Source code for ufl.algorithms.check_arities

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from itertools import chain

from ufl.log import UFLException
from ufl.corealg.traversal import traverse_unique_terminals
from ufl.corealg.multifunction import MultiFunction
from ufl.corealg.map_dag import map_expr_dag
from ufl.classes import Argument, Zero

[docs]class ArityMismatch(UFLException): pass
# String representation of an arity tuple: def _afmt(atuple): return tuple("conj({0})".format(arg) if conj else str(arg) for arg, conj in atuple)
[docs]class ArityChecker(MultiFunction): def __init__(self, arguments): MultiFunction.__init__(self) self.arguments = arguments self._et = ()
[docs] def terminal(self, o): return self._et
[docs] def argument(self, o): return ((o, False),)
[docs] def nonlinear_operator(self, o): # Cutoff traversal by not having *ops in argument list of this # handler. Traverse only the terminals under here the fastest # way we know of: for t in traverse_unique_terminals(o): if t._ufl_typecode_ == Argument._ufl_typecode_: raise ArityMismatch("Applying nonlinear operator {0} to expression depending on form argument {1}.".format(o._ufl_class_.__name__, t)) return self._et
expr = nonlinear_operator
[docs] def sum(self, o, a, b): if a != b: raise ArityMismatch("Adding expressions with non-matching form arguments {0} vs {1}.".format(_afmt(a), _afmt(b))) return a
[docs] def division(self, o, a, b): if b: raise ArityMismatch("Cannot divide by form argument {0}.".format(b)) return a
[docs] def product(self, o, a, b): if a and b: # Check that we don't have test*test, trial*trial, even # for different parts in a block system anumbers = set(x[0].number() for x in a) for x in b: if x[0].number() in anumbers: raise ArityMismatch("Multiplying expressions with overlapping form argument number {0}, argument is {1}.".format(x[0].number(), _afmt(x))) # Combine argument lists c = tuple(sorted(set(a + b), key=lambda x: (x[0].number(), x[0].part()))) # Check that we don't have any arguments shared between a # and b if len(c) != len(a) + len(b) or len(c) != len({x[0] for x in c}): raise ArityMismatch("Multiplying expressions with overlapping form arguments {0} vs {1}.".format(_afmt(a), _afmt(b))) # It's fine for argument parts to overlap return c elif a: return a else: return b
# inner, outer and dot all behave as product but for conjugates
[docs] def inner(self, o, a, b): return self.product(o, a, self.conj(None, b))
dot = inner
[docs] def outer(self, o, a, b): return self.product(o, self.conj(None, a), b)
[docs] def linear_operator(self, o, a): return a
# Positive and negative restrictions behave as linear operators positive_restricted = linear_operator negative_restricted = linear_operator # Cell and facet average are linear operators cell_avg = linear_operator facet_avg = linear_operator # Grad is a linear operator grad = linear_operator reference_grad = linear_operator reference_value = linear_operator # Conj, is a sesquilinear operator
[docs] def conj(self, o, a): return tuple((a_[0], not a_[1]) for a_ in a)
# Does it make sense to have a Variable(Argument)? I see no # problem.
[docs] def variable(self, o, f, l): return f
# Conditional is linear on each side of the condition
[docs] def conditional(self, o, c, a, b): if c: raise ArityMismatch("Condition cannot depend on form arguments ({0}).".format(_afmt(a))) if a and isinstance(o.ufl_operands[2], Zero): # Allow conditional(c, arg, 0) return a elif b and isinstance(o.ufl_operands[1], Zero): # Allow conditional(c, 0, arg) return b elif a == b: # Allow conditional(c, test, test) return a else: # Do not allow e.g. conditional(c, test, trial), # conditional(c, test, nonzeroconstant) raise ArityMismatch("Conditional subexpressions with non-matching form arguments {0} vs {1}.".format(_afmt(a), _afmt(b)))
[docs] def linear_indexed_type(self, o, a, i): return a
# All of these indexed thingies behave as a linear_indexed_type indexed = linear_indexed_type index_sum = linear_indexed_type component_tensor = linear_indexed_type
[docs] def list_tensor(self, o, *ops): args = set(chain(*ops)) if args: # Check that each list tensor component has the same # argument numbers (ignoring parts) numbers = set(tuple(sorted(set(arg[0].number() for arg in op))) for op in ops) if () in numbers: # Allow e.g. <v[0], 0, v[1]> but not <v[0], u[0]> numbers.remove(()) if len(numbers) > 1: raise ArityMismatch("Listtensor components must depend on the same argument numbers, found {0}.".format(numbers)) # Allow different parts with the same number return tuple(sorted(args, key=lambda x: (x[0].number(), x[0].part()))) else: # No argument dependencies return self._et
[docs]def check_integrand_arity(expr, arguments, complex_mode=False): arguments = tuple(sorted(set(arguments), key=lambda x: (x.number(), x.part()))) rules = ArityChecker(arguments) arg_tuples = map_expr_dag(rules, expr, compress=False) args = tuple(a[0] for a in arg_tuples) if args != arguments: raise ArityMismatch("Integrand arguments {0} differ from form arguments {1}.".format(args, arguments)) if complex_mode: # Check that the test function is conjugated and that any # trial function is not conjugated. Further arguments are # treated as trial funtions (i.e. no conjugation) but this # might not be correct. for arg, conj in arg_tuples: if arg.number() == 0 and not conj: raise ArityMismatch("Failure to conjugate test function in complex Form") elif arg.number() > 0 and conj: raise ArityMismatch("Argument {0} is spuriously conjugated in complex Form".format(arg))
[docs]def check_form_arity(form, arguments, complex_mode=False): for itg in form.integrals(): check_integrand_arity(itg.integrand(), arguments, complex_mode)