Source code for ufl.finiteelement.finiteelementbase

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"This module defines the UFL finite element classes."

# Copyright (C) 2008-2016 Martin Sandve Alnæs
# This file is part of UFL (
# SPDX-License-Identifier:    LGPL-3.0-or-later
# Modified by Kristian B. Oelgaard
# Modified by Marie E. Rognes 2010, 2012
# Modified by Massimiliano Leoni, 2016

from ufl.utils.sequences import product
from ufl.utils.dicts import EmptyDict
from ufl.log import error
from ufl.cell import AbstractCell, as_cell

[docs]class FiniteElementBase(object): "Base class for all finite elements." __slots__ = ("_family", "_cell", "_degree", "_quad_scheme", "_value_shape", "_reference_value_shape", "_repr", "__weakref__") # TODO: Not all these should be in the base class! In particular # family, degree, and quad_scheme do not belong here. def __init__(self, family, cell, degree, quad_scheme, value_shape, reference_value_shape): "Initialize basic finite element data." if not isinstance(family, str): error("Invalid family type.") if not (degree is None or isinstance(degree, (int, tuple))): error("Invalid degree type.") if not isinstance(value_shape, tuple): error("Invalid value_shape type.") if not isinstance(reference_value_shape, tuple): error("Invalid reference_value_shape type.") if cell is not None: cell = as_cell(cell) if not isinstance(cell, AbstractCell): error("Invalid cell type.") self._family = family self._cell = cell self._degree = degree self._value_shape = value_shape self._reference_value_shape = reference_value_shape self._quad_scheme = quad_scheme def __repr__(self): """Format as string for evaluation as Python object. NB! Assumes subclass has assigned its repr string to self._repr. """ return self._repr def _ufl_hash_data_(self): return repr(self) def _ufl_signature_data_(self): return repr(self) def __hash__(self): "Compute hash code for insertion in hashmaps." return hash(self._ufl_hash_data_()) def __eq__(self, other): "Compute element equality for insertion in hashmaps." return type(self) == type(other) and self._ufl_hash_data_() == other._ufl_hash_data_() def __ne__(self, other): "Compute element inequality for insertion in hashmaps." return not self.__eq__(other) def __lt__(self, other): "Compare elements by repr, to give a natural stable sorting." return repr(self) < repr(other)
[docs] def family(self): # FIXME: Undefined for base? "Return finite element family." return self._family
[docs] def variant(self): """Return the variant used to initialise the element.""" return None
[docs] def degree(self, component=None): "Return polynomial degree of finite element." # FIXME: Consider embedded_degree concept for more accurate # degree, see blueprint return self._degree
[docs] def quadrature_scheme(self): "Return quadrature scheme of finite element." return self._quad_scheme
[docs] def mapping(self): "Not implemented." error("Missing implementation of mapping().")
[docs] def cell(self): "Return cell of finite element." return self._cell
[docs] def is_cellwise_constant(self, component=None): """Return whether the basis functions of this element is spatially constant over each cell.""" return == "Real" or == 0
[docs] def value_shape(self): "Return the shape of the value space on the global domain." return self._value_shape
[docs] def reference_value_shape(self): "Return the shape of the value space on the reference cell." return self._reference_value_shape
[docs] def value_size(self): "Return the integer product of the value shape." return product(self.value_shape())
[docs] def reference_value_size(self): "Return the integer product of the reference value shape." return product(self.reference_value_shape())
[docs] def symmetry(self): # FIXME: different approach """Return the symmetry dict, which is a mapping :math:`c_0 \\to c_1` meaning that component :math:`c_0` is represented by component :math:`c_1`. A component is a tuple of one or more ints.""" return EmptyDict
def _check_component(self, i): "Check that component index i is valid" sh = self.value_shape() r = len(sh) if not (len(i) == r and all(j < k for (j, k) in zip(i, sh))): error(("Illegal component index '%s' (value rank %d)" + "for element (value rank %d).") % (i, len(i), r))
[docs] def extract_subelement_component(self, i): """Extract direct subelement index and subelement relative component index for a given component index.""" if isinstance(i, int): i = (i,) self._check_component(i) return (None, i)
[docs] def extract_component(self, i): """Recursively extract component index relative to a (simple) element and that element for given value component index.""" if isinstance(i, int): i = (i,) self._check_component(i) return (i, self)
def _check_reference_component(self, i): "Check that reference component index i is valid." sh = self.value_shape() r = len(sh) if not (len(i) == r and all(j < k for (j, k) in zip(i, sh))): error(("Illegal component index '%s' (value rank %d)" + "for element (value rank %d).") % (i, len(i), r))
[docs] def extract_subelement_reference_component(self, i): """Extract direct subelement index and subelement relative reference component index for a given reference component index.""" if isinstance(i, int): i = (i,) self._check_reference_component(i) return (None, i)
[docs] def extract_reference_component(self, i): """Recursively extract reference component index relative to a (simple) element and that element for given reference value component index.""" if isinstance(i, int): i = (i,) self._check_reference_component(i) return (i, self)
[docs] def num_sub_elements(self): "Return number of sub-elements." return 0
[docs] def sub_elements(self): "Return list of sub-elements." return []
def __add__(self, other): "Add two elements, creating an enriched element" if not isinstance(other, FiniteElementBase): error("Can't add element and %s." % other.__class__) from ufl.finiteelement import EnrichedElement return EnrichedElement(self, other) def __mul__(self, other): "Multiply two elements, creating a mixed element" if not isinstance(other, FiniteElementBase): error("Can't multiply element and %s." % other.__class__) from ufl.finiteelement import MixedElement return MixedElement(self, other) def __getitem__(self, index): "Restrict finite element to a subdomain, subcomponent or topology (cell)." if index in ("facet", "interior"): from ufl.finiteelement import RestrictedElement return RestrictedElement(self, index) return NotImplemented