Source code for ffcx.formatting

# Copyright (C) 2009-2018 Anders Logg and Garth N. Wells
# This file is part of FFCx. (
# SPDX-License-Identifier:    LGPL-3.0-or-later
"""Compiler stage 5: Code formatting.

This module implements the formatting of UFC code from a given
dictionary of generated C++ code for the body of each UFC function.

It relies on templates for UFC code available as part of the module


import logging
import os
import pprint
import textwrap

from ffcx import __version__ as FFCX_VERSION
from ffcx.codegeneration import __version__ as UFC_VERSION

logger = logging.getLogger("ffcx")

    "ufc comment":
// This code conforms with the UFC specification version {ufcx_version}
// and was automatically generated by FFCx version {ffcx_version}.
    "dolfinx comment":
// This code conforms with the UFC specification version {ufcx_version}
// and was automatically generated by FFCx version {ffcx_version}.
#pragma once


c_extern_pre = """
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

c_extern_post = """
#ifdef __cplusplus

[docs]def format_code(code, options: dict): """Format given code in UFC format. Returns two strings with header and source file contents.""" * "*")"Compiler stage 5: Formatting code") * "*") # Generate code for comment at top of file code_h_pre = _generate_comment(options) + "\n" code_c_pre = _generate_comment(options) + "\n" # Generate code for header code_h_pre += FORMAT_TEMPLATE["header_h"] code_c_pre += FORMAT_TEMPLATE["header_c"] # Generate includes and add to preamble includes_h, includes_c = _generate_includes(options) code_h_pre += includes_h code_c_pre += includes_c # Enclose header with 'extern "C"' code_h_pre += c_extern_pre code_h_post = c_extern_post code_h = "" code_c = "" for parts_code in code: code_h += "".join([c[0] for c in parts_code]) code_c += "".join([c[1] for c in parts_code]) # Add headers to body code_h = code_h_pre + code_h + code_h_post code_c = code_c_pre + code_c return code_h, code_c
[docs]def write_code(code_h, code_c, prefix, output_dir): _write_file(code_h, prefix, ".h", output_dir) _write_file(code_c, prefix, ".c", output_dir)
def _write_file(output, prefix, postfix, output_dir): """Write generated code to file.""" filename = os.path.join(output_dir, prefix + postfix) with open(filename, "w") as hfile: hfile.write(output) def _generate_comment(options): """Generate code for comment on top of file.""" # Generate top level comment comment = FORMAT_TEMPLATE["ufc comment"].format(ffcx_version=FFCX_VERSION, ufcx_version=UFC_VERSION) # Add option information comment += "//\n" comment += "// This code was generated with the following options:\n" comment += "//\n" comment += textwrap.indent(pprint.pformat(options), "// ") comment += "\n" return comment def _generate_includes(options: dict): default_h_includes = [ "#include <ufcx.h>", ] default_c_includes = [ "#include <math.h>", # This should really be set by the backend "#include <stdalign.h>", # This should really be set by the backend "#include <stdlib.h>", # This should really be set by the backend "#include <string.h>", # This should really be set by the backend "#include <ufcx.h>" ] if "_Complex" in options["scalar_type"]: default_c_includes += ["#include <complex.h>"] s_h = set(default_h_includes) s_c = set(default_c_includes) includes_h = "\n".join(sorted(s_h)) + "\n" if s_h else "" includes_c = "\n".join(sorted(s_c)) + "\n" if s_c else "" return includes_h, includes_c