Source code for ufl.precedence

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"Precedence handling."

# Copyright (C) 2008-2016 Martin Sandve Alnæs
# This file is part of UFL (
# SPDX-License-Identifier:    LGPL-3.0-or-later

from ufl.log import warning

# FIXME: This code is crap...

[docs]def parstr(child, parent, pre="(", post=")", format=str): # Execute when needed instead of on import, which leads to all # kinds of circular trouble. Fixing this could be an optimization # of str(expr) though. if not hasattr(parent, '_precedence'): assign_precedences(build_precedence_list()) # We want child to be evaluated fully first, and if the parent has # higher precedence we later wrap in (). s = format(child) # Operators where operands are always parenthesized because # precedence is not defined below if parent._precedence == 0: return pre + s + post # If parent operator binds stronger than child, must parenthesize # child # FIXME: Is this correct for all possible positions of () in a + b + c? # FIXME: Left-right rule if parent._precedence > child._precedence: # parent = indexed, child = terminal return pre + s + post # Nothing needed return s
[docs]def build_precedence_list(): from ufl.classes import Operator, Terminal, Sum, IndexSum, Product, Division, Power, MathFunction, BesselFunction, Abs, Indexed # TODO: Fill in other types... # Power <= Transposed precedence_list = [] # Default operator behaviour: should always add parentheses precedence_list.append((Operator,)) precedence_list.append((Sum,)) # sum_i a + b = (sum_i a) + b != sum_i (a + b), sum_i binds # stronger than +, but weaker than product precedence_list.append((IndexSum,)) precedence_list.append((Product, Division,)) # NB! Depends on language! precedence_list.append((Power, MathFunction, BesselFunction, Abs)) precedence_list.append((Indexed,)) # Default terminal behaviour: should never add parentheses precedence_list.append((Terminal,)) return precedence_list
[docs]def build_precedence_mapping(precedence_list): """Given a precedence list, build a dict with class->int mappings. Utility function used by some external code. """ from ufl.classes import Expr, all_ufl_classes, abstract_classes pm = {} missing = set() # Assign integer values for each precedence level k = 0 for p in precedence_list: for c in p: pm[c] = k k += 1 # Check for missing classes, fill in subclasses for c in all_ufl_classes: if c not in abstract_classes and c not in pm: b = c.__bases__[0] while b is not Expr: if b in pm: pm[c] = pm[b] break b = b.__bases__[0] if c not in pm: missing.add(c) return pm, missing
[docs]def assign_precedences(precedence_list): "Given a precedence list, assign ints to class._precedence." pm, missing = build_precedence_mapping(precedence_list) for c, p in sorted(pm.items(), key=lambda x: x[0].__name__): c._precedence = p if missing: msg = "Missing precedence levels for classes:\n" +\ "\n".join(' %s' % c for c in sorted(missing)) warning(msg)
""" # Code from uflacs: import ufl def build_precedence_list(): "Builds a list of operator types by precedence order in the C language." # FIXME: Add all types we need here. pl = [] pl.append((ufl.classes.Conditional,)) pl.append((ufl.classes.OrCondition,)) pl.append((ufl.classes.AndCondition,)) pl.append((ufl.classes.EQ, ufl.classes.NE)) pl.append((ufl.classes.Condition,)) # <,>,<=,>= pl.append((ufl.classes.NotCondition,)) # FIXME pl.append((ufl.classes.Sum,)) pl.append((ufl.classes.Product, ufl.classes.Division,)) # The highest precedence items will never need # parentheses around them or their operands pl.append((ufl.classes.Power, ufl.classes.MathFunction, ufl.classes.Abs, ufl.classes.BesselFunction, ufl.classes.Indexed, ufl.classes.Grad, ufl.classes.PositiveRestricted, ufl.classes.NegativeRestricted, ufl.classes.Terminal)) # FIXME: Write a unit test that checks this list against all ufl classes return pl def build_precedence_map(): from ufl.precedence import build_precedence_mapping pm, missing = build_precedence_mapping(build_precedence_list()) if 0 and missing: # Enable to see which types we are missing print("Missing precedence levels for the types:") print("\n".join(' %s' % c for c in missing)) return pm """