Source code for ufl.domain

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"Types for representing a geometric domain."

# Copyright (C) 2008-2016 Martin Sandve Alnæs
# This file is part of UFL (
# SPDX-License-Identifier:    LGPL-3.0-or-later
# Modified by Anders Logg, 2009.
# Modified by Kristian B. Oelgaard, 2009
# Modified by Marie E. Rognes 2012
# Modified by Cecile Daversin-Catty, 2018

import numbers

from ufl.core.ufl_type import attach_operators_from_hash_data
from ufl.core.ufl_id import attach_ufl_id
from ufl.corealg.traversal import traverse_unique_terminals
from ufl.log import error
from ufl.cell import as_cell, AbstractCell, TensorProductCell
from ufl.finiteelement.tensorproductelement import TensorProductElement

# Export list for ufl.classes
__all_classes__ = ["AbstractDomain", "Mesh", "MeshView", "TensorProductMesh"]

[docs]class AbstractDomain(object): """Symbolic representation of a geometric domain with only a geometric and topological dimension. """ def __init__(self, topological_dimension, geometric_dimension): # Validate dimensions if not isinstance(geometric_dimension, numbers.Integral): error("Expecting integer geometric dimension, not %s" % (geometric_dimension.__class__,)) if not isinstance(topological_dimension, numbers.Integral): error("Expecting integer topological dimension, not %s" % (topological_dimension.__class__,)) if topological_dimension > geometric_dimension: error("Topological dimension cannot be larger than geometric dimension.") # Store validated dimensions self._topological_dimension = topological_dimension self._geometric_dimension = geometric_dimension
[docs] def geometric_dimension(self): "Return the dimension of the space this domain is embedded in." return self._geometric_dimension
[docs] def topological_dimension(self): "Return the dimension of the topology of this domain." return self._topological_dimension
# TODO: Would it be useful to have a domain representing R^d? E.g. for # Expression. # class EuclideanSpace(AbstractDomain): # def __init__(self, geometric_dimension): # AbstractDomain.__init__(self, geometric_dimension, geometric_dimension)
[docs]@attach_operators_from_hash_data @attach_ufl_id class Mesh(AbstractDomain): """Symbolic representation of a mesh.""" def __init__(self, coordinate_element, ufl_id=None, cargo=None): self._ufl_id = self._init_ufl_id(ufl_id) # Store reference to object that will not be used by UFL self._ufl_cargo = cargo if cargo is not None and cargo.ufl_id() != self._ufl_id: error("Expecting cargo object (e.g. dolfin.Mesh) to have the same ufl_id.") # No longer accepting coordinates provided as a Coefficient from ufl.coefficient import Coefficient if isinstance(coordinate_element, Coefficient): error("Expecting a coordinate element in the ufl.Mesh construct.") # Accept a cell in place of an element for brevity Mesh(triangle) if isinstance(coordinate_element, AbstractCell): from ufl.finiteelement import VectorElement cell = coordinate_element coordinate_element = VectorElement("Lagrange", cell, 1, dim=cell.geometric_dimension()) # Store coordinate element self._ufl_coordinate_element = coordinate_element # Derive dimensions from element gdim, = coordinate_element.value_shape() tdim = coordinate_element.cell().topological_dimension() AbstractDomain.__init__(self, tdim, gdim)
[docs] def ufl_cargo(self): "Return carried object that will not be used by UFL." return self._ufl_cargo
[docs] def ufl_coordinate_element(self): return self._ufl_coordinate_element
[docs] def ufl_cell(self): return self._ufl_coordinate_element.cell()
[docs] def is_piecewise_linear_simplex_domain(self): return ( == 1) and self.ufl_cell().is_simplex()
def __repr__(self): r = "Mesh(%s, %s)" % (repr(self._ufl_coordinate_element), repr(self._ufl_id)) return r def __str__(self): return "<Mesh #%s>" % (self._ufl_id,) def _ufl_hash_data_(self): return (self._ufl_id, self._ufl_coordinate_element) def _ufl_signature_data_(self, renumbering): return ("Mesh", renumbering[self], self._ufl_coordinate_element) # NB! Dropped __lt__ here, don't want users to write 'mesh1 < # mesh2'. def _ufl_sort_key_(self): typespecific = (self._ufl_id, self._ufl_coordinate_element) return (self.geometric_dimension(), self.topological_dimension(), "Mesh", typespecific)
[docs]@attach_operators_from_hash_data @attach_ufl_id class MeshView(AbstractDomain): """Symbolic representation of a mesh.""" def __init__(self, mesh, topological_dimension, ufl_id=None): self._ufl_id = self._init_ufl_id(ufl_id) # Store mesh self._ufl_mesh = mesh # Derive dimensions from element coordinate_element = mesh.ufl_coordinate_element() gdim, = coordinate_element.value_shape() tdim = coordinate_element.cell().topological_dimension() AbstractDomain.__init__(self, tdim, gdim)
[docs] def ufl_mesh(self): return self._ufl_mesh
[docs] def ufl_cell(self): return self._ufl_mesh.ufl_cell()
[docs] def is_piecewise_linear_simplex_domain(self): return self._ufl_mesh.is_piecewise_linear_simplex_domain()
def __repr__(self): tdim = self.topological_dimension() r = "MeshView(%s, %s, %s)" % (repr(self._ufl_mesh), repr(tdim), repr(self._ufl_id)) return r def __str__(self): return "<MeshView #%s of dimension %d over mesh %s>" % ( self._ufl_id, self.topological_dimension(), self._ufl_mesh) def _ufl_hash_data_(self): return (self._ufl_id,) + self._ufl_mesh._ufl_hash_data_() def _ufl_signature_data_(self, renumbering): return ("MeshView", renumbering[self], self._ufl_mesh._ufl_signature_data_(renumbering)) # NB! Dropped __lt__ here, don't want users to write 'mesh1 < # mesh2'. def _ufl_sort_key_(self): typespecific = (self._ufl_id, self._ufl_mesh) return (self.geometric_dimension(), self.topological_dimension(), "MeshView", typespecific)
[docs]@attach_operators_from_hash_data @attach_ufl_id class TensorProductMesh(AbstractDomain): """Symbolic representation of a mesh.""" def __init__(self, meshes, ufl_id=None): self._ufl_id = self._init_ufl_id(ufl_id) # TODO: Error checking of meshes self._ufl_meshes = meshes # TODO: Is this what we want to do? # Build cell from mesh cells self._ufl_cell = TensorProductCell(*[mesh.ufl_cell() for mesh in meshes]) # TODO: Is this what we want to do? # Build coordinate element from mesh coordinate elements self._ufl_coordinate_element = TensorProductElement([mesh.ufl_coordinate_element() for mesh in meshes]) # Derive dimensions from meshes gdim = sum(mesh.geometric_dimension() for mesh in meshes) tdim = sum(mesh.topological_dimension() for mesh in meshes) AbstractDomain.__init__(self, tdim, gdim)
[docs] def ufl_coordinate_element(self): return self._ufl_coordinate_element
[docs] def ufl_cell(self): return self._ufl_cell
[docs] def ufl_meshes(self): return self._ufl_meshes
[docs] def is_piecewise_linear_simplex_domain(self): return False # TODO: Any cases this is True
def __repr__(self): r = "TensorProductMesh(%s, %s)" % (repr(self._ufl_meshes), repr(self._ufl_id)) return r def __str__(self): return "<TensorProductMesh #%s with meshes %s>" % ( self._ufl_id, self._ufl_meshes) def _ufl_hash_data_(self): return (self._ufl_id,) + tuple(mesh._ufl_hash_data_() for mesh in self._ufl_meshes) def _ufl_signature_data_(self, renumbering): return ("TensorProductMesh",) + tuple(mesh._ufl_signature_data_(renumbering) for mesh in self._ufl_meshes) # NB! Dropped __lt__ here, don't want users to write 'mesh1 < # mesh2'. def _ufl_sort_key_(self): typespecific = (self._ufl_id, tuple(mesh._ufl_sort_key_() for mesh in self._ufl_meshes)) return (self.geometric_dimension(), self.topological_dimension(), "TensorProductMesh", typespecific)
# --- Utility conversion functions
[docs]def affine_mesh(cell, ufl_id=None): "Create a Mesh over a given cell type with an affine geometric parameterization." from ufl.finiteelement import VectorElement cell = as_cell(cell) gdim = cell.geometric_dimension() degree = 1 coordinate_element = VectorElement("Lagrange", cell, degree, dim=gdim) return Mesh(coordinate_element, ufl_id=ufl_id)
_default_domains = {}
[docs]def default_domain(cell): """Create a singular default Mesh from a cell, always returning the same Mesh object for the same cell. """ global _default_domains assert isinstance(cell, AbstractCell) domain = _default_domains.get(cell) if domain is None: # Create one and only one affine Mesh with a negative ufl_id # to avoid id collision ufl_id = -(len(_default_domains) + 1) domain = affine_mesh(cell, ufl_id=ufl_id) _default_domains[cell] = domain return domain
[docs]def as_domain(domain): """Convert any valid object to an AbstractDomain type.""" if isinstance(domain, AbstractDomain): # Modern UFL files and dolfin behaviour return domain elif hasattr(domain, "ufl_domain"): # If we get a dolfin.Mesh, it can provide us a corresponding # ufl.Mesh. This would be unnecessary if dolfin.Mesh could # subclass ufl.Mesh. return domain.ufl_domain() else: # Legacy UFL files # TODO: Make this conversion in the relevant constructors # closer to the user interface? # TODO: Make this configurable to be an error from the dolfin side? cell = as_cell(domain) return default_domain(cell)
[docs]def sort_domains(domains): "Sort domains in a canonical ordering." return tuple(sorted(domains, key=lambda domain: domain._ufl_sort_key_()))
[docs]def join_domains(domains): """Take a list of domains and return a tuple with only unique domain objects. Checks that domains with the same id are compatible. """ # Use hashing to join domains, ignore None domains = set(domains) - set((None,)) if not domains: return () # Check geometric dimension compatibility gdims = set() for domain in domains: gdims.add(domain.geometric_dimension()) if len(gdims) != 1: error("Found domains with different geometric dimensions.") gdim, = gdims # Split into legacy and modern style domains legacy_domains = [] modern_domains = [] for domain in domains: if isinstance(domain, Mesh) and domain.ufl_id() < 0: assert domain.ufl_cargo() is None legacy_domains.append(domain) else: modern_domains.append(domain) # Handle legacy domains checking if legacy_domains: if modern_domains: error("Found both a new-style domain and a legacy default domain.\n" "These should not be used interchangeably. To find the legacy\n" "domain, note that it is automatically created from a cell so\n" "look for constructors taking a cell.") return tuple(legacy_domains) # Handle modern domains checking (assuming correct by construction) return tuple(modern_domains)
# TODO: Move these to an analysis module?
[docs]def extract_domains(expr): "Return all domains expression is defined on." domainlist = [] for t in traverse_unique_terminals(expr): domainlist.extend(t.ufl_domains()) return sorted(join_domains(domainlist))
[docs]def extract_unique_domain(expr): "Return the single unique domain expression is defined on or throw an error." domains = extract_domains(expr) if len(domains) == 1: return domains[0] elif domains: error("Found multiple domains, cannot return just one.") else: return None
[docs]def find_geometric_dimension(expr): "Find the geometric dimension of an expression." gdims = set() for t in traverse_unique_terminals(expr): if hasattr(t, "ufl_domain"): domain = t.ufl_domain() if domain is not None: gdims.add(domain.geometric_dimension()) if hasattr(t, "ufl_element"): element = t.ufl_element() if element is not None: cell = element.cell() if cell is not None: gdims.add(cell.geometric_dimension()) if len(gdims) != 1: error("Cannot determine geometric dimension from expression.") gdim, = gdims return gdim