Source code for ufl.algorithms.apply_algebra_lowering

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Algorithm for expanding compound expressions into
equivalent representations using basic operators."""

# Copyright (C) 2008-2016 Martin Sandve Alnæs and Anders Logg
# This file is part of UFL (
# SPDX-License-Identifier:    LGPL-3.0-or-later
# Modified by Anders Logg, 2009-2010

from ufl.log import error

from ufl.classes import Product, Grad, Conj
from ufl.core.multiindex import indices, Index, FixedIndex
from ufl.tensors import as_tensor, as_matrix, as_vector

from ufl.compound_expressions import deviatoric_expr, determinant_expr, cofactor_expr, inverse_expr

from ufl.corealg.multifunction import MultiFunction
from ufl.algorithms.map_integrands import map_integrand_dags

[docs]class LowerCompoundAlgebra(MultiFunction): """Expands high level compound operators (e.g. inner) to equivalent representations using basic operators (e.g. index notation).""" def __init__(self): MultiFunction.__init__(self) expr = MultiFunction.reuse_if_untouched # ------------ Compound tensor operators
[docs] def trace(self, o, A): i = Index() return A[i, i]
[docs] def transposed(self, o, A): i, j = indices(2) return as_tensor(A[i, j], (j, i))
def _square_matrix_shape(self, A): sh = A.ufl_shape if sh[0] != sh[1]: error("Expecting square matrix.") if sh[0] is None: error("Unknown dimension.") return sh
[docs] def deviatoric(self, o, A): return deviatoric_expr(A)
[docs] def skew(self, o, A): i, j = indices(2) return as_matrix((A[i, j] - A[j, i]) / 2, (i, j))
[docs] def sym(self, o, A): i, j = indices(2) return as_matrix((A[i, j] + A[j, i]) / 2, (i, j))
[docs] def cross(self, o, a, b): def c(i, j): return Product(a[i], b[j]) - Product(a[j], b[i]) return as_vector((c(1, 2), c(2, 0), c(0, 1)))
[docs] def altenative_dot(self, o, a, b): # TODO: Test this ash = a.ufl_shape bsh = b.ufl_shape ai = indices(len(ash) - 1) bi = indices(len(bsh) - 1) # Simplification for tensors where the dot-sum dimension has # length 1 if ash[-1] == 1: k = (FixedIndex(0),) else: k = (Index(),) # Potentially creates a single IndexSum over a Product s = a[ai + k] * b[k + bi] return as_tensor(s, ai + bi)
[docs] def dot(self, o, a, b): ai = indices(len(a.ufl_shape) - 1) bi = indices(len(b.ufl_shape) - 1) k = (Index(),) # Creates a single IndexSum over a Product s = a[ai + k] * b[k + bi] return as_tensor(s, ai + bi)
[docs] def alternative_inner(self, o, a, b): # TODO: Test this ash = a.ufl_shape bsh = b.ufl_shape if ash != bsh: error("Nonmatching shapes.") # Simplification for tensors with one or more dimensions of # length 1 ii = [] zi = FixedIndex(0) for n in ash: if n == 1: ii.append(zi) else: ii.append(Index()) ii = tuple(ii) # ii = indices(len(a.ufl_shape)) # Potentially creates multiple IndexSums over a Product s = a[ii] * Conj(b[ii]) return s
[docs] def inner(self, o, a, b): ash = a.ufl_shape bsh = b.ufl_shape if ash != bsh: error("Nonmatching shapes.") ii = indices(len(ash)) # Creates multiple IndexSums over a Product s = a[ii] * Conj(b[ii]) return s
[docs] def outer(self, o, a, b): ii = indices(len(a.ufl_shape)) jj = indices(len(b.ufl_shape)) # Create a Product with no shared indices s = Conj(a[ii]) * b[jj] return as_tensor(s, ii + jj)
[docs] def determinant(self, o, A): return determinant_expr(A)
[docs] def cofactor(self, o, A): return cofactor_expr(A)
[docs] def inverse(self, o, A): return inverse_expr(A)
# ------------ Compound differential operators
[docs] def div(self, o, a): i = Index() return a[..., i].dx(i)
[docs] def nabla_div(self, o, a): i = Index() return a[i, ...].dx(i)
[docs] def nabla_grad(self, o, a): sh = a.ufl_shape if sh == (): return Grad(a) else: j = Index() ii = tuple(indices(len(sh))) return as_tensor(a[ii].dx(j), (j,) + ii)
[docs] def curl(self, o, a): # o = curl a = "[a.dx(1), -a.dx(0)]" if a.ufl_shape == () # o = curl a = "cross(nabla, (a0, a1, 0))[2]" if a.ufl_shape == (2,) # o = curl a = "cross(nabla, a)" if a.ufl_shape == (3,) def c(i, j): return a[j].dx(i) - a[i].dx(j) sh = a.ufl_shape if sh == (): return as_vector((a.dx(1), -a.dx(0))) if sh == (2,): return c(0, 1) if sh == (3,): return as_vector((c(1, 2), c(2, 0), c(0, 1))) error("Invalid shape %s of curl argument." % (sh,))
[docs]def apply_algebra_lowering(expr): """Expands high level compound operators (e.g. inner) to equivalent representations using basic operators (e.g. index notation).""" return map_integrand_dags(LowerCompoundAlgebra(), expr)