Source code for ufl.algorithms.analysis

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Utility algorithms for inspection of and information extraction from UFL objects in various ways."""

# Copyright (C) 2008-2016 Martin Sandve Alnæs
# This file is part of UFL (
# SPDX-License-Identifier:    LGPL-3.0-or-later
# Modified by Anders Logg, 2009-2010.
# Modified by Johan Hake, 2010.

from itertools import chain

from ufl.log import error
from ufl.utils.sorting import sorted_by_count, topological_sorting

from ufl.core.terminal import Terminal, FormArgument
from ufl.argument import Argument
from ufl.coefficient import Coefficient
from ufl.constant import Constant
from ufl.algorithms.traversal import iter_expressions
from ufl.corealg.traversal import unique_pre_traversal, traverse_unique_terminals

# TODO: Some of these can possibly be optimised by implementing
# inlined stack based traversal algorithms

def _sorted_by_number_and_part(seq):
    return sorted(seq, key=lambda x: (x.number(), x.part()))

[docs]def unique_tuple(objects): "Return tuple of unique objects, preserving initial ordering." unique_objects = [] handled = set() for obj in objects: if obj not in handled: handled.add(obj) unique_objects.append(obj) return tuple(unique_objects)
# --- Utilities to extract information from an expression --- def __unused__extract_classes(a): """Build a set of all unique Expr subclasses used in a. The argument a can be a Form, Integral or Expr.""" return set(o._ufl_class_ for e in iter_expressions(a) for o in unique_pre_traversal(e))
[docs]def extract_type(a, ufl_type): """Build a set of all objects of class ufl_type found in a. The argument a can be a Form, Integral or Expr.""" if issubclass(ufl_type, Terminal): # Optimization return set(o for e in iter_expressions(a) for o in traverse_unique_terminals(e) if isinstance(o, ufl_type)) else: return set(o for e in iter_expressions(a) for o in unique_pre_traversal(e) if isinstance(o, ufl_type))
[docs]def has_type(a, ufl_type): """Return if an object of class ufl_type can be found in a. The argument a can be a Form, Integral or Expr.""" if issubclass(ufl_type, Terminal): # Optimization traversal = traverse_unique_terminals else: traversal = unique_pre_traversal return any(isinstance(o, ufl_type) for e in iter_expressions(a) for o in traversal(e))
[docs]def has_exact_type(a, ufl_type): """Return if an object of class ufl_type can be found in a. The argument a can be a Form, Integral or Expr.""" tc = ufl_type._ufl_typecode_ if issubclass(ufl_type, Terminal): # Optimization traversal = traverse_unique_terminals else: traversal = unique_pre_traversal return any(o._ufl_typecode_ == tc for e in iter_expressions(a) for o in traversal(e))
[docs]def extract_arguments(a): """Build a sorted list of all arguments in a, which can be a Form, Integral or Expr.""" return _sorted_by_number_and_part(extract_type(a, Argument))
[docs]def extract_coefficients(a): """Build a sorted list of all coefficients in a, which can be a Form, Integral or Expr.""" return sorted_by_count(extract_type(a, Coefficient))
[docs]def extract_constants(a): """Build a sorted list of all constants in a""" return sorted_by_count(extract_type(a, Constant))
[docs]def extract_arguments_and_coefficients(a): """Build two sorted lists of all arguments and coefficients in a, which can be a Form, Integral or Expr.""" # This function is faster than extract_arguments + extract_coefficients # for large forms, and has more validation built in. # Extract lists of all form argument instances terminals = extract_type(a, FormArgument) arguments = [f for f in terminals if isinstance(f, Argument)] coefficients = [f for f in terminals if isinstance(f, Coefficient)] # Build number,part: instance mappings, should be one to one bfnp = dict((f, (f.number(), f.part())) for f in arguments) if len(bfnp) != len(set(bfnp.values())): msg = """\ Found different Arguments with same number and part. Did you combine test or trial functions from different spaces? The Arguments found are:\n%s""" % "\n".join(" %s" % f for f in arguments) error(msg) # Build count: instance mappings, should be one to one fcounts = dict((f, f.count()) for f in coefficients) if len(fcounts) != len(set(fcounts.values())): msg = """\ Found different coefficients with same counts. The arguments found are:\n%s""" % "\n".join(" %s" % f for f in coefficients) error(msg) # Passed checks, so we can safely sort the instances by count arguments = _sorted_by_number_and_part(arguments) coefficients = sorted_by_count(coefficients) return arguments, coefficients
[docs]def extract_elements(form): "Build sorted tuple of all elements used in form." args = chain(*extract_arguments_and_coefficients(form)) return tuple(f.ufl_element() for f in args)
[docs]def extract_unique_elements(form): "Build sorted tuple of all unique elements used in form." return unique_tuple(extract_elements(form))
[docs]def extract_sub_elements(elements): "Build sorted tuple of all sub elements (including parent element)." sub_elements = tuple(chain(*[e.sub_elements() for e in elements])) if not sub_elements: return tuple(elements) return tuple(elements) + extract_sub_elements(sub_elements)
[docs]def sort_elements(elements): """ Sort elements so that any sub elements appear before the corresponding mixed elements. This is useful when sub elements need to be defined before the corresponding mixed elements. The ordering is based on sorting a directed acyclic graph. """ # Set nodes nodes = sorted(elements) # Set edges edges = dict((node, []) for node in nodes) for element in elements: for sub_element in element.sub_elements(): edges[element].append(sub_element) # Sort graph sorted_elements = topological_sorting(nodes, edges) # Reverse list of elements sorted_elements.reverse() return sorted_elements