************ Introduction ************ The Unified Form Language (UFL) is a domain specific language for defining discrete variational forms and functionals in a notation close to pen-and-paper formulation. UFL is part of the FEniCS Project and is usually used in combination with other components from this project to compute solutions to partial differential equations. The form compiler FFC uses UFL as its end-user interface, producing implementations of the UFC interface as output. See DOLFIN for more details about using UFL in an integrated problem solving environment. This manual is intended for different audiences. If you are an end-user and all you want to do is to solve your PDEs with the FEniCS framework, you should read :doc:`form_language`, and also :doc:`examples`. These two sections explain how to use all operators available in the language and present a number of examples to illustrate the use of the form language in applications. The remaining chapters contain more technical details intended for developers who need to understand what is happening behind the scenes and modify or extend UFL in the future. :doc:`internal_representation` describes the implementation of the language, in particular how expressions are represented internally by UFL. This can also be useful knowledge to understand error messages and debug errors in your form files. :doc:`algorithms` explains the many algorithms available to work with UFL expressions, mostly intended to aid developers of form compilers. The algorithms include helper functions for easy and efficient iteration over expression trees, formatting tools to present expressions as text or images of different kinds, utilities to analyse properties of expressions or checking their validity, automatic differentiation algorithms, as well as algorithms to work with the computational graphs of expressions.