ufl.corealg package


ufl.corealg.map_dag module

Basic algorithms for applying functions to subexpressions.

ufl.corealg.map_dag.map_expr_dag(function, expression, compress=True, vcache=None, rcache=None)[source]

Apply a function to each subexpression node in an expression DAG.

If compress is True (default) the output object from the function is cached in a dict and reused such that the resulting expression DAG does not contain duplicate objects.

If the same funtion is called multiple times in a transformation (as for example in apply_derivatives), then to reuse caches across the call, provide these two arguments:

  • vcache – Optional dict for caching results of intermediate transformations

  • rcache – Optional dict for caching results for compression.

Return the result of the final function call.

ufl.corealg.map_dag.map_expr_dags(function, expressions, compress=True, vcache=None, rcache=None)[source]

Apply a function to each subexpression node in an expression DAG.

If compress is True (default) the output object from the function is cached in a dict and reused such that the resulting expression DAG does not contain duplicate objects.

If the same funtion is called multiple times in a transformation (as for example in apply_derivatives), then to reuse caches across the call, provide these two arguments:

  • vcache – Optional dict for caching results of intermediate transformations

  • rcache – Optional dict for caching results for compression.

Return a list with the result of the final function call for each expression.

ufl.corealg.multifunction module

Base class for multifunctions with UFL Expr type dispatch.

class ufl.corealg.multifunction.MultiFunction[source]

Bases: object

Base class for collections of non-recursive expression node handlers.

Subclass this (remember to call the __init__ method of this class), and implement handler functions for each Expr type, using the lower case handler name of the type (exprtype._ufl_handler_name_).

This class is optimized for efficient type based dispatch in the __call__ operator via typecode based lookup of the handler function bound to the algorithm object. Of course Python’s function call overhead still applies.

expr(o, *args)

Trigger error for types with missing handlers.

reuse_if_untouched(o, *ops)[source]

Reuse object if operands are the same objects.

Use in your own subclass by setting e.g.

expr = MultiFunction.reuse_if_untouched

as a default rule.

undefined(o, *args)[source]

Trigger error for types with missing handlers.


Return the number of arguments accepted by function.


Function decorator to memoize MultiFunction handlers.

ufl.corealg.traversal module

Various expression traversal utilities.

The algorithms here are non-recursive, which is faster than recursion by a factor of 10 or so because of the function call overhead.

ufl.corealg.traversal.cutoff_post_traversal(expr, cutofftypes)[source]

Yield o for each node o in expr, child before parent, but skipping subtrees of the cutofftypes.

ufl.corealg.traversal.cutoff_unique_post_traversal(expr, cutofftypes, visited=None)[source]

Yield o for each node o in expr, child before parent.

Never visit a node twice.


Yield o for each node o in expr, child before parent.


Yield o for each tree node o in expr, parent before child.

ufl.corealg.traversal.traverse_unique_terminals(expr, visited=None)[source]
ufl.corealg.traversal.unique_post_traversal(expr, visited=None)[source]

Yield o for each node o in expr, child before parent.

Never visit a node twice.

ufl.corealg.traversal.unique_pre_traversal(expr, visited=None)[source]

Yield o for each tree node o in expr, parent before child.

This version only visits each node once.

Module contents