl_is_terminal_:
error("ReferenceValue can only wrap a terminal")
return ReferenceGrad(o)
[docs] def coefficient(self, o):
error("Coefficient should be wrapped in ReferenceValue by now")
[docs] def argument(self, o):
error("Argument should be wrapped in ReferenceValue by now")
# --- Nesting of gradients
[docs] def grad(self, o):
error("Grad should have been transformed by this point, but got {0}.".format(type(o).__name__))
[docs] def reference_grad(self, o):
"Represent ref_grad(ref_grad(f)) as RefGrad(RefGrad(f))."
# Check that o is a "differential terminal"
if not isinstance(o.ufl_operands[0],
(ReferenceGrad, ReferenceValue, Terminal)):
error("Expecting only grads applied to a terminal.")
return ReferenceGrad(o)
cell_avg = GenericDerivativeRuleset.independent_operator
facet_avg = GenericDerivativeRuleset.independent_operator
[docs]class VariableRuleset(GenericDerivativeRuleset):
def __init__(self, var):
GenericDerivativeRuleset.__init__(self, var_shape=var.ufl_shape)
if var.ufl_free_indices:
error("Differentiation variable cannot have free indices.")
self._variable = var
self._Id = self._make_identity(self._var_shape)
def _make_identity(self, sh):
"Create a higher order identity tensor to represent dv/dv."
res = None
if sh == ():
# Scalar dv/dv is scalar
return FloatValue(1.0)
elif len(sh) == 1:
# Vector v makes dv/dv the identity matrix
return Identity(sh[0])
# TODO: Add a type for this higher order identity?
# II[i0,i1,i2,j0,j1,j2] = 1 if all((i0==j0, i1==j1, i2==j2)) else 0
# Tensor v makes dv/dv some kind of higher rank identity tensor
ind1 = ()
ind2 = ()
for d in sh:
i, j = indices(2)
dij = Identity(d)[i, j]
if res is None:
res = dij
res *= dij
ind1 += (i,)
ind2 += (j,)
fp = as_tensor(res, ind1 + ind2)
return fp
# Explicitly defining dg/dw == 0
geometric_quantity = GenericDerivativeRuleset.independent_terminal
# Explicitly defining da/dw == 0
argument = GenericDerivativeRuleset.independent_terminal
# def _argument(self, o):
# return AnnotatedZero(o.ufl_shape + self._var_shape, arguments=(o,)) # TODO: Missing this type
[docs] def coefficient(self, o):
"""df/dv = Id if v is f else 0.
Note that if v = variable(f), df/dv is still 0,
but if v == f, i.e. isinstance(v, Coefficient) == True,
then df/dv == df/df = Id.
v = self._variable
if isinstance(v, Coefficient) and o == v:
# dv/dv = identity of rank 2*rank(v)
return self._Id
# df/v = 0
return self.independent_terminal(o)
[docs] def variable(self, o, df, l):
v = self._variable
if isinstance(v, Variable) and v.label() == l:
# dv/dv = identity of rank 2*rank(v)
return self._Id
# df/v = df
return df
[docs] def grad(self, o):
"Variable derivative of a gradient of a terminal must be 0."
# Check that o is a "differential terminal"
if not isinstance(o.ufl_operands[0], (Grad, Terminal)):
error("Expecting only grads applied to a terminal.")
return self.independent_terminal(o)
# --- Rules for values or derivatives in reference frame
[docs] def reference_value(self, o):
# d/dv(o) == d/dv(rv(f)) = 0 if v is not f, or rv(dv/df)
v = self._variable
if isinstance(v, Coefficient) and o.ufl_operands[0] == v:
if v.ufl_element().mapping() != "identity":
# FIXME: This is a bit tricky, instead of Identity it is
# actually inverse(transform), or we should rather not
# convert to reference frame in the first place
error("Missing implementation: To handle derivatives of rv(f) w.r.t. f for" +
" mapped elements, rewriting to reference frame should not happen first...")
# dv/dv = identity of rank 2*rank(v)
return self._Id
# df/v = 0
return self.independent_terminal(o)
[docs] def reference_grad(self, o):
"Variable derivative of a gradient of a terminal must be 0."
if not isinstance(o.ufl_operands[0],
(ReferenceGrad, ReferenceValue)):
error("Unexpected argument to reference_grad.")
return self.independent_terminal(o)
cell_avg = GenericDerivativeRuleset.independent_operator
facet_avg = GenericDerivativeRuleset.independent_operator
[docs]class GateauxDerivativeRuleset(GenericDerivativeRuleset):
"""Apply AFD (Automatic Functional Differentiation) to expression.
Implements rules for the Gateaux derivative D_w[v](...) defined as
D_w[v](e) = d/dtau e(w+tau v)|tau=0
def __init__(self, coefficients, arguments, coefficient_derivatives):
GenericDerivativeRuleset.__init__(self, var_shape=())
# Type checking
if not isinstance(coefficients, ExprList):
error("Expecting a ExprList of coefficients.")
if not isinstance(arguments, ExprList):
error("Expecting a ExprList of arguments.")
if not isinstance(coefficient_derivatives, ExprMapping):
error("Expecting a coefficient-coefficient ExprMapping.")
# The coefficient(s) to differentiate w.r.t. and the
# argument(s) s.t. D_w[v](e) = d/dtau e(w+tau v)|tau=0
self._w = coefficients.ufl_operands
self._v = arguments.ufl_operands
self._w2v = {w: v for w, v in zip(self._w, self._v)}
# Build more convenient dict {f: df/dw} for each coefficient f
# where df/dw is nonzero
cd = coefficient_derivatives.ufl_operands
self._cd = {cd[2 * i]: cd[2 * i + 1] for i in range(len(cd) // 2)}
# Explicitly defining dg/dw == 0
geometric_quantity = GenericDerivativeRuleset.independent_terminal
[docs] def cell_avg(self, o, fp):
# Cell average of a single function and differentiation
# commutes, D_f[v](cell_avg(f)) = cell_avg(v)
return cell_avg(fp)
[docs] def facet_avg(self, o, fp):
# Facet average of a single function and differentiation
# commutes, D_f[v](facet_avg(f)) = facet_avg(v)
return facet_avg(fp)
# Explicitly defining da/dw == 0
argument = GenericDerivativeRuleset.independent_terminal
[docs] def coefficient(self, o):
# Define dw/dw := d/ds [w + s v] = v
# Return corresponding argument if we can find o among w
do = self._w2v.get(o)
if do is not None:
return do
# Look for o among coefficient derivatives
dos = self._cd.get(o)
if dos is None:
# If o is not among coefficient derivatives, return
# do/dw=0
do = Zero(o.ufl_shape)
return do
# Compute do/dw_j = do/dw_h : v.
# Since we may actually have a tuple of oprimes and vs in a
# 'mixed' space, sum over them all to get the complete inner
# product. Using indices to define a non-compound inner product.
# Example:
# (f:g) -> (dfdu:v):g + f:(dgdu:v)
# shape(dfdu) == shape(f) + shape(v)
# shape(f) == shape(g) == shape(dfdu : v)
# Make sure we have a tuple to match the self._v tuple
if not isinstance(dos, tuple):
dos = (dos,)
if len(dos) != len(self._v):
error("Got a tuple of arguments, expecting a matching tuple of coefficient derivatives.")
dosum = Zero(o.ufl_shape)
for do, v in zip(dos, self._v):
so, oi = as_scalar(do)
rv = len(v.ufl_shape)
oi1 = oi[:-rv]
oi2 = oi[-rv:]
prod = so * v[oi2]
if oi1:
dosum += as_tensor(prod, oi1)
dosum += prod
return dosum
[docs] def reference_value(self, o):
error("Currently no support for ReferenceValue in CoefficientDerivative.")
# TODO: This is implementable for regular derivative(M(f),f,v)
# but too messy if customized coefficient derivative
# relations are given by the user. We would only need
# this to allow the user to write
# derivative(...ReferenceValue...,...).
# f, = o.ufl_operands
# if not f._ufl_is_terminal_:
# error("ReferenceValue can only wrap terminals directly.")
# FIXME: check all cases like in coefficient
# if f is w:
# # FIXME: requires that v is an Argument with the same element mapping!
# return ReferenceValue(v)
# else:
# return self.independent_terminal(o)
[docs] def reference_grad(self, o):
error("Currently no support for ReferenceGrad in CoefficientDerivative.")
# TODO: This is implementable for regular derivative(M(f),f,v)
# but too messy if customized coefficient derivative
# relations are given by the user. We would only need
# this to allow the user to write
# derivative(...ReferenceValue...,...).
[docs] def grad(self, g):
# If we hit this type, it has already been propagated to a
# coefficient (or grad of a coefficient), # FIXME: Assert
# this! so we need to take the gradient of the variation or
# return zero. Complications occur when dealing with
# derivatives w.r.t. single components...
# Figure out how many gradients are around the inner terminal
ngrads = 0
o = g
while isinstance(o, Grad):
o, = o.ufl_operands
ngrads += 1
if not isinstance(o, FormArgument):
error("Expecting gradient of a FormArgument, not %s" % ufl_err_str(o))
def apply_grads(f):
for i in range(ngrads):
f = Grad(f)
return f
# Find o among all w without any indexing, which makes this
# easy
for (w, v) in zip(self._w, self._v):
if o == w and isinstance(v, FormArgument):
# Case: d/dt [w + t v]
return apply_grads(v)
# If o is not among coefficient derivatives, return do/dw=0
gprimesum = Zero(g.ufl_shape)
def analyse_variation_argument(v):
# Analyse variation argument
if isinstance(v, FormArgument):
# Case: d/dt [w[...] + t v]
vval, vcomp = v, ()
elif isinstance(v, Indexed):
# Case: d/dt [w + t v[...]]
# Case: d/dt [w[...] + t v[...]]
vval, vcomp = v.ufl_operands
vcomp = tuple(vcomp)
error("Expecting argument or component of argument.")
if not all(isinstance(k, FixedIndex) for k in vcomp):
error("Expecting only fixed indices in variation.")
return vval, vcomp
def compute_gprimeterm(ngrads, vval, vcomp, wshape, wcomp):
# Apply gradients directly to argument vval, and get the
# right indexed scalar component(s)
kk = indices(ngrads)
Dvkk = apply_grads(vval)[vcomp + kk]
# Place scalar component(s) Dvkk into the right tensor
# positions
if wshape:
Ejj, jj = unit_indexed_tensor(wshape, wcomp)
Ejj, jj = 1, ()
gprimeterm = as_tensor(Ejj * Dvkk, jj + kk)
return gprimeterm
# Accumulate contributions from variations in different
# components
for (w, v) in zip(self._w, self._v):
# Analyse differentiation variable coefficient
if isinstance(w, FormArgument):
if not w == o:
wshape = w.ufl_shape
if isinstance(v, FormArgument):
# Case: d/dt [w + t v]
return apply_grads(v)
elif isinstance(v, ListTensor):
# Case: d/dt [w + t <...,v,...>]
for wcomp, vsub in unwrap_list_tensor(v):
if not isinstance(vsub, Zero):
vval, vcomp = analyse_variation_argument(vsub)
gprimesum = gprimesum + compute_gprimeterm(ngrads, vval, vcomp, wshape, wcomp)
if wshape != ():
error("Expecting scalar coefficient in this branch.")
# Case: d/dt [w + t v[...]]
wval, wcomp = w, ()
vval, vcomp = analyse_variation_argument(v)
gprimesum = gprimesum + compute_gprimeterm(ngrads, vval,
vcomp, wshape,
elif isinstance(w, Indexed): # This path is tested in unit tests, but not actually used?
# Case: d/dt [w[...] + t v[...]]
# Case: d/dt [w[...] + t v]
wval, wcomp = w.ufl_operands
if not wval == o:
assert isinstance(wval, FormArgument)
if not all(isinstance(k, FixedIndex) for k in wcomp):
error("Expecting only fixed indices in differentiation variable.")
wshape = wval.ufl_shape
vval, vcomp = analyse_variation_argument(v)
gprimesum = gprimesum + compute_gprimeterm(ngrads, vval, vcomp, wshape, wcomp)
error("Expecting coefficient or component of coefficient.")
# FIXME: Handle other coefficient derivatives: oprimes =
# self._cd.get(o)
if 0:
oprimes = self._cd.get(o)
if oprimes is None:
if self._cd:
# TODO: Make it possible to silence this message
# in particular? It may be good to have for
# debugging...
warning("Assuming d{%s}/d{%s} = 0." % (o, self._w))
# Make sure we have a tuple to match the self._v tuple
if not isinstance(oprimes, tuple):
oprimes = (oprimes,)
if len(oprimes) != len(self._v):
error("Got a tuple of arguments, expecting a"
" matching tuple of coefficient derivatives.")
# Compute dg/dw_j = dg/dw_h : v.
# Since we may actually have a tuple of oprimes and vs
# in a 'mixed' space, sum over them all to get the
# complete inner product. Using indices to define a
# non-compound inner product.
for (oprime, v) in zip(oprimes, self._v):
error("FIXME: Figure out how to do this with ngrads")
so, oi = as_scalar(oprime)
rv = len(v.ufl_shape)
oi1 = oi[:-rv]
oi2 = oi[-rv:]
prod = so * v[oi2]
if oi1:
gprimesum += as_tensor(prod, oi1)
gprimesum += prod
return gprimesum
[docs] def coordinate_derivative(self, o):
o = o.ufl_operands
return CoordinateDerivative(map_expr_dag(self, o[0]), o[1], o[2], o[3])
[docs]class DerivativeRuleDispatcher(MultiFunction):
def __init__(self):
# caches for reuse in the dispatched transformers
self.vcaches = defaultdict(dict)
self.rcaches = defaultdict(dict)
[docs] def terminal(self, o):
return o
[docs] def derivative(self, o):
error("Missing derivative handler for {0}.".format(type(o).__name__))
expr = MultiFunction.reuse_if_untouched
[docs] def grad(self, o, f):
rules = GradRuleset(o.ufl_shape[-1])
key = (GradRuleset, o.ufl_shape[-1])
return map_expr_dag(rules, f,
[docs] def reference_grad(self, o, f):
rules = ReferenceGradRuleset(o.ufl_shape[-1]) # FIXME: Look over this and test better.
key = (ReferenceGradRuleset, o.ufl_shape[-1])
return map_expr_dag(rules, f,
[docs] def variable_derivative(self, o, f, dummy_v):
op = o.ufl_operands[1]
rules = VariableRuleset(op)
key = (VariableRuleset, op)
return map_expr_dag(rules, f,
[docs] def coefficient_derivative(self, o, f, dummy_w, dummy_v, dummy_cd):
dummy, w, v, cd = o.ufl_operands
rules = GateauxDerivativeRuleset(w, v, cd)
key = (GateauxDerivativeRuleset, w, v, cd)
return map_expr_dag(rules, f,
[docs] def coordinate_derivative(self, o, f, dummy_w, dummy_v, dummy_cd):
o_ = o.ufl_operands
key = (CoordinateDerivative, o_[0])
return CoordinateDerivative(map_expr_dag(self, o_[0],
o_[1], o_[2], o_[3])
[docs] def indexed(self, o, Ap, ii): # TODO: (Partially) duplicated in generic rules
# Reuse if untouched
if Ap is o.ufl_operands[0]:
return o
# Untangle as_tensor(C[kk], jj)[ii] -> C[ll] to simplify
# resulting expression
if isinstance(Ap, ComponentTensor):
B, jj = Ap.ufl_operands
if isinstance(B, Indexed):
C, kk = B.ufl_operands
kk = list(kk)
if all(j in kk for j in jj):
rep = dict(zip(jj, ii))
Cind = [rep.get(k, k) for k in kk]
expr = Indexed(C, MultiIndex(tuple(Cind)))
assert expr.ufl_free_indices == o.ufl_free_indices
assert expr.ufl_shape == o.ufl_shape
return expr
# Otherwise a more generic approach
r = len(Ap.ufl_shape) - len(ii)
if r:
kk = indices(r)
op = Indexed(Ap, MultiIndex(ii.indices() + kk))
op = as_tensor(op, kk)
op = Indexed(Ap, ii)
return op
[docs]def apply_derivatives(expression):
rules = DerivativeRuleDispatcher()
return map_integrand_dags(rules, expression)
[docs]class CoordinateDerivativeRuleset(GenericDerivativeRuleset):
"""Apply AFD (Automatic Functional Differentiation) to expression.
Implements rules for the Gateaux derivative D_w[v](...) defined as
D_w[v](e) = d/dtau e(w+tau v)|tau=0
where 'e' is a ufl form after pullback and w is a SpatialCoordinate.
def __init__(self, coefficients, arguments, coefficient_derivatives):
GenericDerivativeRuleset.__init__(self, var_shape=())
# Type checking
if not isinstance(coefficients, ExprList):
error("Expecting a ExprList of coefficients.")
if not isinstance(arguments, ExprList):
error("Expecting a ExprList of arguments.")
if not isinstance(coefficient_derivatives, ExprMapping):
error("Expecting a coefficient-coefficient ExprMapping.")
# The coefficient(s) to differentiate w.r.t. and the
# argument(s) s.t. D_w[v](e) = d/dtau e(w+tau v)|tau=0
self._w = coefficients.ufl_operands
self._v = arguments.ufl_operands
self._w2v = {w: v for w, v in zip(self._w, self._v)}
# Build more convenient dict {f: df/dw} for each coefficient f
# where df/dw is nonzero
cd = coefficient_derivatives.ufl_operands
self._cd = {cd[2 * i]: cd[2 * i + 1] for i in range(len(cd) // 2)}
# Explicitly defining dg/dw == 0
geometric_quantity = GenericDerivativeRuleset.independent_terminal
# Explicitly defining da/dw == 0
argument = GenericDerivativeRuleset.independent_terminal
[docs] def coefficient(self, o):
error("CoordinateDerivative of coefficient in physical space is not implemented.")
[docs] def grad(self, o):
error("CoordinateDerivative grad in physical space is not implemented.")
[docs] def spatial_coordinate(self, o):
do = self._w2v.get(o)
# d x /d x => Argument(x.function_space())
if do is not None:
return do
error("Not implemented: CoordinateDerivative found a SpatialCoordinate that is different from the one being differentiated.")
[docs] def reference_value(self, o):
do = self._cd.get(o)
if do is not None:
return do
return self.independent_terminal(o)
[docs] def reference_grad(self, g):
# d (grad_X(...(x)) / dx => grad_X(...(Argument(x.function_space()))
o = g
ngrads = 0
while isinstance(o, ReferenceGrad):
o, = o.ufl_operands
ngrads += 1
if not (isinstance(o, SpatialCoordinate) or isinstance(o.ufl_operands[0], FormArgument)):
error("Expecting gradient of a FormArgument, not %s" % ufl_err_str(o))
def apply_grads(f):
for i in range(ngrads):
f = ReferenceGrad(f)
return f
# Find o among all w without any indexing, which makes this
# easy
for (w, v) in zip(self._w, self._v):
if o == w and isinstance(v, ReferenceValue) and isinstance(v.ufl_operands[0], FormArgument):
# Case: d/dt [w + t v]
return apply_grads(v)
return self.independent_terminal(o)
[docs] def jacobian(self, o):
# d (grad_X(x))/d x => grad_X(Argument(x.function_space())
for (w, v) in zip(self._w, self._v):
if o.ufl_domain() == w.ufl_domain() and isinstance(v.ufl_operands[0], FormArgument):
return ReferenceGrad(v)
return self.independent_terminal(o)
[docs]class CoordinateDerivativeRuleDispatcher(MultiFunction):
def __init__(self):
self.vcache = defaultdict(dict)
self.rcache = defaultdict(dict)
[docs] def terminal(self, o):
return o
[docs] def derivative(self, o):
error("Missing derivative handler for {0}.".format(type(o).__name__))
expr = MultiFunction.reuse_if_untouched
[docs] def grad(self, o):
return o
[docs] def reference_grad(self, o):
return o
[docs] def coefficient_derivative(self, o):
return o
[docs] def coordinate_derivative(self, o, f, w, v, cd):
from ufl.algorithms import extract_unique_elements
spaces = set(c.family() for c in extract_unique_elements(o))
unsupported_spaces = {"Argyris", "Bell", "Hermite", "Morley"}
if spaces & unsupported_spaces:
error("CoordinateDerivative is not supported for elements of type %s. "
"This is because their pullback is not implemented in UFL." % unsupported_spaces)
_, w, v, cd = o.ufl_operands
rules = CoordinateDerivativeRuleset(w, v, cd)
key = (CoordinateDerivativeRuleset, w, v, cd)
return map_expr_dag(rules, f, vcache=self.vcache[key], rcache=self.rcache[key])
[docs]def apply_coordinate_derivatives(expression):
rules = CoordinateDerivativeRuleDispatcher()
return map_integrand_dags(rules, expression)